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Hollow ayXPilis.—With darkening'cSaj-saiKl change ug tctuperatureS'the digestion becomes impaired, the: O^ iver disordered and the mind despondent, unlc s the aiise of the irregularity, be expelled from ilha, blood 1 ,iul body by >ueh aii alterative'its these l'illsu, J They- - lirectiy attacfc.tho sojirce of the evil, thrust out all r inpuriiies from the circulation, restore the dist«ni-. v leied organs to'their natural state, and correct all deective or .(contaminated' secretions. ;; Such'an easy ■ neansnf instituting health, strength, aiid cheerfulness, hould bo applied by all whose stomachs lie weak vhose liiinds arc much harrasscd, t.r whose brains arc Si >verworked. llolluwny's isesseirially a blood-t infer- y, tig medicine, whereby its influence leaihes tho re- : uotcst fibre of tbe ii-anie, and (.fleets a universal good. , -[Anvr.] . '■ ■ . ls EDUCATIONAL. LADIES' COLLEGE, PLEASANT VIEW HOUSE, p: ELM HOW. MBS QUINLAN (late Principal Ladies' College, Ballarat). Limited number of Pupils received. Instruction :'English in all its branches, and usual accomplishments, under supervision of Teacher holding first-class certificate from Melbourne Model and Training Institution. Terms on application. ' 2(>o PUBLIC NOTICES. WRASER and MA O F I E HAVE FOR SALE:— Newcastle Coal Cedar, Kowliai, and Totar.i Posts Groen Island Coal Manuka and Mapu Rails Firewood, all kinds Coal Pit Props, 7ft. and Sft. Coke and Charcoal Shell Gravel Moray place East, lower Stuart street. 2Gju SOUTUPuRT SAW .MILL, TASMANIA. rpi-IE Proprietors, LACY, HAY, and CO., are prepared to execute with despatch Ordci-s for large quantities if Railway SLEEPERS and other descriptions of HARDWOOD. For information, app'y to DALGETY, XiCHOLS, and CO.. I? Duncdin ; Or to . \V. FISHER, Morrison street, ' 20ju JlobartTown. AMERICAN (WiLTH AM) WaTGHE-'. Mechanical JI rvels;—The Amo rican (*altham) Watch Company hive successfully overcome a dillicuity that has long been a stumo.iugbltrek to the inventive genius of tha English watchmaker. 'J he damage often inflicted uuon the movement .if the English Lever Watch, by the breaking of the chart or nuiuspriiu, frequently resulting in the r splitting of jewels, du-tructiou of pivots, a.d injury " u> the wheel tteth, is altogether averted by the introduction of the "PvTI'NT RHVEkSIBLE CEXTK-. PJXION," which is applied to all Wallhaiu-niade Watches. ] t is constructed in two parts, the pinion head bi-inif made separate from the slalf to which it isKfaeh dby a triple le;t-haud thread. When the power of t'ne nuuiii-priiig is on, the force is in the direction of the screw, while if the spring break--, the x reverse action causes the pinion head to unscrew " itself from the staff, and Urns save the usual iujurks indicted upon the Watch and the consequent cost of repairs. AMUtICAX (WALTtIAM) W\TOII'-"S will stand j rougher u,a:,'c th.m any others. Simple in mechanism, correct in principle, tub tantial in construction, seldom out of order, and easily and inexpen ive y rep tired. AMERICAN(WALVHAM) WATCHES. Write for the Illustrated l',.mphlct descriptive of Watch-ni iking by L machinery ut Wiiltluun. Sent Ciee by puAt (nu quoting I. per'in which this Advertisetnentapp..-ars). ami I Jri;e Li-ts furnished tv the Trade <in application t« ROliiiiX.S and APPLE TON, General Agents for the American Watch Co., 10 Hattoii Gai-Jon, London, E.C. 2G'ju /CAPTAIN CLASSOJST, of .the Ship PEACEMAKER, T WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE vmi j ANY DEIiTS CONTRACTED BY HIS CREW, Unless WRITTEN OIIDEKS from himself are pro. duced. Duncdin, 21th June, IST-i. Soiu j CAKHONIFKIKH'S KRA ! < KEWS FOR THE ECONOMICAL. f "OEGUL Ml bhipments Coal, ex Eaaby l jUL/ — i ontinuous .Supplies of Grey, Green 1.-land, anil other Local Coals, at lowest rates—delivered to all parts of the City with despatch Firewood, in any ienjrths, of a'l descriptions. Country orders shall have our best attention, urders left with Messrr, Weir and Sannon, George street.: U. -Mercer, Princes street south; or Receiving liox lnulis's, corner High street ' and Princes street CL-vIUC and TEMI'LIiTOX, Central City Coal and VI ood De];ot, next Albion Soap Works, Gre-it King street. • 24ju TjIREOBRICK H. EVANS, House and JL instate Agent, Share .mil Money Broker, Princes street. —Shares in all the Hanking, Insurance, and other Companies for sale. Eligible Suburban Residences—Town Freeholds — Townships aeees.-ible by Railway--Diish Land on Main North Road and Pine Hill—Hotel and other other Valuations conducted. 