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. BUSINBBo NOTICES. THE OTA GO FOUND BIT Cumberland street, Dunodin . J. DAVIDSON and CO., i Late Wm. Wilson, Engineers, Boiler Makers, and Iron Founder!. Machinery of all kinds made to order.- ' Also Engines, '■ Boilers, and every description ■■o* <■ Brass, Wrought Iron, and Cast Iron Work. ... SOUTH-END FOUNDRY, CRAWFORD STREET*.,.,. HE. S H AvO K!L O 0 Ki. • IRON and BRASS-FOUNDER, * AND KITCHEN RANGE MAKER. Stock ol First-class Kitchen Ranges always on hand. General Castings and Repairs attended to. i Crawford street, Dunudm. So. ARK AND CURLE > WnOMUMLX AND RBTAIL IRONMONGERS, PLUMBERS, TINSMITHS, AN GASFITTERS, Princes Street and Mora? Piacb, Have on Sale and to Arrive, ' ' A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF ■ ENGLISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE, Consisting of— Cutlery, Electro-plated and Britannia Metal Goods Bedsteads, Baths, Register Grates, Fenders, Mantel pieces, Umbrella, Stands, Brushware, Travellij»>' Trnnks, Chromomcter Clocks, Washing and Manglinj . Machines, Bagatelle Boards, Kerosene Lamps in grea. variety. Ex Wave Queen, a largo'shipment of the Wheels and Wilson bewing Machines, Shakespeare and LitUa' Wanzor Hand Machines. - . Nails, Locks, Screws, Boring Machines, Horss. clippers, Fencing Wire, Carpenters' tools,' Turning Chisels and Gouges, Sheep-shears, Scythes, Hake* Forks, Spades, Shovels, Lawn-mowers, Chaff-cutters, Anvils, Colza, Linseed, Castor, Neatsfoot, and Kerosene Oils, Red and White I cad, Ac., &o. Sporting Powder, Sho' and Caps. A large variety of Gasailers, Pendants, and Brackets Gas, Steam, and Water Fittings, Sheet Lead, Brass, Zinc, and Copper, Black and Galvanised Iron, Spoutin.' made to any pattern by improved machinery Leamington, Star, Exeter, and open Fire Ranges. Sole Agents for Smith and, Wellstood's Cooktag - Office, and Parlour Stoves. 17<_.PRESS LINE OP COACHES* Jli On and After Ist NOVEMBER, will leave* DUNEDIN at htlf-past 1, during the Summer Months*' tor the following places:— . ■ •: DAILY COACH TO BLUESKIN. DAILY COACH TO WAIKOUAITI. DAILY COACH TO PALMERSTON. Stabling it European.—Horses always on sale. ■ T. M. SMITH and CO; TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. riEORGE TvDBIBCIOIfIu, VJT TIMBER MERCHANT (Formerly of Princes street South), , Has commenced ousiness in Cumberland street, corneaof St. Andrew street. Building Materials of every description On Sale . Lowest Rates. CUMBHRIiAND BTKBST! G. O'DRISCOI- and CO. 1 ELECTRIC BELL FACTORY. ' ROBERT COWAN ana CO., George, street, near Fulton's Umber Yard, Electricians, Plumbers, Gasflttors, Bollhangera, Copper, Brass, andr Zinc workers. Baths, pumps, hot water circulation,, hydraulics of every description. Water and earth closets on the most Improved principles, also everydescription of house and ship work executed. Nautical Instruments repaired. Inspection respectfully invited. 18b mHE BLOOD PURIFIER. -*- No one residing in warm climates should evorbc without old Dr Jacob Townsend's SarsapariMiA,, which acts like a charm in curing all liver, kidnoy, anefc bilious complaint*, and in strengthening tho system so. as to enable everyone to withstaud all attacks of fever, cholera, and other diseases. Also,' Family Pills recommended »nd used by the faculty. Chief Bepot: 31 j Fleet Street, London. ' - 186 V J AND p! COATS* BEST SOFT 6-CORD SEWING COTTON. Suitable for all Sewing Machines. , EXTRA GLACE COTTON. This Cetton being greatly improved in quality axiil finish, will be found unsurpassed for Machine or Hand Sewing. On Reels, 100, 200, or 600 yards. CROCHET OR TATTING COTTON, Of the finest quality, in Skeins or on R ols. To be had of all Wholesale and Rotail Drapers) throughout the World. 