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Dally Times Office, Wednesday evening. Tlie amount ol Customs Itevenue received to-day od goods entered for consumption was as follows:— Drapery .28 0 0 Sundries 92 13 8 Total .. .. £120 14 i Statkmk-Nt showing the amount of Customs Duties collected at the Purt of Dunedin from the let to the 30th day of June, 1875 :— Spirits £0,315 1111 Do NZ. .. 1.139 9 2 Cigars and Snuff "3 10 3 Tobacco %*«,! s \y*jne Wo 14 o Ale and Beer'(in bottle).. .. 41116 1 Do (in wood) 101 8 0 n-,. n .. 1.5J4 0 o I Coffee" &e " " ■■ 181 !« 0 " '" .".■ •■ 2,0*8 1+ 0 Owum .. ■■ ■■ Wi ° ° rioods liy woi«lit 1,6)>1 11 » ;jther duties 02a » l Total £'ii,455 11 5 Gold ti6:i i 2 °

Comparative Reruns showing the not amount of Custom Duties collected at the Port of DuneUin for tho quarters ending respectively June 30th 1875, and June 30th, 1874. 30th June, 30th June, 1875. 1874. Sivrits- .. .. £23,448 8 1 £'22,808 5 0 Do N Z .. .. 3,0(59 12 4 3,777 1 4 Cigars and Snuff .. 1,810 8 8 1,331 i 9 jobacco 8,050 13 9 7,162 4 C Ho Sheepwash .. 118 0 5 19 Wine .. .. .. 2.109 7 8 2,192 6 4 Ale, Beer, &c., in boUe 1,294 10 4 1,708 710 Do, in wood 351 18 0 .110 0 0 Tea .. .. .. 4,84118 0 4,075 10 3 Coffee, &C 433 6 0 543 14 0 Do, roasted.. .. 5 11 8 13 18 4 Sugar and Molasses .. 6,!>73 10 0 0,540 1 4 Opium 021 0 0 403 0 0 Uoods by weight .. 0,439 17 1 4,9(11' 8 3 Ad valorem .. .. 22,327 8 0 28,513 10 8 Other Duties .. .. 2,057 7 9 3,117 2 2 Totals .. .. £54,502 15 1 £88,199 12 0 Si'jimvryof Receipts and Patmrxts by the Collector of Customs:, Dunedin, from the Ist April to the 30th June, 1875. UOXSOI.IPATKD rkvknub: Customs Duties (gross) .. .. £84,599 1 5 Less Refunds 38 0 4 Net Amount 84,502 15 1 Rents, &c 13 7 0 Bonding Warehouse Duty . ■ .. G9 010 Merchant Seamen's Fees .. .. 68 9 9 Registry of Shipping 21 17 0 Arm? Act Fees 7o" 9 0 MijhfcDues 612 6 9 Distillation Act—Brewers'Fees .. 2 0 0 „ Wine and Spirit Merchants .. 7 0 0 Fees under Steam Navigation Act . 31 10 0 Other Receipts .. .. .. 49 10 0 Total Consolidated Rcvenuo .. £85,514 17 5 Lavd Rkvenuk: Gold Duty 2,960 5 9 Provincial Revenue : Pilotage Rates 084 15 2 Port Charges '.' 175 15 6 Harbour Master's Fees .. .. 35 0 11 £89,370 14 0 PAI'JIKXTS. Bank of New Zealand : Public Account £85 514 17 5 Provincial Account 2,906 11 1 Dunedin Harbour Board: Colonial Bank 889 C 3 £89,370 14 9 Comparative Return, showing the net amount of Customs duties for the financial year ending 30th June:— Quarters. 1874. 1873. September.. .. £ 04,212 7 2 £09 748 14 3 Dccomher .. .. 83,169 6 0 86,0550 15 11 1875. 1874. March .. .. 100,078 3 1 91,961 17 2 June.. ~ .. '84,562 15 1 88,199 12 0 £302,622 10 4 £335.990 18 4 Increase for 1874-6 .. .. £20,631 2 0 Mr Henry_ »j«yjsß_Lon_J»bjoi.^U™ NewiZealand "Loan and Mercantile Agency Company) reports as follows, for the week ending June 30th :— Fat Cattle.—The market was poorly supplied this week with 81 head of very ordinary quality beat; the trade being short supplied took all yarded, at a slight advance on late quotations. "We quote beat bullocks at from £10 10s to £14 each; ordinary, £7,10< to £10; best cows, at from £7 10s to £11 10s; or equal to 32s to 33s per IOOIos for prime, an J 25s to 27s for fair medium beef. At the yards we sold 40 head, on account of Mr Thomas Thomson and others, and have sold for private delivery 50 head, at quotations. Fat Calves.—About 20 good vealera wcra penned, which we sold at from 30s to 60s for best, and 15a to 25s each for medium. Fat sheep.