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Bxr3mEi3a notices. T).UN-BDIF lEON WORKS. IL 3. SPAEEQW and Co., , ; Engineers, Boller-maiters, Iron-founden, 'Manufacturers of Quartz-crushing, Pumping, and, !- Winding Machinery, Tubular, • Girder, Suspension Bridges, Gold Dredges on the Pneumatic and otha principles, Iron Pluming, Ripple and Hopper Plates Boats and Punts to all sizes, Steam Engfies," Boilers,. Flre^prbof Doors, Safes, afurblna and other Water wheels. •■ : " : ','!-- : ■■■:" -■_ •• ■^■'■i; .■ , Plans and Specifications prepared. ■ Estimates given for every descripUbn of Iron Wo '^ ■ Eiperienced Workmen sent to all parts QUm ■.., .;■. - " • Colonies.'.... ': ;•;•■■■' ■■■ : ••'■ 1 :' Addre93—WlliMS BTRBET, DpyrBDIM. " nrIHE OTAao foujsriDßi; A Cumberland street, Dunedin » , : . ; J. DAVIDSON "and CO., .•'■■'• ' ■ tateWm." Wilson,' .. r fT ; Engineers, Boiler Makers, and Irou Foiindera; : , Machinery of all kinds made to order. '.': Also Engines, Boilers, and every; description .' Brass, Wrought Iron, and Cast Iron Work. ' ■';■'■' "O AELWAY FOIJNPIIYi PU3SEDIS f • ■ ■ ■. •■;•■'; JAMES 'FRASER^ and^bo.,.^.;^,;;.., '*£T :^ Englneore, MlUwright^ Blflcksmitts, Zren ( and Sav^ ', . • Manufftotnrers of Bteam Engines; also ■-i :., Machinery for Quarts Cruahlng, Woollen Faobaiai ■ ''.''• GrisVMills; tow JCUg, Paper Milii, and ; j r f . .1".:: everydescripabnjof'MUl Glaring. , / '/' -, :. Plans and specifications ■ prepared fsr the aborra ~' mentioned work it reqtulredU i"<\j>':tt'--i "..;■-; rfx ■ ■' Orders and repaid promptly attended to^ : ..,,,,,,:. ■ ' ■

~.,;■.,'i ! ; n.['o{%M:~vA ' js\.<iY£v&-(M)?iT '■■• ■": PRINCES BTEEET AND MOSAY < PiAOB^ ■ m-; E ■-'■-■■:"■-■-*jb^vk'x>iSr'ataoKk^-''-'. «:>'r-:;:'- £ri=r-*-;."H-^ ■ A Large snd'varW&sabr^'oiit of ■•,•••!' ENGLISH1 'AJro^A^DSMd^SSA^WABBh Consisting of— "*" "■" ■„ ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ Nails, locks, fotches,' hinges, bolts, screws, apaOe ,' Bhovels, forks, chnrni, bucfceta,Uubs,'lrobms, »k» hatchets, carpenters'tools, clothes plni bnishwaTe; builders' &ndlfuriilshinji? bross-fotiitt&gp* . '.«^" Cutlery, baths and japannod'waie, electrO-plata'A and britannU-motal goods, register litotes; fendersao ,^f flreirons, Lfwnington ranges, coal scoopa, hollowaw, wishing and vrlnßing machines", catimping and goffering machines, cpraica poles, brass-cased tubs, tt»T«itag trunks, &0.. &0. j,f.;,,,:- ..,.■,.-:[;■..,,■;" ''.••■.■■] ■ ■'■-,A", ■ \ A largßvariety.^gasailora,.pendants, and bracket* gas, steam, and water fittings; galranliod, and. blaa> sheet iron, sheet srlnc, sheet lead; brass, copper,;lß»i, arid Iron pipes; india-rubber and) insertion shoot tucks, packing, hydraolio rams'; lift and'fbrcepump' plumbers'andtlnflmiths'fittings; &0.,i!c0.;.-: ; :> ';., ■-~.•4. ■~ .1 Ht--:-: ■• -rrr-.- uil't v,\Mf?r>l I'v.rnr. ■ Sole Agents for Smith aad Wollstood's cooking »n cifice stoves, upwards of thirty differeitt "patterns ■ ■ choose from; extra fittings and bricks for all th, above, niostrated MUlogußofprloe2on awUc&Upa, " -1.-- ••:-' >;- • - /;■ •■■.""■'OTAGO--V ;■■; .-;■;*■■'■■■■vq4°-y-*-' COPPER, BRiSS;-AND*LEAD;MPE!W()BMi& t •."]-■ ■■-.:■:-:■ :/-;:COMBBRiiAND r.BiRSBiI, ■;.■■.'<;■!.-» '■'.'t':"'j^:. ' . :i ~-. .'WABBHOUSB, PRINCaSS i SIM!ST,.IJOaTH.-'ii-; -™ riIHE y niersigned /are prepared to raJL ceivo ordei-s for the manufacture and erection Of— A '■:■'■ ;' ■: :■,'.,'.■■,.,,■ y ■■;',::, '..1,r,:: f -:-<~i- '■■''■* ■ Brewing1,, Distilling-, and Meat Preserving .Want; Qss and Water' Works,' Hydraulio Machfieiy, Ho* Water Apparatitis^OTitable for bathi^wash-hons^.

