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'./{FROM, oVß.OWNiJcpaiffiSpOiroEJfX)":-.C'.!,' ■-.•■■■',<■, ; .-.<•• ;.'j -:v :-:■:/>: x-Marcttflbifo--■ The:' Rev.' Jpsiafi ;Hensbi£;;tfce^*TJao[ Tom ."■ .oi '\Mnl Ha^wi;' B,?ectecy|ipw^a-! famous novel, has been-iia' Britain:fori some; months past,' andywithin.the last 'feY "weeks has. viaitelLEdmiburgi?;'this''beipg' Ilia firsi visit' to ■ Scotland} .<thon'gih;on:three previous ocpiwion3;ho"ha3-been::in; Eiiglaricl/: ' 1 1 took th)3';^pporWa1 j l|fl pE : hcariDjj{''h^^^^^ firat^ttfestiiigS^.w^ed he,relaipdt6,> crowded' and'deeplyante'.rje'sted'audjeop^ sto^yi^oifhiSLgKyslifejipr^^iyfears,' .j^efp-W, proceoding-.ta.rscpun^J^.pnieoOf/Sthffifnjaini featutes'of hi 6 narr i ativ'e,'d•"may?briefly> ex-plain-thecircarostMices^nder which; Uncle Tpm—for -so eyeryonie stiU;pti9ferßlitpi;oall'i him—C3me,ip thia1 dtiuaWy.'' -'. %' "■;''■;' ■'■' -'■ When her.ancceetfed'in taakicjg.''hi3:.'eicape: toi C'jaad»f:6\)iiie; '4p' jears:;agn,: ;tTn'cl^ To«i; speedjly get JW.mdeU.'to^.helpj hia'eniltyed' bretbrea to tollpw^hja and ,he '.w>3 for a number of'...j^aVs o£:tlie socalled' " j[Jud-rgcoiind.Rail,ioid i^ itartei'l- by . tho,Quakers with thiijpbjflqt.:; Iu::a 'ahort time'a little- a)loiiy^oe-e.^apsd -slaves was formed on Canadian '50'.1.-'whioh'.they- setth'jihaelvea toj clear and'.^tKtirate/-- 'Great prejudice agJinßtnfegroes, howevdr,'-pre-vailed , j&yan, iri ' much', ip -that Bcavcely : anyone .'would';grind for,them tie. corn which they bill rafted."' . Ooh'sequep^ly, tysy stwtcel ft §oar mjU ; ani pawmijf h^

already [hem f'ei:i6tfi^ot 'tfie',rani!e' J'fe{ißoiJi.; .Things. ;,went on iWell.; with: 'the. littte^cotamunifcy!ab Jong; as;, Uncle ..Tom imaoaged! its aiffairs,.but .aa-he was the. pastor, he. natu.--rally.retired as soon as posciblefrom .the conduct of secularbasinfeßs, and gave himcelf up' Jto thefulfihnentof hißclericalduties.) jThe' ;succeeding management was lesa fortunate, :and the'littlecomaiunity:got intoidifficuTtieg' whichxalmmated in a lawsuit'that lasted for seven yeSrsV'Eventually,' ,'flpck came out of the' litigation victoriously, but not ußfcil the fdrmefr's propertyhad been ■mortgag4d> to the ■last; penny,fafld5 >he('fwas' thus cbnfophtied'. with', the ssd ■ prbspeet of ] being deduced tp penury jin'his extreme old {age! '■„; Frieuda both in 'America'aiid England,., howeve?,,.urged 'him to;'visit ; Ea'gland.and'l tell, his ...story,, I.that, the.British public would sodnhelp him outof hiajdiffi?; .oulMe9..ii;Heiaccepted. th©:ad^ice,-and ;came jfci jEngland,-where; he floon;ifoimd' that he jiid not be^n'misadyised; People of all de'.nommationß ;and of I every class thronged to'; •hear-his storyi.and the;funds,thus raiaed:'are' n<|w; almost; sufficient;' to;clear the debt . upo,n' his ;pr6petfcy» and- thus" keep him'free 'frbmCjare.diuiring his; jcemaujing dayV iThC Qii?en herself.^ent hii»;ii;letter of sympathy,' th|e.iArchbishop,;of Canterbury .showed ,hini: marked ikindnesy, and irthe (Earl of Shaftes-e .Wry Jpresidedr at'hisi farewell meeting mi .^Lpndon; si'-iJ '■<'.-'. .:■;: :■ ■■::.'. '.:■"■ :.: '...• .':>'■ ;;r.

