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BUSINESS NOTICES. TfiTONDERFUL SUCCESS! Prof. Bakkt, Philadelphia, July 7th, 1873. Dan Sir—Having lost my hair daring my services In Chins, I wu completely bald on the top of my head. On my return to Philadelphia, Iwm induced nuke a trial of your BARRY'S TRIOOPHEROUS, which I thottiht conreyed a comfortable pleasantness to the head. This Induced me to have two more bottles, and before I had finished the ihinl bottle, my hair began to grow. I have continued to use it since, and I have now the appearance of as fine a head of hair a* in my youth. This letter yon are at liberty towM you please.—l am, yours, Ac CHABLB3 LES. SAURY'S SAFE HAIR DYJ2 1* a really good article, prepared by Professor Alex. Barry, whose name la »o well known in connection with hi* great Hair Beaewer, BABBITS TBIOOr HZK> OTJS, established om 70 yean YOUTH BKSTOBED by • use el that innocent and delightful comet! BARRY'S PEARL CREAM, Which speedily removes wrinkles, freckles roughness, tan, and snnburn, and enables any lady of forty en fortyfive to pass easily for twenty. It is exquisitely perfamed, and guaranteed perfectly healthful, li is made from the blossoms of the most fragrant flowers, and will oure almost any skin disease, besides giving a clearness and purity of complexion equa 3 only by the finest alabaster. The trial of one DotUe wi satisfy any lady of the great superiority of Rabat's Piahli Cksim over ail other preparations for beautifying the complexion. BARRY'S MARFILOTA, For Beautifying and Preserrin tha Teeth, Perfuralßg tke Breath, and Hardening the Guns, Is the best article for remoring Tartar, Canker, Scurry, and nil other diseases or substances injurious totheTesth. It*, asto Is most agreeable, imparting peculiai sweetness to the breath, and Insuring to the Teeth tne most beautiful and pearly whiteness. If used regularly will positively preserve the Teeth and Owns in a sound and healthy condition to extreme old age. Wholesale Agents for New Zealand £ KBMPTHOBNI!, PBOBSKE, and 00. .pLARKK'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE, THB OIIAI BLOOD PTTBIITISB AND BBSTOKBR, For cleansing and clearing the blood from ,U1 Impurities, cannot be too highly recommended. for Scrofula, Scurry, Skin Diseases, aad Sores of all kinds, it la a nerer-fatling and permanent cure. Agents— UKPTHOKin, PBOSSKB, and Co. FOB INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE, TyESTON'S WIZARD OIL, " A balm for every wound." " A cure for every ill.™ THIS GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Qout, Sciatic*, Con- ' , tractions. Diarrhoea, And all Nervous and Inflammatory aches ami pains. WESTON'sItAGIC PILLS (Sugar coated) For Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Female Complaintn, Headache, Costiveneiw, Impurities of the Blood, Liver complaints, &c. • WESTON'sInZABD OIL. Asiatic Cholera, Dysentery, Colic, or Cramps Cured and prevented by Whston'b Wizard Oil, in fifteen minutes. No congestion, inflammation, weakness, or lassitude will follow its use. THIS PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY! For Headaches (whether sick or nervous), Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains and Weakness in the Back, Spine, or Kidneys, Pains around the' Liver Pleurisy, Swellings of the Joints, Pains in Bowels, and for all Nervous and Inflammatory aches and pains, Wbston's Wizard Oil will afford immediate ease, and its continuous use for days will effect a perfect cure. WESTOire~WIZARD OIL AND MAGIC PILLS. Price—Half-a-Crown. Sole Agents; KEMPTHORNE, PBOS3EB and CO. PEARS'S CELEBRATED SOAPS, PJDEUrUMBST, and TGILBT REQUISITES, always la Stook aad on Sale by Uk Wholesale Afeato, KMDPTHOBNI, PBOBBIB, and CO., DuMdla aad Auckland. TgRANDRETM'S PILLS, BNTIBILY VKMTABLI AND INNOCKNT. Wbw aa important truth is uttered, it will spread, LUNGS AND KIDNEYS OUSXD. Isaao W. Briggs, of 146, Suffolk street, New York, says he has used Brandreth's Pills for thirty years, having commenced to use them is February, 1886, for Dyspepsia, and Affections of the Longs and Kidneys. He took Brandreth's Pills every day for thirteen months, sad In March, 1837, became a perfectly sound, healthy man, though before he commenced with this gnat medicine, h« was on the verge of the grave. ... ALLOOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS, soi a"x"i c a. Henry D. Bnadmtu, Esq., Liverpool. " Heywood, Oct. 9, 1871. " Dear Sir—Please to (sod me another six dosen oi Alloeok's Piasters, and two doaen Brandreth's Pills. Is ltd. The Plaster seems to produce wonderful results. The* is scarcely a day passes but some one is telUajaw of the cures they are making. Bheu matins a various parts of the body disappears asif by magic. Only on flaturday last, Mr Jacob H»y wV)ooVAlbert Terrace. Starkey street, Heywood, informd me that he had bam troubled with sciatica for three years; so bad was it the last 12 months of that time **>•* he was unable to follow his employment He had tried many doctors, been to MaUock, and spent £S on a largely advertised electric-chain belt, but all to no purpose. Some one at last persuaded hJmtoteyyourifosUrs. H« said he had £> faith in then, hut he would by them, for he was stuck fast; they ooeld not make his piia much worse, and it would only b* a little more money sent after the rest. So he bought two-eoe h« placed on his thigh, and the other oa his back—and a week after he was ready for his work. It is now six months ago, sad he hai bad no »tom of htopata.-Y«i» „ Agent* for New Zealand :— KBMPIHOSNB, PBOSSKB, and Co. /CONSUMPTION.—Ohwt Affections, ■ * . • mmma mt aaußQHiLirs strum or hypophosPHAT> Of XJMX, 80DA, AND IRON, wcmniMmM bf tat "Marti"! physloUas fa JEurop*. AgsatT ■ KXMPTHOBNS. PBOSSKB, aad Co. r EEOI. JAMES'S BLISTERING JLj OINTMENT FOB HOBSK3. This Ointment has the largest sale of all horse blisters, and its efficacy is uadeniabto. It slio has another important advantage—lt will never blemish, however often used. Aftnts. XBaTPTHOBNK, PBOSSEB, and CO. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. For. Coughs, Oelds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Affection* of the Lungs, aad Consumption, It is unequalled aa a Remedy, li Is warranted to break up th« most troublesome Cough lv a few hours. Don't experiment wit I new and untried mixtures; take this at once, and all ailment* will disappear. It Uharmless to the most delicate Child—contains no Opium in any form. Sold everywhere by. Druggists and Storekeeper! throssaout the Colony, and Wholesale br amtPTHOBNK, PBOBBSB, aad Ob. ZO SQUATTERS. KEEP your Sheep In Health by using CALV2BTS CABBOLIO BHKKP WASH. Guaranteed to CORK Scab, Foot Hot, or Tic*. Agents for New Zealand :— , KKHFTHOBNE, PJSOSSEB, Co 1

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4406, 3 April 1876, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4406, 3 April 1876, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4406, 3 April 1876, Page 4