■ hot-hous<a, halls, and public insHtutions, on the most modem principles. ;v.f:; j- i.-;. i:l ■',•■■• ;;.;'. Steam,Cpoking Apparatus, Glue P&ug, Stoam Jacket : Jam Boilers and Washing Coppers; -Fluming Pipoa ■ ..'■ for j hydraulic sluicing;; Gas, "Wafer, jind Steam. !'-;■• Valvfes,'.Water; Engines, Soda Waier^Machines, •'"Fire'Hydrants'and Branch Pipes/ Unions; '-'tu&i ; .Church, and'Fireßellr; and every description w Lead,. Copper, :aridßrassQoods.irj; iri .-^n1 ;;a , Water.fand Gaslaid:pn, and Baths, Water-closeta Wash-hand Basins,, Pumps/ .Hydraulic .Rams,: ,*neb every descriptiojn;#'.Plumbing, Work, Gasfittingj, and-:Bell-hkngirig-'<ione'oii'the .veryiieWest "JirihMples^ and atthe very lowest poislbfcpirices.Vl'' ■:;t'".:;: ' ■'.: ■':.''* : , Marmo.Work sent to us imll have our'Smmedmte attention, ' and. .telegrams received! froiu %he different noite^bsresgpnded.toatipncetosftvedelayi/ it'i . .Being, Importers,;of ,:aU;,the materials;' used ,lw ;us, tod emplortng'nprie^ut^competenV^nj.brought up specially'tb the different Wnches o£ our industry, we feel sure that our prices, compared' "with1 ' the' ,«jua> lity of work prodncedi will be found as cheap as any " dther.flrm in the Colonies, v'.'ir,;- o .-• ~••...-'w ■■•'':■ Estimates, and all other; information,-.eent.pns plication., ~.,:: !.„>!', ~;<'.' ■,»,-. ..■;.'.., '•;./ ■■,'v-i'-., ■ ' 'We'BJ-epWch'asersbfOldl^i'at'26aperowl."' - v .October 2nd,.187 A.;■'■- A. and-fl" BTJBT. J; 'i!fif ■d ir E^sJ,■ A: Hvbj ■ *M& o bb^r.' O ..■:'■; (SuccessorstbG. Sißrodmck), ■:; ■'•■'■'' t ■...■■ ■: -, ■:■ ,'■■• Stuart,street,:':;':;, i-.iO, ■ ■•, ,i "■■■ ~ and Prince3 ; street ( High.street), t • \ ;. ~ j r' i Hulb.'Heribary,,Pprt','C,halmers. ~,;.i|,,.t' , Newcastle, Kaitangata^ Shag;p6int;-and Groca !' :l' ..■a.:-, i K-. ■■ Island;aild,Smithy Coal,' ;' li ; •"*■>■■'■■■.. Sydney-baltedi and Gas .Cokes, iaiSir&wooSJ '■':'/ ■ Steamersanuehe Trade supplied-: ■-]'£' " .^ : ,..,at;..the.,.P0rt..^... . .S3 ' f\W&; BOX of OEfflaEß^fßilit PILLS v/ is warranted to. cure aIL discharges from tl>a Urinary Organs, in either" sex, acquired or; constftotion&l, Gravel 'and Pains hithe Back.''" Sold in team* 4s fid. each, by all. Chemists andi Patent JSlediciae Vendors. l . '.' ■. ~'.--:' t,, ■, ■ > ; f SoleProprietor^-P.J.: I CLABKE,r;'" ; '; '. .-,•: .'-vi Apothecaries- Hall, Lincoln,' England. IExport .Agentsr^Allv the London Wholesale HooaS* ■'.' ' \Agents for New Zealand— - ' V. ; , '■'■ KEMPTHOBNB, PROSSEB; 'and "GOil ' *'1 ~. ...-,- j-f-> ,Wholesale.Bruggists;.■..;■..:;.>•■ v'ii-rt. i.' n '. .....: ~Punedin ~and, '',[« S!i •^o;ETf H;:';^N^::;'so6;tj;t:ji^i 1 v ;•:' ■ •;.' 'vAmmmii&KJW . \ ''' ••' Have' Jiat' received 'tlieir' ilrst.'iiarga' Shipiaw*",;, fc ;";,. ■'I:;ll(fepWppi>' A^jWA^N^jFi^O^"";^;,;'; •■ ,''-'■ !',','''J.".,,.". ...Sy.celel»ateji,inak^rs,.;\.v f y ;i /[ .j',j;: if .-. ii>/XComprislng t \amongßt 'other*' ;*> :jii>{ BJBOADWOOD'S IBICHORD)PIAN08 '"I-•')!•■); .-■= i PIAI^ j!f^- ■ i-/';--;-' ■■-■■^■'-'■'''v'Xia^^iMpiqßW-'tttAßtec ■ (■■ i ( 3; .' -And'other'Pi^MJby^'v^-iMW'niitfeiii''.,";*' J, :, Have accepted the Sole Agency for N'tw^itliuidcJ'. ~;^'jV". ,^l.' .' '. .'•, ri'f,* :-•-; [. ■■», i i Celebrated >hir •><{\vtn{i ;jo Fc-" ioc^tix<?h,j FAMity .SEWWff^-jiaoiiansri-

