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Daily Times ORlce, Saturday erunlux. Th amount of! Customs ttovonue rocoived to-day »■ a .oti ent«ri«i lor consumption was oa fol)ow»:—

Business continues to improve, and what between the heavy arrivals and an excitement in the sugar market, the pa-,t week has worn quits a lively aspect. Wo have to report tic arrival of the Muriborough, from Glasgow, iml the Pleiades, from Lor don, mid as we write °ih«' Canterbury, from London, is at the Head-;. All three having flailed much later than tho Clun M'Lco'l niakos "3 a little anxious to sco the last put in an nppcarnnco, and wo hope to chronicle her arrival vfry shortly. Tho principal business dono during iho week has hoen in sapors, the market for which close's tn-;lny at rates much in advance of last wain's. The publication of a cablegram from Mauritius, stating that the sugar market was very active, following a> c;o-ely upon the purchase of one firms stock of whites for shipment to the Sydney market, scut prkea up, and several larue parcels changed hands at full rates. JC-U is now asked for first whites: and .'or crushed loaf, which is in goo I enquiry, as high ss £50 i.i demanded, iirandlcs, another line in which our market is inuebj It«:csted, m.i'«f.a:» their pft'ees, and holders seem neither inclined to push sa'es nor to lower their rates, lloiuioasy's finds buyers at Ms for case, and for hulk not Ics3 than 10s lid per (rail, is aaked. Other brands profit by the position of Hen nossy'a, and command proportionate flgutcs. Otnrd'x is in favour, and quoted atii) I>l bu k, an 127s 3d to 27s Gd case. Whiskies and otli-r apiri-s a} usual at this season attract but ! tlio u-fce. A'es

