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POKT CHALMERS. ,June 2>.-\Vi,,d. lhjht, variable. Weather: fine oeir. s>a.m.—liiroincter, 2P.'i(i; thermometer, 45 p.m.—Barometer, 2!) 73 ; thei mometer, 57 5 pm - Barometer, 20 Si ; thermometer. 50. Hi"h wate on the 23rd:—At the Heads, 5.23; at Port Chi! tners,C.3;at Duuedin. C.48. PORT CHALMERS OBSERVATORY.' Latitude, 45.J5.55 south ; longitude, llh. 22m. 37s Time ball drops daily (Sundays excepted) at 1 p m fort Chalmers mean time, or lh. 37m. '3s a m Greenwich mean time. ARRIVALS. Phoebe s.s 41(1 tons, Worsp, from Lyttelton am the North. J. C. Cannon, agent. Passengers • Miss Juno, Rev. Messrs Chiviere and Simmons Messrs Perner, Hales, Henrr, Webb, Sanders, Dunk 01/iVeV and 5 steerage. ' ' Bobytito, barque, 432 tons-. Lusher, from Newcastle . June Sth. Harbour Steam Co., agents. DEPARTURES Robert Jone*, 237 tons, Owen, for Newcastle Cargill, Gibbs, and Co., agents. Samson, p.s., 124 tons, Edie, for Oamaru. Harbour Steam Company, agents. E.\I>XCTED ARRIVALS. • From Losdos.—H. T. Stuines, Jan. 27th ■ Peacemaker, Feb. 2Sth; Cora Linn, March 17th ; Voodlark J. N. Fleming, John Rennie, Knight of Suowdon' Strathmore, Yineenza Lavauger. ' • From Glasgow.—Craigielea, April 0 ; Taiipo Slav 1; Aldergrovc, April 20/ ' From New York.—Crusader, Frances Lowry From Puosr Souse—Maria Trinidad. From Chkistiaxia.—lsabella Ridley ; Annie Houlan Jan. 30th. From Western Australia. — Albyn's Isle, Janet Spiers. From Adelaide.—Waverley. Fkoai Meldoi-kxe.—Prospector. ritO.IKCTEO DEPARTURES. For, London.- Timaru, early; Dunedin, early For Melbourne.—Alhambra, 25th inst. • Omeo this day. ' ' For Northers Ports. —Phoebe, 26th inst.; Hawea 2/th inst. ' For A;- cklan-d.—Agnes, early ; Rosebud, early For Wellington-.—Melaine, early. For Ly-h-elton, &c. -Bruce, this day; Beautiful Star, early. For Soltiierx Ports. - Wanganni, this day' Express, early ; Lady of the Lake, early; Comeranir early. *" For Grev.moith—lsabella Anderson, early For Oa.maku.—Samson, 24th iiint. For East Coast.—Defiance, early. For Shah Point.—Shag, early. CUSTOMS ENTRIES. UiWARDS. t Ce> 204 lonSl Jolles > from Timaru, with cargo J. Mills, agent. b ' Edith Reid, 75 tons, Munro, from Port Molyneux with cargo. G F. Reid, agent. J ' .Spec, 32 tons. -Madson, from Havelock, with car<*o Keith R-inisny, »<>cnt. Dolly Varden, 20 tons, Williamson, from Auckland with cir^o. Master, agent. Melaine, 130 tons, Creaglv from Kaipara, with cargo Neill and Co , agents. Eliza M'Phee, 3'i tons, Peterson, from Timaru with cargo. G. t\ Reid, agent. OUTWARDS. Bruce, 204 tons, Jones, for Timaru, with ear"o J. Mills, agent. " ' IMPORTS. Per Phoebe, from the North: 4 packages, Lan«-e and Thonemun ; 25 do, Henderson Law and Co -"l do, Kempthorne, R-osser, and Co; Ido Leatham •' 1 do, Hayman ; 1 do, Ben wick and Son ; 1 do Telegraph ; 1 do, Smith ; 1 do, Brogden and Son • :"« do Hutton; 3 do. Spudding; 1 do, Fergusson and Mitchell ; 1 do, Copeland ; 2 do, Murray and Co. • Per Bobycito, from Newcastle 6: 00 tons coal 9-' pigs, Harbour Co. EXPORTS. Per Bruce : For Timaru—s packages, Moore •43 do Hamaun ; 42 do, Wilson and Co"; 5 do Dal-'etv' .Nichols, and Co ; 132 do, Turnbull and Co • if do Rwssell, Ritchie, and Co ; 280 do, Neill and Co • 1 do' Mills, Dk-k, and Co; 23 do, Briscoe and Co;' 25 do' Maclean Bros; 15 do, Mathcson ; 1 do, Beaver • 1 do Cane ;l do, Reany ; 14 do, Finlayand Co ; 1 do, Wright' Stephenscu, and Co: 9 do, Oliver & Ulph ;20 do Neill and Boyd ; 2 iU., Reid and Gray ; 9 do, Edmond. ■ ?0 do, Park and Curie ; 1 do, Hayman and Co.- "• do Martin; 4 do, Sargood, Sou, a<id Ewen ; 1 do, Wise and Co ; 2 do, Haworth ; 5 do. Weir and Samson • 1 <10, Turnbull; 1 do, Butterworth ; 1 do. Allen ;2 do Ross and Glcndinii^g; 1 do, Kempthorne; 13 do Liw and Co; 400 Uet timber, Guthrie and Larnach. For Akaroa—3oo packages, Guthrie and Larnach ;"5 do Briseoe and Co; 14 do, Turnbull and Co- 1 do' Kearney ; 11 do, Robins and Co ; 27 do' \\ alden ; 5 do, Martin ;. 45 do, Wilson and Co ; 7 do. Mackerras and Co ; 13 do Park and Curie : 300 do, Paterson and M'Leod ; 1 do De Beer and Co; 1 do, Sargood, Son, and Kwen •5' do Kempthorne. For Lytteltou—3 packages, Ross and Glendming; 39 do, tViison and Co; io do Briseoe and Co ; 17 do, Marshall and Copeland ; 2 do Durie Wlnte, and Co ;10 dv, Secular; 19 d-i Burt • 5 do' Copeland ; 3 do, Sargood, Son, and Ewen • S do' Buchan; 742 do, Russell, Ritchie, arcd Co: 1 do' Findlay and Co ; 3 do, Kempthorne ; 23 do, Law ami Co ; 1 do, iergusou and Mitchell; 1 do, Hayman and SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. , . , „,, „. Lyttelton, June 22nd. Arrived—Wellington, s.s., from the North. She sails South to-morrow. . . , „ Bluff, June 22nd. Arrived.