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MBMOAL. EWARE OF IMPOSITION. DR J. 0. AYER'B CELEBRATED MBIHOIN&fc Havsbooa OOUNTBSySITSSD And are being dlitribated timragkoai th« Colony nnprinclplod D»ataJs»G«nirtno The Ondendgnad faefaniß U» Public that AYEB'S COMPOUND EZ.YRAQT OF 84ES.APAKJI.LiL, | •AYEE'S ~ ! CHESSY PSOTOR4L, ] AYER'B AGUE OUIvB, j AVER'S CATHARTIC SUGAR-COATED PILLS, ! Am expressly pfepiusd for Aoifcralls anil, Kaw 2eaUnd is a paenilM ra&aaer to wi&stanl! tl» effects of a long sea voyage, ye& Uw varloaß eksnget »f climate. Tho oafcjHa wrqppai kxat tbt D.anvi ol HENRI J. BART, GENERAL A-03NI FOB AUST&ALU AND NSW ZBALAOTX. The SPETBIOUB ABTICLJE, la ill pioha.blllt< will be offered to BetsS sod Ctmntrj giarskeep&r at a reduced ptiee: bei thsy an specialty cmiWi ed •gainst iHW&uißg. a* JTO. AYEE'S AOSN? i> I> BTBUCTED TO TABS CRIMINAL PROOBftDIHGS against all who may offes the »aiiio for Mis. The PUEIiC am tbwoJoro rwpoctfnllr solicited » carefully inspect tb» wrappers and bottJw beforo pur j chasing, and to rojcsfcM tfaAtia* oU «fc*» in not v above duacrtbod. tfENBI J. HABI 8t Ctooas uisdt, Mribnuros The abova Klugant Prap»ritlon» Uxvb lea? bees recommonded by th« Medical Profeision, uid com> and s worid-»Ttile roputauca, which U snJilaieat ecMinto. of their utility and feacißonee*. ! AVER S HAIR VIGOf. rosk BESTOBINO THB NATURAL VITiiLTTY A»I COLOUB 02 THB HaDR. AyeT*! Almanacs, coatstsiag iustructloat fo? the brentroant of all cl&sstu of diieaoei. m> j •>» hao gra on application. Wholes&la Agents fot Nbt? Zcoliß ;— P. HAYMAN A^D 00., IMPOBTEBB AND OENEHAL KEaCHAm RATTRAY STREET. DFNEDIN nvr c r v o v s n c s si JJ>j W AKNESS f PIMPLES IK THE PACE I FLUSHING I LOSS OP MEMORY! MENTAL DEPRESSIONS ! AH those suffering from the above ailments should npply before it is too late and irremediable to Dr L. U Smith, who is the only loyally qualified medical man in the Australian Colonies practising solely on theso diseases and their origin. Dr L. L. SJil H'S name is a household word, and through his means many thousands v liomes have been made happy, and many whose lives were a misery to them have been restored to health and comfort. His practice in Victoria has extended now over 21 years on this s]>eeialty of his profession. Ilia practice extends moreover throughout all these Colonies, and patient!} have visited him even from Java, Borneo, Japan, China, and India. To convey some idea of the extent of liis fume and name, he has been consulted from Great Britain six times during this year 187 i. Those wishing to consult Dr L. L. SSHTH can do so by enclosing a One Pound note, statins a^o, symptoHis, and duration of suffering-. A reply will be sent by return mail. Dr L. L. SMITH, for the convenience of those who personally consult him, h-.s taken tl.ose extensive premises in Collins street, lute'the residence of His Excellency the Governor. Kvcry luxury and comfort will bo found for those waiting to consult tlio Doctor. Address: Dr L. L. SMITH, Collins street East, Melbourne Consultation Fee by letter, £1. ; N.B —For the convenience of patients in the neighbouring Colonies who wish to visit him personally in I Victoria, Dr L L. SMITH has taken a largo mansion in th* suburbs and fitted it up as a Piivato Hospital, j for tho treatment solely of the above affections; and also including Gout, Seiuticu, nnd gainful nerrouj diseases. DrL. L SMITH has also a large Turkish Batbin? Establishment for tho treatment of his patients, specially such as sulfur from Gout and I- hcum tism. j Mclicinesi, appropriately packed, forwarded to all the Colonies. If | ■ I BUSINESS NOTICES. TTENRY J. WALTER, Hotel ValuJOL ator knd Genera) Commission Agent. Cash advances made. Occidental Wino and Spirit Vaults. : Manse street. 