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GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATIONS. APPLICATION FOR LAND BY DEFERRED PAYMENT. INVKRCABGILL LAND DISTRICT. ECTICN 10, L'l,CCIy V., WAIKAKA DISTRICT, 10'J.i. 2.-. 30p. ■\BJECTKTNS mTi'st be lodged in vritJ ing before Noon on FH! DiV, flu.' 20th AKM 1,, the Land OHice, Invcru.irgill, when ami where the >ove application will bo dccHcd. \V. 11. Pi; ARSON, District Officer. District Land Oiliee, Ip.vere.iryill, 12th March, IST". Date snd place confirm.d. J. P. JIAITLAND,ßr of Crown Lands. Crown I/iikls Department, Duncdin, 3rJ April, 1?77. 4jp CROVi'N LAND SiLL'S, &c. On JIO.VDAY, 10th APRIL, 1577. rFIE following allotments in the under-niaiitioar-d townships will ha oS-M-o'i for sale by uliMc auction by Mr K. if. Martin, on the dates and t the pis cos hereafter mcntir.ued. Front quarter-acre sutions to bis sold at the up^at price of £8 o:ich, : nd aek sections £5;>. Tiio Oovcrmn'iit Auctioneer ■ ill state at the time of sale the mto of tections over he qiurlcr-aero, and jiive pait.iculars oi those burdened tith v.'liutiuns for imiic-ivemenls :— it the Coat t Il'.use, Cromu e;l, on .Monday, ICth April next, at noon, Cromwoll—Sections 21, 30, hI; 10, 20, b III; 2,12, 22, to 27, *2, b IV; 0, 10, b VI; 1(1 toU.bXf; 10 tol-lbl"tX; 1 to 8. IiX.V; ltol4,bXX!;l to 14, b XXII ; 1 t') 14, b XXilI ;1 to 14, b XXIV; 1 to ll\ 1) XXV ;I,b XX VII; Ito f>. b XXVJU; 1 to 11, v XXIX ; 1 to 14, b XXX : 1 io li. b XXXI; 1 toll, b XXXII; 1 to 10, b XXXIII; 5. 0. I) to 14, b XXXVI ; 1 to 0. S to 13, b XXXVII ;2so 7, '.) tn 14, b X XXVIII ;1 Io 14, bXL; Itn 14, !) XLI ;1 to Kj. b XLII; 9to 13, 1) XI.V; Ito7, 0 (o 13, b XLVI ; 1 to 34, b XIA'U ; 1 to It. b XLVIII ; 1 to 14, b XLTX ; 1 to i, oto 12, 1) i,; yto 7,10,12 to 14, b LIV ; 1 to 0. 13, 11, !■ LV ;1 to li, b LVII ;1 to 10, b I.VIII; 3 to 7, :) t'> 1-1, bLXUI; 1 to 14 h LX)V ;1 to 14, b i.-XV; Ito 70, b LXVI ■1 to 11, b LXIX : 1 to 14, b LXX ; 1 i.o K.i, b LXXI; Ito 14, b LXXII; Ito 14, b LXXIII ;1 tv IU. b LXXi.V; 2to 14, b LaXV ;2 M 7,10 to 14, b LXXVI :Itoi, 9to 12, Ii LXXVEI; Itos. Sto 14, b LXXViJI ; 1 to 16. b LXXX ; 1, 2, 4,0, 10 to 14, bLXXXI; 4to 14, b LXXXf L; Ito4, G to S, 11 to 15. b LXXXIU ; 1,0 to 1-1, LXXXIV; 1 tn 7, n to il, b LXXXV ; 1, 2, 5 to 8,14, b lxxxvi. ~ - ••■■-■■-;..-■-■ At the Court House, Queenstiwn.on Wednesday, lSth Ap-il next, at noon, Ccctiona in tha Townships of, Fraukion, Glcnurciiy, Jamestown, Kinloch, Arrowtown, Cirdoua, l<"cwe.isti'c, Pembroke, Gla-stono, and Ben-.ii.-o. QueenstO'Mi-Sections f> toO.b XLVI; 0,7, b XLVII (See also special notice). Fran!-tin Sections 15 to IS, b I; 5t05,10 to 12, 14 t023,b Ii ;2, 7 to 12, 14 to 17, in t. 24, b 111 ;' 1 to 10, 20 to 21, b IV ; 1, 2, 4 to 12,14, IS to 21, bY: 5U> 52, 14 to 21, b VI; Ito 22, 24, b VI1; 2, 3, sto 24.1) VIII ;2,3,5t0 7, oto ';4, b]X ; Ito 24,1) XI ;1.2, 4io 24, b XII; 2, 3, sto 11. 13 io 23, 2=i, b XIII; 1, -1 to 20,22 to 25, b XIV; Ito 24 bXV; Ito S, 10 to 24, b XVI; 1, 3to 17 10 to 23. 