in bottle, only move off |for trado supplies, and porters are almost neglected. In wines, tho lighter sorts have sold well during the season, but with the passing away ; o[ the summer weather, the demand hxa slackened. Sherries and ports should now command more attention, and present stocks offer a large selection to choose from. The now teas move off quietly, boxos being more in favoui than half-chests, but^nore is still a good stock of old season's on hand. Dried fruits aro quiet, and prices are, if anything, easier than last quotations, but stocks, especially of currants, are not excessive. Tinned fish continues in good demand, but transactions are few, as buyers still hold back Uom' giving prices asked. We quote Balmon 12s; lobsters, 8s 6d to 8s 9d; and oysters, 6s 6d to 7s. Woolpacks have now ceased, to be enquired for, but the approach of the harvesting causes a demand for corn3ack3. As yet we nave no transactions of importance to report, but the position of tho Melbourne market warrants the hope of better prices being obtained this season than formerly. At present the price asked by holders is 103 Bd—full weights. Fencing wire is in good request, and worth £18, £19, and £20, for Nos. G to 8. The largo stock keeps cement quite a drug on the market, and prices purely nominal. Kerosene is quieter again, and sells at 2s lid Devoe's, aud Id to 2d par gallon leßs for othor brand?. Flour has fallen to £14, and even lower than this has been accepted. Wheat continues out of the market, with no forward bu*iness to report. Oats are easier, and worth 2a to 2s 2d for feed to milling, and in barley there is nothing doimr, and prices nominal. Butter is quiet, at 9d to 10d; but the new cheese sells freely, at 7d to Bd. Castor oil, in bulk, following the example of the Melbourne market, and consequent on a rise in Calcutta, has advanced in prico during the week, and holders now ask 4s 9d to 5s per gal. On Tuesday laet we gave a detailed notice of the Mataura Paper Company (Limited), after inspecting their manufacture of brown and grey wrapping papers. That our favourable opinion, formed upou an examination of the samples, has been endorsed by the trade we aro glad to note, the agtnts reporting to us that the first consignment was cleared off within two days of being put on the market. Messrs M'Landress, Hei-uumi, and Co., report that on Saturday they offered by auction, at their Kooms, part of the estate of Warriugton, near Blueskin, surveyed into sections varying in area from 2 to 16 acres each. The sale attracted a large attendance of buyers, and the wholo of the sections, with the exception of four, were sold at prices ranging from £25 (the upset price) to £50 per acre—showing an average of £30 10s per acre. Messrs M'Landress, Hepburn, and Co. further report that, of the other properties offered on the same day, the bidding not coming up to owners reserves, they were all passed in. . Messrs Wiuoht, Stephknsox, and Co., report for the week ending 27th January, 1877, as follows :— Fat Cattle.—lso head were yarded, which proved to be beyond the wants of the trade, as many of the butchers, had been privately supplied, and a considerable number of cattle were in consequence turned out unsold. We sold, on account of the N. Z and A. L. Company, Messrs D. M'Donald, F. Manson, "W. Souter, and W. and K., 104 tiead. Bullocks brought from £9 to £13 17s 6d; cows, from £7 to £10 10s— being equal to 27s Gil per lOOlbs. for good quality, and 24s for medium ditto. Fat Calves.—About 20 were penned, which we sold at from 20s to 50a each. Fat Sheep. —1600, nearly all cross-breds, were penned, and prices advanced a shade on last week a rates We sold on account of the New Zealand and Australian Land Company 654 croas-breds at 10s; on account of Mr Smith, 412 do at 10s 9d ; account of sundry vendors, 220, at from 9s to 10s 6d. We quote prime mutton 2id per lb. Fat Lambs.—The supply wa-i smaller thnn usual, and prices slightly higher. 220 were penned, of: which we sold 200, at from 7s to 12s 6d each. Storo Cattle.—We have no transactions to report. Store Sheep.—There is a good demand tor youn? merino sheep and cross-breds. We quote cross-breds, 4 and 6 tooth, at from 7s to 8s; do, 2-tooth, 6s to 63 0d; merino wethers, 2 and 4 tooth, ss; do do, fullmouthed, 33 6d ;o 4s; do, ewes, 2 and 4-tooth, 7s; do do 0 tooth, 6s ;do do, full-mouthed, 3a to 3s 6d. At fores ing quotations we have sold 3000 merino Country Sales.—On Monday, 22nd inst., at Pleasant Valley, we held a sale by auction of crops, stock, and implements, on account of J. W. Murdoch, fsq. There wa3 a good attendance, and everything sold at fair Horses.—Nearly all classes are dull of sale. At our yards on Saturday a large number wero submitted, but ouly a small p 'rtioa found buyers. We sold, among other-, a draft of Provincial-bred light draughts at from £16 to £30. AYe quote first-class draughts at £50 to £60 ; medium do, £35 to £40; light do £20 to £30 ; good .hacks and light harness horses, £25 to £30; medium do, £14 to £2o; light and weedy sorts. £3 to £10. . Wool.—We did not hold our usual salo this week, bJtshall hod our fourth s-le on Wednesd*ynext, when we shall offer ssveral large clips. Sheepskins.—lnconsequence of tho alteration of the day of holding sales in-m Wednesdays to Mondays, we did not hold any sale this week, but will offer a lar^e quantity of skins on Monday next, at 3 o'clock. Hides and Tallow.—No sale was held this week, for the same reason ai applies to sheepskins. Grain.—Wlieat is offering for forward dcnvery, but up to the present we have not heard of any sales. Oats are in fair demand, and saleable at from 2s to 2s 2d por bushel for feed lip to 2s 3d for prime milling. Barley—Malting of last season's growth dull of sale; feed and milling saleable at from 2s 6d to 3s per bushel. _^_

