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POtCT CHALMERS. June 2S.—"\Viuil, light, easterly, variable. Weather, cinse, thick, rainy.—Barometer, 29.99; thermometer, 53. 1 p.m.—Barometer, 29.9U ; thermometer, 50. 5 p.m. —Barometer, 20.03; thermometer, 47. High •water on the 2<Jih:—At the Heads, 10.44; at. Port Chalmers, 11.24; at Dunedin, 0.9. ARRIVALS. Christina, schooner, 59 tons, Edwards, from Auckland. Audersou and Mowat. Camilla, brigaiitine, 190 tons, White, from Hobart Town. W. and 11. Tumbull and Co., agents. DEPARTURES. Zephyr, schooner, 90 tons, Bowden, for Moeraki. TurnbuU and Co, agents. Spec, schooner', 31 tons, Madson, for Kakanui. Keith Ramsay, agent. Lady Bird. s.s., 256 tons, Andrew, for Lyttelton and the North. J. C. Cannon, agent. Passengers : . For Wellington—Mr and Mrs Roseoe, MrM'Keuzie. For Nelsou—Mr Anderson, and 4 steerage for all ports. Shag, s.s ,31 tons. Wing, for Shag Point. Martin and Watson, agents. KXPBCTED ARRIVALS. From London. — 11. T. Staines, Jan. 27th; Cora Linn, March 17th ; Strathmore, April 20th ; Woodlark, J. N. Fleming, John Keunie, Knight of Snowdon, Vincenza Lava-jger, Wave Queen, Altcar, British Empire. From Glasgow.—Craigie Lea, April 9; Taupo, May 1; Aldergrove, .May Ist; City ot Duned'm, June 3rd. From New Yokk.—Crusader, Frances Lowry. From PcoEr Sound.—Maria irimdad. From Christiaxia.—lsabella .Ridley. From Wkstkhx ArstRAUA. — Alliyn's Isle, Janet Spiers. From Adklaidk.—Waverley. From Tasmania.—Camilla.* rRO.IECTKO DEPARTURES. For Loxdox.— Timaru, early; Dutiedin, early. For Melbourne.—Tararua, 3rd July. For Nortiikhx Forts.—Taranaki, 3rd July. FuR. Auckland.—Agnes, early. For Wellington.—Melame, early. For LYTTr.LTuN, «Xc. -Bruce, 30th inst.; Beautiful Star, early; Mauri, early. For Southers I'orts. -Wanganui, 30th inst. ; Express, early ; Lady of the Lake, this day ; Coineraw early. For—lsabella Anderson, early. For Oamarl'. - Samson, this day. For Timahu.—Tauranga, early. For East Coast.—Anne, early. For Shag I'oint.—Shag, early. For Bluff Hakisgir.—Seagull, this day. CUSTOMS ENTRIES. INWARDS. Anse Houlan, 90 t >ns, Hutcheson, from Cliristiana, via Cape of Good Hope, with cargo. Guthrie and Larnach, agents. Franklyu Bello, 30 tons. Foreman, fromWaikouaiti in ballast. Master, agent. ' Samson, 124 tons, Edie, from Oamaru, with carclio J. Mills, agent. Lady of the Lake, 60 tons, Urquhart, from Port Molyneux, with cargo. G. F Keid, agent. Beautiful Star, 140 tons, Peterson, from Timaru with cargo. J Mills, agent. ' Anne, 2!) tons, Huswell, from Allday Bay and Kakanui, with cargo. Keith Kamsay, agent.. Lady Bird, 20U, Andre v, from Lytteltou, with cargo. J. C. Cannon, agent. Wanganui, 179 tons, Fraser. from Bluff Harbour, with cargo. H. Houghton and Co., asrents. "OUTWARDB. Shag', 31 tons. Wing, for Shag Point, with cargo. Martin and Watson, agent":. Dauntless, 72 tons. Poulson, for Wellington, via Oaniaru audßoat Harbour. Bouman, Macandrew, and Co., agents. Ladybird, 286 tons, Andrews, for Lyttelton, with cargo. J. C. Caution, agent. Agnes, 128 tons, Short, for Auckland, with cargo. Bouman, Macandrew, anil Co., agents. Omeo, WO tons, Calder, for Melbourne, with cargo. Dalgety, Nichols, and Co., agents. Bobycito. 