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ExXate-Arrivalsr * i A LAEGE ASSOBTMENT OF i Beers, stout Wines, spirits , ••- .... >■■•. ! Tea, sujpr, provisions, malt' :'- ;t". i Oilmen's stores.-drieii fruits; ■';r^. Jams, confectionery, hops *"' Candlefe," jjiils/painta,'and varnishes" " '-!;•:; ■: Pig iron, galvanized iron, fencing wire' > ;l' >.j i • Sportingandblastipgpowder;seeds ■. . ~ i : Curled hair.'Sbre, waterproof clothing" - ■*"- ! ; American chairs, printers' inks ■ Tea:^ExCdllbri---.V :W. .i-u, -:. vsi.s-^ >: *~ - , ■ Sugar-iEx<Yvonne.; ■■; ■■■. '::.- -: :..■■:. .■..:,■■ , j-.Landing,.ej:,"Vellington, from London:, . ; 632packasres.brandy—Henhesiy"s. BlMiiit'ffc1 La' • Grand'Mar4ue- ' ': " ■'■":'. ■ 620 packages ale. and "stout, pig brand. Bass's. ] "' GuihhessVahd Blood's' '!.:;:.' r^/ . ; 65-qr<asks vinegar— 'Hill Evans's, and Slee , Slee's, . . ... . .... ..... 40 qr-casks port wine, OMey"B-^aU qualities i; ':': 61 do sherry, Forrester's and Cozens' A 750 packi^o-ii oilmen's stores, Belfast hams, perfumery ; boiled, raw, and Colza oils; Keiller's confectiohfcry,currants,raisins;sardines, mu3- . catels, starch, blue.-Sjs, coachbuildera' varnish : S 9! 1/38 Cologne, essences, fine and coarse salt! 1 Tainsh sand JohnsonS jan-s, geneva jArdb'eg Thorn and. Cameron's,~i-ong-Jshn,' and Bur- , '■— Scotch and Irish whisky; herrings; lint" ..,. flsh, blasting, powder, and galvanised iron.. ... Also,-to-arrive-per-Euterpe, Baron-Blantyre^ and' ;■. -Hoognley,.from-London;- and Camllle,- from -NewYork: ~. . 1314 packages .of above-mentioned go"ds, water- ; proof clotliing.'Eed Heart riim, mixed spice, haddocks, nutmegs; cocoa and milk, Roederer . - .champagne,Milner'ssafes.; china;tea,-dessert, dii-ner, and toikt services;' "split peas, blacli- ; ipg"j pills and ointment, knife-polish, .lobsters, ■ i oysters,, axes, brooms,,shovels,-pick and axe ; handles, sar»aparilla,_clbth»s pins, tubs', con- ■ ; densed milki Black Swan twist tobacco, tnrpsi ; ' kerosene, and various other goods.' jap f ~■ : ;,,,W.andG.;TUBNBUL'iand.CO. THE; Undersigned have Landing and ; . ./.to;Arrive,'-,; ; *°; ;;;: : ;r,;.:;;,i ;; ., i: ',^,:- • .■:■■: --I: ,'i, Ex. tofiawingiyeiSßls-^- I :■.■,■.■.';■•-^: ::Si Weliingt'on.'/Wiid; Euterpe^^ard^: Blantyre; : ;, .'Hopghley, Ben^edi, Hermione^Bockwpod;:^;^'. ) ■■■'■■'•-. ■■-'.- i "■■ ' -'25 do- painted1 " do"r' '■'do:"-- r '-"•'' 95 tons bar aud plate iron • ■• ' - : 40 do etandatdiron.- ■■'•' .: v. >; ;: 7 '•■ -80 do: fencingwire and staples-' - 1■! : 45 rolls galvanised wire netting ~ '- ;''■"• • 45 do sheet lead ''■:. '•>'■'■ ~ ■'! \■ : ■ 320 kegs wire nails t' ' - , , :; ; ' " 90 do wrought nails' " ■ ~ ; '■ -62 do galvanised roofing nails and screws i / ■■ 860 packages generalirenmongeryi. ".-• ; '■". ' ■ 85 tons white and red'lead,-ru.d paints '<'■■' ■ '' ' ■ 270 drums oils, turpentine, and varaishe's' :'■' ; 350 qr-barrels Hall's blasting powder l •'• • ": ■' ■ 12bo;tlesquicksilver1"-'- „ h : •" 10,000 fire bricks and fife-tiles'- « it ; 15,000 Countess slates ; ': -2,000 casks Portlaiid'iin'i'Keen'B cement-" »';'; ■ -.'■■■' -""800 boxes Chance'sglasi'. jil il.;- •' f'i ''■■■ 130 do Belgium-do-'-'':'' ;U--; ; ~.. \, -. ...90 cases furniture .:, W ■■.-.'.!■ ~ ..'■ :; - ■;;..-, ■ :' .■ 40 bales:oirpetj, various qualities ; .' ■'.' ;■ -10 case 3 floorcloths. < -.