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April 3.—Wind, morning, N. 8., moderate ; afternoon, %ht, variable. Weather,' fine, cloiidy. 8 a.m.—Barometer, 29 83; thermome'er, 55. I p.m.— Barometer, 29.8 X; thermometer, 65. 5 p.m.—liaro-tnctc-r, 20.85 ; thermometer, 00. High water on the 4th April:—At tho liotids, 11.31; at Port'Chalmers, 0.1; »t Ounodin, 0.50.

ARRIVE! AT THE HEADS. ' '■ P.C.M. SB. CoHmV',2oo6 tons, ShacMerd, from Knndavu, via coast, ports. H. Driver, agent. Passeagiw: Mr and Mrs Matthews and fmiiiy (8), Mefsre I>avidson, Richardson, Hannah, jjames Mills, and %xo steerage. DErAItTURK3. Fnwiklyn Belle, ketch, 30 tons, Foreman, for Catlin's River. 11. Outhrie, agent. ..... ; , I Palmira-ton, ketch, 25 tons, Bretaer, for the Coast. Uope/Iwrge, 24 tons, Julier, for Waikouaiti. Maori.T"-. 118 tons, Malcolm, far Lyttelton. Union Company, agents. . .. . "Arawata, s.s,, 023 tons, Underwood, for Lyttelton. Dalftety, Nichols, and Co., agents. Pasieilgers : For Lyttelton-Messrs C. Bright and S. Smith. For Wellington—Mr Jlillar and two steerttge for Kelson. I%C.M. B.s. Colima, 2005 tons, Bhackford, for Lyttelton. H. Driver, agent. • ■ Shftg, «.s., 31 tons, Winjr, for Shag Peint. Martin «uid watson, agents. ._.,■' IMtau, 104 tons, Urqulurt, for Oamaru. J.Reid, agent. ■>■ i . ■■■..• ■■„ ■. ..■:-.■■.' ''". BXFKCTKD ARRIVALS. ■; From JJOSDOW.— Denbighshire, Dec. 29 ; Loch Awe, January; CaitlOch.Zuleika. ■ From Glasgow.-Pomona. From New York,—Stillman B. Allen, January 23rd; Argosy, March. <■■'■' : PROJECTED DM"ARTtTRKB. ;' • , ,", ifoft London.- May Queen, Bth inst. ' yoft Mslbobrse,—Alhambra, 6th inst.; Alma, Fob Stdnbt.—Albion, early. ~. ,For Northern Ports.—Hawea, 6th inst.; Wellington, BtJl tart, .'VA.V ■;•■■„ ■ . . .' 'JFor Xtttsutos, &c. —Wanganui, Tthinst,; Sophie, €utly. '■■■■■■ ■ > ■ ■ . • ■ "' '■ '■''■■ S"O» Toiaeb. -Taiaroa, this day ; Beautiful Star, this day. I'oa Sotobsrk Ports.—Express., 6th inst.; ComerBne, early.: ■■■,■■■■;■■:... ■ ■■' . ■' ■ ■■ For Port Moi/s>*KUX.J~MataU( early. Fok SnAU Point.—Shag-, early. FOR Oamard.—Samsonj this day ; ; Jessie Niccol, OArly. -■•■■■■■,■/■ ■ ■ ... ' .. .. . ■ For Avcklanb.—Hinemia, early; Albion, this day. FOR Nbw f jlymovtii.-—Merlin, early. ;


Samson, 124 tons, Edie, from Oamaru, with cargo. J. "Mills, agent. Matiiu, IC4 tons, Urquliart, from Port Molyneux, witll cargo. J. Reid, agent. , Express, 1313 tons, Fraser, from Bluff Harbour, With cargo. 11. Houghton anil Co., agents. Shag, 31 tons, Wing, from Shag Point, witn cargo. Martiu and Watson, acnts. Arawata, C 23 tons, Umlcrwood, from Bluff Harbour, Wirai cargo. Dulgety, Nichols, and Co., agents. Hawea, 401 tons, Wheeler, from Lyttelton, with cargo. J. Mills, agent. OUTWARDS. Arawata, C 23 tons, Underwood, for Lyttelton, with cargo. Dalgety, Nichols, and Co., ngonts. Matau, lOt tons, Urquhan, for Oaiaaru, with cargo. 