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MEDICAL. » fpOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." ; Jc c l a r k c s ■■ WOMiD-I'AIIKD 1 BLOOD MIXTURE. [ Trade Mark—" Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER ; For cleansing and clearing the blood from all in? ; purities, cannot ba too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores ol a. kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent cure. v It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on tho Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. 1 Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. , Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears tho Blood from all impure matter, From whatever cause arising. . A3 this mixture is pltsasant to the taste, anil warranted free from anything injurious to the most cicii-. cate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufforere to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. _ Sold in Bottles, 2s (kl each, and in Oases, containing six times the quantity, 11s each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in tho great majority of long-standing cases, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world. _, „. Sole Proprietor, I. J. CLARKE, Chemist, Apothecaries' Hall, : LINCOLN, ENGLAND. Export Agents All the London Wholesale Houses. Agents for New Zealand: KEMPTHORNK. PROSPER, and CO., ' : ■ WiioLEBAiiK Druggists, -DUNEDIN and AUCKLAND. 23d OoD'S CORN SOLVENT-the only effectual cure. Sold by all chemists. Price 2s 6d.' Testimonials on appicßtion. Kcmpthomc, Prosser, and Co., Wholesale Agents, Dunedin and Auckland. 30aP ~~ REMOVALS. A. L E E S PAINTEH, GLAZIER, AND IMPORTER, Begs to ultimate that be has .REMOVED TO HIS NEW BUILDING, ■■■■■"■•' : Nearly opposite his former premissa, GEORGE STREET '.'.'' DUNBMN. >-'•' OFFICES OF THE "VICTORIA INSURANCE COMPANY . Have been R X M 0 V X 1> TO ', HIGH STREET, NEAB PRINCES STREET. ■ Dunedin. 9th March. W. D. JEARE3, Res. Sec. Fire and Marine Insurances effected at Lowest Bates. BUSINESS NOTICES, DRTJMMOND AND WATSON, Octagon, Dunedin. ; Newcastle, Kaitangata, and Green Island Coals. Sydney and Gas cokes dcliveied to all ports of the ' . «'ty. Paints, oils, colours, and machin ry oil, &c, &c. f European cordage, ana Manilla rope, all sizes. t - ■ ' N.B>-Country orders lorward&d with despatch, llm O L ACKLEI and G 0., ASPHALTE CONTRACTORS, i Cumberland street (next Copeland's Brewery), Dunedin. 12ap . T^TOBTH AND SCOULLAR CABINETJIAICERS AND IMPORTERS. 1 ' Have just received their First Large Shipment ' ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT PIANOS, By celebratod makers, I Comprising, amongst others BROADWOOD'S TRICHORD PIANOS KIRKMAN'S TRICHORD PIANOS ALLISON'S TRICHORD PIANO And other Pianos by well-known makers. 1' '.. ' Also, Have accepted the Sole Agency for New Zealand 0' NEWTON, WILSON, AND CO.'S a Celebrated a LOCK-STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINE Comprising— Improved Machines on " Singer's " principle * Improved Machines on "Wheeler and Wilson. principle Improved Machines on " Wilcox and Gibb's" pricclp Together with a largo quantity of Hind Lock-atitc Machines, tho cheapest and best finished in the Colom ' The above Machines are so siuiplo in their constru tion that any person can use them, without previo;iustruction. Prices, from £216s to £7 10s. Just Landed— FULL SIZE BILLIARD TABLES, r On Massive Walnut Frames, with Patent Insji rubber Cushes. ' Billiard Balls, Cues, Tips, Chalk, Pockets, and oth furnishings for Tables. ' Also, A large quantity of superior ENGLISH-MADE VENETIAN BLINDS, All sizes. And every other description of f FURNITURE FOR THE DINING-ROOM, DRA« ING-ROOM, AND BED-ROOM. The Largest and Best Selection c 4 CARPETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS in the Colony, at NORTH AND SCOULLAB FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, Rattkat Stkbbt. Dunhdin. 