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GOVERNMENT NQgIFIOATIOM 1 ! LAND UNDER DEFERRED' PAYMENT. jGLENKENICH DISTrTct^CONIOAL HILLS) ; WAIPAHEE. Open for Application on~~WEDNESDAY, the'2nd \ May, 1877. . • TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN," thai- !•£-'. the; following sections in the above-named district will be open for application on WEDNEB--7' J ha ¥■*? next- ' Applications must be Made by the applieaat in person, at any.Land'Offics m the Province, and a deposit of Is 6d per acre paid at the time of making the application, being the first nali year's occupation fee. The purchase money is payable at the rate of 3s per sere per annum for ten years.: -• ■- '•■'■ -' ■;:' -. ■■'■-...■ -,^=. ;..■■£ ■ - •; Plaos to be seen, and-lithographs obtained, at the Crown Lands Office, Dunedin. ,< Sections XI, 12,13,14,15.16,23, 24,31,32,33,34,35. : block X,Glenkenich distrfct'' ; K.8.-^-SeetuHr 21, b X, has been withdrawn from application under deferred payment, and added to the special value sections, to be sold 16th May next. ■;' ■■ v . Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,16. and 39 are within. 00 J?-™*"* Land district. .Sections 23. ?i, 31,> 32, 33. 34, 35, 86. 37, and-38- we in the Icvereargill Land oiatuct. ....■•■' . • • ; Note.-Sectiori 17, bX, is withdrawn from sal«.:" . The stctions for which more than "one application may be received will be decided by auction, by JSiVL. B. Martin, at the To*n Hall, Tapanui, on WJBDNESUAY, the 30th (not 16th, as previously advertised) Maynext, atnoon. : -■ -.. ■ -■■ .■ ■,- :-: ■ ;'" ■ J. P. MAITLAND, ';-^ ~,: : ' Commissioner of Crown Lands. ' Urown Lands Department, Dunedin, 2nd March, 187.7. : ... 8m .! CORRECXED NOTICE..*.■;- .U, ! , : WAKATIPU DEPASTURING. DISTRICT... SALE OF RUN POSTPONED PROM MONDAY, 30th , .APRIL, TO WEDNESDAY, 30th MAY NEXT. ; •■•■ See advertisement dated-20th; Apia,-1877, TITHE- Sale/of License of Bun No. 22 in -*- the above district will take place at the Land Office, Queenstown, on WEDNESDAY, the 30th May, 1877. ' ' . . ; ' ; Particulars and conditions of sale at Warden's Office, Queenstowii, and at Land Office, Duucdin ' 3. P. MAITLAND, '■ : Commissioner of Crown Lands _ '''■■"•. -- (holding delegated powers). : Crown lands Office, * .: . .-. •• ■ Dunedin, 31st March", 1877.. .r-;- ; s» p APPLICATION FOR LAND BYDEFiRRED 1 ' PAYMENT. , : ........ I" INVERCARGII£IAND DISTRICT. : SECTION 8, BLOCK xE7 WAIKAKA'DISTRICT ■ • • •..■". i92<i.3rropL . i '::\,':::. ; ■':' v-thqma"sy6dng: y v--^--.^: Q,BJECTiONS must be lodged in wiit- ,.. ~ -ingbefore Noon on.'FRIDATLthe-lSth day of' MAY pros, at the Land Office, luvercargill, when and where the above application will Be decided ; W v H. PEARSON, T.-«-- t -r 3 ~ - - District Officer.: District Land Office, ; ' ■ Livercargil], lath April; 1877. ; .Placeanddate confirmed. '.'■'■ ; > T "" J. P. MAITLAND, '■ -'ri--'- i- , Commissioner of Crown Lands. - Crown Lands Department, ■■■■.■■ • Dunedin, 23rd April, 1877. ~, :■'-■'■■:'.■ jfTIHE following Town Sections will be ■■ JL . sold, by public auction, at the Land Office. In.vercargil|, at^3o p.m., on Wednesday, the 9th day " j Town Section.;" C Blocks ;i Upset Price. Lowther 4 \. £io -i 0 Winion U .... X, . l-lL ■■■■':■■:■• Jio:-- '••■ r.'