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April 23.—Wind: Moraine, cairn; afternoon, S.W., light. Weather thick, constant rain. 8 a.m.-Buro-lueter, 29.58; thermometer, 51. 1 p.m.—Barometc, 29.51; thermometer, 53. 5 p.m.—Barometer, 29 5-1; thermometer, 52. April 29—Wind, S.W., fresh breeza. Weather: Morning, raininsf; afternoon, cloudy, dull. 8 a.m.— Barometer, 28 09; thermometer, 45. 1 p.m.—Barometer, 29.78; thwmometer, 49. 5 p.m.—Barometer. 29 82; theimometei; 46. High water on the 30th April :—At tho Hdads, 4.19 : at Port Cha'mers, i 59 ; at Duueaiu, 5.44. PORT CHALMERS OBSERv&TORi. Latitude, 45.48.55 south; longitude, llh. 22m. 87s. CRBt. Time ball drops uaay (Sundays excepted) at 1 p.m. Port Chalmers mean time, or lh. 37ra. 235. a.m. Ureeitwrici! uiuaii time. . ARRIVALS. ■ . Marie, barque, 435 tons, Burmeister, from Newcastle, Aptil 9th. Uoumau, .Uacandrow, and Co agents. Pagaeogera: Messrs Lesueur, Marooney. * Albion, 5.8., 640,t0:i5, Clark, from Melbourne, April 16th, via Coast- ports. Dalfjety, Nichols, and (Jo •agents. Passengers: Miss Plaisted, Messrs Jebson, Moore, Gordon and son, and 4 steerage. Wa taki, s.s., £2S ton?, Edie, from Uaraaru. Union Cempany, agents.. : Passenger!"; Air and Mn Brown Mesdames Uobinson, Little, Tully. Afesßrs Shott Tfoung, Blythe, M.cujro, Bonham, Bracken, Prince, Nelson, Miller, DonalJson, Collins, Hickey, Diroll Ma oy, Nichols, Barkley, Basting, Weston, Move, am 9 steerage. Apl. 2O.~Waßgmui, B.s, 179 tons, Fras^r, from Bluff. If. Houg^on and Co., acent*. i'assengers: Mrs Prentice, Misses Htrone, Young-, Ambridge, Messrs Boss, MenzUs, Ridley, Johnston, Souness, aud 5 steei»go- . . . . . Taiaroa, s.s., 228 tons, i?oterson, from Timaru. Union Company, egents. . .. • Rotorua, s.s., 579 tons, JPicfarlane, from Sydney Aprii 18th, v a Auckland and tbe copse. Union Company, agents. Passengers: From Sydney—Rev. Mt and Mrs Byng and 3 children, Rev. Mr and Mis Niven and 6 children, Mr Thomson. From Napier—Mr Holder. From Wellington-Mr G. Proudfoot. From Lytteiton-Messrs Walter, Phillips, Master Richards. DSKUVrUKIS. Taranaki, s.s., 327 tous, Griffiths, for Akiroa and the North. Union Company, agents. Passengers: For Akaroa-Mra. Ashcn.fv and child, Mr Thaeker. For Lyttelton—Miss Upward, Messrs Rice, Stoneham, Mabin. tor Wanganui—Messrs Langlanda, Broughton, Gatmore. For Welliiijrlon— Mr and Mrs v ack, Messrs Hannah, Cobban, M"JL>o: ough, and 4 steerage for all ports. ■ ' : Samson, p.s., 124 tons, Jones, for Oamaru. Union . Company, agents... ,; '•...-.. Beautiful, Star, s.i, 148 tons, Christian, for Bluff. H. Houston end Col', ,-urent-i. Shag-, s.s , 31 tons, Wing, for Shag Point. Martin and Watson, agents. - • ■ ■ BXPEOTBD ARRIVALS. . From Londok. - Hooghley, Jan. 15th; Hermione, Feb. 12th; Rookwood, Feb. 20th; Jsle of Anglesey, Mir. 2 ; ZoalanrlU, Mar. 7th; Warlock, Mar. 7th; Waitangi, Foifrshire, Lady Ruthvon, April 14th; Invereargill, Pomona. Faoa ULAsaow;- O ago, Jan. 29th; Dn-mclog, Mar. 3rd. . . From New YoKK.