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. • business! -tfcmdss. /A/-"N^Df;''R;:B;. W'v. i:L E^'E 3; S-2'- -^^ Painter, Glarier, and Paperhaager, Importer of paperhangjngs, window glass, plaJnanS ornamental, sblpa' signal and deck Ughts. glass snades, enenmber and propagating glasses; whits lead, oila and colors, gilt mouldings, &0., &c I Opposite the Royal George Hotel, George street, Dnnedln. : , / ! 8 JJ U NED IN IR O N WO R K 8. "B. S. SPABROW and Co., Engineers, Boiler-makers, Eron-foundere, Manufacturers of Quartz-crushing, Pumping and Winding Machinery, Tubular, Girder,: Suspension Bridges, Gold Dredges on the Pneumatic and other principles, Iron Pluming, Ripple and Hopper Plates. Boats and Punts to all sUes, Steam Engines, Boilers. Fire-proof Doors, Safes, Turbine and other Waterwheels. ' ■■'.•-.. ':'■.:.■■:.:/■ ■ .'.•'-. -'. .:. Plans and Specifications prepared. . Estimates given for every, description of Iron Worh. Experienced Workmen sent to all parts of ths ■■ :' ■'• ■; • ■■•. ;■'"■'■■ Colonies.■■■"- ■■■:'■;■■:■' ■::;-:■■.. ■.'-:.' : Address.—Cumberland^street. Dunedin. OT AGO FO U :-N: DB V (ESTABIISHXD 1869). WILLIAM WILSON, ' BNOIHXXK, BoiUMtMAKMI, IBONTOUHOSB, aafl ■.:-.'.■■:. ■: s ßlackbmith, ■ ... ■ ■ _- Cnmberland street, Dunedin. . - _Caßtlngi In Brass or Iron. Steam Engine* aufl Boilew, Oyewhot and Breast Waterwheaferf Xtaa and -Wood, Machinery for Flour, Oatmeal, and Barley MOls. Beaping, Threshing, and Horaejwwer Mi chtoe^mad^dr^p^ T> AIL^AYvyOUNDRY^ DUHEDIN JL%) Gkkai Khhq srBBET. *■ - --'"'^ ; . , FEASEB, WISHABT, and BUCHANAN;.! Engineers, Millwrights, Blacksmiths, Iren and Bm» ~ .•. '■..;.". i". Founders. ,-:•.•-■■ ■■■;.■■ ." .-. ■•■ ■ Manufacturers of Steam Engines • also Machinery for Quiuti Crushiag; Woollea Pacbita Grist MiUs, Saw Mills, Paper Mills, and^T^ ■'■'■■■-..'■ every description of MUi Gearing. ■ - :-, : Plans and specifications prepared fer the abova mentioned work if required.*.^. . .. .Orders and repairs promptly attended to. ■ , 17ja ;R;S } -; JimO^-q jU'-K'L^Jif : '. :--; ; c; v;; -'-;:WHoia8Aiiii aub Rjftaii. '}—.-:-wc :'"■ ■;'...■:.;. ; i'-k?o''!'n';'m; ':q" .h;- ; ;O':;,b ■'gv &v *-■:.-■' ; PSTNCHS SIEBHX ;Ain> MORAY^ ;3PLjLOB, ■■: ' : ' '•;■••,■ "■ '.■;' DDOTDnt;-''■.-■'• ';;: ■■■--':'::-■■' ■. :'. ].'. •':. have on sale, > . ; ; ' -;H ■ '.'-..: A Large arid varlnd ss3ortment of ■" -: ■ ■-- ' ENGLISH AND AMERICAN HAJBDWABB^ - Consisting of — ■■■.:.)';''■.■:■ ■.'■■■., "■■:'■ ■■.:■■:■. ■ ;■.■';■'.:.•:■■? ■.