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j AMUSEMENTS. /; r PRINCESS THEATRE.- ---,..-.'" ■ ■■ .■ ■ ■- •■T : ' 1 r- .'■■ ■■'■'■■ ■■■ ' 1 LRBBEBS.. .JIKBSRS StEBM AKD KEOOa / ■ ■•• UNABATED POPULARITY. '' '^ MRS F. M.-BATPB, . , ) The Talented American Artiste. ' .■'"'.. ' .• .. . . MRf.M, BATES,' '< ,i!-; ■ , '■{ ■ H^The Popular and Standard Actor. ; ,'! ;. \ : MONDAY, JULY 5, ; > '," i Will be presented a N&w Comedy by a Popular J *^ ...i , .'. Author, entitled *.■':■■>'■ ji'l DOLLARS AND CENTS. Evelyn Nick1ebury...'.......'.:... ;■:..Mrs P. M."Bates ' MrPymp1e5.....;...........;.i;.,:..MrF. MJ Bate* : WEDNESDAY— ; •1'":-' ■■■''*' BENEFIT OF MR. ; F.MJ BATES. si Children In arms'hot admitted. . ; j; moHoscQEB.. i; .:...,;.ij , ;v .... r Box plan inay,b9 seen at Hr West's Music Eeposi* ' T* ;; :.'".:!.-, :-. ■X-.'^uiVv •»;;>■■ '■■■■ 1 _ , Dress Circle, 4s; Stalls; 2s ; Pit, Is.; ■:< nn,EMPIR AN C E HALIt '~ TUESDAY, JtJLYGth,, 1875. , : GRAND SOIREE MUSICALS. .' . '-,' Mr CHAS. SYKES has the honour to introduce to tha Duncdin public . ; r HERR SCHOTT, R.A.M.L., The highly accomplished Solo Obocist, Pianist, and ■ . '. Liguridzolosoplionist, assisted by . , ' ;■ ' MISS WEBB, ' ' The charming; Soprano, and sevoral other Favourite 1 Musicians. . HerrSchott and MrSykesivill perform, on vi' Col« ' lard's Grand Piano. ■ '.:..■ r ■ Tickets: 3s, 2s, and Is; to be had at Beg^s Music" ~ ■ Saloon, . -'. i . . ... J ■::■..■!.; .':•!■'• ■ !■•■■ : \ ■;_;.;.■;' MEETINGS.1,. ''■. V :^'.: > : O'CONNELL CENTENARY. -■A. MEETING: of Gentlemen■■„will be ' JA- held in the Long Room of the Shamrock . r Hotel, at 4.30 p.m. 'I his Day, Monday; the sth' inst, for the purpose of appointing a committee to :an > range for celebrating the above Centenary. The Mayor (K. Ramsay, Esq.) will, by request, ■ i ,•'.,..•. .: preside. :. ■. . ; .. ; Bjy I LODGE ST. ANDREW, N0.432,5.C. f A/fONTHLY MEETING of the above ; lIX LODGE will be held in the MASONIC HALL, THIS EVENING, at 7.30. ,- ::.' : •. ' U ■ ; ; .. By order of the R.W.M. - ■/■: ' G. KIDD, ■■■■■ .'■ .. Secretary,. r Dunedin,-sth Juiy, 1875. ! STANI)ARD: PROPERTY INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ' "\i MEETING of the above SOOIETY^ • -c*- for tho purpose of receiving Subscriptions), ■;£ &c, will be held at the Offices of the Society, Prince* .... street, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the .7th . .'. Inst., between the hours of 6 and 8 o'clock. ' ■•.■■'■■•• ''■ : ■ ■■■ ■■■. ■;■ ■■• '. ' OKAS." REID, ■:['■'■ '''; " sjy . . ■ . ■ . . .':■■■ :.;: Secretary. ' :•.." NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY (UMITEDV ;; :■ ;,. DULY INCORPORATED.; .].'. V, " T\J"OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; that ''; JL™ a GENERAL. MEETING of the Shareholders i !■ "■ '■'> of the New Zealand Shipping Company (Limited), will . > be held at Mr Charles Clark's Rooms, Hereford street, '■ ■ Christchurch, on , -.'■■■■ ): . • ;.: "'.i ■;.-:.') WEDNESDAY, JULY 14,1875, . , ; f , . ' At noon^ , At which Mcoting-it is intended1 to propose'special % : ~.'. resolutions.-,. ' v -,\..' ,:;:..:; i lat. To empower the Directors to borrow money. •. ;-.'! ; by issue of Debentures or otherwiße, witli or ' L. » i without security. , .. . .;.. ». , ' '■ , ,'j 2nd. To alter the date. of holding the' Annual: . > General Meetings of the Company from the1 •■ L ■ ] month of January to the month of August in. .',., ; ■■each'I year. : : ■ ' ' ■ ■ '■ •"'' ' ■■':-'".