•■j .. -.; ■'-' ..-. •80 bales paperhangings and scrims .:. ■ 230,000 feet deals ■ tt \ t -,v. ■ • 160,300 do '£. and G. Scotch flooring and lining. :'•■- I"! y.Z " GPTHBIE, and LARNACH: TO THE BQOT A^fD SHOE.TEADE. -, -. . :QN: ;S ALE ;by;^-y^ER^i&NEp v ; 'calf, English'calf, i East-India" kip.-Hd i ;. ' skins,roans, inemelshoulders, buHsldes;}'. ; -~ ..■■.,, '' A150,.;-/' ,-.'.■■ '■* . 7,n ' Colonial leather of first-class, tannages " i . : r 'Including—. -'■.-.' ': ' ;' ; , Hirst's (Wellington) Btoutwle " r: Melbourne stout sole ~-,., , , " . Uppers of everydescripti'on, and'ageneral assort- • - • -mentor grindery, comprising eyery article re*- ; quired by the.Boot aid Shoe Tradeand J ..-^Manufacturers; _"_''■ '•■""'■' ■'■--■'•■iU .New Zealand Agents." for .".JONES'S^celebrated SEWING MACHINES,' comprising B.C. Elastic and ,Wax Thread Machines., -Any.of, which-can,be,pro. ; ured at.our warehouse.! ■' •"■= ■-■-< '-i •■'■•'■ X. i ■■> ■ t-' I : -;■- LIGHTBAND, ALLAN, AND C0.,-^ ?J. •■'■■■■■■• '■ '■■ ■■.■'■■>■'■ :■'..:. •;'Eattrayßtreet;"-; '•■? •: ;March3rd,lß77.: ■''■■ ' "-^ "■"/ T^f STEAM THRASHING MAOHESfES^ i ..••'.;,. ;'• ::••'.!■ wsiLE- : : Thrashing "Machine's, with adjustable chobbers, : s Penney's patent revolving.; &c.—made to 1876 improvements." '.'"-—..' : Portable Engines,: 6vand: 8,:h,P.-r^econd safety ; valves, regietered.watsr heater, &c. Stationary Engines, to 20 h.p. '• >-r\ -■■^. j■-. ■-,<■ :■ ■'■- GEORGE BLYTHi Higli'street,^'Dilnedini :-*'? QQ '.:;. ;.Agent'forGarrett.andSohs,Sugpfe ;*: I:^:©^^©^ ':'—';'■ ;':-':-.;.8.0-N;;Dv; S'TBE'e't^-^; J-f-.f >:i:-'o! ; Agents for ABBpr3 TBUGGJIES'an'd CABEiAGEg,^'' :. ' ; '"■*■-'-: ■■•■■^ '■Hare oh Sale— ■'.-.'.. . : .... J. JI: BUGGIES AND CAEEIAGES;/<• ; F.omthe Best" American Manufacturers.,; 15in :jri ; o .. R^ H . : g ;: A, r L i; ',E; •■■ "• PATENT DYNAMITE I- ; '•> -.'1 ".; 3 W"p , HALL'S .BLASTING. POWDEB ". ■'~ ■-. ."■.•■ ; DALGETYi NICHOLS, and CO.j: ■ 27a P ""■'■■'■■Bond-street.^ Jg O; r Wv : -L :: A:; : N--D ING ; . ■ • ANDITO AEEIV^j-i;.v; ■• ■; j --.\-^t Scwtsteamhammisrs ' "J." "' ■' Steauf engines, 6to 18Ihors'c-po'ver " "•" " Screw cutting and spp lathes ' '•""•'- •' ' ;::i "ti J-1 Drilling machines • ■'■' •■' •'•■'- • ■.■''•*"■■' r '.1 ; Planing machines., :■■■• -. •-■ ■•' Also, ■ ,', .y. ti . r ':... 2 10-h.p. portable engines, Double 'cyknders and steam jacketed, by Marshall, Sons, . and Co., Limited. . % ... .', ■ -'.; ■■■-;; ■;^; ; 'v^NEiriLaad:Oq.j'''-.- -i- • : .'■■.'■'l'-'.-.'. Bond »tHet. ,'; : PBOSPEOTtrSy "?r'il""' ■ '.'. -.:':...' ■. ' : peospectus :i :':;: ■■•": '->;> '- - ■ '■'■'.'.'..-■. .'. scv'-.::. ' ■.'::'■ '■ " '•','';- '•.' J Q. UT HRI fe AND LARNACH-S NEW ZEALAND TIHBEB AND WOODWAEfi ; -.;, '•-■ FACrOfiIES, LliHTEa"■•••■•;' ;' , It having been found that the various valuations and audits require more time; than was aoticlpatea, the Provisional Directors, with Messrs Guthrie ■ and• Larnach's consent, have decided in the •meantime to suspend the further issue ol the Prospectus untilthese are completed, of which due notics will be given. ; By order of the Provisional Directors: ■< ; ."•■;". •" : '•-;••, J. AITKENCONNELL, : : . ' -■-■■■ ■':'- ■■': •Int6r*m..Secretary. ; ■,:• ABRIDGED VROSPEOTUS: •: :! : ■'■•' :"' 0»"":" ■''■■■ "„" "■ J«HE EIORANui ;COAL MINING COMPANY (LIMITED), >' Situated at "Waimangaroa Basin, Mount Boohfort. CAPITAL, £25,000, in'sooo SHARE 3of £5 EACH. Payable a3 follows: 6s;on applicntion;';ss on allotment; : and the calls hot to exceed 5s per month. )! HEAD OFFICE.TO BE AT WBSTPOET^ ■' .