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POKT CHALMERS. June 24.—Wind, light, easterly. Weather: fine and c:car, gcnfcl. S a.m. —Barometer. 30.20; thermometer, 40. 1 p.m.—Barometer, 30.23 ; thermometer, sun, 70, shade, s#. 5 p.m.—Barometer, 30 21 ; thermometer, 43. Huh water on the 25th:—At the Heads, 6.49; it Port - huimers, 7.29; at Dunediu, 5.14. PORT CHALMERS OBSERVATORY. Latitude, 45.4S oo south ; longitude, llh. 22m. 37s east. Time ball drops daily (Sundays excepted) at 1 p.m. lort Chalmers mean time, or lh. S7m. 2Ss. a.m Greenwich menu time. ARRIVALS. Express, s.s. l:V. tons, Christian, from the Bluff. H. Houghton and Co., agents. Passengers—Mr and Jlrs Chamberlain, Vrs Morrison and child, Judge JCh.ipman, Messrs Anderson, Musseii. Birues, Buckingham, Golding, Gall. Brugh aniijseven s:eer.ige. Warata\ kirque, 202 tons, Fisher, from Hobart Town. Jui.e 14th. Dalgety, Nichols, and Co., agents. Passengers—Messrs Reid, Howels, Collins, Master Lucas. Tauran-.'a, schooner, 61 tons, Divers, from the Bluff. G. F. Reid, aeent. Lady of the La'-e, s.s., CO tons, Urquhart, from Port Molvneux. G. F. Keid, agent. Passenger: Mr Melville. DEPARTURKS. Jane, cutter, 25 tons, Graham, for Shag Toint, Martin and Watson, agents. Otago, s.s., IHO tons, M'Lean, for Melbourne, ri<» Cook"" Strait. Dalgety, Nichols, and Co., agents. Passencers—For Lyttelton—Mr and Mrs Hodgkinson. For Wellington— Messrs Thompson, Mount-joy, Burke. For Nelson—Mr and Mrs Alien. For Hokitika— Misses Wmifrid, M'DonneU. For Melbourne—Dr Marr, Mr Tait, 3 steerage, and 1 steerage for Greymouth. EXrKCTBD ARRIVALS. ' From London. —H. T. Staines, Jan. 27th ; Cora Linn. March 17th : Woodlark, J. N. Fleming, John Rennie, Knight of Snowdon, Strathmore, S rincenza Lavai.ger. From Glasgow.—Craigielea, April 9; Taupo, May 1: Aldererove, April 29. From Sew York.—Crusader, Frances Lowiy. From Pigki Siund.—Maria Trinidad. FromCuristiania.—lsabella Ridley ; Annie Etonian, . Jan. 80th. From Western Acstraua. — Albyn's Isle, Janet Spiers. From Apelmpk.— Waverley. JFrom Tasmania. - Camilla." VKOJRCTF.D PErARTI'RKS. Fox London.-Timaru, early; Dunedin, early. For Melbocrne.—Alhambra, this day: Omeo, this day. For "Northers Ports. —Phoebe, this day : Hawea, 27th inst. Fur. Ai-cklaxd.—Agnes, early ; Rosebud, early. .For Wellington.—Melaine, early. ' For Lyttelton, &c. -Bnice, 29th inst.; Beautiful Star, early ; Maori. 27th inst. For SoliiiEßN Ports. -Wanganui, early ; Express, 26th inst. ; Lady of the Lake, this day; Comerang, 2t>th inst. For GREVMOfiH —Isabella Anderson, early. For Oamarl".—Samson, thi.-. day. For East Coast.—Defiance, early. For Shag Point.—Shag, eirly. For Bluff Harbour.-^Seagull, 2Sth inst. CUSTOMS ENTRIES. INWARDS. Pioneer, 23 tons, Matheson, for Port Molyneux, with cargo. Martin and Watson, agents. Samson, 124 tons, Edie, from Oamarii, with cargo. J. Mills, agent. Tauranga, 60 tons, Divers, from Bluff Harbour, with car^o G. V. Reid, agent. Eliza M'Phee, 2:i tons, Peterson, from Timaru, with cargo. G. F. Reid, agent. Lady of the Lake. 60 tons, Urquhart, from Port Molyneux, with cargo. G. F. Reid, agent. Express, 136 tons. Christian, for Bluff Harbour, with cargo. H. Houghton and Co, agents. Cora, 45 tons, Russell, from Waikouaiti, with cargo. Keith Ramsay, agent. OUTWARDS. o',-igo. 642 tons, M'Lean, for Lyttelton, with canro? Dalgety, Nichols, ami Co., agents Spec, 32 tons, Madstm, for Foxton n« Kakanui, with cargo. Keith hamsay, agent. Samson, 124 tons, Edie, for Oamaru, with cargo. J. Miils, agent. IMPORTS. Per Lady of the Lake, from Port Molyneux: 532 sacks, G F" Reid -. '225 do, order. Per Express, from Southern Pons: 22,520 ft timber. J and D Findlay : 12,000 ft do, 160 pkgs. order ; 1 do^ Dunkley; 16S "do, JSrogden and Son; 1 do, Tyree Brothers. Per Waratah. from Hobart Town : 4000 ft timber, 15,000 palugs, 2700 posts and rails, 3100 eases, 239 sacks, order. EXPORTS. Per Otago : For Lyttelton —1 pkg, Hayman and Co : 2 do, Oliver and Ulph ; 1 do, Bing, Harris, and Co. For Wellington—ll pkgs, Oliver and Ulph ; 135 do, Bardsley. For Nelson—3os pkgs, Anderson and Co ; 1 do, Macfarlane : 2 do. Bing, Harris, and Co ; 1 do, Union Bank. For Grevmuuth—s pkirs, Anderson and Co. Yer Samson, for Oamaru: 1 package, Hamann ;30 do, Brogden: 9 do, Thomas aud Berryman : 2 do, Murray T 13 do, Thomson, • trang, and Co ; 2 do, Mecdershausen : 3 do, TurnbuU and Co : 1 do, Sol mou Brothers :15 do, beeves and Co ;42 do, Briscoe and Co; 1 do. Wise and Co -, 41 do, Neill and Co ; 27 do, Butterworth Bros ; 1 do, Buck : 1 do, Scoular; 1 do, Inglis ; 1 do, Reid and Gray ;13 do, Kincaid and Co ; 1 do, Moore ;31 do, Sargood, Son, and Ewen: 1 do, Brown, Ewing, and Co ; 3 do, Beaver Brothers; 3 do, Crawley; IS do, Lees ; 12 do, Esther and Low ; 4 do, Davidson and Co ; 1 do, Koss ar.d Giendining : 1 do, Fish and Co ; S do, Robins and M'Leod ;"2 do, Young; 2 do, Matthews ; 1 do, Matheson ; 175 do, Wright, Stephenson, and Co ;16 do, Dunning and Co; 1 do, Heeles and Co; 1 do, Herbert, Haynes, and Co ; 2 do, Bing, Harris, and Co; 3 do, Bridgman ; 1 do, Martin ; 1 do, Uliver and Ulph ; 1 do, Mills ; 1 do, Langmuir; 22 do. Cargills, Gibbs, and Co ; S do, and 200 ft timber, Findlay and Co; 6 packages, and 100 ft timber, Guthrie and Larnach. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. Wkllington, June 24th The Lady Bird, s.s., has sailed South with the English mail ria'Frisco. Passengers: Messrs Taylor, Bridges, Mackay, Crudwell, Gavin, Gibson, Seymour, Dawson, Evans, M'Master, Lee, Mr and Mrs Kelly, Mrs Ball, Mrs M'Lay, Mr and Mrs Sharp. Messrs H. Houghton and Co.'s steamer Express, Captain Christian, returned yesterday morning from southern ports. She left here on Saturday evening, and arrived at the Bluff next morning. Discharged and shipped cargo, and proceeded to Kivertou on Monday evening, but tide not serving, did Hot cross the bar until Tue day moniing. Discharged cargo and shipped 12,000 ieet of timber, aud returLed to the Blufi on Wednesday morning ; there filled up and embarked passengers, and left at 6.10 p.m., arriving at 10.39 a.m. yesterday. The tide being out, she eo.»led, and went to Duuedin on the evening's flood ; and will leave again for the Blufi to-morrow. Tlie clipper barque Waratah, which was here some two years ago, paid the port another visit yesterday, bringing a cargo of Tasmanian produce from Hobart Towu. Since she was last here the Waratah has been trading about the Australias, has made trips to Sydney, Adelaide, and one or two to Napier. Considering the light weather with which she has had to contend, the Waratah has this trip fully sustained her reputation as a fast goer. She ltft Hobart Town on the 14th inst., cleared the land next day tvith a light southerly breeze, and during the run across had her yards just checked in to a moderate southerly breeze, the royals not being once taken off her, The Solander was nmde on the 20th, and then the wind veered round to the northward and freshened, and thnt night she passed the Bluff, ran the coa-tdown with light N.W. winds, and was off Cape Saunders on Monday night. There the breeze died away, aud until yesterday morning, when a light N.E. breezr brought her into port, shs was lying off the Heads becalmed. Whilst off Saunders She passed the barque Southern Cross, fr.m Hobart Town, bound to Lyttelton, twelve days out. Captair Fisher further reports that the brigantine Camilla bound here, left Hobart Town on the 13th inst. The Warata is the vessel that was supposed to be a Yankei barque off the Heads, as reported by us on Wednes day. There were no vessels in sight from the Head: when she came in yesterday morning. The schooner Maggie Patterson went alongside th< Andrew Reid yesterday to discharge her ballast int< that vessel. To-day she will haul into the new lier t< ship railway iron, and then goes to Dunedin to fill U] cargo for Tinmru. It has beeu decided that the ship Leucadia is to gi hence ts China, and her port of destination will b< either Foo Choo or Shanghae, according as the wim serves, Yesterday- she shipped a couple of milch cows She is to sail early next week. The steamer Otago cleared out yesterday afternooi for Lyttelton et, route for Melbourne via Coast porte She took away sixteen passengers, besides originals for Melbourne. With re<pird to the stranding of the schoone Bencleuirh at Hokitika, her owners, Messrs Thoniso Bros,of the Port,have received thefollowing intelligent-! Tlie Bencleugh was towing in astern of the Liones en Monday, when by some unexplained mischance sh took the ground on the point of the North Spit, an stuck there. lier detentim, was, however, shor lived. Strenuous efforts were made to relieve her, an on the next tide she floated and was towed inside an moored at the wharf. She received no damage ; bi the stranding wiii be. a source of loss for all that. The barque Waratah is to discharge at Dunedii and will probably tow up on this morning's tide. The schooner Rosebud has completed loading fc Auckland, and will sail with the first fair wind. Touchiug the movements of the steamers Omeo an > lhanibraj it is possisle that the latter may have a rived at the Port some time during list night, telegram from Captain Calder, dated Kakanui, w: re:eived yesteiday to the effect that the Om< would arrive a*, the Heads at 9 p.m., Frida; and instructed a pi'.ot to be on the look-out fi her. As the notice was served so long beforehand, was thought p< 'ssible that a mistake may have be< made in the name of the day, which might have be< meant to read Thursday instead of Friday. If tt notice wa3eorrec', the Omeo will arrive at th^ Po at 10 o'clock to-night, or thereabouts, and will leai for Melbourne via Hluff to-morrow. She has been f Toured with five weather during her c lasting trip 1 Allday and Kakauui. The Alhambni is expected fro Lyttelton tn-day, and will leave for Melbourne as p advertised notice in another place. Bulk will be broken this morning on board tl bn que Prospector, and as soon as she is sufficient lightened she will go to Dunediu there to finish d chinring. The usual notice to consignees appears anotker pl;'.c-e. The new railway steam crane at work at the n< pier, is a very pretty piece of mechanism, and wor well, but is rather too light to lift heavy logs out ol Tessel. This was demonstrated yesterday mornin when, whi st an extra heavy log was being lifted o Of the Transport, one of the end pieces of the frai the crane rested on, split, and the sudden surge tt fo lowed made the crane gearing spring ag*in. ] part of it, however, gave way, but operations had be suspended. The crane is to be returned to Bui din, and a heavier one sent down to replace it, we 1 lieve. The steamer Phoebe leaves to-day on her ret i northwards. Passengers are to join her by the 12 train. The brigantine Sea Gull is laid on for the Bluff, a is advertised to leave on Monday next. The schooner Melaine is on the berth for Well ii ton, and is to receive early dispatch. Amongst othe- items of news contained in a Hoh Town paper, supplied us by Mr Held, one of the p sengers per Waratah, is one announcing that 1 captain of the steamer City of Hobart, was fined i at Sydney, for overloading his vessel. The steamer .Maori will to-day complete anot! round trip ul-out the Island. She left the Bluff vest div at 4.30 p.m., and should arrive on this mornin tide, and go up to Dunedin. The s.s.LaJy oi ihe Lake completed another trip Port Molyne.ix iml b.ick yesterday. She left the Mc neux at 5 p.m. on Wed.i=>dj.y, and was at the He at Uiii-pjst 2 uext meining* Finding the schoo:

auranga on a bank there, the steamer towed her off and brought her on to Dunedin, the >yharf at 9 a.m. '. *:; ' ■ j The schooner Dauntless has discharged her inward.'cargo, and is now loading for Auckland. - - * " The brigantine Zephyr is ready for sea, and will sail on the first opportunity for Moeraki, where she will take in cargo for Auckland. The Tasmanian Tribune writes as follows respecting the sudden death of Captain Clinch, of the steamer Southern Cross:—Another old colonist has gone to his last home. Captain John Clinch - a gentleman who his been intimately connected with the shipping interests of this Colony for very many ye rs past, and who has eve,- been regarded as the most honest, genial, and kind-hearted men that ever sailed from this port- died suddenly at Sydney at noon on Tuesday last. The circumstances in which the deceased gent'einan died ware of an extremely painful character. He bad laboured hard, and had encountered many difficulties as a most successful captain; he liad grown grey in the service, and respected and esteemed ; lie had' just to make one trip from Sydney to this port when he was to retire frem the arduous life of a sailor, to spend the remainder of his days at home with his wife aud family. Tlie people of Sydneyengaged in the shipping interests had entertained him at a banquet, and presented him with a testimonial ; he had said farewell to his friends in Sydney, and was standing on the bridge of the steamer Southern Cross, which lie commanded, as she was leaving the wharf, when he suddenly fell where he stood, as if in a fit, and expired. Captain Clinch was born in Lond-n, in or about tlie year ISO 9, and wns for many years identified with the "shipping interests of this iiort. He hail -ufferfd for some time past from disease of the heart. The merchants and shipowners of this city have prepared an illuminated address, which they intended to present to liim, together with a testimonial. Captain Clinch has left a widow, seven sons, and two daughters, to mourn tlieir loss.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4166, 25 June 1875, Page 2

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4166, 25 June 1875, Page 2

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4166, 25 June 1875, Page 2