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i ' PROVINCIAL GAZtTrE. THE OTAGO DAILY TIMES UAS BEBX ; APPOINTED BY HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR The Newßpaper in which all Public Notifications ; which have hitherto appeared in the OTAGO PKOVINCIAL GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ; . ' ■ Shall henceforth; be published. ' Notice.—The Provincial Government Gazette : will no longer bo issued. mHI OTAGO DAILY TIMES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. , Per-Quairter (per pOBt or delivered), £1. . Subscriptions may bo remitted in Bank notes, i Post ofliee orders, or Poatage stamps. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATIONS. '. ' SALE OF.BUN No. 468. 35,000 ACRES ON THE AIATUKITUKI RIVER. '' ON WEDNESDAY,7^ JANUARY, 1877. WOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that -Ll the Lease for Teu Years of Run No. 468, bounded towards the North by lite boundary between the Provinces ol Canterbury and Otago, towards the South and West by wist branch of the RUtukituki River and Run No. 485, and towards the East by a lino half a mile west of the east branch of the Matukituki, being about 35,000 acres (.more or less) on the Matukituki Kivor, will be offered for sale by public auction at the Survey Office, Queenstowu, on • Wednesday, the 31st day of January, 1877, at noon, in tencs of the" Otajo Waste Lands Act, 1872," at the upset price or annual rent of one sixteenth of one penny per acre. The bidder of the highest annual rental, in addition to the assessment payable under the 138th clause of the said Act, shall be the purchaser. Assessment of three shilings and sixpence or every head of great cattle, or sevenpence for every head of small crttle, depastured on the Run will be charged, but the minimum stock on which assessment will be charged will, not be less than 2SO sheep. ■ ; Lease to commence Irom the Ist October, 1876, and expires on the 30th day of September, 1836, or to determine en tweive months' notice from the Commissioner of Crown Lands to the Lessee to that effect, without liability on the part of Government or Waate Lands Board for compensation for improvement. The right to take a road five cchains broad, for stock travelling, is retained by Government. No previous Lessee, on purchasing the Lease, to be entitled to exercise a pre-emr>tive right to purchase land on Run. Improvements enhancing the value of the Run made by Lesseo to be paid by the incoming tenant before obtaining possession. A deposit of one-tenth of the purchase money and assessment shall be paid on fall of the hammer, and the bilances within & month. The annual assessment and premium will be payable on the first day of October of each year, excepting the first period, which will be payable as before stated— viz., at time of auction.A. CHETHAM STRODE, ' Deputy Cominbsiouer of Crown Lands. Lands Department, Duuedin, : 22nd December, 1876. 25 " ' OTEPOPO DISTRICT. ■;; ON WEDNESDAY, 31st JANUARY, 1877. : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ; JL3I Section 7, block XV , Otepopo district, containing about 20 acres (more or less) will be open f"r application, at tho Crown Lands Office, Dunedin, ou Wednesday, the 31st January, 1877, at 20s per acre. . ' ; A. CHETUAH STRODE, ■ Deputy-Commissioner at Crown Lands. ■ Crown Lands Department, Dunedin, 18th December, 1876. 20d ; ;,. . : CROWN GRANT FEES. i A TTENTION is directed; to Clause 11. '_£jL "Waste Lands Administration Act, 1876," which enacts that Crown Grant Fees and Acreage Feea are to be prepaid, viz., " PREPAYMENTi OF CKOWW LAND FBBa.. ■ " 11. From and after tho coming into operation of this Act, there shall bo paid by the purchaser of any lands, at the time when he shall complete the payiment of the purchase-money for the said land, or ': when he shall pay the instalment of the purchase-money if sold on deferred payments, over and above tho price of the land, the amount of any foes that shall be payable for the grant under any.Crown Grants Act for the time being in force: Provided that if on the issue of si Crown Grant, it shall appear that the amount of the fees paid on account of 1 ind included in such grant is more than would; be payable for such grant, the balance shall be returned to the purchaser." . ;... A. CHETHAM STRODE, Deputy-Commissioner of Crown Lands. Lands Department, Dunedin, ,18th December, Ifc76. . 