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}" [ PTTBLIO;jTOTJOES, V i ' '." ' PROVINCIALGAZETTE. THE OTAGO DAILY TIMES HAS BEE*J ■ ■ ' APPOINTED BY HIS EXCELLENCY THE , GOVERNOR : The Newspaper in which all Public Notifications j wh'cb. have hitherto appeared in the | OTAGO PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Shall henceforth be published. - Notcce.—The Provincial Government Gazette *; . will bo longer be issued. rjIHE OTAGO DAILY TIMES. j V-'.; TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ■ . -2fr Quarter (per post or delivered), £X. ; Sube.lptfons may be rem-'tted in Bank notes, ; Po I office o-ders, or Postage stamps.. ■'■;.'. i^GOVEENMENTNOTIFIOATIONSr i GLENKENICH AND WAIPAHEE DISTBICTS. ; . . . BuOCK X., Gt-ENKENICH DISTRICT. ; Conical Hills, abouj six miies from TapcnuL :jTo be sold by auction on WEDNESDAY 30th MAY ; , ■■■■■: 1877. .... ' (Sale postponed from 16th to 30th May.) :t»-otice is hereby givek that •v v to} low' m Z Sections in the above Dist iet will be offered for sJe by pubU: suction, by Mr X' B J' n rtin. at tbe Town Hall, Tapanui, on Wednesday oOth May next. Aiter the 6ale of the Duplicated Deferred Payment sections in same Block. As land of a^^lo^'S 6 und"r clau3e S5, " Otago Waste Lands Act, 1871, at tbe upset Jprice opposite each SeeSecliop. Bk. Acreage. District. Upret Price 8 X 200 000 Glcnkenbh . £264 7e' 9 „ 200 000 „. ■ 428 15 0 1 :: -SK I sil S ;: SIZ •;:■■ :'%£-l\ . 27 „ 200000 . 400 0 0 -28 „. 200000- ■■••.-" too 0 0 : 28 ■ „ 200 000 „- .' 400 0 0 30- ~ 162231 , -•' '244 0 0 ~,42. ~ 200.0 09 „ . 348.6 0. And at the same time and place, the fol/owin<* Sectioa in BLOCK VI., GLESKENICH DISTRICT : adjciniDg Block X,:— ;- < ' ection. Blk. Acreage.- District. Up-et Price. 42 ..VI 1123007 : C'enkenich £255 12 6 43,,.,,, ; .. : 285 016 . „. C 64 15 0 .45. „.. 224126 ~..". 448 10 0 47 „ 77 318. 139 0 0 : vrS.l ■ -„ 227 224 „ 340 10 0 - 52 :„..... 2000 0 . 400 q q :.: 55. .„ 2i0013 , , '„. aoo 0 0 ; And following th« sale o.' tje above, will be offered BLOCK X, WAIPAHEHiDIJTRrCT:^:Section.: Blk. Acreage. , District. UpselPri-e '■■ '■?!' X 203 3 03; Wa'pahee £SOS 12 6 . 16 „ 200 000 „ SOO 00 : 21 „ 198121 ~ , :•:.,• 297 70 0 '22 „ 1213 00 " 182 12 6' j 23. » 200000 •■ „ 300 0 0 , 2A -„■■ •-■"••911-00 ~ ••:.-.• 18617:6 !25 .„ 147000 .;;= ; 2 £o Hh 0 i. , ■■;,; J. P. MAITLAND, !_•■■: _.-• Commissioner of Crown Lands. : Crown Lands Department, ; i . ■.; Dunedin, Bth March, 1877. r■. . - flni i '■■ "-■' ■■■'"•■." NOTICE, '. . . |"]^"OTIOE IS HEiiBY GIVEK that •-Ly the following application having been received and recorded •.•under the 47th section o2 the Wa'to ■Lands Act, 1872, from Robert Crossan, for sectioi 4. jblock IV, TDviot-30 lores 1 -rood 14 .poles. And Tuesday, the Ist of May, 1877, is the day appointed for deciding such application, if unopposed, and uotiryins objections, if any, which have been lodged j W. LAURENCE SIMPSON, • -V.."