\ (Uncler-Tomifi'now-88 'years pld,;but' he looks fully :25 ' years yonhger.' His; hair ij( ndafrly White, but; is more aburidijnt.tHaii that ofi many me'tt of, 60.:. "' Hs whiskers arid short beard ajre^aTso .white, 'but'.h&moustaciie as only^'agi' ;iurji,]gre'y r - His, pom- ; ple^piqi.-tpo^aofat asiiiis possible tt>: judge; t>£ the .complexion of ra full< blooded ; negroj £rfch as;Uncle:Tdnvißy and glories in.beingis! remarkably fresh,- vHei still retainsrhis teeth,Kandi jtheir 'sbundnssa was eviuoed-by ; ibV'loud snap;. withH which, .he" closed1 them1 -w|ien' illustrating hia'sufferiiigs' during'jotie. ipm'pf'bi^lU^/'ii.Hey'hai'.^^^ial'BmUefah^'' 'aUy'elygiftof^ibium^iar.^the free exercise ofi .whichf requeatly ©yoked the, heatty laughter,; of his <■■ audience.; ■■■,'.■', &t^ thehaame time,,the pathosofoth^r parts of his address was .very • . touching, ;while'the grim and lurid reality, ofhis; description-iof the frightful/barbarities perpetrated npon the slaves t by their master^J was'sipaply'ha^rbwirj'gj 1 caiism^ a thrill s t'f horrbf,' "p'ptK5 landible, arid, ..visible, to' \ run;;; ith'rpti^i/iiis.^udjitoVy.'i'.'A Krief'sketch6f,hif^ ; n4ri:a,tiye,'.;"ffi^ .of J nii stJrle^C will .enable". .'ypujj readers tojfprm'spjns; idjea'.of < 'the7.»ature;o£:,,|i.i% ; .'adctressi which' ■"dqcupiediabout iwo houxs-injdeliveryv:. ■ ■;, i; ;■?■ i, jUrifele-nPo^^g^''by;saylng;;that;'iiß;:flf3t-impreßsiohs'of'slavery'aiid'afs'miserable 6brii!' sequences dated from, a, day when, he was 1 .bstweeniour and &y& years of age r ; He was, "sijitiqg :in': tHS Tqii^.oabin 1 when'he lieard'a1 ' gijeat row, 'outside, /aid/.pn *rmining, see'; ■■.•fie ( sßai^;a:.nTimbpp ; l.o£j ;men',pullmg,ata.rope,;at*thV end of.which; ipft3 hisr'Vpooif bld ? father,!Vwhom theys*eryj hsw and' then struck with:clubs and stones.. 1 him up ito/aipoat/ which^they, . CQJmpeUedhimtC(embra,c6i and then tied hip hands^ittfront.^'Fhey tbipoff hjs back the' solitary1 garment he'troVe; "and "one- of ' them; thjea^'rolle<i;:iqp V3hisr 'sleey^s, picked 'up^ raw'Wde^^iid.brpnghtit l^o^n; with ~dl.his might. on .'.the,jpdor^pld.'fellow's. -back.J .•My..^^ father," ~6istrong:?inan,-/.and«iWhen::they^.began--to; ■fiqgfvhimiiy'qn '-mightivliava'.heard<-i'him scream; Jtwo tlmiles .■■ off i-^-iyeSj •: • easy^* 'Bat >{jter'.a<bity^ when hißbac'i was all lacerated;h^ could onlyjgroan: v out I * Oh, Lord'!r 0h, f -Lora;t;M^^";^eVjgßi^ly;ir^ißm"'witK::wljioh;" th'espeaket,relate^^his'par : |!of his story, was1 - quite ibyei^pweniigji'ancf .jnatiy ladies* burat" ui&bTßf 'while*:. Wen^^^.strpjpginen.' groaued;. and. rshuddered;;; ,I'Betvyeen., the •.lashes;"; 'continued XTriolei.Tom, ".they wouUttsay to 'myJather,.*'Will, youleverirdo it again 21 td^ which .he.would only reply;..' She -was ;rhy wifei;shewas my wifei'< ■When he'hSdrei . cci vfea.