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POKT CHALMERS. June 25.—Wind. light, variable. Weather, fliu hazy. 8 a.m.—barometer, 30.0ti; thermometer, 3G. p.m.—Barometer, 30.06 ; thermometer, 54. 5 p.m.Barometer, 30 04 ; thermometer, 4(5. Hisrh water o' the 2Gth :—At the Heads, 7.40; at Port Chalmers, 8.20 at Ounediu, 9 5. ARRIVALS. Maori, s.s.. US tons, Malcolm, from the Bluff. Hai oour Steam Company, agents. Passengers: Mrs Moor and ehilil, Mrs I ulloch and 2 children, Misses Ken Dyson, Charles- (3), His Honour Mr Janus Bouai Snperintendont of Westland. Messrs Moore, Lang* Marshall, M'Nalty, Watkins, Wodetl, Merchant, Find lay, M'Kinnon. Alhambra, 4!)7 tons, Bawden, from Melbourne Jim 12th, via Ciok Strait and coast ports. Dalgetv ■Nichols, and Co., agents. Passengers: Mr and Mr Burns, Mr anil Mrs Jacobs. Dr and Mrs Jackson, Mis Steele, Messrs Hyanis, Stanseli, and S in the t.tecra"t For other ports, ;>O. Hawea, 4U2 tons, Wheeler, from Oamara. J Mills agent. Pas-Migers: Captain Pallant, Mr lopeiand, an, 4 in the steerage. Anne, ketch, SO-tons, Haswell, from Allday Bay Keith Ramsay, a^ent. Omeo, s.s.,"u(iO tons, Caldcr, from Kakanui. Dal ffity, Nichols, and Co , agents.. Shag, s.s:, 31 tons, "Wing, front Shag Point aiv Moeraki. Mai tin and Watson, agents. DKPARTURKS ' Samson, p.s., 124 tons, Edie, for Oamaru. Harboii Steam Company, agents. Phrcbe, s.s., 41(i tons, AVorsp, for Lyttelton and th >orth. J. C. Cannon; agent. Passeng-rs : For Lyl telton—Mr and Mrs Sutcliff, Misses Wright, Allniil Father Chevrier. Mr Martindale. For Welliii"tnuJlr and Mrs Hall and child. F..r Napier—Mr Phillip; For Poverty Jeay-Mr Poynter. For Mauukau-M and Mrs Adams ; and 12 in the stteraire for all portLady of the Luke, s s., GO tuns, Liquhait, for Pot Molyneux. G. F. Kcid, a;^ent. CUSTOMS ENTRIES. INWARDS. Peacemaker, 1064 tons, Classbn, from London wit cargo. Guihrie and Larnaeh, agents. ' Comeraug, 152 tuns, Best, from Kiverton, with curcrc G. S Brodri.:k, agent Waratali, -202 tons. Fisher, from Hobart Town wit cargo. Daigety. Nichols, and Co., agents Alhambr.l, 497 tons, Baw.len, from Timaru wit cargo. Dalgety. Nichols, and Co., agents ' Maori, lIS tons, Malcolm, from Bluff Harbour wit cargo J. Mills, agent. • Maggie Paterson, <J • tons, Paterson, from Lvtteltov with cargo. Keith Ramsay, agent. Olive Branch, 14 tuns," Wilson, from Waikouait with cargo. Master, agent. OUTWARDS. Phoebe, 4H> tons, Worsp, for Lyttelton, with carirt J. C. Cannon, agent. Rosebud, 190 tons. Nicholson, for Auckland, wit csrgo. H. Houghton and Co., airents. Lady of the Lake, 60 tons, Urnuliart for Por Molyneux. with cargo. G. F. y tid, agent Dauntless, 12 tons, Mussen, f»r VVaikouaiti wit cargo. Master, agent. IMPORTS. Br^ri ?°me^n"^ ff°m ,Klve «<>" 5 20,000 ft timbel Brodnek; 409 bags, Albion Brewery Co; 14 dc Sl'Leod Bros ; 13 empties, brewers. Per Shag, from Shag Point: 40 tons coal, Martin am Watson : 10 packages, Smi.h ; 32 do, stead PerAlhanibni.tromtheCoas': 8 packages Ward, Scoular ; 2 do, W Carr: 1 do. Salisbury a.ndo^""?' fr.l; l"th? r F oast: <2 Packages, Anderso and Mowat; nl do, Thomson Bros ; 310 do Wri-ht StephenTOU, and Co ;12 do, order. ' ' EXPORTS. Per Rosebud, for Auckland : 300 bags, Anderson am; IUO do, .Langß and Thoncman ; 540 do RAn derson; 8 packages, Marshall and Co; 150 sacks Brow* and Sons ; 40 do, Cable ; 1415 do, Royse, Stead, an< ot. ,the Lake : For Port Molyneux—lo pack ages, G F Reid ; 15 dv. Tumbull and Co ; 1 do Findlaand Co; 2i do, Guthrie and Larnach ; ai do Neill ani B«yd; 11 do, DavidsonSConyera; 1 do,Farqul'.ar 27d0 Kussell, Ritchie, & Co. For Kaitangata—22 do Turnbul & Co; 16 do, Kwong Sing W ing; G do, Finch and Birch v- f ?' iPUt^ ri? a^ d-, Larllach : 1 *°, Fergusson ant Mitchell, 00 do, Netll and Boyd ; 1 do, Heymauson Lvw and Co; C do, Maekerras and Co ;1 do Ros< and Glendiiiing; 4 do, Haworth ; 1 do, Farquhar •0do, Bnscoe and Co. For Balclutha-55 do, Fin,h am Birch ; 1 do, Weir and Samson ; 5 do, Reeves and Co b do, Stew-rt and Gow ; 78 doj Turnbull and Co ■ 1 do JV right. Stephensoii, and Co; 30 do, Guihrie am Larnach ; 5 do, Martin and Watson ; 17 do, Maokerra and Co; 10 do, Neill and Boyd; 0 do, Lets- 3 <£ Fish and Sou. for Urenfield, &e-2 packages. Briseoi and Co- 100 do, Reid and Gray; 23 do,'Wright Stepheuson, and Co. *<.">■ . Per Phoebe, for Northern Ports: Fur Lyttelton—"( pakages.Olixcrand Ulph ; 6 do, Haymau and Co 13 d.., Ko.-s and Ulciidining ; 1 do, Coombes and Co 1 do, tsargoou, Son, aid Ewen ; 0 do, Bridgman ; Ido HeclesandM-Beath; 1 do. Beaver Brothers; 1 do Bmg, Harris, and Co ; 1 do, New Zea and Insurance Company for Welliugton-10 packages, Marshal and Co, i do, Oliver and Llph;l do, Sargood, Son and bwen ; 1 Uo, Heymanson, Low, and Co ;40 do MLeod; 1 do, Fcrgusson and Mitchell; 4 do, lumn tLo-..e. Pr.sser, and Co; 2 do, Mosgiel Company 3 do Joe.; 1,/ do, Brogden and Sons; 1 ilo, Butt* worth; 10 do, Cargilis, Gibbs ant to tor Napier— 1 package, Beaver Bros; Ido Halleusteiu Bros . 3 do. Wise and Co; 3do Joel •'■ do t'ergusson and Mitchell; 2 do, C r-ills, Gibbs, an." Co. For Poverty ii.y_2 packages, Sargood, aon, and Ewen. For Mauukau- 1 package, Driver; 1 do kemptliorne, Prusser, and Co. For Waimanui-i Jr/p" 6' , ? JU'5" a"d, Vo; X do' Heymanson, Low ami Co , 3 do, Kempthorne, Pro>ser, and Co • 7 dv BudsmiandCo. For Nelson ■ 1 pael to! ;c, Haymar and Co , 1 do, hempthorne, Prosstr, and Co ; "l do dhif>- « for Hokitika-5 packages, Ross and Glen; 1& do, HayinanandCo; 1 do, Wise and Co 2 do, Kempthurne, Prosser, and Co. For Ureymoutl —1 package Wise and Co; 5 do, Ross and Gleudming For Westport-1 package, Wise and Co ; 1 do, Kemp thurne, Prosser, and Co. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. vr^TT"l eU: OtaS°. s-s f^om the LSout;h""aud itsailThe Harbour Com)>any's steamer Maori, Captair Malcolm .returned yesterday morning from hei seventh trip round the Middle Island. She has a-aii mude veryguua running, having accomplished "th tiipin a lew lionrs witliiu twelve days, and in tha time called at Lyttelwn, Nelson, Westp X Grey mouth, Hohiti^a, JucksoH's iiaj Breaksca m, Doubtful fcound, Pres e rvation Inlet and tl She did more or less business with each port ani brought on iron, the Bluff a quantity ot woo ana M ™™ steamer H a wea, and othei cargo. Amongst her passengers was His'HonourM James Bonar, Suj.enntendent of Westland ;vh joined her io pay a visit to the Jackson's Bay'sett c meut, and to iransact certain official business at Dun^ din. Mr Bonar g.ves a mo.t favourable a count ottn progress of the sett emeut. JV -er one hundred peon are located thcre-of them twenty-four families hlv. taken up and t ettUd down upon the sub- rban te. acre sections. They have eventually overcome th, heavier difficulties ineidenul to winuintj a home fro. the wilderness, and are looking forward hope to tile ultimate developmeut of the ueW SS V? A aMr" rL VI"" vaboUß, *« dvllfaed6^ we tiunlc Mr Ponsouby, the purser for th, report of the Maori's trip.' She W&imedTn o the 14tt instant at 11 ».,„., and went straight t" sea arrived at Lyttleton alter a fine weather ruuatSsli a^jin at 4 p.m. on the 10th, aV.d arrived at Welport a 0.30 p.m. next day, crossing a good bar Went oi ?F'!