3. Reid, agent. . Sfemson, 124 tons, -Edie, for Osunaru, with cargo. J. Mills, agent. Maori, 118 tons, Malcolm, for Lyttelton, with cargo. J. Mills, agent. Shag, 81 tons, Wing, for Shng Point, with cargo. Martin ana Watson, ascenta. .1 EXPOKT*. PerMatau, forOainaru: epackftges, X Ramsay; 0 do, Haworth ; 5 do, Sargood, Son, and Ewen ; 10 do, Kinoaid, M'Queen, and Co J IS do, Anderson and Co ; 12 do. Buttcrworth BroB; 1 do, Stavoly and Co. Per Maori: ' For Lyttelton-2 packages, Weir and Samson; 247 do, GuthrieandLarnach; 50do, Mackerrks and Co; 2 do, Sargood, Son, and Ewen; 19 do, Seonlafc For Nelson—l packago, M'Landross; 1 do, Briecoe and Co. For Weatport-i-S packages, Gregg and Co; 13 do, Lange and Thoneman; 4 do, Ross and Glendining; 70 do, Briscoe and Co ;25 do, Anderson;. 4 do. Heyraanson, Low, and Co; ,0 do, Ha worth. -For Hofcitika—2 packages, Mathesonßros; 1 do, Foster; 4 do, Butterworth Bros '; 2 do, Boss and Glendining; 6 do. Beymnnson, Low, and Co; 1 do, Beaver Bros; 6do, Briscoe and Co; 12 do, Sargood. For Grey-, mouth—lo packages, Beaver Bros! 18 do, Driscoll; -If do, Rodjters; 7 do, Boas and Glandining; 2 do/lot iron, Briscoe and Co; 7 packages, Kempthorne, Prosner, ontfCo: 18 do, Heymanson, L6w, and Co ; 67 do, KwongSing Wing; 17 do, Sargood ; 1 do, Hayman and Co. tU . ■ ■ i . iv ■ '■ ■ .■■■-■>.■ P«r Samson, for Oamaru: 60 packages, Dalgoty, Nichols, and Co; 6 do; Keast and Co ; 2do. Banks, Barron, oud Co ;"2 do, Lindsay; 2 do, Short; lot iron pipes, «&. Briscoo and Co; 1 package, W G Moore : 6 So, Neill .and Boyd; 8 do, Albion Brewing Co; 130 do, Hogg and Hutton; lot timber, Guthrie mid Larnach; 1 package, Wise and Co; 1 do, Martin; 4 do, Bright Bros and CO; 2 do,'Hamann; 19 do, Butterworth Bros-r S-do, Poterson and M'Lsod; 2 do, Joel; 3 do, Hallenstein Bros; 7 do, Smith and Smith; 1 do, Farquhar; 87 do, Noill and Co ; 2 do, Buchan ;20 do, K'Leod; 29 do, Baxter; 1 do, Cable; 1 do, M'Gaffy ; 7 do, Wilson; 87 do, Esther and Row; 102 do, Lange and Thonoman; 1 do, J T Smith; 12 do, R Wilson »nd Co.; 7 do, Widdcn ; 4 do, Brown, Ewing, and Co ; 4 do.-Scanlan Bros; 68 do, Cargttls, Gibbs, and Co ; 3 do, Lees ; 1 do, Popham; 8 do, Kimboll ; 2 do, Wylie; 2 do,J Hayman ;15 do, Lone, Campbell, and Co; 2 do, Walkeni; 1 do, Muxrav : 60 <10, J MHIb ; 9 do, Turnbull *nd Co ;"104 do, Reid and Grey ; 11 do, Hejman-«on,-Low, and Co; 1 do, Edmond, Forsyth, and M'Neill; 1 do, Blng, Harris, and Co ;15 do, Dunning Bros.'- .

