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WANTED ,'.i ?KNOWN^4IOOO -pairs Reversible, Lirjbar.Cuflai- from- 4d ; EmbroidereajEdge.frpTaSd.' A.'.andT.lagllg^.",-,,,;..;^ WANTED: KNO.WN.-rA i iHoat iof • ™-.y . ..Talent at the Teuiperance Hr'lJPopulariOonce:;v A'dmisaioti,6oV, '' '■ V.', " ',]]„„ A '..'.,'■ mEMRBRANOE HALL. Popular Gon4 :.JL. ( eeiis, C. turd»y;. Grand- Programme. . Adn<<%> I sion. Sd'tod'ls. ' Sori^s, Dances, and NegrfoFarce.' ''■ \~ TUTOEa,OLER^&or IVS ;u\n .Pi iI.CANTERBURY COLLEGE. .->.;i:»'i ■■'•'>'. "WA^Epy;;^. L'A^:;PRINOiP^ - » T ;' for the Girls' High School.' ' Salary; '£400 'per annum,/.withI.£so"house;lent,: arid:£ve;shllliri«r per annum on.account of each.pupU attentting the dwinary course of instruction.' .. ..." ';',/■ .' t ' ; V,'. '..,■".'.;' r .The Lady;Pilr/cipal.will fiave*toe superilsion-.of the'"establishmen'ti and,"besides giving instriicjpn itf ce,ttfin:classeVwill be: required'to'sup'efvisotbb genel' ral teaching, and, be-responsible to thq Board for, th«^ diCcipifrie and conduct; of thaschoolj,.., ~ Tji; .. ,_. u . r .., Appiicanis will !be furnish;testimonials, sbdwinjj they-riave received 'a/jiberiredueatioii; have" proved themselvesiefficient teacherii/'and' 'haiye been' ac^nstomed tbe.rEan^ment.pfJa^sphopli-j .--. t.i;.;:!- , .They must also state in their applications the various .subjectsAvhichT'they 1 ttbipughly utiderstaud,aad ate c6iupetent;to;teich.-'";s ;"''." u !!i'-1 '■'"■' '-'''•<^ 'V'I.' 0 "'Appiicatibns/iriariced ''Applicatioufo'r^tna'Offlce'.of Lady.-ftriacipai;" addressed Jto, the'Registrat, Canter-^ bury. College, delivered,at the Registrar's Office/ ; Christchuroni'.Wew" ZeaUna, before^the "isti" June, :iß77^^ ,v+un: y.-w- :±n: -j.-i*. m^-^j »i yi,>, ;>-,.;; ;.;.. ( :..- .-■■-.,, iF..fl> STEDMANi.i. ;-r ;■>£■/* liap, ;,..:...,.'•. ■■; .„ ~. ,;.,,,.., Registrar.;.! IQCHOOLMASTER; -W-AtNTEbi for ithtf vT1 •"'Wa'poiiMaintScViobi.' 'Sa'iryj-^ibont.'ifiioo'psr 4 : hnuni, with good four-roomed residence and garder. - -. .-■'■■• ■■';■- -j i-.: :--!i':<■!! :i/;.M.Jf;y;.-.'(.■> .'..;.; -3:.i? : . Applicatidris, with testimonials, will Jbtt received ;by, theChairinsCnqfComni^.teeup. to.the2nd.p!May, ...,; . -ji[. ,;;.//■ ~,v;; - JAS.;E,OBERTSONV;[a:;r^i ^f 17ap;; .■■:.•,:■..,;. -;. -.ioir.-- <•!< ':<.i:r,t .Secretary.; t ; T^TANTED.1 a Gjt)YERNE^ to teaoh^ v ?u ErigliahvFrehchi Drawing,Music;&c. Apply! B:ector^ormaliSchool,.Dunedih.'.. io ■.;■.■.;■'.■:.;■■; ;S4apt W' ' :^ANTJEt>,; ;ior Nelson^! Firstideasr . DRESS arid; MANTLE.'MAKER,.*to take, cbatge '■ of Departmbnti 'Apply to' 'Rots', arid ,Glen-' d:nin<.v: ■:/ -.•,! j-i,:.; : ■;.;(■" .<-'> '■^-■''•■lßap! W\A:NTEDJ^^'gooii:;HAM);i«iULE: ■ SPINNER': Constant employment offored to' a competent man.^;AppV-to Webley 'Bros.iahdi Rother, Nelson, N.Z.. ,; ...;... ~,, : .,'.2Bip; TJp!ZiTT.