20d CROWN LAND SALES, &0., fTIHE following allotments in the underJL mentioned townships will be offered for sale by ■ public auction by Jlr R. B. Martin, on the dates. ; and. at the places hereafter mentioned. Front quarterage sections to be sold at the upset price of £8 each, and back sections £5 each. '■ Sections over the quarteracre will be sold at. rates to be. stated by the Auctioneer. • At the Court House," Switzers, at Noon, on' Monday, 29th January, 1877, sections in the Township, of Wakaia, as under:— . Wakaia—l to 5, bI; Ito 22, bII; Ito 22, b HI, 1U» •"' 22,b1V; Itol3. 15 to 18, bV; 6 to 22, b IX; 1 to 12. bX;lto 6, b XI; 5, 7to 21, b Xil; 8, 10, bXV; Bto 11,13, b XVII; 11 to 14, b XVIII ; 6 to 19, b XIX; Ito 9, b XX; 2to 17, b XXI; 8, 9, 10,18 to 20, b XXIV! 2toi, 6to 20, b XXV. A. CHETHAM STRODE, Deputy-Cominksioner of Crown Lands. Crown Landa Department, : Dunedin, 18th December, 1876. 20d CLUTHA D STRICT. , WEDNESDAY, 31st JANUARY, 1877. ■\FOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEiST, that _L3I Sections 1 and 2, Block XXII., and the Southern £ of Section 1, Block XXVII., Clutha District, will be ottered-fori sale by public auction, at the Crown Lands Office, Dunedin, on Wednesday, 31st January, 1877, at the upset price of £5, per acre. A. CHETHAM STRODE, Deputy-Commissionsr of Crown Lands, r Crown Lands Department, ; , . 21st December, 1876. ; 22d: BEAUMONT AND TUAPEKA VVEBT DISTRICT. 4260 Acres openfor Application, a*.2osper Acre, on 1 .. ,; WEDNESDAY, 31st JANUARY, 1877. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that; A-\ Sections 1, 2, 3, and. 4, Block IX., Beaumont District; Sections 1 t0.16, Block XII., Tuapeka West District ; and Sections 61, 52, 53, and 54, Block 11., Tuapeka West District, will be open for Application on Wednesday, 31at January, 1877, at 20s per acre, at Dunedin and Lawrence Land Offices. A. CHETHAM STRODE, Deputy-Commissioner of Crown Lands. Crown Lands Department, Dunedin, 21st December, 1876. 22d TOWN OF DUNEDIN. ON WEDNESDAY,~3Ist JANUARY,.IB77. nVTOTICE IS HE"REBY GIVEN, that _LV Section 59, Block XXXII., Town of Dunedin, will be offered for sale by public auction, at the Crown Lands Office, Dunedin, on WEDNESDAY, 31st January, 1877. . : .A. CBETHAM STRODE, Deputy Commissioner of Crown Lands. Crown Lands Department, Dunedin, 18th December, 1876. 20d OTAG9 WASTE LANDS ACT, 1872. Section 65, Sub-section 1. TENTH SCHEDULE. No. District of Mount Ida, Naseby, 24th January, 1877. To the District Land Officer at Naseby. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, thab I intend to construct a Water-race for irrigation and domestic purposes, commencing at a point in Shepherd's Gully, near tho junction with Hogburn Gully, about five miles from Naseby, with a right to lift any side stream, and terminating mi the block of land applied for by me, and situate on Run No. 206a. The length of such Water-race is three miles, or thereabouts, and its intended course is north and south. The mean depth and breadth of such Race is 24 inches by 10 inches, and ia capable of carrying one Government head of water. Signature and address (in full) of Applicant, JOHN CREIGIITON, Naaeby. Any person objecting to the issue of a Licenso to the above-named Applicant, must lodge his objection in writing at my office within fourteen clear days from the date hereof. H. W. ROBINSON, 28ja District Officer. PUBLICATIONS. JUST PUBLISHED. THE NEW ZEALAND CONFEDERATION ; An Enquiry into the Present SUtfl of Political Affairs, with Suggestions as to the Bost Form of Government for the Colony. By CIIAS. W. PURNEH., Author of " An Agrarian Law for New Zealand," &c. Price, One Shilling. DUNEDIN: R. T. WHEE LE K, Stafford street, And all Booksellers. 25j 4 HAIKDRESSEB. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. 17* BEISSELL, Hairdresser, begs to . • inform his Friends and Customers that ho will resume business in all its branches THIS DAY (WEDNESDAY), DEC. 13, Obposite his late establishment (destroyed by fire), Princeß street, next to Jlessrs Burton Bros., photographers.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4663, 27 January 1877, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4663, 27 January 1877, Page 3