-.. • ~ -, " . Ail. District Land Officer. ; Dlstiict Land Office, : - Roxburgh, April 4, 1877. ■'..■■■' 1 I PRELIMINARY NOTICE. HSrOTICE IS HER~EBY; GIVEN, that ~\ "leases-for 10-years oi rais numbered respectively 51 and 51b, and a lease for 3 years of run numbered 6IA, sub-divisions of run No. 51, Waipori SouthEastern District, now held by Mcsrs Cable and Drum,mond, will be offered for sale by public auction at the Crown Lands Office, Dunedio, on Wednesday, the 20rd day of May next, at noon. Terms and conditions of sale will be notified in a future advertisement J. P. MAIrLAND, ' ■' Commissioner of Crown Lands. ■ Crown Lands Offlce, . , - . Dunedin, s,oth April, 1877. 21ap : "WAKATIP DEPASTURING DISTRICT. Sale of seven years'licenses of runs 1, 7 22 and°3 ; : _ ... under clause 14, " Gold fields Act, 1868." . .'. Tpßffi sale by auction of Licenses of tne -I . above Runs will take place at the Land Office, Queenstown, on Wednesday, the3oth dayof Maynext at noon. -~..■■" "• Particulars and conditions of sale may be seen at the Crown Lands Office, Dunedin,- and- at the Warden's Office, Queenstown. '■■'■::■-■.. ■■■ J. P. MAITLAND, Commissioner of Crown Lands i ■■■■■■■ -•■'•. (Holding delegated powon). Crown Lands Office, , ■■.-■'. \ Dunedin, 20th April, 1877. : : 21ap SUBDRBAN SECTIONS IN" THE TOWWSHiPS OF i GORE, MATAURA, ANDMAKAREWA. ! .-•-.■...." -on '. '. -. '■ - .-■ ; deferhed payments. . tuesday, wednesday. and friday, ; 22nd, 23m, and 25th Mat,; 2877. . :■ ffIHE following Sections in the. above \ Jll , Tovroships will be sold by public auction, at the times anl places specified, on the following conditions of deferred payment, viz.:— ; One-fitlh of the purchase money to bo paid at tbe time of sale, and the remainder by four equal i annual instalments. The purchaser, within ; twelve calendar month 9of the day of sale, shall ; erect on the land a habitable dwelling-house, of ; the value of not less thin £40, and personally ; -."-;■ occupy the same utitil the purchaso money ia i - fully paid ; and alao shall, within two years of i . the date of sale, enclose the section with a sub- ; .-■•-: stantial fence, and cultivate one-half of it. On ■ : anyibroach, of these conditions the land'will be -■■•■ forfeited. At the expiration'o! three: years from : the day of sale, if the purchaser shall have ful- ; filled all the .above conditions,, hemay pay the ! '.'■-'.: whole balance of the purchase money, and ob-- ; .•■■•-."