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MEDICAL. " TTOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." -*- C h A R X E S WORLD-FAMKD BLOOD MIXTURE. Trade Mark—" Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURI PIER AND RESTORER ! For cleansing and clearing the blood from all in- j purities, cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores oi a. ! kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent cure. i It Cures Old Sores. Curea Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. j Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Curea Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clear* the Blood from all impnre matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted freo from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. Sold in Bottles, 2s Ud each, acd in rases, containing six times the quantity, lis.each—sufficient to effect a permanent euro in the great majority of iong-standini.' cases, by all Chemists and Patent "Medicino Vendors throughout the world. Solo Proprietor, P. J. CLARKE, Chemist, Apothecaries' Hall, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. Export Agents - All tbe London Wholesale Houses. Agentß for New Zealand : KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, and CO., Wuousalk Druggists, __ DUNEDIN and AUCKLAND. 23d ROYAL MAIL. riOBB AND € O.i Telegraph Lines of ROYAL MAIL COACHES J. Chaplin ajjd C©..PBor.B33T©sß lam tha Booking Ofiloa. Manse street, oeit Wait' Hotel, for all parts of the Proraiea. CARRIAGE 3. J. C. and Co. have always on baud the newtwt d* signs in Broughams, Baioucbes, Piiaetona, Waggo nottea, and American Buggies of argiy description CABRIAGES BUILT TO ORDER. All timber used in their Manufactory has been cars fully selected and Imported direct foosa America, anr seaaoned for years beiore working. Repairs done in a superior mann-er, with all pcodbl despatch, and at the lowest rates. MANUFACTORY AND REPOBIT&SY, Stafford btbjsbt. Superior Carriage and Buggy Pairs, Saddle Hot and Hacks always on hand for sale or tnuhanpe. Horses broken to saddle and harness. COBB AND CO., Manse street, Dmicdiiy nc-xS ti>\Vain.*s Botel. BUSINESS NOTICED SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES — BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. - Any person caught Selling a Counterfeit Machine, either with or • without the Sikukk Tbabk Mark Plats, or using the word "Singer" in connection with any other name, or in any way whatsoever conveying the impression that the counterfeit is a Singer, will be Prosecuted without further notice, by G. M. ALDRICII, Comer of Princes awl Dowling streets, Dunedir., Agent for the SINGER MANUFACTUtiING COMPANY. 26f HENRY J. WALTER7"H^teTVaTu. ator and General Commission Agent. Cash advances made. Occidental Wine and Spirit Vaults Manse street. g^ A NDERSOCT AND MORRISON. -CA- Duuedin Plumber Copper, and Brass Works Moray place nearly opposite First Church-House ship, and brewery work of every de.-eriplion done Inexperienced tradesmen, at lowest rites. Hot water apparatus made and fitted up, suitable for baths and general domestic purposes; also, for the heatiiv of coi»eryatones and buildings of every kind. Copiier steam jackctted pans, suitable for the manufacture of jam. Meat preserving, slue, and washing boilers. Reinu'erators pumps, steam pipes, and every description ol copper, lead, or brass jroods m;u i e to order. Bell hangup and gas-titling in all its branches. P.i-ent enamelled shades, pendants, gasaliers, &c &c All works guaranteed, and moderate charges. ''Estimates gi.en on application. workmen tent to all parts of tlie Colony. SO j u JON B~S, BASCH, & CO. j HOUSE, LAND, AND ESTATE AGENTS. P.BNTS COIiLKCTBD. Temple Chambers, Princes street OPENING OP THE NEW CHIVA, CLASS, AND 1 EARI'HiENWARE BUSINESS. j ;g BE BEER and CO. KJ* have pleasure in announcing to the public that their extensive SHOW-ROOMS are NOW OPENED UP with a Ma^nifici'i Assortment of China, Glass, Earthen, and Lanii. Ware, comprising many novelties not hitherto intnduced into this market. The New Buckeye- Hand Shuttle Sewing Machine, price £3 10s. The Wilson Vienna Prize Medal Stand Machines, price £3 10s. Retail- Department, Princes street; Wholesale Department, Stafford street. 27 j J. EW I S L~ LEVI, IMPORTER AND BROKER, STAFrO'RD STREET, Dunedin. 17m niiUJIMOND AND WATSON, -*-^ Octagon, Dunedin. Newcastlo, Kaitangata, and Green Island Coal 3. Sydney and Gas cokes dclivcicd to all parts of tho city. Paints, oil*, colours, and iii:whin ry oil. &c, &c. Euroijoan cordage, anu Manilla rope, all sizes. N.B.