.ia:::-: .xw. '•■■'■ 8 -V Ji ; ;..- r ,Do : , -~; , ..H ~. : do". ■.:■•.:■.-,-s ■ o-?■• Do ■■■■ ."•"■■•l6 . "do .'■" S 0 i. Do -'■"'■ 16 do !' :- 8 0 '"""' ; Wallacetown .7 V. ...•..'•: in " I D» - ."' ■ .-..8. ■..•'■.;,do '. ■•' 10 Do ••'•■■ '■•■•■ 19 ■'-'■ 'do 4 0 : .MatMira ;•;,..: o VIII. •■ ■ 20 1 •-.:."■ • : : WALTER H..PE4PSON, "-., " J-' y'-:"- .Cominlssionet-bi .Crown Lands;.";' : Cionn Lands Office, - .. .-.. ■■• i- ;,-... . Invercargill, 6th April. 1877.- ■:, :■ ; -, lOap 1 ! - : ■-■:- - SPECIAL NOTICE.:;-;-— r''-■-'■': "•'--■ ; ' TO DEFERRED PAYMENT; LICENSEES. ilf ICENSEES who have-beeiriinuoccu- : -*-* pation Three Years; and have fulSlled the con-" ; ditinns, are reminded that a Crown Grant or "a" Lease •can be obtained only if applied for to the Waste Lands Board within THIRTY DAYS after three years from the commencement of the License, in.accordance with Section 64, Subsection 5, Waste Lands Act, 1872. 1 "": '■■'•■■■"■ J. P: MAITLAND, : ■■■•- .:■: -~. Commissioner of Crown. Lands. ; Crown Lands Department, " ■ : Danedin. 25th April; 1877.' - --■'•■■■ '■ 26ap : FOR SALE. ■•■-r•■'■:■■■■■ ■•;. ■NEW"TOWNSHIPOFkoiTwAofAND EXTENDED'^ :■■•:• .TOWNSHIP. O.61 iCLISTON, ; ;, , ■: . '. iln Sections of One Quarter Acre to Seven Acres each. :* "* NEW TOWN OF SUEIWAO, ' ?N , 15 miles from UintOD, on Main South Road. . "' ON THURSDAY, THE SlsTmaY, 1877, at NOON AT : •■•■•• - CLINTON.' ; ; ;"• ■-•■ T^"OTICE IS HEREBY'GIVEN; that' -Lv the following Sections in the new township of; Euilwao will be offered fbrsale by public auctfdn»by Mr R. B. Martin, at the Royal Mail Hotel, CI nton; on Thursday, the 31st May next, at 2 o'clock p.m.;----'viz.r-^: ; ;'--. ,•■■■•".■• •, ;r.; •:.!'•..■'■;"■.•••"■.;'.•'■■.".'. -.v.: :■■ Kuriwao:—Sections Ito 21, b.I-;>l to 16, b 11-1 to 15, b HI; Ito 12; bIV ; 1 toB, b V | 1 to 4.' b "SI; 1 to 6; b VII; 1 to 4. b VHI; 1 to' 3 ' bIX; 1, 2, 3,bX;-ltoCvbXl; Ito4.bXH; : Ito 18, b XIII; Ito 16, b XIV; Ito 7,9 to 12, 14 to 16, b XV; 1. to 15,' b XVI; i to 16. i • XVn;ltoll,b"XVHl;ltoU,bXlX;ito ■ .11, b XX: Ito 17, bXXI-.lto 18,b XXU- .... -1 to 5, b-XXHI; Ito 7, b- XXIV; 1 ; 2, 3,- b- : XXV; 1 to.-8,.b..-XXVI;. 1,.2,.3, b XXVH; X ■ to 6, b XXVIII ;ito.s, b XXIX; 1,2,3, b XXX. ; EXTENDED TOWNSHIP; op CUNTON.' "!" ** ; At same time and piaco, the following sections inr the centrally situated town of Clinton, thrdush which' the Southern Trunk Railway passes, and in close prbxiimity to the Railway Stntion,' viz.-^ Clinton:-i-16, 17, hXni;6;bXlV; 3, 8, b:XV; 2 to 19, to 33, b-XYI; Ito 10, b XVII ;"1 to 10, b XVIII; Ito 7, and 8, o,.and 10, b XIX; 3 to ; - W.bXX; ltols,bXXh;4,b XXIH; 2, 3, b ■ '..:•; XXIV; Ito 3, and 6 to. 19^b XXV.—Upset- ; price, £5 acd £8. -"'■■■■ '.■ Other particulars will be stated at'time of'" sale. Plans of theabove townships to be obtained' at the1' Crowxi Lands Office, Dunedin;- '■'■'■"'■'■' ' '■;■.>:*■'■■ -s-.-.-.: .-■■■■■ ■: '-.^ ■ ■ ■ • , ' ■■■;■;) ■■ : J-rp. ■MAITEANp,-5" ; CommissioneFof Crown Lands.--: ; .Crown Lands Depaitmont, V- '; ?'•'''-' :_ Dunedin, £7th April, 1877. 28ipl ■ •-■"■■■"■■"■'-FOR'SALB.'-' :.-U<- ; \ .■•::,■ ■. . WATPAHEE TOWNSHIP,! ■ ..'