-Camille, Jan. 18. From Calcutta.—lnchgreen. From Newcastle —Jlarie, April 9th ; Bobycito. FiiOit Hobart Towi!.—Jane. CUSTOMS ENTRIES. INWARDS. Mabel Jano, 33 tons, Graham, from Waikava, with cargo. Keith Ramsay, agent. Taupo, 481 tons, uarey, from Lyttelton, witli cargo; J. ifills, ag-eat. . : Shag, 31 tons, Wine, from Moeraki^ In tallast. Martia and Watson, agents. OUTWARUB. Taranaki, 327 tons, Griffiths, for Akaroi, with cargo. J. Mills, agent. EJith Reid, To tons, Tunbridgo, for HoMtika, with cai-go. Master, agent. ■ ■ - . . • Shag, 31 tons, Wing, for Shag Point, with cargo. Martin and Watson,, agents. Beautiful Star, lie tons, Christian, for Bluff, with caigo. Houghtonand Ci).,ageuts. , Mary Ogilvie, 72 tone, Fa'coner, for Greymouth, with ciTfto. K. Kam--ay, agent, . Satnaoh, 124 tons, Joujs, for Oamaru, with cargo. J. Mlllw, agent. . Catlin, 46 tons, Hannah, for Catlin'd River, with cargo. H. Guthrie, a b 'ent. ... . ■ : IMPORTS. Per Albion, from Melbourne and the Coast: 3 packages, J Prior; 1 do, H Smith ; 1 do, M:ss Howoith ; 1 do, Sercivil; 4 do, Kinuiid, il'Queen, and Co ;1 do NeillandCo; 3 do, Dalgety, Kid ols,-and Co; 2 do, Nimmo andßliir; l-dc, Lightband, Allan, and Co; 1 do, E J Burton. Per Marie, from Newcastle : 720 tons coal, 15 tons coke, Martin arid Watson. Per Waitaki, from Oamaru: 24 sacks, Mai tin and Watson; 24 do, ,F Coble ;06 do, Whitelaw and Co; 758 do, Wilson and Co; 7 eio, H Brown; J6O do, 4 packages, H Driver; 13 do, L Dixon; 1 do, Cobden; 1 do, Armstrong. Perßotorua, from Sjdneyand the Coast: 1 package, Clerk Provincial Council; 5 do, R Wilson and Co; 2 do, J White and Co; 81 do, Briscoe and Co; 1 Kutn Soon Lee ; 2 do, Ui.ion Co ; 1 do, Tablet Office ; 480 do, W and J Secular ; 6 do, H Driver ; 1 do, Arming; 2 do, Ds Deer and Co; 1 do, Neill and Boyd ; 2 do, M'Farlane; 1 do, Mosgiel Co; 1 do, Beg? and Co ; 1 do, Colonial Bank; 4 do, Strachan ; 30 do, order; 1 do, WElliott. Per Wanganui, from Bluff: 12,000 ft timber, Gimore; 8000 ft do, 300 bags, H Driver ; 4000 sleepers. R ilway; 71 bales, transhipment; 37 packages, Tonnage ; 1 do. Proctor. EXPORTS Per Edith Keid, for Hokitika: 1179 sacks grain, Royse, Stead, and Co; 200 co, Bardsley; 1 do, De Beer and Co; 1 do, Matheaon Brothers. Per Shag, for Shag Point: 184 packages, Gulbrie and Larnach; 2 do, l)e Beer and Co; 83 do, R Wilson and Co; 116 do, Briscoe and Co ; 6 do, Keast and Co; 4 do, Bates, Sise, and Co ; 1 do, Buterworth Brothers • 1 do, Sargood, Son, and Ewen ; 8 do, Meenan. . Per Mary Ogilvie, for Greymouth: 65 packages Lange aud Xhoneman; 85 do, Guthrie and .Larnach • 5 do, Mat boson Brothers; 300 do, Ramsay; ISO do, order; 70 do, Nimmo and Blair; 40 do, Royse. Stead, and Co ; 607 do, Anderson and Co. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS.

