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- BP3IKE9S NOTICE& ~ BURNSIDE FLOUR, OATMEAL, AND BARLEY MILLS, GREEN ISLAND. ,; "" npHB Undersigned hare commenced -*- the manufacture at Flour, Oatmeal, and Paul JJarley, of the finest quality, at the above Mills, and are now prepared to take ord-ra for the same.■ •-■ , .■ . Omen:,CargUla and H'Lean's Building, IWnoes ' S&P6CW .. . ■ 8* .. . \ WILSON, HARR A<v"AY, and CO; Jf;-_ o w l:--a .n d •■■.r^rcfe.: .'■ ■• ';■ ~- AND TO ABBIYE t-v -V ; ";'.'iV- ■ S cwt steam hammers ■ • ■, :r: •■,; Steam engines, 6 w 182horBo-poTer • ■ ■; '''-> Screw cutting and sap lathes Drilling machines ■' . ' ' r-^l^tag machines,., ;:::' \v :■ ; ; • ' ' •■ Ateo, ■'~;, '■•'■■ -.•■■■.■ 2 10-h.p.; porteb'e engines, Doubte cyuartem ; NEILL and CO,, /■; vi ■■. .-: ' ■ ..,.."■'""■,,■... Bond street. ■ j£ O B I N A N D:fCo:;' ; . OcTAQJJf AKD SIUAEr STRBBT, Have far sale— . " ■-'./;: Abbott's hooded buggies ■ ; Single buggies (our own and Americaa bund) Doub'.e. buggies .■•■•.•■»•-; ■■■••:■;..'..■ ■ Station and fatally waggons .;.'.' ; Agoodlightgigr-suitiblefora doctor ':K'/?'?'' '"' . very handsome sporting cart; and \:'-: ;: ~: ', An assorimenfc of second-hand ..'..-•' \i- : Buggies and faniily carriages. ; v . .'i , ,-.._•■. OPERATIONS COMMENCED. nriHE CITY v STEAM LAUNDRr : -A COMPANY'S WORKS Being bow complete, intending patrons have only to send T>y post or otherwise to the Manager their ~ »tWreßsc3, and the Company's servants will call to receive tho clothes, and will likewiee return them to Ui» residences of the owners in due course. <_,"lors Will, please specially note that their martyrdom wi:l from, henceforth be eutiiely voluntary if .tliey cdv-"" tinnetp endure.thedread or having to contend withl^ uuctoniess shirts,* as &.-'.■- ' - ■ ■■ ~ - ■":- - ; REPAIRING DEPARTMENT : ,r :' . ■:•?..* feature in the arrangements "' ' '"' .■ | THE CrTY STEAM LAUNDRY COMPAOTT. : All communications addressed to the Office o-t the: Company, Cumberland street, will have prompt attend ■ " ~ -• ■'■' ' '-'■ '' . ' ...;.._ 29nv.. IT EVES and FRANKLIN^'--f-f IMPORTERS and SIGX WRITERS .:-~ jN. LEVES having had thirteen years' tondca exponence in the House Decoratic^ Trade, wiU personaSysupenntend and assntin the execution of all OTdera for Sgn Writing, Glass Embossing, Painting, Pare™ hanging, and General Jobbing Work ' \i ■'■ "LEVES and FRANKriN, V! :::' -'"" ■ '■■ Hocsb-Decorators, and PAumsas, [••; ; ':'■". "■'['■ ; PRINCES STREET, -'■■-/ ?\:''\ . | ,■;",■■"■'■. . ' ".'.''„ '■'■ :.," DDHstrs..! ■-':-:' ••■;• ■:;;--■ '• •' ■' ' •:" ■ '• ■■•" ■■ '• ■■ ■'■'" 22n^' mhom son asr d oo1' A MARBLE AND STONE WOKKS, ■'■■.:* ■'-:'' : JIORAT FIACB : ''. '"'.'■••. (Opposite First Church). ' " -1- i_; ■• ■' : DtPOIITBRS OF ■• . ..,,.•- Marble and Granite Monuments, Arbroath and Caiti. . ness Hearthstones, Oamaru Stone (superior "'■ : quality), Lime, Cemect, Plaster '.■■■■ '. Paris, &c, &c. ■.■;■.'":',■ •: DestOTsand Price lists forwarded, oa applicationt«- • •. , ■ any part of the Colony. : 2 ORLANDO JONES and 00 ■ . • STARCH. . ~ ■■■■: ■. Ine original brand, and oae of- the oldest made in> : ._...