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PUBLIC NOTIOES. 1 SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES— ■ BEWARE OP IMITATIONS. -'Any person- TB caught Selling a Counterfeit Machine, either with, or *■ without the singer Tradb Mark P&atb, or using the ■ word "Singer" in connection with any other name, ■ or iv any way whatsoever conveying the impressioa ■ that the counterfeit is a Singer, will bo Prosbcctbb- • I without further notice, by 1 G. 41. ALDRiCH, 1 • Corner of Princes and Dowling streets, Dunedir^, AM Agent {or the - ,^mi RINGER MANUFACTUPINO COMPANY^ 28C.. i "*"*■ GOVEB;tJMENT NOTICES. I I TUESDAY, 6th JULY, 1875. DEFERRED PAYMENTS. 7000 ACRES OP LAND FOR SALE, On Deferred Payments, in the HEBIOT HUNDRED, Near Tapanui. NOTTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tkatf the undermentioned Sections will be open, far application, on Deferred Payments, on the 6lh day ot July, 1875. Application mint be iuado by the applK cant in person at any Land Office h. !he Province, and. a deposit of Is 3d per acre paid at th-_ time of miftro^ the application, being the first half-year's occupatioftfee ') he purchase money is payable at the rate ci la. (id per acre per annum for ten years. • . Plans to be seen, and lithograph- obtained! at the Land Office at Dunedin, and at Lawrence. Sections 3. C, 1, 8. 9, 12,13, I*. aud 16, block VET.., Crookston Sections 4, ft, 8,10.12,13, U, IS, 16, 17, 20, 22, and i&, block VIII.. Crooliston Section j 1, 3, 5, and 0, block IX., Crookston Sections 1, 2, 5,6, 7, 8, 9. 15, 10, and 17, block IX., Grecnvale. 2sj» _ NOTICE. ~*~' TN order that doubts as to the validity 1 or otherwise of existing titles to land in the Fiji; Islands may be forthwith set at rest, all persons in possession of, or claimi. g an interest in, linded property in that Colony, are hereby required, with a view to the? recognition and equitable adjustment of their claims,, to forward the particulars of these to the Secretary to. the Lands Commission, JLcvuka, Fiji, at the earliest possible date. All applications should be made .iccordtng to ttefollowing form, or as nearly in such form as th^ circumstances of the case permit :— Form ok Aitlicatios. To HU Excellency the Governor of Fiji, &a.,Sx-. t &c Th 6 petition of A B : -of humhty-, : showeth: ■ . Datev 1. That your pc itioner, on or about the day of , a.d. —, became possessed of (or entitled to) certain lands situated in the Island of ,ia ' ; the Colony of Fiji containing about acres (.mom. , or less), and bouiid'd as follows: — . ~" On the north by — ■ — On. the south by On tho east by • - ■ On the west by -- '■ —— [Where Lands, in respect of which the claim is. !• made, lie in different parts of the Colony, each. separ--ate parcfl of la\id must be as accurately as possible tte- ] scribed after the above form.] 2. Title.—That your petitioner became' possessed i of (or entitled to) the said lands by—{Here stat* " whether by Purchase, Inheritance, Forfeiture-, ok > otherwise]. ' 3. Consideration.—That due consideration, tox«fc-^ '■ [Here state particulars of consideration] was given t» " the native pjtsessors of the saUl lauds for the purcbasa 1 thereof by your petitioner (or, by the original purchaser, as the case mny be). ' i. Resistry.—Thatsuchpurchasewasdulyregistere* on the day of ,A D. ,in the office otthft \ Consul, at . _ , 5 5. That alt the deeds, papers, &c, oa which- your *■ t petitioner's cltim is founded, are herewith sent(or\viß / M i be forwarded at nn ear y date) for your Excellency's; 1 I consideration. -I Wherefore your petitioner prays that your Excet* \ fc lency will be pleased to direct a Crown grant ot the said lands, to be issued to him under the Seal o£ the. . Colony. 1 Dated this day of , a.d. 18 -. Signature of petitioned , _, N.B.—AH claims will.asfar as possible, be convdexedt- ' in tlie order of their receipt, i (Signed) C. MITCHELL 3jy Commissioner of Lands,'FSji, PABTNERSHIP NOTICES. WE, the undersigned^ carrying on business as Slaughtermen and Cattle r«al«s>. , 'i Pine Hill, Dunedin, trading under the firm ot , „,- ---" W. and J. Duncan," have this day mutually DIStSOLVED PARTNERSHIP. All outetandiug debts due to the said firm must te settled on or before the 19ih of July, and all claims | due by the said firm will be settled by the suit. , W. Buncan, who will carry on the business as heretofore. - (Signed) WILLIAM DUNCAN JOHN WALKER DUNCAN. ' Witness to signatures— James Hall Lambert -. ■ - p Richard Charles Meredith. _ _^ (<< in Dat«d at Dunediin, this 25th day of June, ISTit. " V te NOTICE. THE PARTNERSHIP existing betwen the undersigned, under the style «f Webb _ and Fulton, in, THIS DAY, dissolved by nmtaat r consent. .. The various departments of the business o( the late firm will be conducted as heretofore, by either partner^ in the same premises. g FRANCIS FULTON. ss» Dunedin, Ist July, 1875. < *j?"OEFERRING to the above naticev JL\l the undursipied begs to announce