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.-■■■.g PUBLIC NOTICES. T^TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that iT" tlle Partnership hitherto subsisting between us, the undersigned Thomas Andrew, Junior, David Kirk Rhodes, and John Cowe Esther, under the style pf Andrew, Khodes, and C0.," as Woollen Importers, at Diinedin, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent : and that in future the business will be carried on by the said Thomas Andrew, Jun., and John Cowe Esther, under the style of " Andrew and Esther," who will pay and receive all debts owing by and due to the said firm. As witness our hands this ninth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventyfive. THOMAS ANDREW, Jux. D. K. RHODES. J. C. ESTHER. Witness to all the signatures— J. R. P. STAiPBii, Solicitor, Dunedin. LEGAL NOTICE^ IN BANKRUPTCY. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND, OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. In the matter of James Morecombe, of Dunedin in the Province of Otago, Plasterer and Storekeeper, a Bankrupt, and in the matter of "The Bankruptcy Act, ISG7," "The Bankruptcy Act Amendment Act, 1863," and 'Tlie > Bankruptcy Acts Amendment Act T^OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that -i~l under and in pursuance of the ahove-mentioned Acts, Hichard Henry Ltary, of Dunedin, in the Province of Otago, Gentleman, Provisional Trustee in Bankruptcy, has become sole Trustee of the Estate and hffects of the above-named Bankrupt. And notice is hereby further given, that Monday, the 18th day of January ],ext, nt 11 o'clock in the forenoon has been appointed as a Public Sitting of this Honourable Court, at Duiiedin aforesaid, for the said Bankrupt to pass hi * Last Examination, and mike application for his Discharge under the above-mentioned Acts and the said Bankrupt will then and there apply accordDated this sixteenth day of December, one thou sand eight hundred and seventy-four JOHN HYDE HARRIS, Solicitor for the Bankrupt. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. Jp 0 R SALE. A few Choice and Valuable FREEHOLD BUILD ING SITES at THE GRANGE, having frontages to Albany, Clyde, Lcilh, and Hyde streets. Terms liberal. Apply to MR WILLIAM HARROP, l^ Albany street. jfJF O R S A L eT By Private Contract. A First-class FARM, of 1700 acies, in Waihola District, fenced and subdivided into 17 paddocks, with SOO acres under English "rass and 40 acres in oats, turnips, &c. ' The improvements are most substantial and complete, embracing nine-roomed Dwejlin«- House and all necessary farm buildings, quick, broom, and gorse hedges, &c., &c. ' h For full particulars, apply to -°n MACLEAN BROTHERS TO GENTLEMEN, SPECULATORS, AND OTHERS. ]J< O R SALE, That noble estate known as REID'S NURSERY, \Vater-o£-Leith, that has so long been env ed by the public to get a building site on it. After more than 200 applications for plots for buildnig, I have resolved, first—to offvr it in one lot • then if no satisfactory offer is made, I shall divide it to suit those numerous applications. 1 do not think I need mention the merits of this lovely spot, as I think you will all own that it is the spot, and unsurpassed in New Zealand. I might mention to those that do not know it firstly, ' COME AND SEE IT. Secondly, it is the high, dry, hralthy end of the City with a beautiful footpath to your doors, cabsatvou-dis-posal any minute during the day at the ordinary fares" and above all things, you arc sheltered from all winds with a benefit of all the sun that shines. ' The Nursery contains about 500 of the choicest fruit trees in Otago, in full bearing; also 40,000 asparagus, in full bearing, which will stand for 30 years if required, and realise £300 per year. I may now finish by saying that this spot is unequalled m Otago for