Bunu>, April 29th. The Arawata left Melbourne at 3.30 p.m. on the 23rd, passed the ltingarocraa in Port Phillip bay at 6 p.m., and cleared ihe Heads at 6.25 p.m., pusscd Swan Island at 230 p.m. next day. Light-easterly winds prevailed, with fine weather, until mid-day on the 20th, when a.heavy S.E. gale, with high head sea was encountered until making'the S.W. Cape, at noon on the 28ih. Pa3:ied the Solauderat i p.m., arrived at the Buff at 7 a.m. on the 29th. Slu brings 4S saloon and 3t steerage passengers, and 300 tons of cargo for all ports ; also, live boxe3, containing 30,000 sovereigns. She sailed at 4 p.m. for Dunedin. Paasengera: Rev. Mr Summers, Misses Brov.-n, Smth Fidler, Masson, Mrs M'Nieoll and family, Mrs Tolmie and family, Messrs Jacobs, M'Kenzie, M'Leod, Outram and 12 steerage. ,

Messrs Sl'Jleckan, BlacTcwobd, and Co.'a steamer Albion, C •ptain Clark, arrived at the Port Cualmers Railway Pier it 2.80 p.m. on Saturday. Sbe left, Melbourne at 2.30 p.m. on the 16th inst.', cleared the land at 1.45 p.m. next flay; had light northerly winds and fine weatier across, and armed off Hokltika at 10.30 p.m. on the 21st. Wis tendered there and at the Grey next day, and delivered 80 tons of cargo Mid a number passengers, and went on for Nelson at 4.40 p.m , arriving at 350 p.m. oh the 23rd. Landed 45 tons of cargo and left at 5 a.m;. on the 24th. Reached Wellington after a 10 hours' run, delivered 100 tons of cargo and left at noon on the 26th, arriving at Lyttelton at 7 am. next day. Disihar^ed 25 tons of cargo, and made anothsr start ai4;p.m. From the coast the Albion was favoured by fine light weather all round, ex eptlflg a, stiff head Wind between Nelson and Picton. But from Lyttcltan the weather vas exceedingly thick aud rainy, shutting in. the land ail alori*. : At 11.30 a.m. on; Saturday, the Albion had about run her distance, and theienyines were eased down Sho then groped about until. 1.30 p.m., when, the mist lifting, a glirnpso of tho Heads was obtaimd, and her position thus determinoiJ, tho Albion s on fetched Port. We thank Mr Gibbons, the purser, for the report and delivery of exchanges. The Albion leaves this afternoon for Melbourn ■, \ia Bluff, and embarka passengers by the 2 30 p.m. train from Dunedin. The North German barque Jlirie, from Newcastle coal-laden, has paid another visit to the Port. She arrived oa Saturday foreuoon in tow of the tv» Koputai, and moored pro fern, off the Cove. Her master reports having sailed from Newcastle on the 9th inst., and laid a good course with a S.W. breeze until the following day, when the wind died away and thence until the 17th thi barque lay almost becilmed. Then a northerly wind sp. uti^ up, and carried her to within sight of the Wet Cape by the 21st. The breeze drawing round to the eastward, she gave the Strait the co-bye, an<l vfent South about, passed Stewart's Island next day with a light N. 15. breeze; and thence worked up with light N.E. winds and calms. Sho made a good Ja»d-fail at Cine Sauaders at noon on Friday, and was close in to tho Heads that night; stood off and on tlli morning, and was than towed in. A nasty easterly sea was running alone the coast. ■

