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I -"BUSINESS KOTfeJEB. - -- ■ P EL ii v A: If B : 0 O, +■ BROKERS, AND : GENEEAIi COMMISSIO JJ MERCHANTS, ■:•.■••'■". '■'■■--' " r Vrrsmyis. :■:■ "■■•■;:;- :-lOJ» .-.; npHE CrEEATEST SUCCESS EVER A"^ -:■■■: ■.••. , .--KNOWN. .;■■•. ■ \ aY * o ??//Jhe reliel of Suffering Humanity, ia SISSINOEE'S; RHEUM ATIOiBAL-SALM.^ -...:-.,..KQ MOKE POISONOUSDRUGS - t% ■ ■ ..- .-,... ~.... For you to swallow! : ■-' '?' . -■•*''- i r .j. .No mote are you to repeat Bottles ' ■'-"." * : And Pills, r.r other noxious -v f "<'; <l Nostrums. ■ -".•' JNomore are:TDu squired to pay haU-gnfaeaa-for Medical advice! You are only to apply externally the above Batom onco or twice within twelve hours as directed ou each bottie, and you aie relieved. :■;. BEWARE OF COOHTEBFEITS I { None genuine <mles3 doubly sealed. en Wrapper tnd (?OT^ V.S?, -ytyl r^ sc*UDff>as,Bnd njy Signature on the green label on the bottie. .'.'■ •'■ '] " ■ '.'. , ■ £100 REWARD! ' "",s Will be paid by the Proprietor, to ; :-■- prove to conviction against any ' -person counterfeiting ..„ • SLESINGEE'S RHEUMATIC BALSAM. i ".'■■.' testimonials;' " '" ■;. „ • Casa Hotel, CUri*tehurch, June 17th, 1876 . Mr Slesinger.^Dear Sjir -I beg you will accept ta . fe\vline3 as my public testimony to the efficacy of your' Rheumatic Palsam. During my rectnt visit to Bun. - ' edrn, I had^a..:-jipso of gout, wr which I applied the Balsam. The first trial gave great relic*, and aftera fewappucations.the complaint altogether vanished. ■ DoarSir-flavingßufferedforalohßtini6iEromsevero ' SSL'S1 my chest, and latterly being more severely". afflicted, so that .1 could not breathe without much pain, I sent fora bottle of yourTtheuinatic Balsam : and after having, rubbed; it in as directed, the pains : ceased at once, and less than the bottle entirely cured .me. I have felt quite well ever since. ' I_l may also add that one of my grooms, Wflliani '■ Green, suffered from pain in his side, hip, etc Ho - jwaa unable to work, when he also obtained.a feotUe of your RheumatKvßalsam, and was cured by ono or two applications. ■ : , ; You are at liberty to publish this for the benefit ot ; other sufferers.of similar pains.—Yours, very trulr " ; « „ 'JPyVAXP BROWN, ■-.*■■■ ; «ew Market Hotel,' Princes street South, } v- ManorPlajw,l)unedin;23rd"Septembo"r/1875.' i" i. Sir—Your Steumitic Balsam deserves to be widely.f knwn.^ Bemgrloujr a sufferer from rheumatic.pains • in the shoulders; and having used your Balaam I can Z,?mar Cef ltdS. My wife also euffered from, rheumatics for the last five yews,- and: less than one ibotlle of your Balsam has completely cured her, and ; for which she most heartily thanks you.—Yours, &c., j'"'.'.'_ , ■--:.■■■■ -. ', ;;..