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■gEEBEItT,' HiYNES, AND CO. '■;■}. ■.....• AVTUM^_ISI7. ,^_ : We respectfully announce complete arrangements lor the various Departments, comprising' the largest assortment ever imported for one season's trade, all selected by Mr Haynes. There are'several Departments for which gcoda have been purchased under exceptionally favourable circumifcinces; purchasers will receive corresponding advantages. Silk Department—Black and Coloured Costume Department—Choice Novelties Jacket Department—Distinct Novelties Coloured Dresa Department—{fewest Goods ■ Bibbon Department—Newest Goods -. -■ B!aek Dfeas Department-rNewest Goods . Merino liepirtment-New Colourings Wincey Department—Newest Goods Mil i.nery Uepartment Distinct Novelties Shawl Department—Newest Goods Glove Department—Newest Goods Priut Department—Newest Goods , . : ■ Blanket Department—Largo Discount Purchases Umbrella Department—Newest Goods "■ ■ ladies' .Underclothing Department—New Goods Carpet Department—Newest Goods . Furmshing,DepaUment—New;stGooda . Floorcloth Department—Newest Goods Lace Department—Newest Goods Haberdashery Department—Newest Goods Trimming Department—Latest Novelties , Flannel Department-Newest Goods Household Linen Department—New ; Goods Eed Linen Department—Newest Goods Mourning Departments-Newest Goods Calico Department—Newest Gooda Print Department—Newest Goods Gentlemen's Clothing Department—New Fashions Gentlemen's Hat Department—Newest Styles Gentlemen's Outfitting Department—New Goods : | Woollen Department—Newest Goods Tailoring Branch—Litest Fashions. ' I DRESS W£AR-The Materials that find most favour are—Woollen Broches, Drop de Roub-ix, Cach-me-e, Baroda Sergo3, Katraraere Serges, Keve.rsible ■;•■ ' Serges, Plain Serges, Fancy Ssrges, Figured Poplin-, Plain Poplins, Fancy. Cloth,, Ulster Tweeds, B'jn Levie Tweeds, Pashmina Cloths, Matalasse Colhs, Damesne Cloths. The several Materials are produced: in a large variety of New and Favourite Colours, each Material having corresponding Shades lor Combination Costumes, with ■: Costume Trinares and Buttons to match. TKOUVILLE DAMAS-SS -The richest Woollen Fabric' " imported, in three distinct shades of colour; the .. Satin raised figure gives it a very effective appearance; Navy Biua; Mulberry Brown; Prune—4s 6d :- ' Pf-ryard. Plain Materials to Match. Costume Fringes, Nett Tabliers. to match. FAILL DIAGONALS — This is a Kew Design in Diaioiuls, a. very effective Wool Fabric, wears remarkably well, biii.^ close'y made iv four distinct colouring;, 4s..per yard, with Plain Materials ~ to match. Costume. Fringes. Nett Tabliers, to •-'" Match. '■ - . ; - - ..,,„». DRAP D'aUTOMONE-^A New Dama=se Fabric for .Autumn,wear, in a. variety of New Colourings 2* 2dper yard.. Plain Materials to Matah. Cos- . tume Fringes "to Hatch.'' " liUpO VDIAGoNALS^This is an •imprbved, descripi ■ ■ tipn of this {Favourite Material; and is much worn. i .-It his a beautif uleffect waeri made up,and era:y braces an excellent.ransje of Colourings, at 2s 6d —per yaid/in Blue. Myrtle, Prune; Dirk,' Violet/ Brown. Black. Plain Materials to Match. Cos-V tume Fringes to Match. PASHMINA MATTING CLOTH, in Blue, iculberry, Brown, Myrtle, Prune'," Devon, Brown, Violet- /■■ Brbnze. r; like till Foreign Goods, it is all Wool; ' theie is no reason to doubt its durability. It is : V one of those Pretty Materials' ;whlch" becomes 'at once a .Favourite —2s :9d per-yardw.; Costume Fringc3toT&atch'. •■■.-••.■•■ ■-■ - . WOOL.REPPS—A New French make of Repps, not ; too heavy, in- Seven beautifully.selected L'o'oiir--4 ings—Blue, Marine, Violet, Pune. Seal Brown . . Marone and Myrtle! Green: > A'durable Material 2s lid per yard. ■"•:■ '.'•".- : : : • ' ROYAL DAMASSE—This is a Material that shows to . ...:.what perfection the: manufactureof this Class of ~'.'