—l2oo were penned, being chiefly good cross-breds, prices ranging from 10s to 20a, according to weight and quality. Aa several lots had been delivered privately to the trade during the week, only about one-half of the sheep penned found buyers, frime cross-breds are worth 4d per lb., Ht which figure we have delivered a draft during the week; merinos, at from 3d to 3Jd per lb. We nave also Bold 1500 cross-brads for forward delivery. Store Cattle —-V'e are unable to report any large transactions ; a few small lots have changed hands at our quotations. The lot referred to in hist report, say 500 good bullocks and cows, are now at the Clutha, and will shortly be sold in lots to euit graziers. We quote good conditioned, quiet, bullocks at from £5 10s to £7 ; ditto, cows, at from £4 to £5 6s ; mixed herds, at from £2 10s to £4, according to ages and sexes. Store Sheep.—The market remains unchanged, with few transactions to note. Merino ewes in lamb from goon /looks are much wanted ; also, cross-bredi fit for turnip feeding. Our quotations are: Cross-breds, 4 tooth aud over, 13s to 15s; do, 2-tooth, 10a to 11s (id; do la.mbs, 8s to 9.< 6d; merino ewes in lamb, C-tuoth aud under, 8s «d to 10s; do, good full-mouthed, 6s (id to 7s 6d; do wethers, O-tooth and under, &t 6d to 10s; do do full-mouthed, Oa to 7s. Wool.—Our latest cablegrams from London, 19th June, idvise the wool sales closed after a course of remarkable steadiness, slightly weaker. 271,272 bales we.c catalogued, 130,000 being taken for expert. An advance was established during their course as follows: —Superior washed ilecce, ljd to 2d; ordinary, Id; scoured, Id to l|d; greasy, id to Id; h»lf-bred greasy, Id to lid. Coarse wools attracted special attention, and lambs' commanded extreme rates. Nothing offer ing in this market. Sheepskins.—l had a very brisk sale Jast Thursday. Butchers'greeii cross-bred skins sold from3s lid to 4s Bd exch; merino, 2s 7d to 3$ 4d ; dry skins, short wool Is 8d to 2s Od; station skins, 7Jd per lb. " Hides.—Good well-condUioned iots, both green and wet salted, commanded spirited competition. I sold green butchers' at 25s 3d to 20s each ; inferior, 16s 9d; yearlings, 8s 9d ; calf skins, 3s to 5s Od each. Tallow.- None offered at my sale. To-morrow, I shall offer a few lots fair quality. Grain.—There is little doing in wheat, and unless attracted by a superior sample, millers are not disposed to buy, unless at some reduction in price. Fair milling romples, 4s 2d to 4s 3d; superior, up to 4s Od; inferior, 3s lOd to 4s; fowl's feed, up to 3s 9d.—Oats have not been much inquired for during the week, 2a 9d to 2s lOd, for good feed, up to 33 for bfst milling; ordinary, 2s (Jd to i>.3 Bd. Barley.—There is no change to notice, excepting inferior ia in more request for milling, at a trifling advance in value. 46 4d to 4s 6d, inferior: secondary malting, 5s to 5s 3d ; good, 6s 6d to 6s for very superior.

We hear that 1315 National Insurance shares chstnged lunds yesterday in one line, the price being 24s net. POST OFFICE NOTICE British and other mails via San Francisco, will close at this Office on July 3rd. British and other mails,- via Suez, will cloae at this Office on July sth. (Signed) ARCH. BARR, ChleJ Postmaster. Chief Post Office. Dunedin, July 1, 1875.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4171, 1 July 1875, Page 2

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4171, 1 July 1875, Page 2

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4171, 1 July 1875, Page 2