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PPBLIO NQgIOES. [CIRCULAR.) ■ WE beg to inform our mimeraw customers ami the public, that we have now entirely removed the whole of our Malting an* other business from our late premises, Ilattray street, to cue new premises, at our brewery, Water of Leith. In additior to our new Brewery, fitted up mtft j steam plant, and every other tpplianco of the most np- • proved modern description, we have now completes! I extensive «nd first-class Malting: Buildings. j Our premises being constrncted of stone, afford tha j best cellarage and every necessary convenience for tins proper carrying on of a B.ewinjr Trade, aM employing nono other than tho best finalities of orewinr materials, we are thereby enabled to produce, anif supply to our customers, Ales and Stouts ol a quality unsurpassed in the Colonies. Soliciting a continuance of your favours, we arc* yours obediently, JAMES WILSON and CO., Brewers, Maltsters, Bottlers, and Hop ItoehanSsw Well Park Brewery, Water oi £aith. N.B.—All orders to be addressed to Water of Letlh, not to Hattray street. SJ*p TOHALMIRSREID O FINANCIAL AKB GENERAL AGENT, DUNEDIN. Loans negotiated on mortgage. McCoys a* Shares bought and sold; and every description Financial and General Agency Biusiuesg transacted. Offices: TEMPLE CHAMBERS. HE SPECIAL NOTICE. IWORTH A.ND SOOULLAS •*■ beg to caH special attention to the foßswtaK: List of Pianos on hand and to »nive :— KIRKMAH'S PIAStOS BRINSMEAD'S PIANOS ALLISON'S PIANOS COLLARD'S BIABfOS BROAD WOOD'S PIANOS The above having been purchased direct fresn tfc» makeis for cash—thus receiving the fall bandit of afi disoounte—N. andS. aro prepared t» offer ft*» sfiprices heretofore unknown in Durcdin. NORTH AND SCOULLAB. FURNITURE IMPORTERS, Rattriy street te. LEGAL NOTICES. Patent for an Invention for GsuWiing or StA» soiling, simultaneously:. with ploughing; fcf means of an Adjustable. Grabber, to Jis atUched to any description of plough. mmS IS TO NOTIFY, that Fkbobjuctl JL Lowe Jbfi'cOAT, of Winchepdon, Saddle Hilt, int the Provinco of Ota?o, Farmer, did, on the Thirteenth day of April instant, deposit at i the Office of (te Patent Officer, in the Colonial. Secretary's Office, iat Wellington. & Specification or Instrument in Writing^ under his hand and seal, particularly describing «E ascertaining the nature of tr.e said invention, ant) is what manner the same is performed, and thafc by reason of such deposit, the said invention is protected and secured to him exclusively for the term a£ six calendar months thene? next ensuing: And F te Further Notify, that the said Fkbdeibck Lowb Jbsfcoax has given notice in writing at ray office of bis intention to proceed with his application for tetters: Patent for the said invention, and that I Lave appointed. Friday, the Eleventh day of August next, at ele-np o'clock in tho forenoon, to hear, and consider the sast. application and all objections thereto:; And I do herehjf require ali persons having an imcre'-t in opposing t&« grant of such Letters Patent to leave, on or before thjt> Seventh day of August next, at my office in. Welling--ton, particulars in writing of.itheir objections So tfce said application, other wise they- will be precluded frsßu. urging the tame. Given u:,der mv . hand,, this- thirteenth day og April, 1878. W; S. REID, 6my Patent. OSicoe. Patent for an Invention for an Improveiuoufc in Ploughing, by cutting a triangular • pice* off the land side, and producing a Lozeuge.shaped Sod. THIS IS TO NOTIFY, that Fuedstiuck Lowe , Jewcoat; of W"iridienif«Hi k Sad .le Hill, in the Province of. Ofc^o, Farmer, dut, on the 13th day of April instant, deposit at the office: of the Patent Officer, in the Colonial Secretary's Office, in Wellington, a Specification or Instrument i«. writing under his hand and seal, particularly de-ctilj-ing and ascertaining the natureof the said invention, and in what manner the same is to be performed, ami. that by reason of such deposit the said Invention, is protected and secured to. him. exclusively for tte term of six calenlar months thence next ensuing: And I do further notify, that the said Fkbbbwcu. Lowb Jbffcoat has given notice in writing at nxy o3&» of his intention to proceed with his application, tor Letters Patrnt for the. said Invention, and that I bjwe appointed Friday, the eleventh day of August next* at eleven o'clock in tho forenoon, at my office, to hmc and consider the said application, and all objections thereto : And I do.hproby require all persons havrasraa. interest in opposing the grant of such Letters Patent to leave, on or, before the: seventh day of