The 0. and D. S.S. Company's steamer Waitaki, Captain Edte, returned from Oamaru on Saturday afternoon, and passed on for JJuaedin, arriving at Kattray stieet at 5.10 p.m. She had strong N.E. weather along the coast, -with an' eastorly sea, and will leave again for Oamaru to-morrow morning. The Union Company's steamer Rotorua, Captain Macfarlane, arrived at th/j Port Uia!mer3 Uailway Pier at 7 am. yesterday. The Eotorua has made an average time trip-^24 dajs-her.ce, Api il sth to Auckland, via East Coast, and. so on to Sydney, and back again by the same loute reversely. She did fair business goinj-, and arrived at Sydney on the 15th, discharged and loaded and le!t at C p.m. on :he 18th steaded across against strong B.E. wind and heavy head sea, aud arrived tit Auckland at 0.30 a.m. on the 24th. Left again at i3O p.m., arrived at Hawkes Bay at 6 a.m. on the 20th, landed pas;e.;gers and Cirgo and_ went on soon niter noon for Wellington reaching it at 7.30 a.m. next daj. Lsft again at 3,10 p.m., arrived at Lyttelton next morning, and made another start at noon, aud gains')'the Port as above. From Auckland to East Cape, li^ht fine weather favoured her, aud thence to istpier strong southerly winds and hoavy head sea prevailed. From Napier to Lyttelton, flroi weather and variable light winds were expononced, and thence to arrival strong S. \V. winds and high sea. We thank Mr Single, the purser, for the report and delivery of exchanges. The Kotonia leaves again for Sydney via the East Coast on Thursday next. She has brought about 100 tons of genera! cargo, half of which ia for tbe Bluff.

Messrs H. HougMon and Co.'s a'eamer Wanganui, Captain Fraser, arrived j!rom tho Bluff yesterday at 10 a.m., and went alonsddii tho ship Oamaru to deliver 71 bales of wod. They will bo transhipped this mornIn6T- Ihe Wan;;anui lefi the Bluff at 6 p m. Sjturdav, hadS.E. wiudsat tho outset, and then strocg S W. with thick dirty weather to port. She leaves again for the Bluff on Wednesday. Captain Fraser reported that the ship Waitara would finish loading to-day The schooner Wangauui, from Gfreymouth, arrived' at the . Bluff Saturday, and lit nightfall a three-masted i schooner, supposed to bo the Smiling Morn, from Newcastle, came ia. It ivas too dark to make her out distinctly.

The steamers Samson, bound to Oamaru, and Beautiful Star, to the Bluff, sailed Satui d iy evening. The barque Bobycito should ba on her way hero l)y this time. She was taken off tho Elip at, Nowcastlathe day ths barque Alarie left, and »'puld at once proceed to load up coal for Duriedin. ~ , According to the report of the brigantine Hannah Blcomfield, arrived at Wellington, there were loading at Kaipara on tho 19th i st., the Reliance, for Wellington ; the schooners I'rincc Alfred aud Maudo Graham, for Lyttelton; and the brigantinea Yarra aud Nightingale, for Melbourne. The American brigantine Ada Wlswall waß loaded aad ready to sail for Shanghai. : The echooner Cora came down f:om Dunedin yester-: day morniiig, arid went alongtide tue Euterpe to load ernent for Oamaru. : ' ;

The kotches Catlin, bound to Catlin's River in,- .•■>..' ..... , . . ~ . . v'

Jidiih Reid, lor Hokitika, are at anchor in Carey s my, waiting for a slant of wind to go to sea. The barqua Speedwell and batquentiue Jleera put to sea from the Heads yesterday morning. The cutter' Jane wes .--till at anchor off tbe Kaik last night. ■-.-•■-.. The Union Company's s.s. Tai'roa returned to port. on -aturday night, at 11.30, r.nd went up to Dunedin at 3.39 a.m. yesterday. Sho ha-i been unable to keep to tinie through the very heavy sea which set on to the Xitnaru beach, aud put a stop to all communication with tha shore, and compelling the pa*seuger<s to remain on board for nearly two day.*, they being landed lon Friday. Ftr the same reason ahe returns without any cargo. . ; : NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING. \ The btrquentine May, hence, arrived at Wellington on Monday last, having made the passage in four dayi, northerly winas prevailing. " : .. The Timaru Herald reports that, in consequence of the first purchaser of the Isabella Ridley not carrying out his agreement, she was put up again, and purchased by Mr almao. The latter gentleman intends to try and float the vessel, and,.it successful, to take her to Dunedin. The wreck, as it at present lies, partly block 3up the channel used by the Government Landing Service, only one boat being able to work at a time, and that with some difficulty. The Glasgow Daily News, ot Mirch Bth, says :—Last night the beautiful irou barqua Lurlino, 700 tons, launched last month by Messrs Alex. Stephens and Sons, left Kingston DojK for Port Lyttelton, Canterbury, few Zealand, with a large general cargo of mauufactured good 3on board, she hws been despatched by Messis P. Henderson and Co., and was in tiue s liling trim, level with the load-line. The Lurline is intended to trade betwixt New Zealand and Caleutti; and her build, equipment, an>l fittings being ot the most substantial kind, are calculated to ensure her future success as a clipper. She goes consigned to Mr C. W. Turner, to whose order sho has been built, and U commanded by Captain J. Adair, late of tht> Que^n of theSoutb. INTERCOLONIAL SHIPPING. We summarise from our Melbourne exchanges :—■: ■'