^the- hnndred • lashes which' were! his; punishrAent, he was dragged .off to jailj; and; •I ieyer sa\y hiinfa£ifn,' -though 'I^^.afterwarclk5 he.a>dhelxa&^bldj^itttq^the.' of iAla'-' .bamal • i'VjThen.'lwasv.plderl my mother .-.f01d.; : me .what, it - was 'that i my/father, had tbeen ;punishei for.'',.lt::Beems,.that;Uncleitom's ' father' and: mother were iowhedby different persons, whose) e>* aYes were coritigaous.' < One dayhis father was" going" tothe cabinwh^'re' hip) <mother" lived; '•• 'when';he' heardploud: Jateamai' ■l He 1 fuslied^to' jthe'' BPotJ;'"'and' there' hel'found;^ a;'white :scoudarel;|feE(3eacJ ;yoiur'ing.:t6;cbmmit:a.brntol'.assaul^ inptKer.' My^father^rdidj^b-fc,stop : tp;&|nk: -,that he was only.aplaye, "and had no right" ijo'possesj fpeJdnjff, or that; the. !nj^n he saw^ ;wjisKis^master^ bW he';bdan'ded^potfjiiml? and'(he\'^asVa ■■powerfulim ' th.ef'.'scr^tf of.the,; neck,. /.dJEts'lieil;-.-£d£fn'- ' ; to; 'the'j ;ground".anct *,trampled.,"^^him iu^der his "feet.': ;That was the^crime for.■^hicEhVwas almcsli': ■fldgged tcdeath; but I;say tha'Cif^..he.had; ;died 'for; it; he would have.diediinamost: ■ noble^xsatise, for the man who; would not. /giye bis .life for his'wife ,doe'snot deserve to .hive, ouei". ;• It; is impossibls.tb desoribe.tKe: ■nije with-which these words were spoken— Uncla Tom raising his us,naUy mild voice till ■- the'church' : rang again,faiid'ktrikijigthe'edge' '"of- this' ( pulpit as Ithbugli; it: were the slaved I.holder's'^ead, >l;while':tno^.aadien^\mtiioßi;' : aati^Uy lapplaudedhim. '.Hethenwenton"t6' his mother, .brpthers a^dsiste^s,. ;'and r himself wer.e cold to different owners,;, a4dtouohinglydepioted-his mother's distr.esß°? : aiinot.being allowedto keep even'him,' her. iypurigest' child.'?i '• She went,"- said iiJncle: iT6m>. 1 njßn'^rho'had bpughtiher, and' ;tneelitfg ddwn, clasped him rottnd the legs 0 'arid .bespught^hira! v t w b&y rnie sayui|, if. if ;he:;did so, 'fih« a?; hard asi ever sho .j couldfont pf gratitude.,-,'. But what; did: :the.fellow do ?, He kicked herj fiwav frdin. ; l4m with an oath.!' i,Eyentually, ; XJncle,Tpm!: , w&8, iestored: to his another, as 'he; waa? so ill-, ,aa to ;be .nnable.eyen!/to crawl, andxhis. itnaster ihongMithe-only way tosawhis life' 'w» let hifi'mdiiher ;haye r him; so. ttiathe : was? Bold to -his in'dther's'maatej".'' Inrelatin|| tlieriiaggling.betiveen? tHe'^b; slfl,ve^rie'rs:' •'over'^ heir^. bargaiii^irndle; .ipy-'he^ife^a;..^' .Btate;whatit j^s'that liis"maßfer caUed'hun^ Wg*&-' said'Hie/^'thatrl^am'&. Dhrißi)ian.-/,man,, and■F ; that >I. jam .'in",the. house of God;-> stUli; lijtynkt-i'lliijtell. ybu what itwashe^,:, He spoke of me as-a f.:popr;little'devil. j l ; ,.yes,.,a ?,ppor iittledeyjljjthough.he was agreat dealmore,' like ade.vil.than I was'Wa/declaratioa which; baused considerable laughter! -:At ihe-rage of; ,;J5,-UnMeTdmwabconysrfe4i,Rand4B hisire*; liaibp 'took tie,(gractibal' fprln ;of' faithfuU ":aervicei'he so6ai.'6tbdd;;higtf;in!his Raster's' ■favd|dr,|or;.hV hq,'d'j^'np#n";intp ; a,ppwerful; : ytung .fellow f iß(;'.plppt."