20m _____ _ rjREAT INDIAN CURES (Tiqbr Brand) Are becoming THE MOST POPULAR MEDICINES EVER YEP INTRODUCED INTO NEW ZEALAND, In consequence of their proving to be what Is stated of them, and all fulsome puffing or extravagant exaggerations about them being carefully avoided. Their worth and merit have secured for them la cvory part of New Zealand the confidence of the public*. They have cured long-standing cases of sickness, ana TESTIMONIALS similar to those given below are being received Irosa all parts of the Colony by the proprietor. Kensington, Dunediri, Ist March, 1878.V Sir—Having occasion to use your Aperient Mixture, and having derived much benefit therefrom, 1 have, much pleasure in testifying to its merits, and ia recommending it to others. (Signed) A. Jamikson. Pier HotelTDunelin, 261h May, 1876. Sir—Having been much benefited by the use of your Indian Medicine, I have great pleasure in adding my testimony as to its efficacy, and can recommend others to try it. Some of my friends, who have also been using these medicines, speak very favourably of them, and have received much benefit from their use. (Signed) Ophklia Bennett. Port Chalmers, Now Zealand, 3rd July, 1876. Sir—l think it my duty to state that your Ghollah'a M ixture has proved in my rase to bo all that you have represented it to be; and for tho sakoof thosa who may be suffering the misery and torture oi severe Rheumatism, such as I endured previous to takingyour Invaluable medicine, I beg to, Btatethat 1 haoV been suffering the most '• excruciating agony from severe Rheunutißm for over two years. I could not rest at night. My appetite was gone, my general health shattered, a i the pains throughout my llmha and loins were constant and almost insupportable. I was induced to try your Rheumatism Mixture,, and found myself getting better after taking three; bottles of it. ' I' continued taking the medicine for about six weeks, and became perfectly restored to health/being perfectly curod of all pain or symptoms of Rheumatism. My appetite is excellent,, and I sleep well at night. . (Signed) FRED. Wi_—Mß. ~ "Blinedin, 10th July, 1876. ! Sir—l have ploasure in stating, for the benefit of others, that I have derived the most unexpected" good results from the use of Ghollah's Rlieumatism Mixture. 1 had been suffering from very severe rheumatic attacks for about 16 years, accompanied by most agonising pains in my limbs and loins, through which niy rest wa3 much disturbed: at night, my appetite very imperfect, arid my general, health altogether impaired. lam happy to state that I am now free from the pains I had experienced for so many years. Lean sleep well at night, my appetite and general health are much improved, and I can attend to my bu-incss and house dnties. This happy change h»s been brought about by the use of your Rheumatism Mixture for a'.iout tworaoiths.— I a-" Sir, yours gratefully —(Si S. Pickets. ' Duncdin, 31st August, 1876. Sir—Having taken your Ghollah's Rheumatic Mixture for some considerable time, and having been completely cured by its use. of tho very severe rheumatic gout from which I had suffered most severely for tho last ten years, I can bear testimony-to: its most extraordinary curative powers. lam now free fr-m all pain, and well in my health, and have tho free use of my hands and feet, which I had nob previous to taking your medicine. I think it right to> state, for the benefit of others suffering the tortures, that I endured for the period above stated, that I attribute my restoration to health and freedom from pain entirely to the use of your invaluable medicine. I can strongly recommend it to those suffering from rhoumstism or gout.—(Signed) John Grimm, J.P. These invaluable Medicines aieto be had th-oughout New Zealand, and IN DUNEDIN OF ALL CHEMISTS AND RESPECT ABLE MEDICINE VENDiORS. "OEAVER BROS., SALOMON, & C 0.,, HIGH STREET, DUNEDIN, ■ . WHOLESALE JEWELLERS, And GENERAL IMPORTERS OF WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELLERY, ELECTROPLATED WARE, Cutlery, Stationery, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Tobacconists' Ware, Wax Vestas, Musical and Optical Instruments, General Assortment Fancy Goods, British and Foreign TOBACCO AND CIGARS. China, Glass, Cabinet, Brush, Basket, and Leather Ware, Berlin Wools, Toys, Saddlery, &c. &c. BEAVER BROS , SALOMON, and CO.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4664, 29 January 1877, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4664, 29 January 1877, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4664, 29 January 1877, Page 4