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I riiilif; <.;■;/ f [....'.A]DToMN,;lg?7! t .i't' [uu,^,'-;'". i/H^rasJieptfally announce, .complete arrangementsS for the various Departments," comprising'! th« largest' ; assortment everHmpprted ior;,one reason's trade, all I selected by Mr HayKes. There are several, Depart- . menta fot -whichgop'dshaVe'becH purchased urider'ex5-' i ceptionaUyfaypurable eircufastances: purchasers will : receive corresponding advantage's. ' ''• • Silk Departments-Black and Coloured' ;i !.ii.ii c „ ! CosturneJsepartinent—Choice Novelyes i r • Jacket Department—Distinct Novelties *! '"~l : ~'''''-' '• "■ '~; |Coloured jDresaDepartment—Newest-Goods/ -.■ ■ . f! 1 -Ribbon Department— Newest Goods • : Blaek-BiessDepar£riieht—Newest Goods ;1 ■""»'■ i> :Merino, Bepartment-r-New Colourings! •. . ~:•,. .., i Wincey D.epartmerit^Newe'stGdpds ''! '" :'/;-' '"i j Mil irieryDepartment- Distisct Novelties' Ul- •'■■< r ■ Shawl Department—Newest Goods '■■ r I Glove'aepartnieht-^ewest Goods1 ' f"">1 i"'!'l ''•-'»! ! Print D.epar,tmQnfc T tNewestGbo'as ; f.-.:r>, ■ f - .••>-,. : ; Blanket,Depirtment r -Largo Discount Purchases " umbrella Department^—Newest? (JcdclsP"'1- •■.-..; v.•:■..;■ Ladies', Underclothing Departments-New Goods . ■' , Carpet JDepartrnenfr^-Newest Goods " '"■ <■' '■'■ ■ FurnishirigDepartment- ; Newt'stGr'oil3jii', '(■■"[ ■ ■ Floorcloth Departmcnv^Neweat .Goods ' ■ ; Lace Department—Newest Goods-' -'' '•'i'--;- "■''•'■! : H(tberrta«tiety,Pepaitip«:ritT-HewpßtSGodda ,-'■ '.' ~'- f i Trimining Department—Latest'No»elti£s'' ' ' ! "Flannel Department^NewestGdodV" :v.l. "v; ;r- ni Household Lines Department--New GootU , '..• .-, Bed Linen Department—Newest Goods" ' " ""•' ''• Mourning Department—Fewest Goods ■ ■ ■ : , ; ; r Cahoo Department—Newest Goods . V" Print Departments-Newest Goods1"' ;V- ■'' ;:.': :■;■ Gentlemen's Clothing Departmeiit^-New Fashions Gentlemen's Hat Department—Newest Styles '" Gentlemen' 3 Outfitting Department—Jfuw Goods ' '-'■ Woollen Department-rt* ewest Goods Tailoring Branch—Latest Fashions ■■/.-.,:•-■.; DRESS WKAE-The Materials thst find most favour ,r : are—Woollen-Broches, Drop de Boubaix, Carh- ■ me-e; Baroda Serges, Estramere Serges, Reversible --• f. er«es. ?la|n Serges, Fancy Serges,-. Figured.Poplm-, Plain Poplins, Fancy Cloth; Ulster Tweeds ' - Ben Levie Tweeds, Pashmina Cloths, Statalasse' ; Q oths, Damesne Cloths. ; The several Materials are produced in a large variety ■of New and' -,; Favourite : Colours, each ■ Material havirjff xorre- : spending Shades for Combination Costumes, with ' - Costume Fringes and Buttons to inateh. •'•'■■■'•; - TROUVILLE DAMASSS -Tbe richest.Wpollen Fabric imported, in'three distinct'shades of, coloiir; the - i Satin raised figure gives it a veryieffective appearance; Navy Blue; Mulperryßrown; Prune—4s 6d Pfiryard. Plain Materials to' Match. ■ Costnme: : Fringes, Nett Tabliers.