.. .Gpods ); has-".been .brought;. a..beautifully Raised y..'.. Figure en.a' Fine Satin Ground, in several distinct ; ; .Celouriiigs.and is sure to wear well. 4a 6d ncr •' ■•:.'yard.-'' j. , '.. • :;■ ■<■■••: • ■ , ■■■::■ ■ rFRENCH SATIN CLOTHS-Thisis.a line of goods Mr Haynes. has, made an", advantageous purchase cf, below its actual value, in Nine Choice Colour- ■;-■ .iniiS-s-lTir'ne, Myrtle,* Royal, Prune, Claret, '•'"■ Jiarohe, Plum, Brown, and Seal Brown. 2s6dp-r ■ yard; ; '■■■■•■• ■••":""-■■■■ ' ■ :•■ ■ ■■.-■ l ,■■ .•'. .■■■■-■■■* - ROYAL MATAi,ASSE-A: beautifully Fine Fabric alternsting Stripes with Matalasie in Four •'■ ■-.- Selected Colours, all New Shades; A most endur- '. i-ins;Fabric,:4s9d per yard. -■:•.'.'. FRENCH WOOL POPLINS — Reversible ;' a useful ; warm and. "durahle/'adaptbd for Cos- ■' tumes. 3s 6i per yard; - -■.■-.:,-.■ FRENCH MERINO.— This unusually Favourite y. .Material is mveh worn, this Season, is adapted for all kinds of Dresses, and specially suited for Juvenile. Dress. Wear;; a beautiful variety of : Colourings in Brown, Seal Brown, Marone, Bronze, '■ Prune, Navy, Rose, Plum,: Blue, Light-Blue, Dark Blue, Crimson J.YpHve,'' Drab, French Grey, : Cardneyi 'ana-a-lijirgc^Beleotion oi -iutumUiJl Shades. , .peryard. : MILLINERY— Choice Selections for Autumn, in the Ne .vest Designs and Colourings. Indies' Felt .'■:". Hats, plush brims, in Cream, Brown, Drab, Green, Navy, Baok, Blue. Children's Felt Hats, Children's Be-ver Hats, Misses Felt Hats, Ladies' Velvet ;■■■.-: Hats, Misses Velvet Hats, Black Straw Hats, Brown . Straw Ha:s, Drab Straw Hata. FEATHERS — Ostrich FeathYrs. Cogue Feathers, ,"."'. Plumes, Feather Trimming's' The several varieties .in all the'Fashibnable Colours for Autumn wear. FLOWERS— FrencliFlowers.British Flower's, Wreatbs, Sprays, Bridal Flowers. Every care has bsen .taken in the selection for tbis^ Branch. Flowers mounted with taste, and at-moderate prices. , Flowers, and Feathers to match all the new •Autumn Shades of Millinery Materials." •': .':■ TRIMMING ~— Distinct' Selecti ns ~,6t all" the most Fashionable Tnmmings'for Dresses, Mantles, Pale"t6ts," Costumes, i hiMreii's"'Dreea" ware,' Wool* Frinces, Tassel. Fringes, Mchair, Fringes, Military ,_._Braids,.Button3,.lmitative.Gold and bilyer Laces, , Imitative r Gold and Silver Braids, Imitative-Gold • .■ .'an'd'Sl'.ver. Buttons", Imitative Gdld and Silver! '. Fring»3,, Imitative. Gold, and Silver Ornaments. ■ • • luiitativeGoldand Silver Cloths, Regalia. ; ! ' HOSlEßY—Lidios', Silk.; Spun Silk, Merino, Cotton; Cachmere, Lamb3wool, Plain and Bibhed Hosiery, "'Hisses' Lambswoolj Merino, Cotteri, and Silk' ... Hosiery, Children's Socks, Wool, Cotton, Merino,- ---' I'lain'apdColoured."" ' " ' ~ MANTLE3—JACKETS—Waterproof,Mantles,-in Ihe . .;Sewest and Moat Fashionable Styles. Several heiv shapes are introduced, all made from the best ■ ■.■_' materials.' In tliis Department, the assortment is. the largest ,and most complete we have ever '; shown. The: Novel ties are particularly noticeable,' . r acd Indicate great cafe and fciste in the selection; ". Jackets of Matalasse Croth; Trimmed Btaidg,' Fur, ; . -".- Buttons : 'Jacke'S'of Diagonal Cloths,: Trimmed Braids. Silk, Fur, Buttons; Pa'etotsof Diagonals, ■ Miitaia=se Cloths, Oriental Cloths.' The variety of -, ,; shapcs,in )vhich these, Materials are used is very large. Cachmere Pa'.etOts, Cachmtre Rotondes, in a variety of styles; all most elegantly trimmed, . and of the richest Materials. . . COSTUJIE3—MADE DRESSES—In this Department, ■ all the New Fabrics of the Season are carefully represented by Parisian and British niodels, ele- ■•"■ gantly trimmed. Can be" copied or modified to r. suit ihe ta.9te of purchasers. ■: .' !"