that he haa,this day entered iuto business on his own account as J" COMMISSION AND ESTATE AGENT, SHARE AND MONEY BROKER, ACCOUNTANT AND AVERAGE ADJUSTER^ DOtßses— Savings Bank Buildings, High street; .. J. S. WEBB. Dunedin, July Ist, 1875. -JX Agent for the Northern' Assurance Comp«ny. Agent in New Zealand for thd Oriental Telegrftn*.Agency (Limited), ter Agent for the Kanieri £ake Watsr Race .Conipiajt (Limited). Secretary to the Permanent Building Society ot QtigQ.. rds IJSGAL NOTICES. aii . ■ •■ v IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND. tf ;J 3Ult OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND DISTRICT1- * M* No. 23. Warrant V 7*. ■ ' md ' ■ ' ■ - ■ . ■; :. . ,~__^- . f Between diaries Flexman, plaintiff, and -Qfiarg^-'"' : Reeves, defendsnt. •VTOTICE IS HE~REBY GIVEIf tbat, ±S by virtue of a. writ, fieri faricu, to me directed^ and delivered, issued out of this Honourable Courfclrt. au- this cause on the twonticth day of January last,, and 41. in pursuance ol "The Execution of Judgments against tne Real Estate Act> 1887," Jiil the estate and interest ot the above named George Reeves, the execution, debtor,, iv all that parcel of land, situate in the Tokomairiro District in the Province of Otago, containing bjr admeasurement one rood (more or less), being seetien.. , trt numbered Thirty-six (36), Block Three (III.), on tea, 1 subdivisonmap of that portion of the private townshipof Hilton, signed by one Peter M'Gill, and deposited by him with the Registrar of Deeds for the Province ot Otago aforesaid, hounded towards towards the northeast by Section numbered Thirty-five of the same few Block, two hundred and twenty-five links; towards, the south-east by Albert street, one hundred antfc twelve Units; towards the south-west by Section nuto- .v bered Thirty-sevan ol the fame Block, tw» hundrea. . ..i^jl oil and twenty-Sve linis; and towards the north-west by , f y - Section numbered Twenty-nine of the same Block, one hundred aud twelve links; being part and parcel of- ;; raral Section numbered One hundred and thirty-four,,. ; Blook Serenteeu, ou- the Record Map of the TokomairiroDisirict of the Province aforesaid, the memorial : ._, of judgment ot which is reeistered in the office of th* - E Registrar of Deeds in Dunedin in the Province *ye aforesaid, has, af. the suit of the above named Charles sist- Flexman, the execution creditor, been levied upon* '~ icß, aud taken in ex<icution, and will be sou> Bf adciioit , &,' at Uie Sheriffs' Bailiffs* Office, Supreme Court Hovuw •;; in Dunedin, on SATURDAY, the THIRD DAT ot: JULY next, at twelve o'clock at noon, unless the saul,. execution shall be previously satisfied. Dated in Dunedui, this 25th day o! March, 18^f--(L.S.) L NEWTON WATT, , Sheriff of Otagw. l<Uea The estate and intewat of the above named Cfeor^BReeves, the execution debtor, intended to be sold, i* an estate in fee simple, and ' , ' C. C. KETTLE i; of Princes street, Dunedin, is the solicitor for_tlte M execution creditor. 27ny. die' IN BANKRUPTCY. iheß I^TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that. J3I Williiun Jackson Barry, of Queenstown, in. the r Province of Otago and Colony of Nc y Zealand, ana-. • tioneer, has this diy filed, in the District Court of the Otairo Gold Fields, holden at Queenstowu, a. Declare. v tion of Insolvency, in aocordsince witli the, proviMona' of the "Bankruptcy Act, 1887," and the several.. )W8 amendments thereof respectively. Dated at Queenstown, thts 28th day of June, 18^ HUGH J. FINN, Solicitor far the said WUliani Jackson Barry. . TVrOTICEIis HEREBY GIVEN, that,. s J3I by »deed bearing date the 23rd day of June fc 1875, George Ball Williamson, of the Roaring- Mssc near Cromwell, in the Province of Ota^o, Hotelkeeper, conveyed, assured, and assigned, unto David Anderson* Jolly, of Cromwell aforesaid, merchant, aud Hanurtn., Ai'ndt, of Cromwell aforesaid, merchant, all the real and personal property of him, the said George Bell Wil- /\. „ liamsbn (except wearing apparel and furniture to an ,\p extent not exceeding fifty pounds), upon trust for tUe- ; ns benefit of all his creditors, and such deed was duly filed. oc the twenty-eighth day of June, 1875, in the Office of ,'i the District Court of the Otajjo GoldSelds, at Clydo, in, ■ j the said Province, under tho provisions of part IS-a£|^g^ the Bankruptcy Act, 1867, intitviled " ArraQgemeij^fl^^^H ickets p LC j,» And notice is hereby further given, tha^^H^^HH plication vnYl be m»le to the said Distria Cour^^^^^^H uaDe denat Clyde aforesaid,, at the first sitting whiH^^^^H be holden after the fifth d <y of July, 1875, of»!evcno'olock in ts.e Joronoorij oraseo n'j^B^^^^^^B asf.v.iJi a'!::for» -ie-:l-irat!on6f thoean>plt^^^^H^^H tioaoUhOiaiddel P. WILSON, Cl^^^^^H :. . Solicitor for the Arrwgin^ Debtor #nd l^^^^^^^H

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4173, 3 July 1875, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4173, 3 July 1875, Page 3