«?H P- m- Urrived « HokHika at 8.30 am o the 18th (the steamer Alhambr* havin- arrived from Melbourne a few hour, earlier); put ou"^ Z made another .tart at y a.m. on tie following day re crossing the bar without difficulty. She then he-lde^ back for Greymout , ran in there on thes*^" tide v 11,30 a.m., discharged cargo and shipped 130 toils o let' at Un *, k\y Ot"e, r T B°" a"d £»™&£^ "IS atnd^btrTbu^t'c^ngtd a^i^th^! up and cam in very thick and dirty from tl c westward. Her next port of call was Jackson's Bay when she arrived at daylight on the 22. d and' came to an anchoi. Lauded stores for the settlempt.t and also Mr B.n r who, with others of the pa^ *=ngers, visited and inspected the towiishin »l ,*»"* The Maori lay at the bay until 2pn 'the re-embarkedpa^n.-ers and headed South for Breaks^ entering the s. JU nd at S a.m. on the fflnl. ShestoSS right through it to Dusky Sotiud pafoed that -it r and reached Preservation Inlet £TVm Bv^ili time the wither had cleared up, and & c work landing stores lor the road-mnki ,g party under M, predominated. After a stay of six hours telittl. man, naa a tme night's run, aud arrived early im thr morning o f the 24th. Discharged 35 tons of cod v, tt-l:on and lnterm^uiatc j>orts ' Jt ters at 11.30 a.m. Li s ht and variable westerly wind' Were experienced during the eaJv mrtnfthl,, and moderate s«ah andS W winds withfi,. >» HgC unt 1 she arrived at Hokitika at 8 a. n on the ISt'h and went onto Neison utfp^tenhadnn^S," to Cape Farewell, aim thence steamed round the Snt, and up the bay against v strong S.B g-ale and ),p, arriving too late for the morning's tide she did o Cam Nelson U.rbour until 11 p.m. on the lt)th Pu out cargo, and left at 9 p.m. on the 20th • arrive 1 a Helhngton at y.45 a.m. next d.y,disembarked pa^sen gersaud a. large cargo, and left at 3.30 p.m. ottth 22nd, arriving ,«t Lyrtelton at 11. on the 23rd Leit again at 5 p.m., arrived at Timaru at 7 a m ne™ day there shipped 4JO biys of grain out of 2000 waitiiV tor her. the rest having to be left behind in conse' gueiice of the Landing service eagine breaking down She left at ti p.m., reaching the I'ort as above Fin' light weather prevailed during the run from Welling ton iheAlhainbra brought fourteen passengers ani is to leave for.-ielbuurne via the Bluff to-morrow.' W, re"rt 'thC PU"er' f°r °Ur exehau Ses and th, The Union Company's s.s. Hawea, Captain Wheeler ■ returned from O»maru yesterday, at 2.30 p.m. Durim tins, her first spin upon the coast, she has fairly de monstrated her capabilities by making the run dowi to Oamaru in 3 hours 45 miuutes, whilst the returi trip was accomplished in 3 hours 30 minutes Thi rate of steaming can be maintained for any distauc fine will have to ruu in the interprovincial service ani hence the Hawea will be a most desirable boat to trave m. bhe left h«re on Wednesday night, and whilst a Oamaru, shipped 2400 bags of grain, which will b taken on to Lyttelton. During her absence tli alterations to her forerobin accommodation were al but finished. The' c^bm his been decidedly improve. nV im ha? b€e'h.m f :d«,iJarSer by extending th after bulkhead as fir'aft as the fore-hatch, and cai now accommodate 59 males' and 8 females. The ladiecabin is very comfortable and convenient. The wori has been well done by Messrs Murray and Co, of th Floating Dock. The Hawei took up a b.rth at th itailway Pier, and is to leave interprovincial, as ne advertisement, tomorrow. A brig, apparently of heavy tonnage, arrived at tin Heads ycurday afternoon, and made her number which was reported at the Taiaroa head-station bu could not be fuund in the code. The ketch Anne returned from a eoastimr trin vestpi day aiternoon ik nee she wen: t-j Kakanui, discnirTe ca-goand alii rl ied^.ue nr,.,!...- --■' •>■