-E», BRUSH aHANI)S.' T T r' Apply Thos. J. Karbutt, Brush Manufacturer,: Auckland, ,\ r .. ; .., ~ . <:....",. i26ap. ! ;S;:.:"/;;;.;. .;;SEEVi^S. ; /f'; J'^■:;■:;.; SERVANTS' 'HOME and'RE&ISTRY; OFFICE, Howe street;-JN6rth'"DuneainV—For; ; Governesses, Sefyarits, and all respectable Women.:''; WANTED; '-^Pirati-dls ~s>e^lejdp*PE;; ' References requiricl;-' Apply,"PrdvihtiaV ,H9tel, FortChalmera'..; .:-.--■ :■-. :.- ■;:■ -:/<■• r t-r: ;;'/ W: aoted; Go6d: itoUSißiMAap:; : "Applyi 10.-D-vi-s.'Albidh'Hotel.'Maclaggal^ street. :-.;" -. : ... - f .v,;- ; ;;.-.■ ,'i-..;.y>-\ -.•■l< -'*c.--.?i; yiij I .■■■'■•_. c*"i ■ ;^j .~J \ KOTAL MAIL.7 ; ..... ~... :'. ,' .Telegraph Lines,of .:i. ; v f : -.';.;■.,.. \ 'EOTAX ,M:AH C.OACHE^' , ; J; Chapmn and Co., Propribtoks, i'■■ ;' '■'■■ •:..; j ;< 'Leave the Booking Offlce,\ Manse street, "next \Vairis ... ~ ~ Hotel, for.all parts.of the Province^ ;..••-;;>?> ■■": i' ;: "- '.'■ '.' .^CARRIAGES, '^}'_":':'. i J.C. and Co. have always on hand the"newiest! designs in Broughams, Barouches, Phaetons, Waggon--ettes, and American Buggies of eyeryjdescriptipn. •-■,,.'•• | CARRIAGES BUILT TO pRDER^ v .'.-, ; . ; - : AH timber used in their Manufrctory, ; ha3 ;been 'carefully selected and imported direct from America," ;and seasoned for years before.working.i' ■> ':j-\ vl->:-> i i Repairs done in a superior manner, with all possibles idespatch, and at the lowest rates.; r ~; ;...; v.,, : [ MANUFACTORY AND REPOSITORY; '■,- 'v ' '■'•>■•■; •-'Stafford street.'""' ::'.;; i"'! 7 : Superior Carriage and JSuggy Pairs, Saddle Horses,', and Hacks, always on hand for sale or exohange.-"3 - I ; Horses broken to saddle and harness. 1';;: fi fT ■'■'••'■' l .';■;■. .'■L r: ; Jdobb and cb v ; h, ].:.'*'. ' Manse street, Dunedin, next to Hotel.; :, ■ \ ■.'■' -\ NOTICE-ALTERATION OF;TIME; l ;' ;j' i '■;'-. COBB ANB COi'S COACHES—BALCLUTHA AND j ;■/ :vMATAURA,'- -!-^--;v: "--<; i: |T>ASSENGERS for Mataura aM liiver. ;JL cargill on and after FRIDAY, .APRlL'26thy must leave by previous afternoon's'^.SO'traiiiffbm" ■Dunedin. - . • : ':::':.i'.> .".';":;-:> -.: B. B.JWILUAMS and CO.,'; .' ■ - ' ■ : ' ... - : • .'" -Balciutha.' ■'•'' : Aprill7th,: ~, ... ■■, •. . ,-.. : , :. ; ;V ;;; .j -~; |~ Cobb's Office, Manse Street, Dunedin..; rj .:17ap r\ ■.. ; p;:.B';-B-;-;/ a .n?'^^^;/.©".^ :V : . '■■ ■-/TELEGRAPH LINE.!;' ■:,',.'. V, ..'.■■ ." ■■'V:.V"; " ■- ';/.''■> .•'.V'.X^;..-".'!-'.-'"-.r'-:': ; ;■■ R O Til MAIL CO A' CHE S. ,' ;Leave Lawrence on Tuesday, Thursday', and Saturday" ' ■■■-.■• : mornings, at6a.ra.,.f0r.7 : ;i: ;;;:' !'. Beaumont; : . ... Clyde ■[■■■ i;->,- ■■-■ -. ] Teviot ■''".•'■- Cromwell '.: ; Alexandra' "• • Queenstown Reachiig Cromwell the same day, and Queenstown : '...-. the following morning.. .;'■:, ..;, ■ Passengers for Queenstown and intermediate places leave Dunedin by 4.30 p.m. train on Monday. Wednesday, and Friday. •. ■•• r i ;, .'',-.