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BAILWAYS. SOPTHEBITLINES. 3: :=r: :: : : :£::: :£: :? ■■■■• g ••• ■■**«*• ***„»»*, -a « ■£ ocof*<o oo a> ■*-»-* 55 o ■»< tf>. ooica £ :5f *$$%ss*39*9x gSgssf d V I 5' a ■. ' I-V^v7™s^' §•■'• ■'■"' H' T3, m ct to k"o to k>co contain top g.. £L «£ ■-. Po.*?^r*r*?*?*r****Pp>.c)c3CTpioicijp»*k.C t3 §j < ■* bKar«tou>hml^'^M en en t^ to ho m m 0 . <s>M* ;etnM|^ ,& cootk)cato' ; $°- ■ -• ; 13 HCvSrt^ 15 3 CfINHHM ,OK ' - 1 *Sf-fj}'■■•;?■■■■■■• ||2||||f|. f; ; itfitl; liillllti-:. 0 Qt-»TCn--101 ■ ; , ; : 10 Og' ..- OS i 1 |MiP"f| P=:.:::fri-':;5-|Ei ß'li|ffFffllP"|t S000S0? H =-*Oo? "■■■ - .. p.- fS3 • eo»«t«jo7 :o ~ NHf-Hpopp;, •- «' ~.-- --. oaSSer ■■; g. . toSS a»Sg5- . m j. : ■ cs <sm&i*m? ' ' :'' ■;;*":* '*: '* ■'■■ *d :C - S22£Ss .*■•-■ •■. 0?0^^ »>^ , P 0.000000" _' ; feS^StS 0? 01100' ■'«'"■ The Railway Department'dc>Bs not pledge itself to - thedeSpatchor arrival.of tte trains at the e^aet tims notified in the above tables; and in the event of any circumstances arising, either during bt prior to thejourney being made, which mayrender it impossible orinexpedient for a train, to proceed, w ill return the fares. • paid, but doea not undertake to forward the passeueera;' i : ; mj Return tickot3 willio;issued on Siturdara.'att Bingle fares, available for tbe return journey (Sundava. ) excepted).up to Monday night.; ■ . - . ■ ™ I ,:''■■■■',■■.: '..■/..-" ';,:.'..<-.',' : vm. conyers,. : 1 '"■ '■■'/''. ' Superintending Ens:a«er. '■'-, I nn.H/H .otag;p : : fouhi>b:^ I .-"-':'';,.; Cumberland streoti'jJuticdiEi; .. ■■'."..'.X----1 :". -; ! ■'■;■■■;,-J. DAVIDSON and G0.7 . "' '"-•: a .--■■ •';/;. v '.';ii»tewm,i'was6n,;";;:...:':; ':■:■'.-■ a ■ . .' Engineers, Boiler Mnkeira, and Iron Pduhdoti;;;;!^ . ; ■ Machinery, oi all kinds nude to order. '■:."-•