■j-r'r Nails, locks, fetches, hinges; bolts, 'icrews, maass shovels, forks, churns, buckets, tubs, brooms sxbj hatchets, hammers, carpenters' tools,- clothes stos brushware; builders' and furnishing brasWoundr^' Cutlery, baths and japanned "ware, electre-iJatoi and bntannia-metal goods, register stoves, fenders aa I fireirons, Leamington ranges, coal scoops, hollowsra, washiog and wringh% machines, crimping and coffeeing machines, cornice poles, brasMased tube, travel. ing trunks, &c, &£•' ■- ;. i': > ■■' ' •■.' :; • Ahuge variety of gasallersj rpendants, and bracketa gas, steam, and water fittings'; galvanized and blac't sheet iron, sheet anc, sheet lead; brass, copper, lead, and iron pipes; india-rubber and insertion sheet tacks, packing, hydraulic rams, lift and force pomp] plumbers' and ttnumHW. fittings, &c., &c. V,, ( '~Tf Sole Agents for Smith and Wellriood's cooking in \ ofiufc stovesj upwards of thirty different pattena ti choose from; extra fittings and bricks for all'th3 • above.- Illustrated catalogue "of prices on apslicattoo. '-■■^ .^^:- :::■>; :;;f:^4lK JJ O RvO: B[ ?f . AJBtU^S ap U; LL A^Efc, ■...;. CABraETMAKi^;ATOiMPO^ Have just receiv^'their r Firs^ Large Shipmentof . ~: .ROSEwopp and' walnut PiANpSi:- ' . "■■ By celebratedmikersj; ; .... =" !..,.- ---':>.•;•;■; ;^Comprisingi^amongst; othera v - "•>''-. I BROADWOOD'S TRICHORD PIANOS ' •if / , KHiKMAN'S TRICHORD PIANOS ;?''■• . : -.And pther.Pianos by well-known, makers.-^ ■\ ::^-/-',7 i^-u./'Vhii©,'/' : i^-^-ij- ':.■..;.' Have accepted the TSole Agency for New^Zealand-Of '..• . ': :NEWTON, WILSONjAND CO.'S ;. - > '-.-.: :■■-.■■:■-"•i •' •.•-1..-=: -;.:: LOCKSTITCH i FAMILYr,, ; SEWIN&- :; MACHINES-* '''■O . .:Jv;^x."fComprising—\ ;. ~,.;... ~,.r.,..-: Improved Machines on V, Shiger's " principle.-. ■ , i Imprpved;.Machmes,on>-";Wheeler .': and Wilson'a . ;-. ■:- --■ ~. ...-,..'.„' r.■" ... - - Improved MacMnes on^' princ^lo Together with;a', large Quantity'; of Hand Lock-stitcfa' Mach^es^e.cbeap^tmdlb^Jfi^hMhi^Chfloi^ The above Machines are so sunple in their construc.tion.that any person can use, them,,without previbss instruction. ; ;, ■;.:?'.;',?■:;; :V f: ' ' , '-' ~ ■ C ■ .^^*«^£2;ifcto,£7los. ; ' 'i\'\ -', '':''■ ■::W-\::----\'i JUSt Landed ~ '"';': ,-.. .'.' '.' I.: U ;:;•:■ FI7LLfSEE?VBILLIARD. TABLES^^i On Massire Wahrat i Frames, with Patents -Ind^ .:■'!„••- ~.J-";ii-'.-;;:,>.': rubberCushes.^:;;,;v ~ ..-■> . Billiard ;Balls, Cues, Tips; Chalk, Pockets, and othOT •:'■:/>■. vh:i"Js jtiurnishingsfor.Tables.. .-::;.■. ; <■■'; -,;.-;'F=p;f-j -.../f .if.-i1--; Also;-:i .-;., -~■'■::: -r* A large quantity of superior . ?;; ENGLISH-MADE VENETIAN:BUNDSi ' , "-.^-nl-l ■''•■;!.'■-.