-■ ; -Great BrHain.'.. ■..,.... nOURVOISIEfI'S FINE OLtt V ; BRANDY -•■■:■ ■ ;;. :■■ (In case and bulk). ■...• .-; ,;; •. ' ~._i_ YOUNGrER'S SUPERIOR Alii ■ ;■.■ AND STODT.-.: -:;:..,: "•.;.;; ,;-. ;^ j. iTho andersigned have beei appointed sole: aeentsi for, above in Otago. . rr iSli : j .:-; \R: WILSON aad :C 6. ; r* ; MERCHANIS, BOND and .-TEXTY'STREETS. ;J;^R'i^;i/R ji ¥;-aad';/'0 0.»Bojsnj Stbest, Dchekst, - ;' MERCHANTS AND COMMISSroU' AGENTS, Have oa Sale— ' ' Woolpacks, Fencing Wire, Tobacco, T«4 ';'Bqgtoi! ; Brandy, Geneva, Whisky, Candles, Marmaiadc».';: ; urramts, Oilmen's Stores,&c., &c. ;. Indents executed ia the Home and American markets. dash advances made,on. liberal terms upcin Btations,> . up^jn. (rrowing clips of - wool," and upon "wooj; ° i . shipped to their London Agent, Mr A. LiEEfflEi =761;.. THE' (JREATEST SUCCESS EVER KNOWN . -: Par the relief of Suffering Humanity, is ■■ S&ESINGER'S fiHEDIIATIC BAtsiiiM. : NO MORE POISONOUS DECQS , . ; Foryou to'gwallow! :-f- ':'■": , : - .. No tnore are you to repeat Bottles T' And PUIb, or other noxious ......'.... , . • Nostrums.: :. : ; No more are you, required. to pay half-guineaa for fedical advice! You arc oily to apply externally the above Balsam once or'twice within twelve hours, as directed on each bottle, and you aie relieved. ! ■- ■•■■;• BSWASEOP COUKTERFEITS !"J;U :' v ; None genuine unless'doably sealed en Wrapper and Cork yj^* with red sealing wax, and my Signatnra ~- cn. the green label on the bottle.- ■ •'!: •' ■ :?. V" •■ = ■ '■■ •-':■'. -;v: £100 REWARD! '-,■■'; ~•■< ■':<*; Willbs paid bythe Proprietor, to :..:,: ■■•? ) " prove to conviction.against any: ;•:,.;. / ; l"> .-,'..■. person counterfeiting : ,-■- ''..""■ .:■■■• SLESINGER'S RHEUMATIC BAWAMi. -''- : TESTIMONIALS. ; :■■■ CassHotel, Chriitehuroh, June 17th, 1870 \ Mr Slesinger.—Dear bir -I beg you will accept th fsw Unes as my public testimony to the efficacy of your Rheumatic Palsans. During my rectnt vißlt to Dunedin, I had a apse of- gout, lor which I applied the Balstm. The first tilal gave great relief, aud after* few applications, the complaint altogether vaniahed. ' Tiusting"this may increase the consumption of -your"infallible remedy.—l remain, yoursj faithfully, ■ B. SEARLE. '; •"■• Bunedin, Novembers,lß7s.' ?f Mr Slesinger, V.S. 1 Dear Sir—Having suffered for a long time from severe"" pain in my chest, and latterly being more severely ' afflicted, so.that 1 could not breathe without much • pain, I sent fora bottle of your Rheumatic Balsam, -■ and after haying rubbed it m as directed, the pains" .' ' ceassd at once, aud less than the bottle entirely cured me. I have felt qnite ; well ever since. .. I may also add" that' one of my grooms, William. Green, suffered from paia in his Bide, hip, etc. Ha was unable to work, when be also obtained a bottle of your Rheumatic Balsam, and wto cured by one or two.' applications. •'•'.•■•.' : .'.'•'.-V ■'"■■■■ : You are at liberty to publish this for the benefit of -..: other sufierers of similar pains.—Yours, very truly. EDWARD BROWN, ■ • New Market Hotel, Princes street South.," ; JT*npr Place. Uunedin, 23rd September, 187S.C ' :Mr Sleslnge.