- vAlso^Enginea, Boilers, .and; every-, description .■-■<** : B*?*h brought lion, and, Cart Iron lyorK.-. : T :;,;.:/ iSOUTH-ESTP FOUNDRY, CRAWFORD STREET. '.",. HVVI \SHAOKLbO&; • . IROS and BRASS-FOUNDER, v~ ; ; . :;;ANI> iaTCHEN\ IRANGE: MAZES. :- 'Stock of 'FirsWa^s always oahand^ ]\[ s , attended to., :;«•;■> . ;T /:'.'..! Crawford; Btreet; .'jDunediru '■'/', &£• '..•:'■ • ";^;\°^.'Et l E(!^Mo^BEmiFAOTp3Y. ;'/■ "^'" ' :■ i"|3oßißT;CGWAikria C 0.,; Gebrg<£ ■.* :i« street, nearFulton'a KmberYard;-Electricians! 1 , Plumbers, Gasfittera, Bellhangera, C6pper,;Brassj ah<£ . ;Zine workers. Baths, pumps, hot water circulation;: —." nydrauUcsj of-every description. Water; and earta* ■ - closets, on:tho most improved principles,, ateo'everyr . description of hoitse"and siilp work executed. Naijtlcai instruments repaired!"" ; ■-..■■' , *;■ j«3. ■ _'■:'' ' :■•'••■"• ingpectlonrespectfallytcvited- ■ -Biy ;'.§■ X .-. :' -.•■; : American buggies. ' "■;-.. .'■.';•"...'.. iy: & OY E S : B IljO T H iflt^ rtd; : *JT ' beg to call.the attention of the Public to their- .§ 1 :> liA-RGE SHiPMENT ; -■-; :i) ?§■■!:. . . -.. ~-.: S ;.^;V;.; ,-:■■. -: ; - :;t^-' 5" I AMERICAN:SINGLE and" itOUBLF, BUGGIBS,;!, -" )■:'•:'•.: r[ \ ■',:-:, .:,i:JSWmma ,ras. : :. ■y, ■. ■'.. :- ; .:jf.-j j PATENT SELF-RIGHTING SIDE SPRINGS^ ■> .;' ! G. B. have alwaysou,hanoi;Vlarge.assortiuentoi? ?V ExpresSi Family, and Station Waggons: also, a lightcircular front London built Brougham. '•:.■■ ::,i ""*' '_ ; ., - Repairs 'neatly and promptly.exeoutfid. . : •> . :■■■ FAcroay—HIGH|STREET,; :•.•.:■ ■■■{ ■•.-;.-. / •'■■• ' Aijove New. Prihcesa^Theatre). ■■"■.'' ,21 i ~ :' ■ ' ' -' . J- rV"' 7: : :~\ry '''-/ ; ; = Thrashing Machines,.with sdjustsJMe chohbeWj, a ; ■.■<.! : Penhefs patent revolving screen, &c—shaded .S; j - ■■■ ;;to 1876 improvementa. ■■:>\<-<; -:• .-.. .• ..;•'. ■'h- : PortaWe. Engines,,fl/M<UB\h.p.^-second safety; ■~O' ■'.-■- :. valyes.'registored^aterheatsr.&c... •: ,:> ■~ :,S :,; Stationary Engines, to 20 h.p. ~ ~".;; i, ; -7 -•. GEPRGE BLYTH, Higllstreet,Dunedin.vv' hd (jo :l:.-:; LAKeriff6rGarrett and Sons, Suffolk.-?-" ; H . ; — -7T-. —Li '■ — : — • "'.-I 1 ; §,v^T;s;Bi,^N.-i). ;:ss£■

I-;-:-;--- •'■^■.^ j;;DtJNEDiN;-; ■;VV;;.-^! ; r;:S£ ; :i ■~ ■ . ... ,Haye on Sale—■";"■'. ;^" v; i■: " ;.B^GG^>OTCAJaBiA(iEC;:.\ -^ri _ i ~{■■■ From the :BestAmericanMssnfactnrers. ltofc ST : iffi W. J 0 lif E RXM 6 R KS^ . •;;;:;.; --VBOSD. SXRBBTj DDKBDm;^ ;; ' •,■•■; : .;;-A\ ■■ "Having completed additions to;Premiseaandl&pi. cainery, Ibeff lo announce to '_&<) 'Trade' and Public 1 g|enerally that I am prepared to* supply every^descrlife;' tionof Work at Lowest Price 3. ' ; . ■'■■<.-■■'=".■■.:<?■. : ; Ornamental and Plain Stairs constructed under then 'superintendence of Air J. Jeneko, and any;ipart of "the Province. ""...-..- ... ..V. : V.--",,i 276 : -'.:■■•. '■'' .-' , JAMES GORE,'Contractor.; ,;. ir|lHß;; BLOOD; ?; Ult I F fE;^ •-~ Ko one residing" in warm climates should «Tet? be without old Dr, Jacob Toitnsbnd's. SAnsAPAßnaA^iwhich sets Jikea, kidneyjand-: ibilioos complaints, and. in strengthening the systems© enable-everybne to withstand all attacks olfever»i ;Chole'ra, and other disease?.' Also, family Pills Jre^ ;commepded and'used by the fuculty.1; Chief Bepbt: 3£» iFleet Street, Lottdon. ■..:;-;. ''-•■ - y-y' '."- ' ■■■'-v ■■; :■■ -iiß<t