—Country orders forwarded with despatch, llm WM~ BROWN aii d CO., LAND, ESTATE, & COMM3SSION AGENa-S. ACCOUNTANTS, and MONEY BROKERS, Princes street, Dunedin. Pioperties Uought and Sold. Loans Negotiated. Financial Uu-ine3s undertaken. Absentees represented. Itent3 Collet ted. Couutrj- Dusi;iess Transited Land Office lJusiiiess attended to. Consignments of Grain received. Estates Wound-tip. 3o (< p G MUNRO'S MONUMENTAL • WORKS. Corner of King street and Moray Place I D U N E D I .V. J Plans furnished and executed for all kinds r.f Monti- I ments, Tombstones, &c., in marble, granite, or Kaka- I nui stono. Tomb Railings, &c, any ilcsign. G. M. is also p epared to supply in anynuautitv fnun his yuarrics in Ivakaiwat, the best' quality 'of Oamaru M<jne. Jm|K»rter of MariSe, Gi-auit«, and" -\-- broath Hearthstones.—Designs forwarded to all parts ol the Colony on application. 29a■, MARAVILLACOCOA .—Taylor Br.»tl:ers, London, having tbe tsclusive supp'y of this unrivalled Cocoa, invite eojujtinson wilh any otiier Cocoa for purity, tine aroma, sanative, nutritive, and sustaining pouer. One trial will establish it as a avourite beverage for breakfast, luncheon, and a soothing refreshment a ter a late evening. MARAVILLA U CO.V.—The GIolx; says:~"Tavlor Lrother*' Mar.-.villa C.i-^a las achieved a thorou-b success, and ►uper»ed..s .-very other Cuooa iv the market. Entire v.ltibility,., .lelieite siruav,. Wl -.l *; rare eoiieen»r*ti.)i, of lhe pun-.t elements of nutrition ' distinguish the Mar.villa . ocoa abiivo all o'he -i l-'or I coii-umers of Cocoa, especially invalids and d\ iiwiv'.i^ 1 we could not recommend a mor ■ agreeable of vahiabie J bevera-.'e." Kor further favourable opinions vide {standard, Morning Posr, llr.ti.h Mcdi.-al Journal, &..■., I JIOMIEOP.VIH C COCOA -This original preiara- j ! llol), Wllcn ll'^ attained such a world-wide reputa- S tiofi, is liisiilikt''Ca «,' Jaylor Urothers, under tht; j nble>t ilolii(i*,»jwl>t<; a>h i••«■/ Vlcfl. tr. U',<* v'jh an-' ( w:i»cric"w tv the liivciitws r.u-I '.;«ifo tt.o.iJ*).e6fi»l3 " llllle iii ii:: eiuliici.t. .A-^rec t!>.c p.'.v:'y, fiiie-ap-nuii, and I luiiritioiis pi-tiiitrtv of tlw fr. sh n<it. 1/ SOLUBLK CHOCOLA-rE made hv one nviWttte *Il3> , . out boiling. The above: a'rii.-les- ni»ep*-.-j>lJ-eiJ tjj.clu- j ! sivcly by Taylor Brother'!-, tlm lai'a^ii liiaiiniacturer^ j i in Eurnjie, ami solo iv iiit-lipcd'packets hv store- J KCi-pcrs and others a'l ovE; tlie wt.r'i', * \ aiUSTARU- Taylor Brothers' couthritc-!. "tfiat- 1 lanijc " brand is prepared from Uie choices* iced by -v f fialciil pro.c« which prevents fcnueittatiou, aud :t jthe same time retains ♦'iv }v,iiii;<r>ii:y nn.l p::r'9y off flavour to a de rcc whiili no utlK-r jifocc-.s can .Vvswm-- V ' pli-h. The double aiiiicrilnc i'i:;'.itv is s»iß'Vftni.-f comnieKded. Stcala Mills, t*ri-:k' Luiit K.«;d...-i i Expjrt Chic»r>- Mills, Btujres, IVlgiuia. 14<«y 'fi Ct'KPAB ' LLELED SL'CCESS OF ' 1 OOD A LL'S WO U i.D-KE N OWNED A HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES. GotxlaH's - QMinine Wine, Yorkshire Uelisiv GiwJsirs JkStniJ ' Powder. I "\TOItKJ5 f 1 1 HE KEU&H — 'She Most : JL Delicious Sauce in Siteworii. Tsiis cheap .-inti ' excellent Since makes Is:e plain.^-t viuids paiatible, and the tliinticst disJses- mo c <!e icious. To t !•/>)«, j Stc-tks. Fish, &c., iti» iecomparihle. Sold byGroeeis, Oilmen, Ac. Pre]ar«-1 by UOODALL, DACKHUUSE. and CO., Leeds, Knjfhv.d." \ GO 0D AL L'S QUINISE WINE. The lxsst, cheapest, an I nmsi a-<n.*e--ih:c T- n'e vet introduced. The best remedy known for lndi-r t^- i tion, genera! ilehility, lo.s of appetite.. Ac. H;~tT.-:os- { delicate invalids to health :ni<l ilwir. Sold by- » Chemists. Grocers, "*e. Pn.-*PBI by GOODA I-Vt t LAcKIitIL'SIC. :-nd CO., U.-v.-.«,'E:i..'1;0-.L OOODALL'd 73.av.I\G "T-»o 'Xti&it, \Jt Tlie Best in the World. The ehcxjwat bw-aisv-e I the best, and indispensable lo every household, and an i iiicstimable boon to housewives Make* d«!k-ious 1 ndthligs without eggs ; Pastry, without butter ami beautilul li»ht Uread without yea-^t. Sokl by Grocers Chem.sts Oilmen, Ac. Prewired by UOUDALL, BACKHOUSE, and CO., Leeds, Knglaud. i; j^

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4166, 25 June 1875, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4166, 25 June 1875, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4166, 25 June 1875, Page 4