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LEGAL NOTICE. IN BANKRUPTCY. IN THE DISTtUCr COURT OF OTAGO GOLD. KIKL.DS, UuLUES AT qUEENSTOWN. In the matter of Samuel Collins, of Queenstown, a .Bankrupt, ami in the matter et " .lie Htiiknijitcy Act, ISG7," aud tlic several amendment* thereof respectively. "VTOTIOB IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha*i -L' under and in pursuance of the above-mentioned Acts, John Scott Worthington, of <i'ieenstown, in the Province of Ota^o, New Zealand, gentleman. Proueioual Trustee in Bankruptcy, has become So!«* Trustee of the estate and i-ffoc s of the above-named" bankrupt. And notice is hereby further given, that Saturday, the 2-Hh day of July next, at 11 o'clockiu the forenoon, has been appointed as a Public Sitting ot this.honou'sible Cuuii, at Queenstown aforesaid, for the said Bankrupt It. p:iss Ins Last Examination, an<t make application for his Discharge under the abovementioned Acts, and the said Laukrupt will then jjk£ lliero apply accordingly. Dated at <iueoi;stown, this 21st day of June, 1875. HUGH J. FINN, Solicitor for the said Bankrupt. IX THE ASSIGNED ESTATE OF JAMES ALE'ERr HECK. ALL PARTIES having Claims against the above Estate are requested to lodge them., with iiffiiavit annexed, with the undersigned befUKt l>t JULY, otherwise tiny will be excluded from i>articipation in the divideiU about to be declared. G. C. MATHESON) . S;ju i. o. tVA ; Trustee. COEPOEATION NOTICES. CITY OF BUXEDLNT. THE CITIZENS' EOLL—Year 1375-G. "&XOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN," thai; X-\ the above 8011, in manuscript, may be inspected: at the Trim Clerk's Oißce, Manse street. All ratepayers who, owing to non-payment of their rates in due time, have beeu excludedirom the Eel? or who, being entitled to be enrolled, may from anv= cause have been omitted, cau pny iheir rates aud lodge with the City Council, written claims for admission wthe Roll, on or before 3rd July. Any objections against names already enrolled nay be similarly lodged on or before the sth July. Blank forms of cliiims and objections tniy be obtained on application at the Town Clerk's Office. J. M. MASSEY, Town Clerk. June 10, 1875. . I7jx*. PABTKEESEIP NOTICES. "Y&^E, the undersignedj carrying on bu- " * siness as Slaughtermen Mid Cattle TeaUa-s, Pine Hill, neir Dunedin, trading uuder the firm oj^. "W. and J. Duncan," ha'-e this day mutually DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP. All outstanding debts due to the said firm nrnst Ist settled on or before the 19Ji of July, and all chums due by the said firm will be settled by tlie said> W. Duncan, who will carry on the business as heretofore. (Signed) WILLIAM DUNCAN JOHN WALKER DUNCAN Witness to signatures— James Hall Liuibert Richatd Charles Meredith. Dated at Dunedin. this 25th day o£ June, 1575. VOLUNTEER NOTICES. Militia and Volunteer Office, Dunedm, 25th June, 1575. H'lNEfi AL O & D £ &. "iX — Officers eoinnianding Corps of Voluuteers in Uic Dunedin District, arc hereby ordered to return ini>f Store all the Rifies at presen 5 on issue, oil receipt- at which they will be replaced by Sni-lers. Wil. >TAVELY, Captain Commanding District. TSNDEaS. SEALED TENDERS will be recoivectat the Cl-.ief Post tiiticc, Duuedin, till noon ot Sa: in-day, the 3rd July, for the performance of a ThriceWeekly Service, liy coach, between the Pijst Ofticc u.t Wataura and the Post Office at Balclutha, far the period from the Sth July proximo to 31st December next; but terminable ar^ any time by the Post-niast« on giving one mouth's notice- i:i. WTiting. Forms of tender, with the terms and conditions ot contract, may be procured at the Chief Post Ottiee,. Duuedin, and the Post Offices at Balclutha and. Ji;.;taura. Ko tender will be considered unless made on the printed form aud accompanied by the required di?posit. Tenders to be endorsed, "Tender for Mataura, and Balclutha Slail Senice," and addressed to the Chief Postmaster, Dunediu. ARCH. BAUR, Chief Postmaster. Chief Post Office, Dunedia, "2Sth Juue, 1875. . "2Qj\t EXTENSION OF TIME. rpENDEHS will be received at the &- Oißce of the Secretary for Lands- aud Railtva^-* until noon of Friday, the Btli July proximo, for The Supply aud Delivery of 7S GOODS \VAG~ GOJJS for the Southland Jiail«-p.ys. Plans and specifications will be on view, and forms: of tender obtained, at the-office of the Engineer ol Permanent Way, Dunediu, and the Traffic Manager*:*,, Office, luvercargill. The Government does not undertake to accept the lowest or any tender. WM. CONYERS, General Manager. Duuedin, 15th Juue, 1575. aijamENDEß.—The time of Eeceiviagi Tenders for the FQRBURF HOUSES is extended till 3IONDAY, 3rd JULY, 1875. MASON *iid \yALES, iOiu. ArcUiteots. REMOVALS. AL E E S, A PAINTER, GLAZIER, AXO IMPORTER, Begs to ictims-te thai, be has REMOVED TO HIS KEW BQILDEN<3« Nearly opposite his former preoiisea, GEORGE STSEEE Bdkcsck. OFFJCES <3F THE "\7ICTOSIA INSURANCE QQHPAKY Hi.'.'c &eea R fi M O V X O HIGH STSEES, KSAB PRISTCES StREET. . Dunedia. 2t& MaccJi. W. D. HEARSS, Bes. Sec Fire and Marine Insurances effected at Lowest Rates. ; In. HOTELS. ' COMMERCIAL HOTEL, MILTON. Lessee > Mr J. J. ATijrxsox.. Mr J. J. ATKINSON having purchased the lease ot . the above establishment, begs to notify to the public, that the business in future wi I be conducted tjs; him, assisted by a numerous and well selected staff. Au entirely new stock of Wines, Spirits, Liquors-,. &c, has been laid down, and will be found to be of a first-class character. « THE STABLE DEPARTMENT Has been placed under the control of an experience*! au<i well-kiwwn groom. TJiere is a first rate BILLIARD ROOM AND TABLE ' on the premises, under the superintendence of a. wellknowa aud popular Marker. A Night Watchman Vsis been engaged, so tlct travellers and others can receive attention at any time ofs the night. The CoacVleaves at T a.m. aud arrives, a.5. 7 pm. Arrangements av^Uwug made to lit up a COMMEKCUL AND SHOW ROOM for travellers. Mr ATKINSON trusts by strict attention, to business, and by courtesy to customers, coupled with, the strictest oi-.ler and cleanliaess. to merit the patronaije of the uiliabitants of the district aud the travvlling public, June Ist,, 1575. I~i»«v LONDON HOTEL* Corner of Market and Little Flinders streets^ MELBOURNE: A. H. SIMAIONS, Late Chief Steward of s.s's, Almou, Alhambrs, aut% Gothenburg, successor tJ T. Browu, proprietqii First-class accommodation for Boarders. All Liquors of the best quality. , Newspapers from nil parts of the Colony, Northern i Territory, sa, filed. j BATHS. i N.B.—Tht> house is v.l:bin a slnrt diitajlW'eE tbe- [ Railway SwtJQBS and Wbaivca. ' '

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4167, 26 June 1875, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4167, 26 June 1875, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4167, 26 June 1875, Page 3