% : PROVlsionali DraEoToß3.'•;"'';'•;, , ■ J. Henry, Esq., M.R.H., S." Biley, Esq., Westport Charleston .■• T. O. MAOAhW Eso S. Jat. Esq./ C.E., West- ■ J.P., Charleston:-? MfotA N , EE a., W e a tport AVttplrt KULT°N ' -*"-" H. Jones, Esq., Manager W. Evans, Esq., Timaru Bank New South Wales, Si W. Humpiibet Esq .Westport;- ■■; ■ Westport ' T l'' A. Siitt, Esq., Westport A.MACRAE;Eaq.,Hokitika J. SBATON,EBq.,WaiiB:anui J.Gilmorb E«q.,Westport B. E. Oxner, lisq, West- BillommS S x^ rt: r, r '• ' Port, and ~. . J.Mitis, Esq., Union S.S. 0. G. Andrews, Esq Company,-Dunedln ■ Westport ... The object of this Company is to work a coalmining lease of 800 acres, situated at Waimangaroa Basin Moant Rochfort Coalfleld, near Westport. ,■ Tlie^groivnd comprised in this lease has been'very carefully selected from three prospecting areas of 5000 acres, and about £1000 has been expended in obtaining the lease, prospecting, surveys, and other works necessary to prove the mine. ? In reference^ this' lea»e, Mr E. B. Denniston, Government Coal Viewer, in his evidence given before the Royal Commission at" Westport, siys"_'<The total tonnage in this lease, includini? the East and KSt^al!^"o^ 3' fio() '000 tOnS ' .^m^fof „ Th^ r?P° rt °J analysis of. coal from this part'of tha add at Woo wich Do-kyard shows that it is equal to the best noithof Snglaud coal for steam purposes (vide admiralty report on Kelson coal presented to Nelson Provincial Council, March-ieth, 18B0).. A1?«™ _Tlio railway-is completed and open for traffic from Westport to -Vaimangaroa, and the Wellington Coal Company have made-a branch line of one mile-five Jhains in length up the river, and from this point it is proposed to mako a tramway to the coal, about two miles in length. The .Government coal waggonscwill 36 loaded at end of Tramway line, thence forwarded >ver Government railway to Westport where there is low building railway- wharf,- Btaton, sidings, and a argc viaduct and coal staithg^from which the coal .will 36 shipped'direct into ;the Vessels. The port of Westsort oilers great facilities; tor shipping. The average lepth of water of the-bar being 12 to 15ft, and-it is (xpected when the Protective Works'; 4iow in course if construction, are completed, the depth will befmireased to from 18 to 20ft. ' ~ By careful-computation-it Ins Seen.estimated'ihat lie coat of opening up and connecting the mine 'with he Government railway, including all necessary plant nil not exceed £15,000, and further,,tho coal can be hipped free, on board at Westport at 8s per tan. -;'- The terms of the leaso will compel the Company to lave tlieruine in working ordor early in 1878, so.that nareholdere may rely on having returns-for their aoney within 12 months. •' ■'■ '-..' ~ Prospectuses and forms' of application for Shares aay be obtained of , - .: •< KEITH EAMSAY, - '; .':...; ''.'. "."".'. Agent, '' '; " BIP .■..■■:.': Jetty street, Dunedin I

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4741, 28 April 1877, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4741, 28 April 1877, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4741, 28 April 1877, Page 4