-., J;OHH, PbiSGLB. ! " "'■ ." -.:';,■;'.",;■.,, AnhPbinqle. krSlesinger, DuSin,;iOth February, 1875. U DSf Sir-. r-h?; v rniuoh^essureto you that the Rheumatic Balsam I purchased from'you has, after a few appUcations, entirely removed i\o pain and • sweUing from my hand, ana I cordiilly h&«r my testi- ' mony to ttb efficacy of y 3U f preparation, h*vtoe tried - |^^, 1 (?therErtlcles». bat-without succftM-Yours., • ) ; . ■""""'•'■■ . , ; . WIMiIAM HATUAH-;.. I '■• l"u!f~^ n "ference to a coaversation ot to-day. ,vi whicb.,l related to you the very appreciable benefits ;I received from a small vial of Slesingert Balsam before ;lt;w?«dv;ertised for its' curative powers. ] I repeat, that three». four years ago 'th* vial yon" jgave me proved most efficacious in curing'—in fact (eradicating- chronic attacks of lumbago, from which* 1 hadsuSergi-, Ihave, hardly ever since been troubled, ione application of the Embrocation beint sufficient to idispel uicipient attacks ■;;. l, also, gave Shaw some ot ,t, and they, were alike beneflfed,by it—Yours truly, - i'U-V .;: ,-,i;^:,,.;';>■.:..'■',U ?f :MAin3KßS,:il,H.B. ~ : -•■ . . , MandTe^^e; Port Chalni6r3- ■'''■■' iTo l^Slesinjer^S.;" 4" :,*%*"s%.?& 1875' \ MyDepjSir—As I have beea subject to iheumaticß ;and lumbago for some time past, and "as the' prescriptions heretofore accorded me gave me no rel!ef,lwas induced to try your Rheumatic Balaam, and find after ■two. applications that it has cured'me entirely I , therefore effer you tbis testimonial as a token of t-rati-;tude.-and alsoto exemplify- to others who mar be~ :smilarly afflicted,, the. efficacy of, your inestimable Balsam.—l remain, yours, &C,-. .;■- ""»^° ■'■ .. ■ ■'.■■.'■■-'. ;■ ....,.':v'. .:; D. Kerb/ ■ ■ . :'George street,'Dunediij; •::;vV^rdSePtem^V IS76' '. ' Si r-I have "^ y°ur Rheumatic Baißami and can ; highly recommend all, Bufferers to try. it. I suffered i long from pains in the loins,, and in one eppUcatioal " : ;feltfreefrom : pain,andflt.togoabout-my usual avo^ ■ ;cation,;although completely, prostrated for weeks,iscforeliand.—Yeurs, &c, •:, , •• ' . i^P^r. .;,::.■■■:>■■;;,.■ .:-■.'..-; ■..-;.'"v'WlMQJl'Cfg.Tm'"''' ' j '■■■■:'•-, J^M^^^f '■'"•:■■' ..■■■■"• JIN XHE SUPREME CijURT 'O^ITE^ ■ ■ ■';-^::)':\:-^;t.Omip;DISTRICIV'; ;;' ■■J':\ ;^-i-'. ! tTnder Warrant of >f.i^. No. .4011,", between John : :;.,',,;* Stamper^' Plaintiff,;' and' David autchlnson : ; ■"■'•; ' "Carey,Defendant,;: ';''V '■"' ■- ■;■ : :":--- " >. •rOA]p : NOTK3E,;that"under and by> .: j JL- virtue of the above Warrant, I Bhill"sell by~ • on th6"premise3, " Carey's Blueskin Hotel," ; a'l the right, title, and-; interest of the above-named jdefendant in,, and to, the-stock-in-trade, goods, chatitels; and effects in; 6n,~ or about, ;the-premises of the' ;said .defendant, on MONDAY, the 30tU day b£ APRIL, 1877, at 11 o'oloclc.iattiaiprenoon, unless this.^Varrant be sooner satisfied. ".'■.;■'■ , / ■■..' . : I--'' -• -:'-y. ~'.'■■•'"<'A'BEOWJS',; "{?. "^ •"'■•■ ' '■■■'■"..,"■ '"'■'.".'■"'■■;■■■'. Sneri£"s Bailiff. ;' •.