£: POWDER SUPER-? g. iJL> SEDED.-f LITHOFRACTEUB, sometimes called P> ;Kreb'a Cartridges, or -Rend-rock, is now admitted by, Pjj' practical engineers to be thebest blasticgmaterial for^ rnioes, quarries,collieries,or Bub-inarine blasting. . 1^ g- .saves libour, time, and money,* as fewer and smaller;* 2: ibore-holes are required, and it can be tisod as freely-" ° -under water as In dry ground. 'Colliery proprietors, £j miners.and contractors, will effect a great £■ iusing LITHOPKACTEtTK, which can ba obtainedX through all Ironmongery and .Wholesale Houses. Lessu % trouble than common Powder,-and ten times more" S' .effective; . Aak for Ifr-eb's Patent V 11... • g ifZ EATING'S COUGH LOZBHGES. Q JLSk- ■■■. ■•,-:; • .-. ;.:..: ■■ -/ ' ■ •■...• ■■ ■■■■■■; « : Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breath.-. t* injr, are speedily-cured, by. KEAriNG'S CODGH, g 'LOZRNGES .(recognised nnd: recommended by the m Medical Faculty). No'otb'er remedy is half >o effect itive. One Lozenge alone gives relief. They Contain no : Opium, Morphia, nor any violent drug, and lnajr-bfr taken: by the most delicate; One or two at bedtime? ensures rest when troubled by the throit. Sold by aIT> . Chemists in Boxes and Tins. ;' ::, ,';•-> , "' 2QaP>. ijP« '^mjNiwys-monumentA3&: -. ;vT®' ■ '"■-',■'■ ■■•■-; ■■wcsks,'-.. ..'' ■■.-r-.r.^.-Corner of King street and Moray Place , . , —. : ;-: •■•■..'>•■- dunedibt. '' ••■'•■: ':- ■;. : Plans furnished and executed for. &!i kinds of Mona< ni. ments, Tombstones, &c.', in marble, granits, or Hfti«r .50 nuietone. Tomb Kailings,'&c., any design. ■.: .'■-' -i 10 i 6. if. Is also prepared-to supply in any. qnannty» 20 torn his Quarries In EaUanui, the best quality op 40 Oamoru Stone.'- Importer oJ Marble, Granite, mi. Aj>, '— -broath Hearthstones;— Designs: forwarded to sOl parts' g of the C 01027 on application. ■■■• -: • - 89ap>; &' : : ' : • . J > ' ' : ' ■ , ;■:.■-••. :1 .- :-.. ■■.^■'- •■■■■■ :.-i: ■-■; ■•.• y-f ■§ ; . , :-:,::. ■ ... - "' "- .'.: ? :-^ I ;-OBAVBR BROS,, SALOMON,^; 00^-

g■■ - : ..-': HIGH STEEET, DUNEDIN, . . g!-~ ■• ° ■•.... ; .:,;-: ./■■.■- :,\ •:■ ..•■. :•■■- »■ .1... WHOLESALE JEWELUBaS,-., fe T"- .;"':---^;r And--■•,-;';.: -y.-:r-M-:-' GEpiRAIi IMPOfiTERS ■-; 5:;" g= ;- ■ ; :■■•"■•::•■-'•",■ ■ of-■...■;■■' ■'■■ ■■ '■ ;/'-;i----3 BATCHES,1 CLOCKS, JEWELLEKT, ELECrKC*:. g ' ■■• •• ,r ;PLATED "WARE, : ■-' ". '.^ ai i Cutlerj', Statibnory^PatetitSlediofaes, Perfumery,,"' 0 71 ' Tobacconists' Ware, Wax Vestas, Musical and. ,' S i Opiical'lnstruments, General Assort- :; g • ' meut \Fancy Goods, Britoh and :;•;! j> ; . .-.••.-.• •,.. . Foreign- = • ....■■::.'..■.;;-<. §•:-■• : TOBACCO AND CIGAES. ; . : ■ fe Chiaa Glass, Cabinet; Brosh,: Basket, and Leathe», i 3 Ware, Berlin Woela,.T6ys, Saddlery, .'...... •,'.- ---!° . •• ■■■■■- ;- ' &c» .'. ;&&.•:•:■,.;■■":■:...;■'■ "■■-. i| : . ■-■■: ■;• : i;-;;,::,:-^'-v,: v;v\;,-...;.-.r^ 1 BEAVER BR(3S., SALOMON, and COi-r ' ■ ■.: • ■ • "■. :-. ■-•■""■:";!".■.': ,)yj':'-' I i - :■"-.' '.■ -■- '■ ' -v^-'^i We' .•;- ; - :A- i":,<: v ■;"■•:;:•:> ..:<■ -■■ ':>■<■;' .:> .^■.'-i'BS ■' • • ,-.- ••..•■• -.-i ■,-.■■ .- .■■ ~:-.-! ■■■- :■ .- <";"v

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4742, 30 April 1877, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4742, 30 April 1877, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4742, 30 April 1877, Page 4