—Rosanna Rose, from Dunedin. ... ~ , Sidney, June 15th. Arrived.—Alva.from Dunedin. The New Zealand S.S. Company's s.s. Phoebe, Cap- . tarn W orsp, arrived at Port Chalmers at 11 30 a.m yesterday, after an average trip from the North Mie left Manukau at 5.30 a.m. on the leth • arrived off Taranaki at S a.m next day ; lay there an hour and then went on to Nelson, arriving there at niidnMit Left again at 9 on the ISth, and reached Picton at 5 p.m.; made a short stay of an hour and a half and then pushed ahead for Wellington, which was duly reached at midnight. Made another start at 10 30 a in on the 20th, arriving at Lyttelton at 7 a.m on the 21st; left again at 2.30 p.m , and gained the Port as above. Variable winds and weather were experienced during the passage. From Manukau to Nelson the winds were moderate at N.W., with dirty weather. Thence to Wellington a btrong S.E. breeze and thick rainy weather prevailed. At"last, lovely weather was experienced curing the Southern part of the trip We thank Mr Barbur, the purser, for the delivery of our exchanges and the report. The Phoebe brought 14 passengers aud a few tons of cargo, and is to leave on inday next on her return North. As she was coming into the Railway Pier yesterday at dead low water she Wok the ground on tlie undredged pirt of the very obstructive bank broad off from the corner of the pier. She was free again in a few minutes but the Stoppage, by checking her way, put her to considerable inconvenience in yetting alongside. A great deal more dredging is renuired to render the approaches to tne Railway Pier thoroughly open and free from obstruction. The barque Robert Jones left for Newcastle yesterday morning. The Geelong towed her to sea The schooner Rosebud came down from Dunedin yesterday morning and moored at the New Pier The steamer Samson left 011 another trip to Oamaru yesterday morning. The Harbour Company's barque Bobycito arrived in port yesterday afternoon, in tow of the Geelon" and took up her usual mooring position alongside the hulk Henbury. She has made a fourteen days' passage from Newcastle, and during five days of that time wss detained on the New Zealand coast by light variable weather. She left Newcastle on the Bth inst and jvhilst crossing the middle ground encountered nothing but gales from S.S. W. and S.W., with a heavy sea, that kept her decks awash, and once or twice flooded the cabin. <-v the 17th iiist. the land was sighted about Preservation Inlet, the wind the.i bein<* light and baffling, and so held duritg the rest of the run. She cleared Foveaux Strait on the 19th and signalled the Bluff whilst passing, and Monday iii.-ht she was off Cape Saimders, and fetched within 10 njiles of the Heads by noon yesterday, was then taken m tow by the Geelong, and brought into port She has brought a full cargo of coal, and a number of pi<-s There were four vessels off the Heads last evennig' but a long way in the offing, theirresp^ctive distances off shore being estimated at from ten to fifteen miles Taree of them were barques, the rig of the other' which was further to the southward, not being ascertaiuable. One of the barques was the Prospector from Melbourne—with her the Geelong effected communication, and placed pilot Paton on board. The pilot had just taken out the barque Robert Jones There was little or no wind in the offing, so that unless a breeze sprang up afterwards, the outsiders would be swept north by the current. We ho,ie, however, to see them inside to-d iy. One of the b.irques is described as wearing a " Yankee " appearance and may possibly prove to be the Crusader, from New York. Another hulk will sooii be added to existing harbour appliances. At prosent, she is the briir Alarm, recently purchased at Newcastle, on behalf of the Harbour Company, by Captain Hodge, late of the Woodville. He ia going to run her with a, cargo of coal to Lyttelton. aud then will bring her round here. She is described as a handy vessel, suitable for moorin^ about the harbour. ° Th» steamer Hawea is t % bn uadocked first thing this morning, and will, we understand, commence her career upon the coast on the 27th. when she leaves for Oamaru, there to take in a large quantity of grain for delivery at Lyttelton. She re'urns direct here from Oam iru, so as to fulfil her advertised en'>-a"e-ments. ° ° Weather favouring, to-day will be a busy one at the Port. The steamer Otigo, from Melbourne, is expected early, and the Geelong goes to the Heads first thing to bring in the Prospector, aud the other vessels afterwards. The New Zealand Times informs us the schooners