• . • ; JUVENILE COSTUMES—The various New Materials !' h\ve>bera-niadc'lntO'Dresses and'Costumes,-and • the Stock comprises useful and inexpensive styles; '.."' in additioo to a "variety of elegautly Trimmed ' Dresses." ; Special attention is being given to the production of Children's Dresses and Costumes,' and include a beautiful' variety 6i very pretty ■ designs for young-Ladies of all ages. • :' -. ■ - The SERAPHINE PALETOT, in Moscow clo'.h, Matalasse cloth, basket cloth, and oth! r materials— . ~ l'.-nsr, straight.has square er.ds, elongated waist at back, hands in front, worked in braid ' The DISCOVEftY JApiiET; in Russian ;frieze, hand-: somely trimmed fur and silk, rows of buttons tha CATTARO JACKET is' made from beaver mata- _ lasse—long straight bands of braided silk, pointed ' ' collars and cuff->, with corresponding trimminc Misses' White Ermine1 Jackets—lined, sating in blue, ...•; crimson, scarlet, violet ■ . . .-, ■ . Misses' Hop Jackets, in blue and black -...■•::•■• Misses' Imitative Seal Jackets, imitative other borders, 4s, 6d, 5-, 5a Gd Misses' Coloured Cloth JacVets,-fur trimmed ■ Misses' Grey Hyie.Parks, 7s Cd,& 8d Ladies' Grey Felt Costumes, jacket bodicf, 19s 6d Ladies' Coloured Diagonal Costumes, 30s Ladies' Brown Velveteen Costumes, piped taffeta Ladies' Prune French Poplin Cos nines Ladies' Siciian Cloth Costume's, brouze and ecru ■ Ladies' Russell Cord Costumes, navy blue Ladies' Homespun Costumes, seal brown braided Ladies' Diagonal Costume 3, browns in combiiintion Ladies' I.i,»gonal Costumes', "greys in combination ' Ladies' Diagonal Costumes, blues in combination Ladies' Costumes, tweei prunes in combination Ladies' Felt Skirts, greys in combination ' ' Ladies' .Felt.Skirts, grey'and black combination ... Ladies' Felt Skirts, prune and gold combination Ladled Felt Skirts, blues in combination. ' ' ■■'■ SERGES are th'ssea-son meeting, with an increased demand for all useful purposes; they make a very ■;'•■• desirable dress for yachting costumes, for coasting ; costumes, for riding habitsj for boating costumes, : ;for juvenile clothing, for-wraps—woven from firia : wools, patent'dyed, not liable to injury from salt water; Jightin texture, ,ret warm and dnrable . Blue Union Serges, Is 4d per yard '■'■■■■ Union Costume Serges, Is i\d per yard Navy Union Serges, Is 6d' per ynrd : AU-woul Indigo Dyo Serges, Is 9d per yard All-wool Blue Serges, 23 2d per yard All-wool Navy Serges, 2s 6^l per y*rd All-\yoolMariiie Costume Ssrgea, 3s per yard' Ertamon'e Sargos, 3j peryard : . . MarUe Costume Serges, 3s 3d per yard ■■■-• Heavy Navy Serges, 3s 6d pei jurd ... . . : ; ... .. . Estame'ne Servos, 3s 6d per yard Heavy IndiirorDyeSerges, 3s Cdpfr yard ..-, . .'; ; SuperQiie Estameno Serges, 4s psr yard : Double' Warp Navy Serges, 4s Cd per yard : '•■" 6-4 Hatit Serges, 4s 6d per yard. ; FINK TWILLED FLANNELS are now in much >;ij'demand for morning gowns, dressing gowns; - dressing jackets, morning jackets—iheir.soft and " rich appearance making them'so universally ap- ■ proved of:- to be had in largo variety, of colour- , ings—Printed Flannels, W,>:ite Ground Plannols, •'•' coloured epets, Wide-width Coloured Flannels, ; , ; Welsh Flannels, Lancasbire Flannels, Saxony Flannela, Ciicketing Flannels ■ TARTAT<S —Forbes:, Dress; Macpherson, Menzies; Mackay, Tullibardine, Murray, i • M'Kenz'e, Gor- '■■ don, Cumyn, Prince "Charles Edward, Fraser, - . Argyle, ATLean, 42nd—3 sets,;fVktoria^-3 sets, I M'Duff—3 sets, Sraart—3 sets, Shepherd—S sets, ■ Rob Roy—Q.sets, Fancy Checks, Green and Black' .■Green and White, Pink and White, Blue and "White, Bed Jond Black, Black arid "White, Gold .: and Black, oi" •:•■;. ■~-.;■:* i '.■■■■,... .'■:..,, ..:;.: -BLACK SILK VELVETS ; ;•«. .w •COLOUBED SILK VELVETS !: HERBERT, HAY2STES, and CO,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4742, 30 April 1877, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4742, 30 April 1877, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4742, 30 April 1877, Page 1