8a ! M'"SIC SALOON. PkIXCKS STRJSKT NORTH, DUNEDIX. CH A E Li S BE, G G Desires to intimate that he lias received several extensive deliveries of PLINOd, HARMONIUMS, CORNETS. SAXHORNS, DRUMS, VIOLINS, CONCERTINAS, And other liutrumcnts. THE STOCK OF PIANOS I) very complete, containinj; a choice selection of in- j stvuments by tlio best makers, manufactured s]H>ciallj' for hia trade, and guaranteed by tho several firms, including those of Cnllard, Broadivood, Eirkmaii, Eranl, Allison, ISonl, and others. C. B. wishes to introduco Allison's " London Model," just received—a Piano in handsome rosewoo'l case, and carefully fini.shcd, at an exceedingly moderate price. The Showrooms now afford a selection of the Alexandra's " Uroid reed" Harmoniums, built upon the most improved principle, andjiossewitig a siveetness of tone and capacity of exjiressi -n which have gained for these makes a high reputation. Parties forming Bands and Orchestral Societies are invited to irspect tho stock of wind and String Instruments, which will bo found very replete and moderate in price. Amongst tho recont deliveries arc " old copy" Violins, Anylo-Gernun and Kng ish Coneertiuas, Fiutimui, Sletniuuxes, Digitorinms. some very superior Violin Strings and I;mv<. Flute 3, ClarlonetJq^ Pitch-pipe Ch inus, Tuning Forks, and other trade paraphernalia. The Publishing I'miartmcnt has been refreshed by large a-.tduiuns «i ill the mure pojHilar Pieces and .•^oiiks, BoascyN hiiil Cli^i; eil'.-f M-igazinesand Books', Metzlcr's and Cock's piiblKaUniis. * Second-hand Pianoii returned f rom hire are frcquontly on hand, at grrnt>y reduced prices; also, a quantity of soiled Music, at hu if-price. May, 1875. rr\UE WHEELKR aud WILSON JL is TfJE O.VLY SIEVING MACHINE Warranted tj give satisfaction. Reasons why tho Wlicckr and Wilson Sewing Machine is far superior to th i singer! The W. and W. will do more work ar>'l do it better Tho W. and W. is much moro Uur.blc : it will List a lifetime, and run tor years without repair Tho VV. and W. is easier to work The W. and W. is not so liable to get out of order The W. and W. has no eog-wluels to wenr away and break The W. and \V. lias no heavy machinery to lire and weary the foot Tho W. and VV. is more simple in aution Tho W*. and W. lms less wc;ir and tear Tlw XV. and W. is better finis'-:eil The W. and W. has been awarded more priaass Ihe IV. and W. is jnerican made, thoSii^uris not. Beware of Imitations. JAS. WALLS Ironmonger, Prints street, Sole Agent for. tho Genuine Wlicoler and Wilson Sewing Mucliiiies. 2 tm mflE GOSPEL OAK I ROM AND X GALVANISED I ROM AND WU.E COMPANY. IBON MANUFACTUIIEB3 AND GALVANISEKS. First Urand, ) / Second X'-rand; " G. Anchor O." ■ J-Thade Marks. < " Kaglo " First Quality. ) ( Eagle Quality. TJjo Gospel Wak is the oldest nuiiufactaro of Gnlvnniscd Iron in Kngl lul. The original Gulvairiset! Tinned Iron w;is first n»,!c at Uicm; Works in tiieyiair liii. Tina iron viliLiinud Uie I'rizo ilwll tor " excCiloHt tjuality " ut the Urent Exhibition oi ISU2, it being the only prize medal awarded in tho trade. Tlie price is now greatly reduced. Works—-Gospel Oak Iron Works, Tipton. Jlitro Works, Wolverli:un]>toit. Begent's Ciuml, Limcliouso, London. Warehouse—sU, I ppcr Thanicc street, London. Export oifice—llo Cannon street, Loudou. 14jy

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4171, 1 July 1875, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4171, 1 July 1875, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4171, 1 July 1875, Page 4