432 tons, Lusher, for Newcastle, in ballast. Master, agent. Samson, 124 tons, Edie, for Oamaru, with cargo. J. Mills, agent. EXPORTS. Per Agnes, for Auckland: 30 bags, Cable ; 73G do, order; 550 do, Royse, Stead, and Co; 500 do, Anderson and Mowat. Per Dauntless: Fi-r Oamaru — 260 casks cement, Tumbull and Co. For Wellington—3So bags, Tumbull and Co. Per Shag, for Shag Point: 1 package, Thomson, Strang, and Co ; 1277 pieces, Guthrie and Laruach ; 1 piano, C Beu'g: 4 packages, Maccur; 1 do. Brown, Ewlng and Co ; 3 do, G F Reid ; 3 do, Briscoe and Co; 2 do, Farquhar : 13 do, Sydney. Per Lady Bird : For Wellington—3 packages, Murray ; 2 do, Moore ; 3 do, Couston ; 1 do, Munro; 1 do, iJurt ; C 3 do, Lange and Thoneman ;25 do, Oliver and Ulph ; 1 do, Mendershausen ; 1 do, Telegraph Deprt ; 5 do, Menzies: 1 do, Beaver Brothers ; 1 do, Burton Brothers. For Poverty Bay— i packages, Hayntau and Co. For Wauganui—s packages, Heyniausen.Low, and Co; 1 do,Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co; s do, Butterworth Bros. Fur Picton -1 pkg, Moore ; 1 do, Butterworth Bros. Fur Napier—3 packages, Briscoe and Co ; 1 do, Hayman and Co ; 153 do, Lanjre and 'flioiieman For Nelson—lS packages, Copeland; 1 do, Sonntag. For Hokitika—l package, Moore. For Westport—2 packages, Haymnnand Co. For Lyttelton U packages, Kenipthome, Prosser, and Co ; 1 do, Oliver and Ulph. For Taranaki-2 packages, Fergusson and Mitchell. For Mauukau—24 packages, Lange and Thoneman; 3 do, Ferguson; 7 do. Kenipthorne, Prosser, and Co; 2 do, Thomson and Niven. Per Samson, for Oamaru: 4 packages, and 2320 ft timber, Guthrie and Larnach ; 2 packages, J Wilson and Co ; 12 do, Hallenstein Bros ; 1 do, Begg ; S do, Gregg ; 4 do, Reid ; 2d j, Bright Bros and Co ; 34 do, Fergusson and Mitchell ; 23 do, Dalgcty, Nichols, and Co ;02 do, Tumbull; 2 do, M/Lean; I do, M'Gavn ■ IGT Ho, Oliver and Vlph; 62 do, Briscoe ana Co; 1 do, Coombes and Co; 2 do, Farquhar - I" do, Park and Cnrie; 2 do, Reid and Gray; 3 do, Mill 3, Dick, and Co; 5 do, Sargood, Son, anil Ewen; 13 do, De Bser and Co; (i do, Keast and Macarthy; C do, Copeland; 3 do, Thomson, Strang, and Co : 1 do, Hogg and Hutton; 1 do, Butterworth; 1 do, Law, Soniner, and Co; Go" do, Esther and Low ; 1 do, Hay man and Co : 21 do, E Wilson and Co ; 2 do, Hudson and Co; 1 do, Russell, Bitchie, and Co; 1 do, Mrachan; 12 do, Lange and Thonemau; 1 do, Tumbull and Co; ■>. do, Mollison and Co; S do, Ross and Glendining; 6 do, Matheson and Co ; 1 do, Beaver Brothers; 43 do, Anderson and Mowat; 44 do, Maefarlane. ! SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. ' Wellington, Juue 28th Sailed.—Etsby, for Soutfi. Passengers : Messrs Irwin and Kane. Bluff, June 23th. Sailed. —Alhambra, at 5 p.m., for Melbourne. The fore-and-aft schooner Christina, a very creditable specimen ot the ship-builder's art, that was put together at Curomandel. on the Hauraki Peninsula, by Mr Calloway, lasi year, arrived at the Port yesterday morning, with a cargo of kauri timber, shipped at Auckland. Tlie Christina is a strong, well-built vessel, ■ designed leas for clipping purposes than to carry weli on a light draught And, the object aimed at was certainly attained, for although her registered t-.nnage ii only 59, »he is said to be able to carry 111 tons of dead weight on a draught of 9ft. She has had a long and vexatious passage from Auckland ; left on the sth inst, and was barely clear of Cape Colrille when she encountered a strong easterly gale, and had to run for shelter under the lee of Mercury Island. Lay there seven days, and then put to sea again, and made good progress with a N.W. wind until a little south of Cape Palhser, then experiencing a shift of wind to S.E., aud was soon under storm canvas to a heavy S.K. blow. Having Wellington under her lee. she bore away for that port, and came to an I anchor inside on the 18th iust. left again when the weather cleared, on the 22nd, and carried a K. W. breeze until she was abreast of Banks Peninsula, the wind then dying away, and thence to Port, kept light and variable. She fetched the Heads on Sunday night, stood off and on all night, and ran up the Harbour yesterday forenoon. She brings 40,000 feet of timber, and