The P.M. Co.'« mail steamer1 Colima, bringing the Southerivportionotthe European mail via BanFranclscoior Sew Zealand, hovo iueiglit off the Heads at 1 o'clock yesterday morning, and an hour Utcr was tooarded by JPi'ot Kelly tod,anchored. There was a 'nasty roll o( sea coming in, and this, combined with. the (acts of the-Colima being deep In the. water—her draught alt was 22ft.*; Whilst the tides were neap, rendered her coming into port somewhat problematical, aflslic would'be v great deal too near to the .ground in the trough of 'the' sea whilst crossing the shallowest, part jbt "th? entrance. Unfortunately she was very; muatt Ty ' tno item, quite 6fi, and had she been trimmed a little1 more by the" head, the question ol risk In bringing her Jn .would riot 'have j arisen. The, pilot telegraphed her draught.and the position ol affair?—'' If the toll did not subside, she could not come in." 'ii -very booti' became evident that she would not como in thus tide. High water "made i» mark, and stilt no sign of the Colima beading for harbour, and.then Captain Thomson, the Harbourmaster, tolegraphedtothe Superintendent and Mr.Heaiiuy, of.tue^ortChplmers Post office authoritiealfcrinstructions about landing the mails,,and: iugsecteS that the Geolong should be engaged. Being compMod to attend at the Magistrate's Uourt to give evidence,, in a case in, connection with the barque Theseul.'Captskin Thomson had to wait at the Port until neatly noon, a::d then, as no reply came from town, ho' Started for the Hoadt In the harbour launch Viie, purposing to board the Colima in her, providing there was not toomuchsea on. Arriving nt the Heads, he found the sea too heavy_for the yir« to face. Fortunately tho steamer Jane 'happened to be down attending upon the stranded -schooner- James Poxton ; and as there ,waa still no sign of the Geelong coming down,'Cipt&in Thomson and Mr'Heaphy lud a short eonsiu'taUon, arid-It was resolved-arid, we think, very propeMy too-to engage the Jane to go out at once, and brlnrthe tnails in. Accordingly the lane, with the Harbour. .Master Sand i Mir- Heiiy, and' the' reporters -of 'the morning, -on board, and tho ' pilot boat in; tow,. soon reached the Colimi, and the work of transhipping the mfiil commenced, the? pilot boat playing the (part of | jro-betVeen, m there waa too much sea to permit the Jane to lie alongside the big steamer. - ; The mails —<S6 bags ioall—were transhipped in the course of an hour. It was then past, two o'clock.. As the last boat-" load wag-going away from the Colima the Geelong steamisa :iitS}JnSthioUons" to prciceed to the Coliraa were telegraphed to her from town, and found her at a quarter before one o'clock, but as it was thought probable that Hr' Driver, the- mail-boat's agent, would come to the Port by the mid-day train the Oeolong twiited until that train arrived, tlhd then left for the Heada, and reached the Colima just as the transhipment of the mails to the Jane was effected. This was fortunate, 'inasmuch as that the Jane was at once sent in with the malls, whilst the Qeelong remained to take off the passengers and their effects and the few packages of cargo whleh. the-, Colima had brought. /foe Jane started for the shore shortly before three o'clock, and although she steamed her beat, and well *t,that,j.ahe missed, .but ouly by .about ten minutes, the S.l& p.m. train irom • the Port. Banco the malThad to wait for the next train, and, as that waa late, it did not reach Puucdin until long after six o'clock. The Qeelong brought in thepassengeri, &c, *nd fetched tho Port about six o'clock—. Captain Thomson returning In .her. He informed us that the"CoJi»a had left, her captain havingdeoided notto waltany longer, but go back to Lyttelton. as it was absolutely'necessary that a couple of days should be devoted to overhauling the Colima's engine* to: fit her for the lonjt ran ito 8»n Francisco. Captain Shackford gave our representative to understand that I Buch wa« his iDHntion, and expressed regret at being ; compelled "to take the step. Tho Colima iaja fine-: looking steamer of the stamp of the Grenada—indeed they might very well bo mistaken for sister .vessels. Both are brig-rigged,''plumb-stemmed, and heavyquartered, and with a hurricane decic above and overlapping at the sides, the spar deck-house containing the upp#' sparV W ' tlie sal"? 