--. ■ ' Booking Office: iij' ': "-■" '"'-'■ '' •„■■•' A. MOLUSON-S, ■ : ■; : -;-/.::;: ; ;--m:. Forwarding Auent, Railway Buildings, (opposite Saxgood's New Warehouse), Dunedin. : HORACE BASTINGS; Propriator.' ..'•- Head Office: .■■..-. ~;r ' •'.. Peel street, Lawroncej EXPRESS LINE OF COACHES, . On and After let APRIL, will leave' DUNEDIN at 11 o clock, during the Winter Months, lor thb following places:— . ~...' DAILY COACH TO BLUESKEN. . ; DAILY COACH TO WAIEOUAITI. V \ DAILY COACH TO PALMERSTON. . . Stabling at European.—Horees alwayß>n rale. •_ ..'.:■... ■;■ '-. ; , '.. T. M..SMITH/aHd 00,, COBPOBATipN NOTiOES, 'J " 1 \ ' CITY OP DUNEDIN. :'V; '" ' , GAS SUPPLY DEP/ W.TMENT. ' fTIHE Oouncil requires the services o£ i fA Gw. Inspector for the Department; s,Uary at the rate oi £200 per annum. ' • ; ' Applications for the situation may bo lodged with testimonials, at the Town Clerk's Office." Manse 'street, on.or before WFDNESDAY, 2nd MAY. proximo,: up to 3 o'clock p.m. . . ■' " : f '" r ; The Inspector "will act generally under the direction of the Ga3 Engineer. ' • .- - - i/;"-; ; ••■' • ■ ■"- "J. M. MASSE Yj':- '-"": g&P To^Yn•Clerk.■ - WELLINGTON CITY COTNCIL. L . ~ ..... . ,WH ASF .EXTENSION, j., ;,.,,.,.;,,■.,! rfIENDERS are invited for Extending JL the Ts of the Queeu's Wharf, according to plans, S';ciocaiions, and general conditions, to■ be Been on and oltet the lGth- instant, at the offices of the Xoivri Clerks of Auckland, Christchurch, and Dun'edini and jat the office of the CUy Surveyor, Wellington. - s Also, Tenders'are invited for "Widening th-i Main [ Whaif, according to plans, specifications, and general conditions to be seen at the cbove-named officeß. S&'iarate tenders,' addressed, "His \yorsbip' the Jfayor, and -City-Councillors,", markedji'- Tenders for Extension ofl's," and tenders marked, " Widening of Main Wharf," will be received'at the Wharf Office till three .o'clock of THURSDAY,:IOth May. . :-,:- ---. Telegraphic tenders similarly addressed and marked will be received if forwarded by nooii of same date,: provided written tenders indue foinii and with necessary deposit be lodged with the aforementioned Town Clerks.- . ' ■■"•• : - • . •- -. . . ..- .■■"•- The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ' ■-.. By order, . ..-,- ;.. ■-•. ■-..: NICHOLAS MARCHANT, ,: . 26ap, ... j . City-Surveyor. - : - ";";.; ; ;i:;::HOTEi.s.'. ;""■';•? jy;.';;; mANKARP'S TEMP.EHANOE: JL HOTEL, Lpnsdale street. west, Melbourne. Establlfihed'24 years. Night'porter, baths,' &c. ■. Annie Tankard, proprietress. . i ; ;'..■ ,;-.:-:■ ; 8t

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4741, 28 April 1877, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4741, 28 April 1877, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4741, 28 April 1877, Page 1