Dunediu aud Zior. the one hence via Boat Harbour the other from Oam .ru. arrived at Wellington on the 17th inst. The barque William Ackers, which arrived at Wellington from Newcastle on the 10th inst reports a heavy weather pas-age of 24 days. She encountered severe S S \V. gales from the 4th to thu 7th inst, and was boarded by seas which did considerable, damage, currying away the greater part of her bulwarks aud the st rboard chain plates. An intimation has beyn received at Lloyd's, dated Nantes, the 27th Mircn, 4.3 m p.m., of the wreck of a large vessel, it is supposed of 3,000 tons. A new bnat and several bales of cotton had been washed ashore in Dunarnenez May. Nothing hail come ashore to show the nationality of thy vessel, except a small piece of brass with " Glasgow " engraved upon it. All hands wera supposed to be lost. SHIPPING DISASTERS IN THE SOUTH SEAS. (From the A'ew Zealand Herald, June 15th.) By the arrival of the b.-igaiitine Coronet from Tahiti;we are placed in possession of news of various shipping disasters in the South Seas. The particulars to hand have been gathered by Captain Rose, but owing to difficulties encountered ih the transmission of news amongst the Islands, are somewhat bare of details. . We, however, give them as supplied. The ship Airey Force, bound fro-n Newcastle, N.S.W., for San Francisco with a cargo of coal, was wrecked in April last at Raoria (or Barclay Is.and), one of tbe Paumotu Group. All hands managed to escape to the shore. Captain Louis Garnaut, of Auckland, at present amongst the islands, purchased the wreck and succeeded in saving a quantity of effects which he conveyed in a vessel together with the shipwrecked crew to Tahiti. The crew were then taken on board the schooner Maggie Jrocker—one of the Tahitiun mail vessels—for conveyance to San Francisco, but they had not been three days on their passage before a more terrible disaster befeil them. The vessel was suddenly overtaken by a hurricane near the Paumotus, which capsized her, the whole of her hands, together with the shipwrecked crew, being precipitated into the sea. After struggling in the water for some time they were all drowutd, with the exception of Captain Sinclair, i.i ihescr.ooi:.;r. and Captain Scott, ate of the Airey Funv Th.: i.reservation of the^e two may be dt»cribt-d :ia rilin- .-;.' miraculous. At the time of the schooner heeling over und filling they were

in the cabin, and the only means of egress was thrwgh the skyli-jht. This they speedily availed themselves' of, and as they emerged from"below succeeded in gaining the boat, which had just before been undergoing some repairs on deck. As the'schooner-cap-sized, the boat floated, and the two captains were enabled to saVe their lives by her and gain the shore. They eventually reached Tahiti. The ship Eddystone, of Liverpool, bound from the Gulf of California to Queeustown, with a cargo of guano, put into Papete harbour, previous to the arrival of the Coronet, in a leaky condition. A survey haiiagbeen held, it was decided to dicharire the principal portion of the cargo aud repair the ship. Before the Coronet left over 200 tons cargo had been discharged, and the vessel's topsides caulked It was intended to proceed on the voyage as soon as the repairs were effected and cargo reshipped. A barque belonging to Names, France, the raine of which Captain Rose believes to be the Argo, bound from Saigon to Valparaiso, with a cargo of rice, - was overtaken by a hurricane in the South Seas and suffered severe damage. Her decks were swept, the lower rigging carried away, ehainplacc bolts wrenched out, stanchions and bulwarks demolished, and a complete sweep m-ide of the decks fore and aft. A lar'e quantity of water found its way below, damaging the cargo. The vessel, which was almost a wreck," was compelled to bear up to Papete for repairs. She had commenced to discharge her cargo when the Coronet left. The brigantine Walter Glendinniug, Captain Scott, belonging to Liverpool, engaged in the pearl fishin" at the l'aumotus, has been seized by the French authorities for encroachiLgon their territory. The schooner had at time of the capture eight tons of the pearlshell on board. She was taken as a prize and towed i!ito Papete by the French war-teamer Vire the captain being thrown into gaol. The Tahitian authorities are awaiting orders from home as to the ultimate disposal of the captain and their prize.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4164, 23 June 1875, Page 2

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4164, 23 June 1875, Page 2

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4164, 23 June 1875, Page 2