Messrs Macmsan Brothers report:— We held our third wool sale ol the season on Friday afternoon. Thero was a full attendance of buyers and others, and competition was spirited throughout, resulting in the sale of nearly all the lots catalogued, at prices quite equal to, if not a shave in advance of, those ruling at the earlier sales of the season. Several largo clips passed in at our sale last week have changed hands privately. We annex piiced catalogue of wools sold by us since date of our laet report, amounting to 875 bales nnd 25 ba^s: — Washed merino, WH. I fudge, 13Jd ; greasy locks, WM over 1, 1 bag, ljd; do do, 01,1 fadge, lid; do do AH, 1 bag, 2jjd ;d» fleece, V, 2 do, fiiid; do locks, JM conjoined, 1 do, 2Jd ; do do, TP, 1 fudge, 3d ; do do, W&IF, 1 bag, 3d ; io do, WU, 1 do, 3d ; do do, JP, 1 do, 3d; do black, N, 1 do, 7Jd ;do pieces, do, 2 do CJd ; do locks, do, 2 do, 2gd ; do do and pieces, JI, 1 uo, 7Jd; do mixed, JE, 1 do, 7Jd ;do piece?, do, 1 do, 7Jd; do fleece, DC, 1 fadge, lOJd; do morino,RC, 1 bale, 7ijd; do mixed fleece, 88, 1 do, lOd; do cross-bred, WP, 1 do, Of J; do do, L, 1 do, 9d; greasy cross bied, AH, 1 do, BJd ; do looks, WD, 1 do, 3|d ; do cross-bred, JN, 3 do, 9gd; do merino, JP, 2do, lOJd; do cross-bred, N, 2 do, lOd; do morino, C, 2 do, lOJd; do cross bred, JSI conjoined, 2 bales, 10|d ; do do, P, 2 do, lljd; do pieces, do, 1 do, &£d; do Loicester, MML, 1 do, 9fd; do pieces, W, 1 do, l'Jd; do cross-bred, W, 4 do, lOd; do do, F, 1 do, QM ; do merino, WAI over P, 1 do, lOd ; do croas-bred, do, 2do and 1 bag, lOgd; do do, WD, 7 do, 10|d ;do merino do, 3 do, 10jjd; do do and cross bred, GM', 3 do and 1 bag, 11 Jd ;do cross-bred, TP, 2 do, 11^1; do merino, do, 1 do, lid; do do, JF conjoined, 2 do, 9d ; do cr.'B3-bred, do, 1 do, li-d.; do mixed fleece and pioces, do, 1 do, 9Jd; do merino, do cross-bred, RR, 8 do, lOjJ'i; washed merino, do cros3-bred, do, 29 do, lOd ;do locks anil pieces, do, 2 do, BJd; do crossbred, do merino, SXP, about 140 do, 17d; do locks and pieces, do, 10 do, 9d; greasy .cross-brci, do merino, do, 3do K^d; do do, do do, S, 5 do, lOJd; washed looks. RH over Waiwera, 2 bags, 4d ; do mixed fleece, do 1 bale, 12jjd : do und greasy fleece and piecos, do, 1 do, lOid; greasy locks, AX, 1 do, 3Jd; do crossbred, do Leicester, JK, 0 do, lid : do merino, JI, 5 do, lljd ; do Leicester, do, 1 bag, 9id ; do merino, WH, 4 bales, lOid ; do cross-bred, w in double circle, 3 do, 9id ; do do, Alt, 3 do, 9Jd ; washed merino, B, 9 do, 15d; cross-bred, greasy merino combing, merino clothing, Puarua, 84 do, 12Jd; greasy croj-s-bred hoggets, do cro»s-bred, do merino, ">tar, 48 do, 10|d ; do cross-bred and pieces, Jo, 1 do, 7Jd; OT in diamond over LS, (16 bales Ist combing, 60 do 2nd do, 21 tlo Ist clothing, 17 do 2nd do, 28 do dingy, 11 do Ist combing cross-bred, 14 ■ o 2nd do do, G do dingy, 213 bales 103 d and "Barewood," about 200 bales, lid; washed fleece, JW, 8 bales, I8d; do pieces, do, 2 do, lOJd; do locks, do, 1 do, 7id; greasy merino, RM, lCido, IOJd.

Hnui'ly .. Whisky .. Ooneva .. Wine .. Tobacco.. £ a. <i. .. 54 2 C Tea .. ,. 20 a 0 Sugar .. .. 15 8 0 Drapery 24 7 0 Sundries .. 82 0 C 'lotal £ «. '. .. 76 11 5 .. 03 2 7 .. 205 2 0 .. 63 0 3 .. £029 18 3

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4664, 29 January 1877, Page 2

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4664, 29 January 1877, Page 2

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4664, 29 January 1877, Page 2