^....Htf'^eserilrod.; h'p.^; ',tb^e :^d^en on',the, .plantation ,iyere .seroi-'. 'leßslyflpgged^,fevenVFheaj,naraing',. .were tinable;tp perform Ithsit daily- tajk, and. ihbw he wotkedi like a horse to help ibhera with ijtheirwprk; and' get thr6ngh;<hw own too. |[Healsb:des6nbed 'with^mnchi'humour'thow -h'e=kiUed! and '.cedked^foe rth'e T'woinen': Sny - :emckenij which' Msjii ba! .n)aune.s KyJgetting ! '»jnphgthe\: tfs. :'of~' th|a ffijsffi'ssi'siiX«kji i;tW^;.brpth^/Bi3de:,from\ttot i'oboked! : ,and.' : xp'nßn^ > ed;:i'ai/'iDiij3i^H^Vj>,f'l)i.>. "didn't; t^U/.master,, ;you;r;know," "Uncle: Tom, ' Vbecanse r he.;wonldnft, have,; .^argued tbel point .with ime ; bufc:ife: wasn't .stealing, for,''according <f to the, Ja^'i of the United §tateft,'a' slayS p&nt-Bt^,al:Tfrom' i -his maater; * He is' ftnl^, ■ prop'ertV;' and,/ther /law holds that jjs^.j when-l gay i e;the;wdImftn'tb.e^ ■'' eat, I iffwrf-b .steatin^but ,pnly ( in'^egting'ftbe i ty,;i ifl^/j^heLTribetier-'.-r-Tloud: lj«Jghter)~for,-the iwom'tniwere •ab.lesto^ djj, !.niach;mbre worki afterwards.-.- ilithought-it. , l^sstji though-,, notttoitell my 'mssteraboutiit/ .for he! wouldn't ■have; b©envppea' t 0 :vi(- n d C;iion,' abd^rthink ; I;acted"wis^-lyv- ;for'l was' irjever'snsppcWd/andlneyer'detectea;" ?i; '•-;" . I I;-mtijSt,pas» over,th'e.othVr acene^.pf ttnole^ 'Tom's Jife a^thial^ime^ his ' mavrjaga iWith a l^pretty little; girl jj ;on ithe '.'xi'atfcplantatidn.-andhisfbein^ soldiwith;hep ,fo another owner in fKentudky;! oHe;igraphi- : dally des'.ribedi ihiffj.j-rarney :inmiboat laden ■withr l wp'od;dowotil'h.e..;Onio. ftnd Mißsisajp^i withiyoung Amos Jieilly/jhis.{master^eon,, andi^the -.''young: masßa;^:rpf'sHrs -• Stowu's bode; ; wfi9^tp:'be;:^Sold!^at-f Ntw (prlepa-' ;*'i^d h:;^h^;'!^thoyght'' B^4def*lii!nJ <jesperate/' "Hare'solVedto jfnur'der'ihistybjlri'g' mast'e'r'knd his'comjtenions .jis';th:ey:'Bleptii leaving, .him^y 'ag . agaibst jiri'v^B* pirate'B.^M;l«ngth ; Xpn ; e:;darlJ,^ild,.'juett; '■whim.the alligators:were roaring (s!cj,',t^.e wolves howling,- andthe oa tarn dud is squealiugi'? he-took off ; Jiis-shoesiandstockings,' seized:fh.e-firewood axe,i ; aridi stealthily..appfpabhsd -the y p!ace T ' wher3 -hia 'maatpr^iand tha others1 were aole^p *ith .'uptuTned'fac'esV A' Eudden'Teyulsi'on' '6f' phHs'tian'^feelmg cans'ed'him; to ibah^6h':hiB J''piiVp9iev t'aiis instead bf;:^u'?dejm;g!ih'iß:'-y'b'untf'iM^st'e;rlK'6 soon afterwftfda'saved-hjs life by.his'aWbied caro of ;him when,,hei Vas'dangerously; ill '-of. fever. ~; , •■■ .•■- -. ■ '.; ,':; •'. ' ' ''.'... i" '.' '

•At the request of the Chairman, who kept a bettor lookout uponI" the time tßan ; Uncle Tpm! seemed disposed' to do, the' latter' ;tipw.' passed :;oyej? Ihe^interyeniDtf period p| hsr'Jife/:iin(J;We^ ph to re.