1) XVII ; 1, 2, h XVill ; 1 to 3, 10, 11, b XXm : 8 to 11, b XXV ; -" to 11, b XXVI; (i to 12, b XXVI!; 10 to ]f>. b XXIX. GlojioreUv—Sect;oi!S 7to 23, bI; Ito SI, b II; 2to 23 b I' I; :'. to 32, b IV; 1 to 2'j, b V ; 1 to 20, b VI ; 1 to 20, 1) KIT; 1 to 20, b VIII; 1 to 20. b IX; l to 12,h X: l to 27, b XI. Jamestown -Section; S, 10, 12 hi; 10, 12 to 14, 18, 18 to 22 b II; Bto 21. bill; 1 to2o, bIV;8, 10,12,14 to 10, i) V : 3 to IS. b VI. Kini'tch—Fnetinns 0 to 12, H;l to 17, b II; Ito 21,1)111; 1 ti 24, bIV; 1 to 27, 1) V; 1 to 2S, "n VI; Ito 25,, b VII; Ito 2i, b VIII; Ito 23, b IX : 1 to '13. bX; Ito IS, b XI: Ito 18, b XII : 1 to IS, b XIII ; 1 to IS, b XIV ; 1 to 21, b XV; 1 to 24, b XVI ;1, 2. 5 to 2,1, b XVII; Itos. 7to 31, b XVfll; Ito 10. i> XIX ;1, 2, 7 2?, b XX; Ito 7 9. 10, 10 to 22, b XXI. Arrowtown —'-"ejtions 7 to 9, b XIX. Cardroiv.'.— Setfioiw ItoC, bI; 1 to 5, b II; Ito S, bill; Ito9, b IV; 1 to 12, bY; Ito 12, b VI; 4, 0, 10, b VII ;1.3, b VIII; 1, -I, 4 to 9, b IX; 1 U n. bX; Itos, b XI; Ito 10, b XI! ;1,7 to 9, b XIII. Newcastle—Sections 7, S, 10,19 to 22, 25 to 37, bI; Ito 2S, SI to 45, bll ; 2 to 13, b III; Ito 9, b IV ;1 to 24, bY; Ito 20. b VI; Ito 30, b V!I: lto 4. b Vill; 1 and 2, b IX; 2to 11. b X ; 1 to 10. b XI. Pembroke—Sectiors Ito 23. 25 to 32, bI; 2to 21, 25 to 33, b II; 6, Sto 22, 25 to 32, b II!; 1, 2, 4toß, b IV; ItoS, bY; lto S.b VI; 1, b VIII (with valuation); 5, G, 10 to 18, 20 to 23, 26 to 2?, 31 to 56, GO to 02 b IX ; 3 tn 25, b X. Gladstone—Sections 2 to 5, 10 to 13, bI; 3t07, 9, j7, 18, 21, 22, b II; 4,10, 11, 14, b III; 3to 10, 12 to 17, b IV ; 3 to 17, b V ; 3 to 5, 9, b VI ; 2 to 4. 8, b VII: 1 to 4, b VIII; 2t07,9, bIX ; 2 to 7, b X. Bcndiso—Sections Ito 15, bI; Ito 12,14 to IS, b II; Ito 12,15 to IS, b 111; Ito 14, bIV;1, 2, 11,12, bY; Ito IS, b VI; Ito 38. b VII; Ito G. Sto 10, b Vill; 1 to 1), 13 to 24, b IX; 7to 30, b X. At Kingston, on Friday, 20th April next, at 1 o'clock a.m., sections in the townihip of Kingston, the terminus of the railway. Kingston—Sections 9,11, b II; 3to 12, b III; 3, 4, S, 11, 12 b IV ; 20, b VI ; 2 t.> 16 20 to 23, b VII; 2*o 10, 24, b VHI; 3to 11,15, bXI; 13 to 17, b XII; 1 to 22, 24, 25, b XUI; Bto 15, b XIV. J. P. MAITLA.ND, Commissioner of down Lands. Crown Lands Department, Dunedin, March 13th, 187". 14m TOWNSHIP OF QUEENSTOSViN. SECTION 29, BLOCK VII. By Auction on WEDNESDAY, ISth APPJL, 1577. TO"OTrCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ,Jjt Section 20, Block. VII., will be offered for S'.ile by public auction, by Mr R. ii. Martin, at the Court House, Queenstown, on Wtdnn.-iday, 18th April iw\t, at noon, upset price £5 per section, with valuation for improvements thercoa, £350. J. P. JIAITLAKD. .Cnnimisiiontr oi C'r.rtvn Lands. Crown Lands Dojrarttacnt, Dunedin, 13th M:.r t h, 1-.77 Uii nHHE undermentioned Blocks in the -it. Township of Umchill-i ivil. be open fur application at the I-nnil Oliice, lavorcurs'll, o:i Mtmuay, the 23rd April prox :— Tow.v Lands : Blocks 2, 3. 4. S, (5, 7, S, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17,18, and 19, at £5 per h-ilf acre Sub at can Lands is sa.mi; I' w.wsinr. Block? 