The ship Morwanjee Framjee, a not'd pas-age-maker, and which distinguished hersslf in 1876 by making- the fastest passage on record to Auckland, has earned another good mark by spannins: the distance between Liverpool and Melbourne in 77 days; She was not much favoured by winds either: the Trades were very scant, and the C^pe of Good Hopo was not passed till the sSih day out. Her run across the Southern Ocean was made with good steady winds, and good time. Kerjjualeu L*nd was sighted, aid a pa-ticular look-out kept for signs of wreckago and castaways, but nothing came of it.

A'ter all, the ship Urtindce; which collided with an icebar;; aud was supposed to have escaped uninjured, was not quit j sr fortunate-; for careful survey rovealed the necessity of stripping and caulking her. 'lhe barque Frederica, from Java, arrivtd at Melbourne April 12th, reports as follows respecting an unmarked coral reef between Sapoedie Strait, Jay* Sea, and ileindei's Droogk Island, off theN.E. end of Java. She left Cheribon at 10 p.m. on February 3, and experiencing light N. and E. winds, with a strong easterly current, in the Java Sea, Sapoedie Straits were cleard at midnight ou February 8, snd at about 7 a.m. on February 9 the barque suddenly and vo./ unexpectedly grounded on a coral patch of about a'quarter of a nvle in extent. Tbo reef was c .rrying from two and a half to two and three quarter fathoms of water, and Meinder's Droogk Island bore E.S.E. twomile3. There was not the slightest warning or indication of any description of shoal water, and a good lookout was being kept at the time, and all arraugenunts for working the vessel were complete. When she struck^ everything was at once laid flat aback, and a warp laid out astern, and as she was found to be hanging sft, cargo was got out of the af :er hold and rolled forward. A heavy squall then came on, which stopped fuitherheavinj. All sails were, however, secured, and preparations made for rumiiiiir out tho bower and a c ble when'the wind abated, as the warp and kedge were foundto be insufficient. : The wind end sea, kept increasing, however, and the vessel began to thump and dredge on the reef until about- 1 p.m., when sbe floated cloarl The foretopsail ai.d staysail were set, and the barque steered into clear water. The pumps were sounded, and it was found thr.t three indies of water were in the hold. The boats were taken on board,,and the barque kept mder topsails that night. The pumps were still carefully attended ;to, and, finding next morning.that she had averaged One inch of water per hour, Captain Press resolved ;o cont nue the voyage. Ho sets down the cau-e of the accident to the entire absenco of all warning cf the vicinity of- shoal water, and the very strong current which was subsequently found to b*i sstting directly on the reeJ. Whilst the ship Northam was discharging at Sydney on the 11th, some spirits camht firs in tho hjld, and one of the seaman was severe'y buiaed. He rushed on deck enveloped in flimes.

The,ship Blackadder and barque Dinapore, both from London—the one 84 days, the other 97 days out —arrived at Sydney on tha 17th inst.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4742, 30 April 1877, Page 2

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4742, 30 April 1877, Page 2

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4742, 30 April 1877, Page 2