-to match, i ■ :••- ■-.:■■ ■■■ FAILL DIAGONALS — This is a New ;Desten to' '■■ Diaaronil?, a very effective" :Wii .1 >Fabric weals' -•.: remarkably well, b^Mir e.'ose'-y.raarfe in four d is-' tmct colouring, 4s ),er yard, witlii>lain Materials iiOtO:,mateh. Costume-Fringes/.:Nett Tabliers.: to , • Match. ■■ -' . , . l - . . ' . D.RAP'D'AOTOMONB-A New' DamaiVe Fabfic' for ~-Autumn a variely of New Colourings, 2d2dp-ryard. Plain Materials to Match' Cos-..-'tunic Fringes to'Jlat'jh'. >':■■■'■:■:•" v-i-t ■;;;•:■;•'■. LUCCA DIAGONALS^Xhis is an description of this Favouiite Material, and is much worn' 7 : It has a beautiful effocf when made up, aniem- ; braces an excellent range ef Colourings, at 2s 6d | ■■ per yard, in Blue. .Myrtle, Priir.e,'Dirk, Violet; ... Brown.:Black.!-,Plain Materials to Match.- Cos- : ,tume Fringes to Jlatch.J." ' " PASHMINA .MAITING> CLOTH, in" Blue, JXulberry;. ~. .^ip™, Myrtle,. Prune,. Devon, Brown, Violet-- |: Bronze.; Like all Foreiich Goods, it is all Wool:' :..; : theve is no reasonjto:.dpubt- its .durability.-, it is: |; ,i one p! those Pretty Materials which-becomes at ■;, ■-> once; a- Favourite '— 2s 9d' per yard; ■: - Co3tumo- : ■;." Fringes to Match. :" ■; ... . : . : WOOL" RKPPS^.New French rriake ofßcp'ps hot' ! Seven beautifully-sel-cteduU6;our-; l: -jngs—Blue, Marine,..Violet,;Pune.Seal .Erowrj i Marone and Myrtle Green. A durable Material ;23 lldperyard. •: . - ■•". ■■ -,:■.■...; V I AL DAMASSE—This is a Material that shows to •' what perfection ■ the manufacture of this Class of 1/• ,§ oods has been- brought; a.beautifully .Raised', ~ ! Figure en a Fine Satin Ground,' in several'diatiiict j •:. :-Celouriogß; and. is sure to wear well; 4s 6d»perr ' -..yard. . . ..,-... -. r . FRENCH SATIN CLOTHS -This is a liiie: of' goods' .■■.■_■ Mr Haynes has made an advantageous purchase ;: of, below its actual value, in Nine Choice Colour- • -''ings—Mime,:; Myrtle, -Royal,i Prime,-' Claret ' ..; Marune, Plum, Browu, andiSeal Brown. 2s 6d per '■: . yard. ■" '■■ -'■■•■- ;" ' r. ' i.:-■ r-' ;EOYAL MATALASSE—A:'beautifully Fine Fabric; '; ..; alternating Stripes. with'.'-Alatalasse in Four ■ - Selected Colours, all New Shades. A most endur-' :■ <; mi? Fabric, 4s 8d per yard/ :-.-:• -.--.,-' i : FRENCH WOOL POPLISS —Reversible"; a useful' ''. -< 'Mixtenal,;wiirm and 'duriblei-'adaptedl for Cos-' ~,.tumes. 3s 6d.per yard. ,r... . . :. . ~FRENCH1 MERINO.—'This iuhnsttaily Favourite' • Vii Material is mvch-wbcnLthis Season, is adapted for: ! !u *",, W?S S A JtMsesl and,specially suited Jor i " '-JuTCrrMe -Bi-essr-Weir-'; -a-b'aautifal ' variety'1 of-' , (■:, ColourLigßiußrpwa,Sealßrown,'Marone,BroDzeJ i Prune, Navy, Rose, Plum/Blue, Light Blue, Dark ,■■■• Blue,-fCrimson,"^'OUvef, Drab', -French' Grey : ; - and a .large selection of Autumnal7 Shades. ; perysrd. ■ ' ' MlLLlNfißY—Choice Sslectiong-for Autumn, in the' ; . Newest Designs and : Colourings. Ladies' Felt ■ Bats; plush brims, in Cream, Brown, Drab Green : : : -...