-, V.S. , '• ':'.:: Sir—Your HteuinUic Dalsiun deserves to be widely '' known. Being long a sufferer ■from rheumatic pdnslin the shouldera, and having used your Balsam, I. caa ' say it is a ceitaiu cure. My wife also suffered irohv ' rheumatics for the last five years, aud: less than.onaV' botUeSf your Balsam has completely cured her,'ani' for which Bhe most heartily thanks you.—Yours,- &Ci■-■.'' '' ' » • ..*"... John Paisaiß. .. ; •••.-.■'; .■ . ■ .. . . '■ ' Ass PaiKOtk.' ■'- . , . Dunedin, 10th February, 1876. Mr Slesmgbr, :- i Dear Sir—l have much pleasure to iD'orm you that the Rheumatic Balsam I purchased from you has, after' a few applications, entirely removed the pain and ' swelling from my hand, and I cordially bear my testi- >. mony to the efficacy, of your preparation, haTing tried : "- several other articles, but without success.—Yours truly, '•••■■ : .. ■' ■ . ■ ' ■...'■ ■ ■■.-::'. ; r '■■ ■ WttlilAM HATHAN. > ■■■: ■ '•■•;■■ Queenstown, 7th April, 1875. : - Julius Wenkheim, Esq., Queenstown, . .'-.-'•.•j;--Desr Sir—ln reference to a conversation of to-day,: in which I related to you the very appreciable benefits'** I received from a mnaU vjal of Slesingei J8 Balsam befo*i~ it was advertised for Its curative' powers. I repeat, that three or four years ago tho vial you gave me proved most efficacious in curing—in fact, eradicating—chronic attacks of lumbago, from which I had suffered. Ihaye hardly ever since been.toiubled, one application of the Embrocation bejng sufficient to dispel incipient attacks. I also gave others some ol t, and they were alike beneStwl by it—Yours truly, ■ ' ■;'''■"■ ■.■ ■ : ; h.MANDBM, I<' ilT '■' :' Island Terrace, Port'Chlmie^i," i ■■ , - , -SeDtember27th, 1875* ~. To Mr Slesinger, V.S., j- & i? '-i X, /T. ;: My Dear Sir—As I have been subject .touaheHHiaticaA. ■;' and lumbago for some time pa3t,and As.the •ptescrip^ii?. tions heretofore accorded me gave m»no:; relief liwas iinduced to try your Uneumatic:.B»te&m; indffind after two applications that;it Ms;ctr^d:me)feilt3rßlyx.rS?t therefore effer you ttiia testimonial as AfeSkon o! gratl-. tude, and also to exemplifyi to;.others who may ba similarly; afflicted, the% efficacy^of^yOuir<in6sUinabla Balsain;—l remain, .youraj -&c:, •B; ". .T';aH .;: '=..:■ '•/•-''':: -;'-; ••W,ii.':i:i iiij'-.SSV.Ki .maC^KsaaV • ■'■'•'■■ Georgostreet^ Dunedin, ■,' ; : ir m ' D fc-ls:s'^; i23riiSoptemher i iM7oV'e ■ MrSles!nger,!TiS-v u:'jt!;;.v ;^-.> ,(; ~•.■;! oi'us-.-ura' i Sir—l havomiwliyonr.RVieiiEsatic.Ba3sam,v;andneWjv highly recommend aU MSerers-toitiy'Ht;!! v,lßofiere4 a long from :paius in ttoeuloins,- and internet application.! •,; fcltfree from pain, and fit to go.Bboub..mj;.rJisnab:«^e4iJ!. cation, although completely^ prostrated for week*, beforehand.VriY«nrsi''&a/,.-f. h-. .ow-F.-ii'^.Uifi--.: O&U. ■ ■ •■•- WaJiAU iS»RYK& . ■-'•■■■'.■ ■■ '"^ ■■ . ■ '■'■' - ■ '"^ '-.'.' :

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4740, 27 April 1877, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4740, 27 April 1877, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4740, 27 April 1877, Page 3