to Allday Bay, arriving there last Saturday anil tilled up ;let on Friday, and arrived as above. He haulod into the old wharf to discharge, part of her cargo, consigned to '1 hoiusim Bros. T"I*;'<. :: .: ..-• . Being clear of cargo, the ship Andrew Reid is busy" completing ballasting. "Her route hence is to Newcastle ; tliere to load coal for an IndianTport, probably Uatavia. , ... ■ r*i-:~ : \. The schooner Dauntless'came down from Dunodin yesterday morning, and anchored in Carey's Bay.: She is to tranship cement from the Earl of Zetland, f.r Oamaru, and is to haul alongside on Monday. ■ We have placed the steamer Omeo amongst the arrivals, nothing doubting: but that she arrived at the Port some time during the night. She was. expected iit the Heads at between 9 and 10 o'clock, but would not come inside until the.-moonI'was well up. and hence sl*e would'reach the pier, a; little alter midnight. She leaves thU afternoon for Melbourne direct. The p.s. Comerainc has completed another trip to Southern Ports and back. She left here on Saturday night for Invercargill, and arrived there on Monday. Discharged, loaded, and sailed for Riverton same day, arriving tliere on Tuesday morning. Having completed all sirraiigcinonts, she sailed on Wednesday night, arriving at Port Chalmers the next night, coaled at the hulk, and went up to Duuedin j eaterday. She is to sail South again to-day. ■-•■■■--■• . • The smart little steamer --hng put in an appearance last night, mooring at the Kattray stre-t Jetty. Slie left here on .Monday night at 11 o'clock, arrived at Shag Point on Tuesday morning, di.-eliarged cargo, and at 1p m. went on to Moeraki. Discharged such cargo »3 she had for that port, and returned to Shag I'oint on Wednesday morning. Loaded and proceeded to Oamaru, arrivinsr there at 7 pm. Discharged at the Breakwater on Thursday, and again returned to .Shag Point at 0 p.m. Loaded yesterday mornine, and headed for Otago He ids at 1 p.m., arriving at op.m. Captain Wing reports seeing a square rigged vessel a considerable distance off the land, but apparently heading in for this port. The Shag will sail on Monday next. The three-masted schooner Melaine has been relieved of .a considerable portion of her cargo, and will be out on Monday. She wll then load up for Wellington. In our issue of Thursday, 8579 mats of su«ar ex Prospector, from Melbourne, were set down to order. They were consigned to the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. The s.s. Ladj of the Lake came down from Dunedin last evening with the ketch Kditli Reid in tow, and sailed for Port Molyneux at 8 p.m. The I etch is to be docked for repairs, which are rendered necessary owing U her having been ashore at Port Molyneux. The steamer i'hoebe left yesterday afternoon on her return North. She took away 25 "passeii"ers and 00 tons of car.o. - ° As customary in all cases relating to shipping matters, namely, wrecks and coll sions at sea, Ac,"an inHiury was held on Saturday, before the Deputy Collector of Customs, concerning the recent loss of the ketch \\ ilham and .Mary. Captain Stevens's evidence was a recapitulation of the facts already published in these columns, with one notable exception, namely, that Captain Stevens affirms that during the three days-he was exposed to so tnui-h privation and suffering he felt not the slightest pangs of hunger or thirst and it was not until lie was rescued by Captain Rentier tint he expressed a wish fora little water to assuage his thirst.—New Zealand Times, June 21.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4167, 26 June 1875, Page 2

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4167, 26 June 1875, Page 2

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4167, 26 June 1875, Page 2