count';. 4he 'manlier' in 'which he' "effected |his!^aipe;'"^Hia wifo.^was; a tfmid; woman, apd would' japfi hear ..of any. such atte'bpfc' be'rig T made, ; until i ,Tbm.. overcame hey;fean by spying; thatjhe would take the children and go'without her.. His eldest son, Tommy, iwa3: at ,th& master's, arid only allowed to ;go'and^Eee his parents once a 'fortnight'or sbj ba which'account a stratagem became necessary to. get himawiy; Uncle pUonvaccordingly planned* to; ask his'master on Saturday"flight,when he went, to shave hiu>j.,tb allow;' ToramyMo gp.'to'ljis mother /'ito ,;get! /hlSi.-shirti : ..aadVi.bia. Vhead combed." : ,-; jhe- plan, succeeded admirably. Tpmmyj had ;the required leave granted hire, hislfafcher thanked his master and said" good highti'^atid'-the; two' have never .met since, though1 both, are slill alive—or at -least JSeilly1 wa3 alive a few, months ago, when EEricle Tom last hgard;of ; himi.' After.some difficulty with the man' who.had promised to1 iro.w.; him: and. his", family, across ,'th.c river,; J>ut whose, courage failedi him at the] pinch,...andl, who .only,,.'yielded , to. IJncle, Tom?s ■■ earnest . representations; the ftjgltive : family got "fairly * started. They travelled'! for- the' moat part by nightyand Blpptjin; the'woods during the ; "daytime. i-Wneh 'itf -the^territory then 'iDhabited' by indians,' in the State "of Ohio, they were comparatively well off, the Indians, conipasr :sipnately helping .the negro fat^er'with two kittle! children on his.; back,, and others ,and his wife .wearily plod•' ding by his^ide.:. .But when theyjre-entsred itb'eMjettled districts' their-sufferings' we're gijeUter, and at one time they wfere well nigh starved, to -deatli,' for' Uncle' Tom' hardly d^red tdshow to a white person .to iask^.focffqod.1;-;. Ttjey suffered much .from thirst, too', !and'on ,one occasion Uncle Tom •Wjith; difficulty, saved, : hi 3 children?g Jives' by'his shoe some .water .from a) spring he discoyered in ; ther bush.** At iejagthrthe-fugitives reachedithS shores of L'ake'Erie, where the kind-hearted- skipper ,of alittlegrain-carryingschopneritopk them -bn boar.d, J.nd conveyed- them":'.gr'atis to' ißuffalo: |; Uncle Tom"described with touching fervour .oh'e delight, with'which he at last fdund. himself An .Canada, t ta L •.which he 'Closed from.Buffalo—on"-.BritisH. soil, and "therefore a-free man. . In the fulness bf;his .;j6y r he flung ,himßel£,:on;hisVface.and kissed itlie ground;;" i The skipper -who had'enabled ,'hjm'to escape was a'1 Scotchman, vand plainly ' a jregalar trump,' atid Uncle Tpmi -With1 e^i.deirtfy:'genuine' ■ f e'elingi - 'declared: that; ever Since'-tjiea'hishear'thad wafm'ed^to Scotch-; ittiien,"'aiidhe,Had1 longed tp visitjithe land ■whSre' his'fieUverer^was bornv.f;'T^e^skipper -i6ut of hisowh scanty'purse Had giyenUncle rTj)m a dollar 6n "pSrtingi and'with- this and tHr&e threepenny, bits the escaped alave and h^s = family hadjto commence life;": an'ew fin a strange 'Country.