-' *': ' 3rd. the transaction of such other bu'sinesß aa ,;; ■ the Directors may bring forward. ; By order of the.Bpard of Directors. ~. ... .',i : JOSEPH GOULD, , r -'''■■' - ."■>' ■■■-;i !- ■ •■■' ■ ■. ■ ■'■Secretary.'1 • l , Chrijtchurch, June 29,1875. , i:: , . /,:/ ' Shareholders: are reminded that; instruments of '' ■ ""> ! proxy must be deposited at tbe otnuosof the Company > at least forty-eight hours before thu time of holding " 1' the General Meeting. i, ■: ;; ;;6jy '.>.:'; ' ; ■ _;, ;.,: ..LECTURE;'! .',;'' "^ v; !^ ■;. ■ ; ■•: .!:• •.■•: ,' ''LECTURE.- :■ ' • ': [Y' yJ ,'.', , ; i:; . ALL SAINTS' SCHOOLROOM. ' ' , ,■!,"[ TTnHE Honourable Sir John Biohardaoa! '-.■'■■' ■.'•JL< iwiir • - ■..::.■ .',, .! r . ~" : I LEOTUKE IN THE ABOVESROOM ' " ■ ,'" .■''•■■■ ....■■ ■■■,■•:■ On.. .■ " • :;:.;•;.. ■•• •. i; -i ::,]j .! "'• i ■■' ' "I N D I A." , , . ~ At 8 o'clock on TUESDAY EVENING, July ©■' ' J H. S. Chapman, Esq., will take the Chair.-. ; - 'I Tickets, 2s each. .' 6Jy " , '.'...; -: -■■ 'HOTELS.- -:; ;ii ■■■■■.■ ::;:; j;i GOMMEECIAL -HOTEL _. ; - ■■MILTON.'::.." .-.'.■' ■•."'!-''1 ~.'.. LsasHs Mr J. J.Atkwsok, •Mr J. J. ATKINSON having purchased the lease of the above establishment, begs to notify to the public ■ that the business in future will be, conducted by : him, assisted by a numerous and well selected Btoff... :: " An entirely new-;Btock of Wines, Spirits, Liquors,' ;. &c., has been laid down, »nd .will be found to b» : . of a first-class character. : . ! , ; 'THE STABLE DEPARTMENT j', . ~ Has been placed under the control of an experienced -. iand well-known groom. ' ' . -' ■■ '■■■ ■'■- •• There is a first rate . . •'■..-. ■'. j! ' BILLIARD ROOM AND TABLE '~ - loh the premisqs. under, the superintendence ef a weU< . known and popular Marker. . , " A Night Watchman has been engaged,.so>that tray-' ellora and others cau receive attention at any,tintot . the'night. The Coach leaves at 7 arrives at , 7 : p.m.- - ■• ■ ■■ •:.'■■■■■• ' :'- i: ;-' ( ; Arrangements are being made to fit up a*1 ■ .' ; COMMERCIAL AND 3HOW ROOM : . for travellers. ~ . Sir ATKINSON trusts by strict attention to bu3i. .: ness, and by courtesy. to customers, coupled ,witb .' tha strictest order and cleanliness, to' merit the patronage of the, inhabitants of the district and tho travel. { ling public ■ , , '■' . ' •■-.*' i June lßt, 1875. .■•-.■WJft [ LO N D 0 N HO T E Ti£: '"':l i Comer of Market and Little Flinders Btreets, ' - ; . MELBOURNE; : : 1 A., H. SIMMONS, ;■- i Late Chief Steward of s.a's. Albion, Alhambra, and '! ■ Gothenburg, successor to T. Brown, proprietor.', ... ../• First-class accommodation for Boarders. :" All Liquors of the best quality. f Newspapers from all parts of the Colony, Northern . ' : , ; Territory, &c, filed. . ~!.,.; ' . . j - BATHS. N.B.—Tbo housa is within a short distance of tho .1 Railway Stations and Wharres. .; , ;17J« t ,- REMOVALS. i A' L. E • .X/: ■■'"*' .-"' PAINTEE, GLAZIER, AND IMPORTER, ' •Begs to intimate that he has REMOVED TO HIS NSW BUILDING, Nearly opposite his former premisee, . _^^B GEORGE STREET : \^^^s^SH i ' ' DUKBDPf. OFFICES OF THE jj^H^^^H -y ICTORIA IXSmiA^j^M^^^t Hare^^^H^HH^^^^| '-- ■ ' X E M^s^^HHsHS^i^iH HIGH STREET, NE^^H^^^^^^^^^^ Dutiedin. 9tli March. J|^^^H9^^^fl^^^^| fire and Marine lusur^^^^^^^^^^^^J^^^^^^^^H

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4174, 5 July 1875, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4174, 5 July 1875, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4174, 5 July 1875, Page 1