-:Navy,-B'a<:k, 81ue..., Children's. Felt^Hats, Children's Beiver Hats, Mi;se3 Felt Hats, Ladies' Velvet Hats,- Misses Velvet Hats, Black Straw Hats. Brown . Straw Hats, Drab Striw Hats. . . . r ;FEATHERS Feath-rs, Cogue; Feathers ' ::: Plumes, Feather Trimmings . The several varieties in all the Fashionable Colours for Autumn wear. FLOWERS—French Flowers, British Flowers, WreaU-s, Sprays,. Bridal ; Flowers. , Every care has ibjen i '•" taken in the selection for this Branch. Flowers ' mounted ;.wiih' !taste,' and' at 'moderate "prices.; .Flowers, .and. Feathers to match all the new - ""Autumn Shades of Millinery Materials. ' ' ' TRIMMING-^ Distinct Sclecti ia.of all the most,:: Fashionable Tdmraitigsfor Dresses, Mantles, Pale-. • tSts, Costumes, i iiiHreri's : Dres3 ware;' Wool ; . Fringes, Tassel Fringes, Mohair.Fringes, Military . Braids, Buttons, Imitative Gold and Silver Laces, . Imitative Gold and Silver Braids, Imitative Gold and. Silver Buttons,. Imitative. .Gold; and Silver : :;'■ Fringes, Imitative Gold and Silver Ornaments,1 : ■ Imitative Gold and Silver Cloths, Regalia ;HOSIERY-iLadies'.Silk,, Spun Silk, Merino, Cotton,' Cachmere,' Lambswool, Plain and Ribbed Hosiery,; ;. Misses' Lambswool, Merino, -Cotton, and ,Silk ~' Hosiery, Children's Socks, Wool/ Cotton, Merino, '; PlaircandColoured.- .- > :-.!;. . ;: MANTLES—JACKE.TS—Wbterproof Mantles, in the Newest and Most Fashionable 'Styles. Several' : ;new shapes are introduced, all made from the best" materials. In ihis Department, the assortment is tha largest and most complete we have- ever' : shown. The Novelties are particularly noticeable, : and indicate great care and tasts in the selection j - Jankets of Matalosss Cloth, Trimmed Biaids, Fur Buttons: Jackes of Diagonal Cloths, Trimmed ; Braids. Silk, Fur, Buttons; Paletatsof Diagonals ■ - Matala'se Cloths, Oriental Cloths. : The variety of! , - shapes in which these Materials are used isvery : ': 'large.- Cachmere Paletats, Cachmere Rotondes,: : ; in a. variety of styles, all most elegantly trimmed,. ■ and of the richest Materials. ; COSTUMES—MADE DRESSES—In this Department,' ,; all the 1« ew Fabrics of the Season arecarefnlly re- ■ : ' presented by Parisian and Brifeh models, ele- : : gantly trimmed. Can be copied or modified to ; .; suit the taste of purchasers JTJVENILB COSTUMES—The various New Materials •. h\ye beea made into: Dresses and Costumes, and . the Stock comprises useful and inexpensive styles, in addition to a variety of elegantly Trimmed ■ Dresses. - Special attent'on is being given to the ■ production of Children's Dresses and Costumes, : and include a btautiiul variety, of very pretty designs for younsr Ladie3'of all ages. The SEKAPHINE PA'LSTOT, in Moscow elolhi iratalasse cloth, :basket cloth, .and oth^r materials—^ ' 1-JDsr, straight, has square er.ds, eloncated waist a,i ■■ back, bands in front, worked m braid , : The DISCOVEKY JACKET, in Russian frieze, hahd- '■ somely trimrced fur aiid silk, rows of buttons iThaCATTAUO.JAOKEr is made from beaver mata- - laßsfe^long; straight bands of braided silk, pointed collars aiid cuff^, tvith corresponding trimminir i : Misses' White Ermine Jackets—lined, satin, in blue, : ; crimson, scarlet, violet ■'■'■■'.■' '■'.