-" -::of';':^heir.'*'BubSequent'i i traggles,.r;hbWeverV:;Uncle v,Toto had"^ipt :time to'say;'anythrag,!"but at. th¥' request' of t^eohaii^an. he' briefly referrel4 l tb'^'ome.of ,the''V other' i characters;, .in : .'^■UpcleVi,' Tom's Ckb,iru"".j'!Elizß,,.h9 esid^ had:pass.e,d:!away j GjeorgaHarris (tvhose real; name ;:was Lewis Ciark) ; hesaW ; Jast.year in-Boaton:; dear little Eva-wasnqmore;:.George alsow'a3;deadr-; and :y the little wild rat/ theonetb^ey called ;Tppsy,";died tenor twelve years ago." .ihjece. 1 remarks;1 Uncle Tom Tesnirjißd'his' seat" camid/thetoarty^applausb.rbf ;aL. l sym|)a:t'h.e't'ic audjeibe;';/.1'"';, !.:""-j,-,' r .';'!'^-V-'-!^."'.'-,'.'-":.,•;'.'"", iUccltfrTom, .subEeii^nt^ crnjeetingsin,TaribiiSiparts"bf ,Edinbargh*, as Wjen ; as at,-Pprtobello and Ne/whaven;"- and •mjetjlwithhthe ■same-hearty Welcome from byerflowirig .audiences every where.: On March- 5^ by' special command' of the :Qpeeny he waited. npon' 'Her-; Majeatry./at Gastle, and had ;a very^ gratifying '.interview with; .her..;' The, .;Queen.presented ;^ni;yith: i her; ■photograph, 'mbu^ted in a vha^dspme.'ormb^ .■tqria'Reg.,^•iß77i".Baying'iiO:him,:«,'' WiUyou Jo^e^he kindness, to accept:thiaii3 a token "o£ my respect for.i.yoo;and<your:race ?":J- She '-'also-goti Dncle Tom to sign hisr namedn her private albumy with'the'date ; ot;hiß birth ;(listhJunei';l7B9) ' Uncle Tbm,:r;:mus!; tell y<^u—owing prbb>blyj to; aii injury inflicted upon him: years ago by a'.rijiscreaht' who Moke, !;;bpth,hisyshoulder bjla<les,'Bo that to his-shoulderßTTpbrpetrates what is decidedly the..worst of the numberless.bad signatures I h^vejseen. Its tremulosity and irregularity musfrbe seen to be conbeived,'and must have affordediHer Majesty "some amusement;' As Uncle :''Tom'rwa3;.leayingi .the'rGastlej 'Her Majeßty's/ retainers';;^aM r;sefvaTits,'' : tp.tlie number Ij6f f'ibbut^iSOi^flp'bked'' rprind .him; e^ger ta ;shalje';hiti^[ b^the hand, and1 express theiji slmpAfhyVwithihimi^The^ld^an ,was much'affected }>y.this.episode, iiHeis^now at Dundee lecturing, and .will ;dbubtles3 visit Gjtasgow,-<;:'aedr:pos3ibly other towns,^before returnbg,toloanada/);:! "J ■: ■;:;-: ''v.>•!.;:■• •- ,«.»b~.:

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4741, 28 April 1877, Page 2 (Supplement)

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"UNOLS TOM" IN EDINBURGH. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4741, 28 April 1877, Page 2 (Supplement)

"UNOLS TOM" IN EDINBURGH. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4741, 28 April 1877, Page 2 (Supplement)