■-•■";'- v:.!' Terms cash. -No cheques talcen..;. '""'. ■ : I •:• f i': V--p^BAKEKUiPTOY.;:,'■ ;. NOTlCE.—The.Oiago DaHy Times la :ilil'. duly appointed GAZETTE for all Mtteuader the Debtors aud Creditors Acts. MOKES. MONEY, in sums of £20 up to £5000, lent for short or long periods unon landed security. Apply at - BALRYMPLVS - .Land Transfer Office and Estate Agency, ' hxchango Clumber, Princes street. jy|ONBT TO LEND, on Freehold Security, In Buais of £100 andupwaids, Et S per sent. i ~ GILLIES,: STREET, and HISIiOP. MONEY TO - LEND, on i' Freehold Security, on favourable terms, in sums to suit .borrowers.' Lowest current rates of interest charged. ' . Apply . •-.■••■■ ; ,-y -..> y ~:... ~,-■ ■■: CONS ELL and MOODIE. -' j\/|'ONEY-TO; LEND, on Freehold .A.™-*. '■ ■' " '.' ' ',"'■•.■■'■"• •■''■ ■' ■■■■■'■■■" .-■:.■::[■ Security, in sums 6i £100 and upwirds. ■:-' ••■■ ;• . -'-.S fed;..-;.. ,-..:■;■::■..■:■, ■• .SIEVWRIGHT and STOUT.. " 't&i-'frOiCi'fi T0 •■■.UBKD./'.on--:^JL.\?yXS \Lr-XJ' '■■ Freehold Securities, in Bum? of not less than £1000,'. at moderats Kate of Interest.. ,:■..}-.,..'";' 7' !'..;- "'■.;;■,■' ■■•;.,■ : '- .. ■■;• -■■ ■•' ;'.: .;.'■;. ■• J.,EErff SIAd-SEINZIIi;, 81m" ..■■.■■:.. ,-:■■ ■■■■j- :^ Rattray street. , MONEY TO- LESDJon approved Securities. Shares in all the Companies bought Or sold with prompt settlement. : ; ... B. SEWARD and CO. t ■■■'■'.• ■ -- Commercial Chambers, Rattray street. ■'•■ £fbO O'^'f) T0 LEND tttQJr\F + \P.\r\J upon good security, in Bumß of £100 and upwards. . •-.,.. .;, ~,,.,. . GEOKGE W. ELIOTT, ltoi v New Zealand Insurance Co, , £1000 > arid £2000 to LEND.CV">'"».-. on.Frcehold'Sccu-ity.-: " . '■■ ; Apply to ■■■'■'■■■■•'■ '"■"■'■ '"'■"'■'■":';/'''■ " J: ~ .' . 25ap . ■ : >;,, GEOEQE W. EUOTT. ;' : \M ON E V T>o; L iM ND. i . Apply to -■ - ■ ,; . ■-■•■••■'-•A.--LEES, 2s's -••.':;•,:■■ ;, - -. Age:-.!;, MosgieL■■■■■■ MONEY, In' sums of £20' and upwards, LENT ror short or long periods, at Joireiit Rates, oh freehold ard Leasehold jProporllsa, f lia de« poßit of Deeds, Bills of Lading, Shares, Ac, £c. BILLS DISCOUNTED. H. NIiHELSSI, MONEY AND DISCOUNT OFFICE, Royse, Stead, and Co.'a new bulUms:, Eattray street HGNKY. ' "IVTEW ZEALANDTRUST AND LOAN Jl.l COMPANY, LIMITED. CAPITAL .. .. ON3 MILLION. Sums o£ £500 and upwards to Lend upon Aporoved Freehold Security. Apply at tfco Offices of the Conipatiy, LIVERPOOL STREET, DUI.EDIX. GEOIIGE COOK, 25ap Agont. _ —_—— A. ' L 5 5 PAINTEE, GuAZIEK, A>7D UttOUTHK, Begs to intimate ths-t.fco has BEHOVED SO HIS KEW BiaLDKGi Nearly opposite his fonnc? ?rsmk93, , GSOHOE B'IBEEX ______^ Dg E iv MR .T. L. SH A "W, - ARCKITECT, REJfOVJID KBCT (IDEBt.'S TUEATRK, PRINCES STREET.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4741, 28 April 1877, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4741, 28 April 1877, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4741, 28 April 1877, Page 3