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)TAGO DAILY TlMgg^ Hollow ay's Oi.ntmknt and Pills.—Wounds, ukcra-' ons, and other diseases affecting the skin, are capable f speedy amendment by this cooling and healing miuent which has called forth the loudest praise from j^ ersons who had suffered for years from bail lets. Kbscesses, and chronic ulcers, after every hope of cure ail long passed away. None but those who have xiiericnoed the j-ootliing effect of thia ointment can Mm an idea of the comfort it bestows, by riHtraimiis.' inanimation and allaying pain. Whenever Holjway's Oiutuicnt has been once used, it has cstaWifheu is own worth, and has ngain been eagerly Knight 1..r, s the eat-iost and safest remedy for all ulcerous comlaints. In neuralgia, rheumatism and gmt, the ame application, properly uscO, gives wonderful NX elief. '_■ TO LET. & TO LET, NEAT COTTAGE in Howe 5 street, Apply J. E. Hutdiinson, Kiug street. T^O LET, Sittingroom, Bedroom ; alao, 19 1 Large Shop, suitable Tailor, &c, Wholesale • Store. Next Jack's, George street. o l c" ¥".; 3 OFFICE in University Buildings, Bond Btreet. Apply to ■■■••*■» imy LANGE and THONEMAN. FARM TO LEASE. /BILLIES and STREET have been ~i * T instructed to Lease a Farm of 41 acres in Block [~ Peninsula District The property is fenced, and on it is erected a. .lix-roomed House. J For further partiiiulars, apply to GILLIh"S and STREET, o! Isj u Dunedin. M SHEEP RUN FOR [LEASE BY TENDER. * MANAWAANGIANGI AND MANGAORAPA H BLOCKS, NE a R PORANGAHAU. J O*T AAA ACRES OF LAND, near « &4m vf Xr\J Poranitahau, Hawke's Bay, now f' in occupation of J. D. Canning. Soil of good quality, t] and situation and climate excellent, well watered and timbered ; can be made at muderate outlay to carry a large quantity of stock; is within 18 miles of Waipu- « kurau terminus of the Napier and Wellington Line of Railway; weekly coach und mail to and from Napier at present. Has been over 20 years in occupation as a sheep run. Application hy tender to be made on or before 15th July next to John Slicchau, Solicitor, Napier, from 1 whom all further necessary particulars may be obtained; PUBLIC NOTICES. I - < CROWN AND CROSS QUARTZ REEFING COM- ' PANY (CARRICK RANGK). \ ■ NOTICE TO-APPLICANTS FOR SHARES. ! THE Promoters having withdrawn the < above from the in i> kct, the application iloney 1 will be reUii ned in fnil, on application to < SEWARD mid GILLARD, ] Brokers. < Dunedin, 2nd July, 1875^^ ! AH H[M, Furniture and Cabinet Maker, Wholesale and Retail. Furniture aud Cane-bottom Chairs, &c..,ncaily repaired anl made to order at moderate prices. Manufactory—Stafford strtct Country orders proini*ly attended -o. ■ . Jjy DIPLOMA AND MEDAL OF MERIT, For Excellence of Exhibits, conferred by the Jurors of the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION AT VIENNA, 1874. THE M'iSGIEL WOOLLEN FACTORY CO., LIMITED, Are now Manufacturing by their NEW POWER LOOMS, Fine Merino Wool Tweeds for Ladies' Costumes, &c. Plain and Fancy Twisted Sixony Tweeds for Youths)' uud Gentlemen's Suits, Trousers, &c. Diagonal Twisted Saddle Tweeds. Rough Long-wool Tweeds. Fine Shepherd Check, and Fancy Square and Long Shawls. Heavy Tweed Travelling Wrappers. Twilled White Blankets, pure wool, in all sizes. Twilled White and Grey l'laidings, pure wool. LAMBSWOOL HOSIERY. Hand and Frame Knit Hose and Half Hose, Plain and Ribbed Pants, Shirts, &c. 3-ply Knitting Yarns. The Mosgiel goods are recommended to the public for purity in Fabric, and durability in wear. Can be purchased from all Wholesale and Retail Estab'ishmeiits. The trede supplied at the COMPANY'S WAREHOUSE, Stafford street,Dunedin. NOTICE. I HAVE THIS DAY disposed of my Ironmongery Business in George street to Messrs SCOTT and BROWN, and trust that the patronage so liberally bestowed on me for the last 13 years will be continued to my Successors. THOS. G. JOHNSTON. Dunedin, Ist July, 1875. With reference to the above, we beg to intimate that we intend carrying on the said business as GENERAL IRONMONGERS and IMPORTERS, And trust to merit a share of the public support. SCOTT and BROWS'. Dunedin, Ist July, 1875. 