wilt discharge at l-unedin. The destination hence of the ships Wennington and City of Cashmere is not yet declared. The former is ready for sea, and will probably receive her sailing orders,by the next advices from England via Australia. The latter is all out to about 100 tons of pigiron. She is ballastiig and likewise expects sailii?' orders by cablegram from Britain. ° At the Raitray street Wharf yesterday the steamers Lady of the Lake and Wanganui were discharging, and the steamer Samson loading-. The brigantiiie Sea Gull, at the cross section, was all but ready to start for the Bluff. The schooner Me.'ane below the bend, was discharging, and expected to be clear of cargoStoday. The barque Wsiratah and schooner Tauranga wens d^ehargirg, whilst the schooner Agnes was to till up in the afternoon, and be ready to sail for Auckland today. ■: ..= . We have to correct a mistake that appeared in yesterday's issue. It was the firm of Messrs Davidson and Conyers, now Davidson and Co., which built the surf boat for the Government Landing Service at Timaru, and not Messrs Kincaid, M-Qm en, and Co. A second boat, for the same service, has been built by the same firm, both are very superior vessels of their class, and creditable as the outcome of local industry. We have' heard serious complaints about the wretched wharf accommodation at the Port of Riverton, and we very heartily advocate a proj>osition that has been mooted to extend the wharf accommodation of the place, and during her last trip but one to the South, the steamer Wangaiiui called at Riverton, and was exposed to some peril there, through the inadequacy of the wharfage space. The wharf is ouy 100 feet long; and thu* a steamer of the Wanganui's length overlaps it by sotne 50 feet, and can, in consequence, work only one hatchway when lying there. A very strong tide runs at Riverton, and on the flood, sweeps with great force round the end of the pier, and as there are neither dolphius'nor any other convenience, .to assist a vessel going to, or leaving the so-called pier, some risK U incurred during certain times of the tide. The Wangaimi was leaving on the flooc\, and the tide catching her, swept her tow round the end of the pier, and drove her with such force against the structure as to carry away one of the piles, and bend another. The steamer lo:>t a tide through" the mischief. Riverton is a rising place, and its trade is increasing, and it certainly has a right to look for a little attention on the part of the Government. The wharf ought to be extended a couple of hundred feet. The Union Company's si earner Hawea made a capital run to Lyttelton. A telegram was received yesterday by her agents to the effect ihat she arrived at Lyttelton at 9.13 a.m. She left Port Chalmers at 430 p.m. on Sunday. The passage was accomplished in 16 hours 43 minutes, whilst the run from Heads to Heads was made in 15 hours 45 minutes. The engine was worked up 73 revolutions, 8 below full power. Messrs Bouman, Macandrew, and Co. inform us that the schooner Jessie Niccol went from Wellington to Pelorus Sound, there to load timber for this port. The cutter Nautilus, for which they are also agents, was Btill in Timaru waiting for cargo, the breakdown of the landing service there having considerably detained her. The new ketch Fianklyn Belle has been paced in the hands of the same firm, and will be laid on for freight as soon as she has been slipped, cleaned, and painted. Messrs Cargilb, Gibbs, and Co. have received advices to the effect that the ship Aldergrove, having on board 400 emigrants aud 4 cabin jassengers, sailed from Glasgow for this port on the Ist May. The ship City of Dublin, with cargo only, was to follow in June. The ship Christian M'Auslafid, with emigrants, was to leave Glasgow for the Bluff on the 28th May. Messrs Russell, Mtchie, and Co. are advised that the ship J. N. Fleming would leave London for this port at the end of May, but it was not stated whether she would carry emigrants. Messrs Neill aiid Co. received notification by the last mail of the sailing of the brig Francis Lowry from New York for this port in the early part of May. She wa.