Improved Machines on " Singer's" principle ' > Improved Machines on "Wheeler and iWHasft. principle t , r» , Improved Machines on " Wilcox and Qibb's" princ^b Together with a large quantity of Hand Lock-fitjtci Machines, the cheapest and bast finished in thaCotoop The above Machines are so simple in thesr'eoaslstEe* tlon that any person can use them, 'without pnmoas instruction. Prices, from £a lfi*. to £7 lftw. I ' Just Landed— FULL SIZE BILLIARD TABLES; On Massive Walnut Frames, with Patent ixtXk rubber Gushes. Billiard Balls, dues. Tips, Chalk, Pockets, and otb» , turaishuigs for Tables, Also, , A large quantity of superior ENGLISH-MADE VENETIAN BLBSDQ, ■ All sizes, And overy other description of FURNITURE FOB THE DINING-ROOM, DEAR-INO-BOOM, AND BED-ROOM. The Largest and Best Solectron off! CARPETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS' in the Colony, at NORTH AND S0OV1L&B 1 FUBNiSHINQ WAREHOUSE lUthl&t Siriibi, DDNBonr. SEm/ I NEW ZEALAND VARNISH AND POLISH. , fTIHESE Varnishes are pronouncedly JL all who have used them to be equal. If not* superior, to any Varnishes which are imported. WB" Him Gilchriat, having a large stock of these Vaxoldm and Polishes on hand, is prepared to supply Hocss Painters, Coach Painters, and Cabinetmaker*, at tt*i lowest possible price. , These varnishes are made from the finest Kanri tajL Bast India gums. WnjQIAM"S J CHEIST, JAPAN AND VARNISH MANtTFAfITTTBKSE IMPORTER OF PAPSaHANGINGSw GLASS, OILS, COLOURS, BBUSHBS GbOF.QB BTBHBT DPMBDIK JONES, BASOH, & COi, HOUSE, LAND, AND ESTATE AQENIB,

Temple Chambers, Prinoea' street I ' A jg E A VEB B R 0 THE B S ....... AND SALOMON, : WHO LBS ALE J EffE L LEE.S ' ■•::-.• .. ■ ■ And* '.;■■ "', •; ■.- ■■'.■■ . ; GENERAL IMPOBTEBS, 1 . Hion Strkbt, ; ' Dunedin, . '_. ~ : >,; ■ Have on Sale— . ~''.' ",", ■ '■ WATCHES and JEWELLBBY, ' ' ' : ; ■ . blocks,- ■■ ■■■■ ;r. t '. ;■■"'■■.'■" ;. ■ : ELECTRO-PLATED WAB^ -' ■ ~■,'/ . WATCH MATERIAI^ . ' , 'TOiBACCO AND'CIGABS. ''." -~., ■'"Brushware, Cabi'net«'are, Comba, Cutlery, Berfira and Fleecy. .Wool, Patent Medicines, Hardware, Ity, fumery, Stationery,' Saddlery, Musical Instruments. Optical Goods, Tobacconists' sundries. Vestas, &c ' ' ; . BEAVEB BBOTHEBS AND SALOMOK.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4240, 20 September 1875, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4240, 20 September 1875, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4240, 20 September 1875, Page 4