24ju THE COLONIAL BANK OP NEW ZBVLAND. T^OTECE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that -»-' a vacancy has occurred in the oflk-e of Diiector of tho above Bank through the resignation of A. W. Morris, Esq., consequent upon his proceeding to Lon- ; don, which vacancy, in terms of the Deed of Settle- ; ment, Clause H, requires to be filled up at the Half Yearly General Meeting, to be held on the' 2Sth ■ July next. The attention of Proprietors, possessing the necessary qualificit ion, and intending to become candidates for the ollice ot Director, is directed to Clause 45 of | the Deed of Settlement. ! Proxies will require to be lodged at the Bank twenty-four hjurs before the above election takes place. Dated this Sixteenth day-of June, One thousand eight hundred and seventy-five. By order of the Board of Directors. L. 0. SEAL, Manager, 17ju Dunedin. MI'SIC SALOON. I'KI.NCIiS STREET fcOHTII, DUXKfIIX. fi HA R hit S BE d G VV Desires to intimate that he has received several extensive deliveries of PIANOS, HAKMOXUJMS, CORNETS, SAXHOUXS, DRUMS, VIOLINS, CONCERTINAS, And other Musical Instruments. THE STOCK OP PIANOS Is very compete, containing a choice selection of instruments by the best makers, manufactured specially for his trade, and guaranteed by the several firms, including those of Collard, Broadwood, Kirknuin, Kr.ird, Allison, Bord, and others. * C. B. wishes to introduce Allison's " London Model," just received—a Piano in handsome rosewood case, I and carefully finished, at a.n exceedingly moderate price. Tho Showrooms now afford a selection of the Alexandre's " liroad reed" Harmoniums, built upon the most improved principle, and possessing a Siveetncss of tone and capacity of expression which have gained for these makes -i high reputation. Parlies forming Bands and Orchestral Societies are invited to i: speet the stock of Wind and .String Instruments, which will bo found very replete and moderate in price. Amount the recent deliveries are " old copy" Violins, Anglo-German ami Eng islj Concertinas, Futinas,, Digitoriunfs. some very superior Violin Strings and llinvs, Flutes, Clarionets, Pitch-pijic Charms, Tuning Forks, and other trade paraphernalia. Tho Publishing Department has been refreshed by lar^e a Iniiious of all the more popular Pieces and ■-oiiss, Itoosey's and CliapjieH'.s Magazines and Books, Metzlers and Cock's publications. Second-hand Pianos returned from hire are frequently on hand, at great y reduced prices;, a quantity of soiled Music, at half-price. May, 187r>. rpHE VVHEELBR and WILSON JL is THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE Warranted t j give satisfaction. Reasons why the Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine is far superior to thj Singer ! The W. and W. will do more work and do it better The W. and W. is much more durable ; it will last a lifetime, and run for years without repair The W. and W. is easier to work The \V. and W. is not so liable to get out of order The W. and W: has no cog-wluels to wear away and break The W. ami W. has no heavy machinery to tire and weary the feet The W. and W. is more simple in action The W. and W. has less wear and tear Th« W. and W. is better finished The W. and W. has been awarded more prizes The W. and W. is American made, theSingeris not. Beware of Imitations. JAS. WALLS, Ironmonger, Princes street, Soie Agent for the Genuine Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines. 24m BROWN AND JOHNSOJS, PLUMBERS, COPPERSMITHS, TIXSMtTHS, AND GASFITTERS, Opp isite A. and T. luglis's, George-street. Baths, Water Closets, Hot Water Apparatus fitted up and all kiims of Ship and Brewery Work d' ne on the newest and most approved principles. Water and Gas Laid on. —AH work guaranteed. N. B.—Experienced workmen sent to all parts of the Colony 17niy SEWARD and GILLARD, Brokers, High street, deal daily in Standard, National, New Zealand, and South British Insurance, New Zea'and, Colonial, and National Banks, &c., &c Several six roomed dwelling-houses required within easy distance of town. Small office wiih store wanted, ceiitraUy situated.—General store on diggings for sale, with freehold 1 aid. Fine opening. Money advanced on short or long periods on any marketable security. Bil.s discounted. Particulars at Office. 7my fIAR YE R AND CO., \-J George street, Carriage Builders, have for sale Private Wagonettes, French Drags, Double and Single Seated Buggies, Station and ordinary Express Waggons. Repairs promptly executed. 19my ASTHMA, and Chronic Bronchitis.— The most effectual remedy will be found to he Datura Tulula, prepared in all forms, for smoking and inhalation, by Savory and Moore, 143, New Bond street, Lordoii, ami sold by them, and all Chemists and Storekeepers throughout the Worl 1. 2Gju

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4167, 26 June 1875, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4167, 26 June 1875, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4167, 26 June 1875, Page 3