health, beauty, richness, and shelter, and every other advantage. Apply W. REID, Nursery and Seedsman, Water-of-Leith, Dunedin.. fp o it s 1" l e^ -™- On Easy Terms, Within three miles of Eiverton, 900 acres first-class river Hat and terrace Isixl, all fit for cultivation, and well adapted, for sheep or cattle. The whole fenced, six-roomed dwelling-house, good garden, and other im^ provements. For particulars, apply to M'LANDRESS, HEPBURN, and .Co., 5Ja Manse street, Duuedin.. KYEBURS HOTEL. FOR SALE OR LEASE.. niLLIEsTnd STREET VX are instructed to sell or lease, the above .well known First-class Hotel, togeth r with atouts2;Acres of Freehold land, half of which is substantially fenced. The position of this Hotel on the Main ltoad to the Dunstin, via Palmerston, and its central situation between M'Raes and Naseby, via Hyde, gives it, considerable value as a business site. A P.ost.Oflj,ee is ou the Premises, and the coaches chaDge horses there. For further particulars, Apply to GILLIES and STREET, Dunedin : Or, to THE PROPRIETORS, 2 Pit the Ground. TJ* O R SALE. COMMODIOUS FAMILY RESIDENCE in Heriol Row, containing dining and drawing rooms, six.' bedrooms, bathroom, pautry, storeroom, kitchen,, i good cellar, coal-ho.usey.and laundry; two-still'stable with hay-loftj peach-house for two carriages, &c., &c. Together with, Half-acre of ground. The. whQlCfOf the rooms are.larjps, lofty, and well, finished., gas.laid on, and fitted iwitU large rauge and register stovos, &c , &c. FoipPirti-jGilars, apply to 314 M'LANDRESS,,HEgBURN, and Co.. FOR. SALE, 5-Raomed HOUSE, Aatferson's Biy Road, J-iaere Land ; 7-Roomed. House,. Bandas street, i-acre, 'Garden ; Section, St. Leonard's, and extended" Township of Rothesay. W. Oram.Bdl, Princes siveet. X4L3-. FREEHOLD PROP33.TY FOR SALE. TD>JiEEHOLD ALLOTMENTS -fit, I^SIIK TOWNSHIP O2" ALLANDALE, FOIi SALE. ! Apply, • THOMAS ALLAN,. | Princes street; s>r, So CHARLES REIS-. jXpREEHOL© CITY PROPERTY F O. SALE, Part of Section 10, Block 37, havseg a frontage to Dundas street of 77 feet, -with commodious, dwelling erected thercoa. Corner Allotment adjoining the above, having a frouiage to Dundas of 53 feet, and CO to Clyde street. Section IT, Block 37, having a, frontage of 66feet to C^>'de street by a depth af 165 feet. The above Properties are li'ell stocked with fruittrees in. Sail bearing. Apply to KOBEEtT BANKS, Princes street. FOR SALE, Thirty-six Acres Land, next Bush Inn, Hotel, Blueskm. C. Bode, Gs^rge street. FOR SALE, nearly One Acre, in Forbury Township, having three frontages. Will be sold cheap for «ash. Edmund Smith, Savings Bank. 9ja Tp O It SALE, THE, MOUNT FAIRFAX ESTATE, One of the earliest and choicest selections in the Western District, situated between the Apartaa River and the Longwood Forest, on the Main North Poad, 10. miles from Rivcrton, comprising eleven hundred and seventy-one (1171) acres, more or less, being in about equal* proportions rich river flat, black volcanic, and.; superior terrace laud, subdivided into fifteen paddocks. About 300 acres have Leon ploughed up, and tjhc re* mainder improved by scattering English grass. The buildings comprise a very commodious dwellinghouse of 13 rooms, store, woolshed, stablos, &o. There is a very good mill-stream on th§ property, suitable for an overshot wheel; also, Inexhaustible deposits of fossiliferous limestone, bewg an excellent and durable building stone, and ajso suitable for making lime. The Riverton and Otautau Bailway traverses the; property alongside the main ro&3, Apply to MR HQBOKIN TSON, Mount Fairfax, Groper's Bush, «; ft Riverton.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4024, 11 January 1875, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4024, 11 January 1875, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4024, 11 January 1875, Page 3