11 ; ■ accommodation and omWsWuirtew and offices; !; She is,-however, a larger vessel by about: 500 tons, and six feet longer, Whuit her power is greater by about 60 horses. She la comparatively a new boat, having been built in 1872, sad until she was put.&i temporarily to help to run the new mail 5 service,*5 was in the trade between San Francisco and Panama; She Is 2905 tons register, and 350 h.p;, donvavod! through, |a compound nutfacfl coQd«asing engine, the diameter of .itajow pressure cylinder being 88 inches, and ol *he high pressure, 51 inches. The describtibn wdgftv-o the other day or the Greuali wouldservc in all essential partioulirs for tho Colima. The latter naajustttheMmo kind of aaloon and steerage accommodiitioti.-and similar appointments. Sho is commanded ,by- Captain Sh»ckford, with Mr Chapman chief officer,' Mr E. Forsyth chiel engineer, Mr & Bugg, purser, Mr J. Bldr, 2nd engineer; :ilr Sundennuin, 2nd officar; Surgeon, MrMaryatt; Chief Steward, MrcPacjitor; Stewardess, Mrs Murray. The Colima came Ticro to take out, as well as brini; in malls,'but aa she has anticipated by a couple of days1 her advertised time'of departure, a flight .difficulty tciuchmg the outward mail lias joistti, ami will have to bo met possibly by dstainlnjrthe stenmer Hawea for a day. The following report of the Colima'strip from Sydney, round via Kandavu, was supplied' us by the purser:—She left Sydney at 3.65 a,o& on March 12th, hid strong northerly winds and sea going across, and arrived at Kandavu fifty minutes after noon on, the 21st. She there met too Bteatners Grenada, outwnrd bound, and Mikado', inward, exchanged maiis and passengers with each of them, aad left for Auckland at 8 p.m on the £2nd. Experienced strong southerly and S.E. weather throughout the passage, and arrived at 7.80 a m. on the 28Uj. ' landed malld mid passengers, and ie(t at 2.16 p.m. the same dny. Was off Napier next night, but as it was blowing very heavily from the S E. she give the plwe the go-bys, and arrived at Wellington at 1.10 fl.m. on tlio Ist hut. Landed mails, and kit again at S p.m. Fetched LyttcltoH on tho 2nd at II.SO a.m , rennined there two hours only, and then1 moved aheld for .Otago, arriving at thij Hoatls at 8 a.m. yesterday.* She Tjrought 12 passengers and 4 biles of hops, and 25 boxes of shrimps in the way of cargo. The departure of the Albion Company's good ship Kelson was unavoidably poetised yesterday. Nothing WBS lost by the postponeraont, for there was little or do wind out3lde, and whit there waa was dead sgsitiiit'htT. Bh*ls to sail this morning, and will tow out about 8 oVlock. We are glad t« hear that she is crammed with passenger* every berth is occupied. We heartily wish her ton toyagt. Tho steamer Maori left yestenjay evt ning on another trip round the Island.. She Las gonu North about Smart despatch was accorded the steamer Arawata She landed over 200 tons ol cwflo duriof tta d»y, and

cleared out of port between five and six o'clock^this evening. She goes to Nelson, via Jjyttelton and Wellington, then returns here to leave for Melbourne about the 10th inst. : ■ An fittemp'. was made yesterday morning to (rot tno Bchooner James Paxton afloat, but proved ineffectiva Tho steamer -Jane was in attendance, and tried by dint of hard towii)g to release the schooner. She subsequently ran but a heavy i anchor,; With CO fathoms of strong chain attached, with as rcany^more of lighter makq between that and the schooner.' This mermng anotfief attetnpt toiheave and tdiw^cr^offOTll bo ramie. It is to bo hoped it will be successful. , Tho ketches Franklyn Belle and Palmerston sailed tor the coast yesterday.We notice that the s.e. Ino, lately arrived here, ia advertised for Bale by her agent, Mr Webb. The Saxon, a fine schooner of Auckland build, of size very suitable for the coasting trade, is in the market for sale. She is at present lying at the port of 'Lytteltdrij and intending purchasers may obtain further particulars by applying to Mr Keith Ramsay.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4407, 4 April 1876, Page 2

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4407, 4 April 1876, Page 2

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4407, 4 April 1876, Page 2