August, at my office in Wellington,,partieutars in writing- olthojr objections to the, said application, otherwise they witt. be precluded from urging the same. Given under -my hand, this thirteenth day of AgriJ^ 1876. W. S. REI9, 6my Patent OfficerP&G&PEGTUS. PROSPECTUS MOUJST RAEG-"tOTO SILVER MINING.. COMPANY (LIMITED). PROVINCE OF WESTLAND. CAPITAL—£3O.OO9, IN 6000 SHAKES OF £5 EACH.. The Company will be registered as soon as applications have been received for 2000 shares. Five^hillings per share on application; live shilliajjir per share, on allotment; tho balance to he pud titt calls not to exceed five shillings per share per moalli. assay EsroaT. "Medical School Laboratory, the University, Melbourne, February 7th, 1876. Memorandum ot &esosf of Leaa Ore. No. 1 contains of lead 21 (twenty-o»e^ per cent.; ot silver, 735 (seven hundred and tfairtyftgej aunces.troy per ton. Ko. % contains of lead 31 (thirty-one) per cent.; of silver 92 (three hundred ami ninetyrtwo) ounces troy per ton. No. 3 con tains of Iwd: i lQi&(tendecimalfiYe)pereetit.—John DRUJtMONnKswc--1 land, M. 8., Lecturer on Chemistry and Metallurgy." ' Forms ot application may be obtained from. , J.S.WEBS. PEOSPECTUS OV TUB 4,;fILTON POTTERY COMPAKi; k. JUL LIMITED. Capital, £5000, in Shares of £1 each. Eirsfc Issue 3000 Shares, of which over 1200 nans xl Iready bten applied for. Deposit on Application, sa; and on Allotment, JEk pet I ' share. Future calls not to exceed 23 6d per share, eoi iv, be made &t intervals of less than one month. Provisional Directors : W. J. M. Larnach, Esq., M.H.K. John L. Gillie}, Esq., M P.C. Robart Wilson, Esq. (Messrs R. Wilson aud Co. } 3 fiobert Glendiuing, Eiq. (Messrs Boss and^leaduuaaf. . Thomas Brawn, 'Esq., (Messrs Brown, Ewingv aait tol B, Slevwnght, £sq. (Messrs Sievwright and jjtau%. 5 Peter M'Gfll, Esq., Tokomairiro. Edward Stewart, Esq., Tokomairiro. John L. Souitcr, Esq., Tokomairiro. Bankers: The Bank ot New Zealand, Dunedin and Tokfiffiftjirtu Interim Secretary: Mr George Grant Temporary Offices: Messrs Lcary and Grant's, Battray street, Dmmdia. The Provisional Directors of this Company fifct* acquired the Freehold of the Milton Pottery Woifea, ' and have purchased the Plant, Machinery, and Gowis in course of manufacture, on favourable terms. Ttu:jhave also secured the services of tho ten skilled warlirmen who were selected in England and brougili to. £ New Zealand by the late proprietor. The object of tho Company is to work this TOluaKe property, which was carefully plamied and aiSapiwi „ for the establishment of extensive Pottery Works, and thoreby retain in the Colony artizans skilled in tlai* important industry. 3 It is believed that these roen will be fotendnt afi respects capable of turning out Ware, Pottery, T&as, and Salt Glazed Pipes of a quality equal to the imported article ; and it is s&tWactorr to state that the workmen have shown their confidoucc in ihe future <ai the Company's operations by sub*aribiag aoiiMigsl. _ themselves for 500 shawis, .Mid hive agreed to feawi Z undraivn one-half of tlicir weekly wages until the sawe shall be fully paid up. There is no do'shfe a great demand exists ia the: Colony for the various descriptions cf Pottery Vast proposed to be manufactured by the Company, aai that the profit attached to such, a bustDcsi promises t» be large. li'.sid(;s the ordinary manofacturin" profit, II the Company will have in its favour, as aga»nst» unit ported goods, such items as freight, charges, dultf, packing, and ?»r«&*ge> which of themsolvesaraiaoiift than sufliciiaA to enable the Company—as tap us its, le means of production permit—to keep the iiojjait«t ; n goods out ct ihe market. ;e It is well to state ths.;. abundance of clay of the bus* description cm be had iv ihe iunicdi&tc iieighticaEhood ci, tb\e works at a, nominal pricu. Copka of ftjereements made for Purchase of Kramises, Machinery, and Plant, and with tha workmen^ together with estimates of Income and Expenditure. foittfoa first six months, may be seen on ipplica,tioa to a P He Grant, the Interim Secretary, fr.TO whom copies oC — %bfi Compauiys Pro^pecUls may be obtained. r Applicatiosis for Shares, with deposit of Ss perstaw, * nsnst ba forwarded to the Interim SeaoaiS- ®*T SSMOYALfIk ' P "a ' ® * •^ "PAIHXS.?. CLA2IEB, ASD MTOME&* toy Bcjp trt iatimste that he has — asKoVED v> ma kkw bixildikoj or Newij- opfwito his former lUßmiieSj r t n" «eosok sraKia

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4436, 8 May 1876, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4436, 8 May 1876, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4436, 8 May 1876, Page 5