2jy "fTORisT t B E E PLANTING SEASON. MMED WITH BALLS TIED UP IN CLOTHS. Abies Excelsa, lit. and ljft, 15s per dozen, or £5 ptr 100 ; 2}ft, 20n per dozen Abies Alba, 21s pnr dozen, or £7 per 100 Cupresjus Excelsus, 2ft, 203 per dozen, sft. 4s each „ Horizontal, 2ft. lin per dosseli.fift. 3s Cd , „ Lawsmiiiina, 15s per dozen, 2ft. 20a per dozen ' , M .erocirpa, Oin. £2 10a per 100, or £20 ! ' per 1000 Mncrocarpa, ISin. £5 per 100, or £40 per 1000 „ Macrocnrpa, 4ft. 30s per dozen, sft. and Git. »Qs per dozvn r „ Jlacnabiana, 18in. 18s per dozen, or £5 , per 100, 4ft. 30s per dozen, £10 per 100 • ■ Govuniana, 18in. 18s per dozen, or £C per 100 KuigUtii, 3ft. 54s per dozen 8 Pinua' Insignia, Oin. £1 per 100, or £0 per 1000 ) ' Up to 4ft. 3s each „ MauUina, tsvo years, 20s per 100; up to oft. 15s per dozen 1 „ Muricnta, three years, 18s per pozen: larger, up to 3s Cd each 5 „ Pinaster, two yeas, 15s per 100, and upwards I Pouderof a, three years, 18s per dozen 1 Tubcrciilata, two yean, 9i jicr dozen, or r £3 per 100 I Thujas, at 18s per dozen . Wellingtonia-s, 3s to 10s Cd each Fine Evergreen Shrubs, 12s to 24a per dozen ' Fruit Trees, all kinds, cheap 1. A few Gfc. Trees, just coming into bearing, Oscach s Koees, 12< und 18s per dozen, good kinds Blue-gums, £10 per 1000, in pots 0 ESK BANK NURSERY, Koiitii-East Valley, « . Dunedin. l- RODERT THOMSON, PROPRIETOR. 3ju :'f TPfENRY J. WALTER, Hotel Valuv JOL ator and General Commission Agent. Cash f, advances made. Occidental Wine and Spirit Vaults, V Manse street. * rl /URVER AND C 0., >B \j George street, Carriage Builders, have for sale Private Wa-'gouottcs, French Drags, Double and 1» Single Seated Buggies, Station and ordinary Express >c Waggons. Repairs promptly executed. Wmy y TT>ATENT for an Easy Method foi i. JL Attiiching and Detaching Shafts or Poles to and 'fc from Carria-'es mid other Vehicles havi. g f<.ur wheels, 3. and to and from vehicles having four wheels known as a Buggies and American Waggons, te THIS IS TO NOTIFY that Abiel Gifford Rowland .„ of Cashel street, Christchuroh, Canterbury, New Aa. " land, Coach-builder, did, on the v!sth day rf Juki 'c instant, deposit at the office of the Patent Oflicer, v al the Colonial Secretary's Otfice in Wellington, a speci rt ficatiou or instrument in writing, under his hand am 1 seal, particularly describing and ascertaining thi ly nature of the said Invention, and m what manner thi same is to be performed; and that by.reason of siicl ,W deposit the said invention is protected and secured U „ him exclusively for the term of six calendar month S" thence next cms.-ing. And Ido further Notify tha i- the said Abicl Gitfo'rd Howland has. given notice v 2, writing, at my oflice, of his intention to proceed wit! id his application for Letters Patent for the said mven j tion • and that I have appointed Frviay, the 20th da; 8d of October next, o.t 12 oVlock noon, at my orhec, t in hear and consider the said application and all objee Id tions thereto. And Ido hereby require all person ' having an interest in opposing the grant of sue] . Letters Patent to leave, on or before the 2;ith day o La > Outober next, at :ny office in Wellington, particular ,8 • in writing, of their objection to the said application )g ! otherwise they will be precluded from urging th ■i same. Given undo! my hand, this 25th day of June, on thousand eight hundred and seventy-five. W. S. REID, U 3 jy Patent Officer. S* "a merican ("waltham )lio /V WATCHES. ley THE AMERICAN (WALTHAM) WATOH CO.\ of PANY produce Wateluss by their system of mauufsu inj; ture (which is alike unknown in this or any countt eh, but their own), that cannot be equalled for over are quality that makes a Watch valuable. Simple in plai not and correct in principle, the movement is not «nl ory beautifully finished, substantial, accurate, and cheaj »dy but is uniform in the minutest details, not casil so damaged, and, when repaired, if ever necessary, the always as goad as new. There are different size net shapes, and grades manufactured by the Company, I A suit the various tastes and means of their customer an but every Watch bearing the genuine tra,dc-mark < t. " Waltliam" is guaranteed to be a good one, and not *£ "I'mErVc'AS^wXITHAM) WATC.HES.-The Am jn' rican Watch Company invite attention to incir vei ell 4 superior Keytes Watches, of the highest finish ; turn the and adjnstcd to heat and cold; in 18-carat gol ,r a hunting or halMiimting cases. American (Waltha, we- Watches, in every size, style, and grade; m gold (v- silver open-face, crystal glass, or hunting case*, uite «• >mpl"to and varied assortment open to the luspcctn this of :iie Trade, Jit ~,,,•»vr .. be ROBBINB and APPLTiTON, S — General Agents for thft American- Watch Compauj 16 Hat-ton Garden, London, JK.C. £

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4173, 3 July 1875, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4173, 3 July 1875, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4173, 3 July 1875, Page 3