-tain a Crown grant for the land. ■■..,-■■ ■■■•'. Sections in tub Township of GcaE; to be sold,by pubI i : lie auction, on the above conditions, on Tuesday, 22nd May, 1877, at Green's Hotel, Gore :— '■ Locality. Area. ". ■ Urgjt price. Block. Section, a. r. p. -• £ s. d. XVI. .2 : 10 0 02 100 2 « i•■•■ ■»i ' 4 10 0 02 100 2 6 ; „ ■'■"■,- 8 10 0 02 lOi): 2 6 „ , 12 6 2 SS 67 3 9 ; ti 24 4 2 OS 46 10 0 ■ „ ■•.-■ 27•■"•'• 10 0 00 109 0 0 ; ~ „ 29 10 0 00 100 0 0 : i, . . 83 . 3 0 33 32 1 3 „ 36 10 0 00 100 O 0 „ 33 . 10 0 00 100 0 0 : „ 40 10 0 00 100 0 0 ! .:■;;■: •.-.. 42 5 3 .00 67 10 0 . ■ „- 45 3 O 38 3-2^7 6. ; „ -49 5 0 00 60 Q 0 : „ . 61 .: 5 0 00 60 0 0 „ 53 6 0 00 .50 0 0 ! „ 58 3 3 38 39 17 6 j „ 82 7 2 33 77 1 3 Sections in tub Township opMataura., to be sold by ; public auction, on the above conditions, at Came- ; rons Hotel, Mataura, on Wednesday, 23rd May, Locality. Area. "Upset price. Block. Section, a. r. p. £ s. d. VU. ■;.; 1 6 0 19 40 19 0 „ 3 5 0 36 41 10 fl : „ 7 9 0 0G 72 6 0 : „ 9 71 H 58 14 0 : „ 11 <J 3 S4 55 14 0 „ 13 7 3 00 S2 fl 0 „ 15 <5 O 03 48 3 0 „ 17 C 1 60 .60 0 0 ; „ 20 6 1 08 : 50 0 4 „ 22 0 I 00 60 0 0 24 ; 6 1 08 53 « 0 „ 26 7 2 00 CO O 0 „ 28 9 3 13 78 13 0 „ 30 5 3 18 46 18 8 : ' „.' ••• 33 7 3 19 -62 19 0 „ ?5 . 5 1 37 43 17 0 ■ '• „ - '-. : 38 6 0 09 48 0 0 ; „ 40 5 0 00 40 0 0 „ ■ 42 5 « 00 40 0 0 ' i , „■ it 6 0 00 48 O 8 .- : ' ' „ 51 6 0 00 43 0 G : ~ 63 5- 0 09 40 <> 0 • ! .! : „ 56 S fl 08 40 0 0 •; „ 58 6 0 00 48 O 0 SkctiOss in tub Towssmr os? Makaueva, to be sold by public auction, on the above conditions, at th& • ; L»nd Offlce, Invercargill, on Friday, 25th May,; ' 1877, at noon:— . . . : Locality. Area. TJpsct price. ' "Block. Section. ■*. r. p. £ s. d. I. 1 S 0 09 20 0 0 „ , , 3 * 3 16 ■. ' ■ 19. 8" 0 '. • < „ . 5 : .4 3 21 19 10 G : „ " 9 4 O 15 16 7 6 „ " U 3 3 28 15 14 « : „ .... 13 . 4 3 32 19 16 O „ 15 6 0 00 20 0 fl „ 16 S 0 00 20 O -0" 1 ■",,"■"• 17 5 0 00 20 O 0 i ..: '~. . 19 5 0 00 20 0 0 ' ! 11. 1.. . 4 0 15 I<3 7 6 "■-' „" " 5 - 6 0 04 20 2 O ! " „ 8 4 1 21 17 10 6* „ 10 . 4 1 21 17 10 6 „ 15 4 3 22 19 11 0 „ 17 4 3 22 19 11 0 „ 19 4 0 11 16 5 6 I 111. 2 4 3 33 19 19 0 i „ 4 4 3 37 19 18 6 • „ 9 8 0 17 32 8 6 : „ 11 5 0 00 20 0 0 „ 13 5 0 00 20 0 O „ 15 5 O 00 -20 0 0 ~ •-'-■ 17 4 0 15 16 7 C IV. 1 6 0 00 ' 20 0 0 : „ ,3 5 0 00 20 O 0 : „ ■■'■- 5 6 0 00 iO 0 0 ; ,;■•■- '■■■:■ 7 5 0 co 20 0 0 ■ -;; •■- ■ 10". 10 15 16 7 6 . „ ■ 12 ■", 4 JO 15 . 16 7 6 „ 14 5 0 00 20 0 0 „ 16 5.0 CD 20 0 0 „ 18 4 3 12 19 6 0 ; „ 20 5: 0 00 . 20 O 0 : 'This cection is subject to a valuation of £13 fo •improvements. ■ ■ : ; WALTER H. IEARSON, .--. :.,... .Commissionerojt Crown Lands. ■ Land Offlce, luvercargiil;v"' " ''■ '''"" ~: 17th April, 1877. 20ap

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4742, 30 April 1877, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4742, 30 April 1877, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4742, 30 April 1877, Page 3