- lo uled with general cargo. Messrs Bright Brothers are advised of the projected departure from London of the ship Wave Queen, bound here.

The shipTimam is still waitinj; for sailing orders, and expects them by the uext advices from Britain.

At thu Jetty street W haii yesterday, the ketch TriaJ, which came in from Waikouaiti during- batunJay

night, was ready to discharge cargo. The schooner Mary Ellen, slipping iv duriug the night, was not re" ported, came in from Timaru a week ago, and is now loading for Kaikouras, but freight is coming to hand slowly. The schooner Pioneer was ballasting, and would leave for Shag Point last evening. She has been again, chartered for a term by Messrs Martin and Watson. The barque Prospector was towed to Dunedin yesterday morning by the steamer Geelong, there to finish discharging. Mr U. F. Reid has accepted the tender of Messrs Kineaid and M'Queen for tlie construction of the new steamer which ,ye reported a week or two since as being on the t >pis. She is to run in the Molyneux trade, and her dimensions will be—Length of keel, 125 ft.; beam, ISft. ; depth of hold, 7ft. (iin. Her engine, a compound, will be 40 h.p. nominal, anil a speed of 9 knots in smooth water is guaranteed. The new vessel is to be of iron throughout, with a carrying capacity of 125 tons. She is to tie \iicely fitted up lor passengers, and her contract price is i'CooO. We accept with pleasure this latest evidence of Provincial progress and of the growth of the trade of the very important Molyneux district. The ketch Edith Reid was taken into Murray and Cos. Floating Dock yesterday to be overhauled and have the damage she sustained when she grouuded on the Molyneux Bar repaired. The schooner Dauntless, which cleared out at the Customs yesterday for Oamaru, thence goes to Bo^t H:irbour to load up grain for Wellington. The ship Leucadia was removed from the pier yesterday morning, and moored in the stream below "the flipping, preparatory to sailing for China. The scho 'lier Spec, bjuiul to Kakamit, came down from Dunedin yesterday, and went straight to sea. The schooner Cora came down from Dunedin yesterday, and anchored in Carey's Bay. The ship Andrew Reid is out to about 200 tons of cement and iron. She has taken iv a couple of hundred tons of ba'last, and expects to be clear of cargo and ballasted ready for sea by the end of this week-. Her destination hence is uncertain, but her sailiii" orders are looked for by the Suez mail. The steamer Beautiful Star is to be docked iv the Graving Dock this morning for a periodical overhaul and cleaning. The new vessel, recently built at Hobart Town by Messrs T. and D. .Mackiy, of Battery Point, to the order of Mr G. F. Reid, of Dimediii, was launched on the Bth ii s}., and named the Martha Reid. The Mercury describes her as "A vessel of which the builders and owner may well bo proud." She is constructed o£ bluegum frames and kauri pine planking, the keel, i sister keelson, and clam being each in one piece of gum timber SOft long. She is thoroughly copperfastened, and her dimensions are—length of keel, Soft • overall, 90ft; beam,2-2ft; depth of hold, 7ft. She registers SO tons, and her carrying uapacitv is estimated at 130 tons. The Martha Reid is a centre-board craft, rigged as a topsail