29m BOOT FACTORY. TH V R E E B R O S. j BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURERS GEOKGE STREET AMD FOBTH PLACE, NORTH DUNEDIK. ITBEJ BEOS, Also Manufacture every description of Uppers for tl> Trade, from English, French, and Colonial Leathers, at the lowest possible price, lor Cash. TV R- M. D~~li ÜBPHY, St'RQBOX, AruTIIBCART, AXD ACCOUCUKUR, May be consulted at his Residence, ROCHDALE HOUSE, a- Mokay Placb, DnxuDix. ol Hours oi Attondanco:—lo to 11 a.m., 2to 3 p.m., and . to 3 p.m. 13m MARAVILLA COCOA.—Taylor Brnthors, Lmidon, ha-in™ the oxclusivc supply of this unrivalled Cucoa, invite comparison wiih any otiiur Cocoa fur purity, fine aroma, sanative, nutritive, and sustaining |H>«cr. Oho trial will establish it ax a avourite beverage for breakfast, luncheon, and a soothing ruf. eshment a ter a late eveniujf. MAIUVILIA 0 CO\.—Tlio Globe says:—" Taylor Brothers' MaraN iltit «'<«~a l as achieved a thoron^h success, ami iniwraud » uvery tither Cocoa in liio *J market. Kutiro >.)lnbility, a delicate aroma, and. a at rare concentrati'iii of tho |«ire-t elements of nutrition, : distinguish the Mar .villa . uw.v above nil othors. For *™ con-uiuoM of C'Jcii*. especially invalidsand dyspeptics, H we could not recommend v nmr-i agreeable jr valuable »_■ j bovera','o." For further nvtimMo opinions, vido 4 Standard. Morning l'osi, Ur.tish Alcdbal Journal, &;., HOSKKOI'.UH C COCOA—This original preparav lion, which ha* attained such a world-wide reputation, is manufactured by Taylor Brothers, under the m abh>t honi(Eo|»ihi<: advice, ided by the skill and M cx.,M)rieuee of tho inventuiM an.l will bo found to combine iv an eminent degree the purity, fine arom», and nntrltii>us proiwrty of the fr sh nut. SOLUISLK UHOCOLAi'K niiide in oho minulo without boiling. The abuve ankles are propired exchisivclv by I aylor Brothers, the largest manufacturers in Europe, and solu in tin-lined packets by storekeepers and others a 1 over tlie wi.rM. MUaTAlll>.—Taylor Brothers' cekbratc-1 "Chalre- lengc " branil ia prtt mred from tho choicest seed by a patent priiieid which preventu funnentatiuii, and nt ad theiiuno lima retains the pungency and purity of t(». flivour t« ado reo which no uther process t-an aocrireijjli.Ji. The double superfine <l uility is spe^al.y roI'onimcnded. Steam Mills, i-riek Lmie, U>ml>n. Kxport Chicory Mills. Brujrus. B l^iuin. 1-liny JIJM'AR.LLELED SUCCESS OF QODALL'S WUR D-IIJfiNOWNED \JC HOUSEHOLD SPKCIALTIKS. Go«dall's Oiiinine Wine, Yortthtre Kcliah, lioodalfs B.ikiag *', Fiwder^ ~\rORKSHIRE RELISH —The Most , jL Dclieious SaiK.-s in the worM. This cheip and . excellent Siueo ro.»ke» the pUinc»t viinds jialatable, tho tbo iliintitss dinhos mo c lie iciuus. To Chops, i Steits. Fish, &c, it is iucomi«nble. Si>ldbv Grocers, Oilffici). &c. Preparo.l by GOODAJ,L, BACIUIuUSE, and CO., Leeds, Knfjliml. GOxTb ALL'S QUININE WINE. The lwst, cheapest, anl most ajrrueablo T"ii:c ye» tntroductjd. The t<«st remedy known for i ndi^cstiou, scnenvldobilily, la-s of ap|>et!te, &c. Kostores ddit»to invalid* t.i healtli and vigour. SoW by CluanUtJ. Grocers, Sue. l*rei>are;l by GOODALIi, UACKUOUSK, anil t.'Oi> Leeds, Kiis'land- • ' |/"IUI>DALL'B BaKJJSG POWDER. \JT ■ The Best in tho World. Tho cheapest because — the best, and indHpmisab'o to every household, sndan ID- inestimable boon to housewives Makes delicious cut Puddings without e&?3•;. I'astrj', without butter, and orv beautiiul liaht Bread without yeast. Sold by Grocers, ail Chtinists Oilmen, «c. Prepared by GOODAIiL, BACK2}y IioUSE, and CUi, Leeds,. Kngland- 11 ji

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4172, 2 July 1875, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4172, 2 July 1875, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4172, 2 July 1875, Page 4