■■'■'■ ■- ; Misses' Hop Jackets, in blue.and black Misses' Imitative Seal Jacketß, imitative other borders, .: 4s6d, 5.-,556 d. '.. : . ■• ■ ■ : Misses' Coloured Cloth Jackets,- fur trimmed Misses' Grey Hyie Parks, 7s Cd,'Ba 6d ' ' ■ Ladies', Grey Felt Costumes, jncketbodice, 19s 6d '■ 'Ladies' Coloured DlsgMial Costumes,-303, , :.-, : Ladies' Brown Velveteen' Costumes, piped taffeta Ladies' Prune French; Poplin Cos \imes -;:• .'■:'■ ; ' :'■■ ; Ladies' Sici-ian Ototh Costumes, bronze and ecru ■.: i Ladies' Russell Cord Costumes, navy blue" . Ladies'HomespuaCostumes, seal brown.braided ■• ' Ladies' Diagonal Costumes, browns in combination Ladies' Uiigonal Co3tmnos,: greys in combination Ladies' Diagonal Costumes, blues in cornbinatioa v Ladies'.Costumes, tweej prunes in combination Ladies' Felt Skirts, greys in combination ;■' Ladies' >"elfc Skirts, grey and black combination Ladies' Felt Skirts, prune nud gold cooibination ■Ladies' Felt Skirls','-blues in comlinatibn. ■ 'SERGES are th's season meeting with an increased demand for all useful purposes; they make a" verj' • desirable dress for yachting, costumes, for coasting I costumes; for. riding habits, for boaiing costutnes, for juvenile clothing, for wraps—woven from firm •• ; wools, patent dyed, not liable to. injury from salt water; light in texture, yet warm and durable -: .Blue Union Serges, Is id per yard : Union Costume Herges, Is 4Jd per yard I Navy.Uuion Serges, Is 6d per yard ;All-woul Indigo Dye Serges, Is 9d per yard ; All-wool Blue Serges, 2s 2d.per yard i All-wool Navy Serges, 2s Cd per ysrd All-wool Marine Costume Serge3,3s per yard E-tamone Ssrges, 3» per yard. ...... Mari o Costume Merges, 3s 3d per yard ■Heavy Navy Serges, 3s Cd per j»r<i ■ ;Estamene Ser t 'e-i, 3s 6d per yard : , ■ i Heavy Indisfo Dye Serges, 3s 6d p<>r yard j Superfine Estamene Serges, 4s per yard - ■ Double Warp Navy Serges, 4s ed per yard 6-4 Habit Serges, 4a 6d per yard. FINK TWILLED FLANNELS are now in much demand for morning gowns, dressing gowns, dressing jackets, morning jackets—iheir soft and rich appearance making them so universally ap- : proved of: to be had In laruo variety of colourings—Printed Flannels, Wtiito Ground Flannels, coloured spots. Wide-width Coloured Flannels, : . "Welsh Flannels, Lancashire Flannels, .Saxony l .:, Flannels,: Cricketing Flannels. ■ .'■.'.■ iTARTAI^S — Forbes, Dre33 Macpherson, Menzies, ; Mackay, Tullibardine, Murray, M'Kenzie, Gor- ; ■; don, Cumjri, " Prince Charles Edward; Fraser, . Argyle, 42nd-3 seta, EVittorla—3 sets, •' M'Duff—3 Bete, Sraart^-3'sets, Shepbe'rd^-8 sets, ; .: ;Rob Roy—9 4 sets, Fancy OhecUs, Green and Black, : Green and White, Pink and White, Blue and White,. Red [and Black, Black and -White; Gold andßlack. ; . ■•• BLACK SILK VELVETS COLOURED SILK VELVETS HERBERT, HAYNES, and CO,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4740, 27 April 1877, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4740, 27 April 1877, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4740, 27 April 1877, Page 1