schooner, aud should be on her wav to this pi.rt in the course of a week, if not soone . She will prove a decided acquisition to the Provincial coasting tieet. The brigantiiie Camilla arrived at Port Chalmers last night, bringing a lull cargo of Ta nianian produce. She sailed from Hobart Town on the 12th June, but effected a bad start, as she was becalmed otf the land for three days. Light westerly airs accompanied the ve-sel until the Solander was" nude on Tuesday last, but here no better fortune attended her, as she hvd to work along the coast with light variable winds. M.e?srs Turnbull and Co. are her agents. Tie ships Trevelyan and Himalaya, which it will be recollected, were here in the middle of lyst year, and hence went to San Francisco, have made long voyages of it. The fi st did not, leave San Francisco until December Ist, whilst the second followed her on December 29th. Neither had arrived at their destination— Cork— up to the end of April. The following are the passengers, per Messrs Shaw, Savill, and I'o.'s Strathmore, which sailed from London April 17th, for Otago: Chief cabin —Mr Percy Joslen, Mr Spencer Josleu, Mr and Mrs Alfred Walker and child, Mr Hylton Keith, Mr Thos. Henderson, Miss Henderson, Mr Fred. BeHtley, Mr G. D. Ciombie, Mr Chas. Wordsworth, and Mrs Frances Wordsworth. Second cabin—Mr and Mrs Jas. Kidded, Mr J;is. Blair, Mr and Mrs Theophilus Maville, and Mr H. T. Tinnock. On April 19th Messrs Thomas Wingate and Co. launched from their ship-building yard at Whiteinch, a screw steamer, named the Kuigarooma, for Messrs Macmeckan, Blackwood, and Co., Melbourne, and which will form an addition to their present fleet of steamers employed in the Australian and New Zealand trades. Her aimensions are :—Length, 245 ft.; beam SOft.; depth, 23ft.; and 1100 tons 8.M.; fitted wiih compound surface condensing engines of about 300 hp. nominal, supplied by her builders. She has accommodation for SO first-class aud 120 steerage passengers. A pamphlet has appealed in Vienna giving statistical details of the present naval strength of the principal European nations. We extract the following numbers: —Austria has, altogether, 47 vessels furnished with 2. rio guns, extent of coast 240 miles. England, 475 vessels, carrying 6250 guns; extent of coast (excluding small islands), SOO miles. Germany, 50 vessels with 43S guns; extent of coast 200 miles. Russia, 297 vessels, with 1063 guns ; extent of coast (not including the Caspian and the Glacial ocean), 6SI miles. Italy, 74 vessels, with 610 guns ; extent of coast, "IS miles. France, 336 vessels, with 1600 guns; extent of coast (not including Algeria and other Colonies), 405 miles. Holland, 113 vessels, with 981 guns; extent of coast, 80 miles. Spain, 75 vessels, with 835 guns; extent of coast (excluding colonies), 370 miles. Portugal, 4S vessels with 2SS guns ; extent of coast 130 miles. Denmark 33 vessels, with 291 guns : extent of coast (including Iceland, Greenland, and tm .11 islands), 320 miles. Suelen and Norway, 53 vessels, with 491 guns ; extent of coast. "CO miles. Turkey, 110 vessels, with 1252 guns ; extent of coast (including Crete, the Archipelago, Asia Minor, and Barbary states), 353 miles. Greece, 20 vessels, with 210 guns ; extent of coast, 550 miles. • The proportion of expenditure on the navy to the rest of the expenditure is, in England, 13.04 percjuc. ; France, 5.55 percent. ; Russii, 4.62 ; lurtey, 3.15; Germany, 3 51: Italy, 3.07 ; Austria, 1.09.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4169, 29 June 1875, Page 2

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4169, 29 June 1875, Page 2

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4169, 29 June 1875, Page 2