■.■ On\-the. Junction ol the'Southeia and Tajahui-: . -;.v:.;.:' •■ ■■•'■.■.■•■ Kailways. : i , ■ ; ;■:>.■> ./. ON THURSDAY, THE. 3IsiMAYjIB77.-' rilHE.following ,S6ctidns in thfe TownJL" ship of Waipahee will be offered for sale by Mr B. B. Ma tin; at the Royal Mail Hotel; Clinton,' oh Ihuradayi the Slst Mayy 1877, at noon, viz. :-^ '. '- Ws'r ;iee.—Sections IS to 15,' bI; Cto 22, b"II; 6to 22, b 111 ;8 to 20, b IV; Ito 13, b VII; 6to : '•-. IS, b »ail; Ito 5,^8 to 10,12; 13, b IX: ' Upstt price, £5 and £8. Other particulars at sale. ' Plans of Township may bs obtained at the Crown Lands Office, Dunedin. ■ . .' : ''-: '; ■ ' '■• !: J. P. MAITLAND, \ : ■ - - Commissibner 6! Crown Land".'■ , Crown Lands Office, ' ■ -■•'■.: • ; Dnnedia. 27th April, 1877. ' .'; . .;;28ap ■■ COUNTY COUNCIL;AND; ROAD ; BOARD NOTICES. ''.'"."' ' , NOTICE. •' j TAIERI BOAD BOARD. , ~ THE VOTEBS'"iIST for the Board— .■; T-rr.lß77—is oten for inspection at the Cierk's Office in Mo-alel every during the month of ■ APRIL, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 •.;. :' : •■■ '■'■:■ ■'":■■• •'- ■• .-• A; LEES, ■■'' 2top . . . Clerk Taieri Road Board. : notice, north taiertroad board; , ; mHE VOTERS' IJST for this Boird :-*L —Year 1877—is. open for inspection at the . SeVoslhouse, Mdsgiel, every; lawful' day duiing^the month of APRIL, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. -....:.,.-■ WM. MACLEOD, 24ap •; . . '... Clerk N.T.R.B. EDUCATIOSrAIT f;:. UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO,; : ' THE. SESSION f071877 wiU be opened on TUESDAY, the Ist of May.; The Matriculation Examination for Students in Aits, and Ihe Preliminary Examinatioii in General Education for Medical Students, will be held on the Ist, 2nd, and 3rd of Hay, commencing each day at 10 a.m. ; • . , The competition for the Richardson Scholarship will take place at the same time. W. H. MANBFORD, r ":■ 17ap ■•■"■.•• ■■■:>■■■■ ; UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND. fTIHE next Yearly Examination fpr f JL Junior and Senior Scholarships, for Degrees andHonours,. will be held in the month of JANUARY,: IS7S, commencing on a day to be fixed. . -.;'.'■ : This Examination, in accordance with the amended regulations passed at the recent session of the Senate, will take the place of the -Examination previously, fixed for November. -. ' . . ,'. ■'•■■■■', ■.' Tbo number of Scholarships to be competed for will be as follows:— .-'■•.'' Junior Scholarships .. .:. .. '.'.' 10 ' Senior Scholarships .. .. '.. 5 By order, . ■..."■:. . W. M. MASKELt; ; .' ': 2gap " ': ■.-.-. .•..-,'... •. Regialrar, BUSINESS NOTICES/ ORLANDO JONES .and CO. starch. ■■■'.- .r:;..:..-v The original brand, and ose of the oldest made in .•:.- .- : . ; Great Britain. :'., ;';;.-.- pOURVOISIER'S FINE OLD V - BRANDY :••■■- (In case arid bulk). "LOUNGER'S SUPERIOR ALE ■JL--. ,- ; .;.■ ANJ>.. STOOT. . ■~•::::-■; '...= ■ Tho undersigned have been appointed bolo atrents for above in Otago. mi» R. WILSON and CO. MERCHANTS, BOND and JETTY STREETS.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4741, 28 April 1877, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4741, 28 April 1877, Page 3