22. 23, 24, 25, 20, 27, 28, 2'J, at £S per p.cro Excepting g&ctions 1 to 5 in °ü blocks, which will be sold at ti-.e tince of £5 per half acre. W. 11. PEACSON, Commissioner of Cro'.ui Lands. Crown Linds Oliice, Invcrcariiill, 22nd Mar.'h. 1877. 2(!tn WAKATIPU DEPASTURING DISEIUCT. SALE ijfc- RU^". ff^HE Palo of License of Run No. 22 ia i._ the ab'.vo (iistr.ct v.-Hl take pUco at the Land Oflice, Queenstown, 0:1 MOND \Y, the 30th April, 1577. Particulars :iml conditions of sale at Warden's OHice, Queenstown, a.:d nt Land Ofiicc, Dunedin. J. P. ATAITtiAND, Couiraissionev of Crown Lands (holding delegated powers). Crown Land 3 Oflice, Uuncdin, 3lst March. 1577. Sap COUNTY COUNCIL AND ROAD BOARD NOTICES. NOTICE. KORril TAIESI EO ID BOARD. npHE VOTERS' LIST for this Board ■*- —Yeir 1877—19 opsn for inspection at t\e Schoolhouae, Mossxel, every luwful d:iy during tha month of April, between the hours of 10 a.m. and i p.m. Wil. MVCLEOT), 7ap Clerky.T.R.P. NOI'ICE. TAIERI ROAO BOARD. rpHE ALTERS' LTST for the Board— .8- Year IS77—is open f>r inspection at the Clerk's Olllce iv Mos<;!el evi-ry lawful d <y uurini; the mouth of APRIL, between the hours of 10 a.m. mid 4 p.m. A. LEES, Tap Clerk Taieri Road Bo^rd. EOTBLG. /1 RIDI RO N HOTEL, ■"Or PKINCES STREET SOUTH, Dunedin. MR JASIES MARTIN, having entered into possession of the above old aud well-known Hotel, which has latoly been re-built in the most substantial manner, and is now one of the largest and most convenient in Dunedin, begs to intlmito that he is prepared to offer flrst-eliiss ace nnuio iation to all classes. The llouvj conUi!i< 40 single bedrooms, lofty and well ventilated, lar^je Commercial an 4 Dininjr Rooms, nvmerous Private Sitting R.ioms, Bath Rooms, &c., &c , and is fitted with every requisite that can toud to the comfort or convenience of its frequenters. For Private Fauiilie3 there aro distinct Suites of Apartments, furnished in first-cla^s stylo, and beyond tho reach of noise or gnnoyaucc. To Commercial ir.en tlis Huu'o must comraond itself, ucingti'u&tcdiu the most bu-inoss jiortion o£ the city, and ii close proximity to the railway torminus and wharves. The Commcrchl Room is un sur]ias^ed in Kcw Zealand. Boarders will bo accommodated at a moderate wtekly charge, and every attention paid to their wants. The Wines aud Spirits are Warranted Pure iv-i Imported. 7 m rpAiSKABD'S TEMPKBASci -H. HOTEL-, Lonsda:o street, net, Melbourne Established 24 Eight porter, baths, &c. Aivnio Tankard, proprietress. st M R JO H X \vT~L !v IjS «T .LFJI F.K.CS. .Ediibnr-h,M.KC.s ' Knjfla-n.l,' (Late of Col ins street, J[ .Iboiirne ; 'Mo Honorary .sur ;? e..ii to Alficcl Ifos.,i-U ; also to the. Infirmary for Diseases of the Chest, Throat Eye aud Ear). WILL COMJIBN'CG PKACTICK FROM Ist APRIL, At his Hcsidonce, Viow Terrace, Opposite the house of the 1-Ue Dr Ilu'me. 23ai

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4723, 7 April 1877, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4723, 7 April 1877, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4723, 7 April 1877, Page 2 (Supplement)