■ r:;;,--All ; si2e3,--■.■ *-~ -- . .-■-" : ■- ': And every other- description of FCRNITUBE FOR.THE DINING-KOOM, DEAWi '■■;■ ING-KOOM/AND BED-EOOM. ( A' ::The Largest and Best Selection of': ~.. CAR PETS, AND ,FL OOR CLOTHS ■"-"'■** *' mtt^Colony,at : NO R T- H! ' y'A.IS ;D'(:!;S-Ofi' U L L A B • S ; n? -V. FURNiSHrNGf-TrAREHOUS|V' j- ..-.••; :■•.■.■■:;■■■. RATTBArSrEKBT, Busedis. -' >2Stey ;' h l ' : '^w zE : AT^A^.'VA^m»H.':Am> vousnC J- ; all who hive used them to be equal, tt aot superior, to any Varnishes which are imported. 'i WO» liam Gihtoist, having a Urge stock of these Varnishes and Polishes on/handi'is prepared to supply House Pamtersi Coach Painters^ and Cabinetmake^iat the .These varnishes are made from the finest Kami atsA ■East India gums.Hf ; ::o;..iis :^ynA i: ; .-<'—. ,-. ■ 'i^ • JA^ANA^YA^mKMk^FAffSU^S. ~.J. ! IMPORTEE, OP PAPERHANGINGSV^^ ' ■ ■■■■. ' '-■': '-*-•■ Yl?)ipit.'aEEkißi!,:iDirsKpior.'^-' :', "',' .^pND^^^^ANp^l^Sroßßiio^; jfcJL plumbers; coppersmiths; tinsmiths, "■y--J'-lv'{ AND"GASFirTERS,:-;: ; :^-'^7^ J''HiaH\'SKK^.'^(N^'^i^^lß^ t :Hax^:^."C!(ii.> Baths,'WaterClosets, ißCotWaferApparatus fittedup» . ' and all kinds of Ship and Brewery Work done da * . "; ': the'newest and most approved principles.;: :Water" and , Gas ■ 'iaia.: m£^r-All.',~worlc ;'guaranteed- ; N.B.—Experienced' Workmen sent to all'parts of ,the C010ny. , ;: .: ;..; n;^ r . i h \.., p ..-;; -,[_ r 30set M :;i-,*W.:'";.-: H..,A::.W.> 'X: I N S .. '■; ..'"■' . vi- .yy- :;■•-■ ■•' ■■■• ••■•;-- •-■ ■ ACCOtTNTANX ANB COMMISSIO ;-. OEprdi: -Pbikoss sx&eet Husmxhs.: ••:{ y.'.^^WKmStapr^^.:tomaffl*Bi»ran'Ho& of financial business; to negotiate Loans on freehoM or leasehold properties, repayable' by instalmenta if required: to make' Advances on mercantile, pastoraL agricultural, or other approved securities, and toacS as AgeDt for absentees', brusteesi or executors. . -■ ' otAgq sLniosisa, :coppee. and beass ■.■"■;.',v" ■■Sy,Y.~:,'.:.;i",.'wopxa,'- .■■■■..''■•■;::'."... - . :: : ..PBINGES;,STKEBT NOETH. DUMBDIS. ;" : . .::■"'■-'■■' XABU3HED 1862. ••' . ■■-■■.'; ;' mHEI ;Uin>El^ffiEb; have always oa , J. -hand a Large Stockof Materials, imported direct. suitable for the mnufacture.of—T^ *™™*u*™c* Brewing, Bhtilling, and Meat- Preiiennßg Plant, G» and WaterWorks, Hydraulic Machinery; Hot .Water Apparatus^newest improved, and evssr description of Plumber Work, Gas-fitting, ana .■- 'Bell-hanging.- v'.^ "•■■■•; .•"• ■ ■■■■ .: .4 :. ix Now Landing,'a darge quantity of !GAS FITTINGS' ' BELL HANGINGS, and General Brass Work, suiti able for all class of buildings, which, with ourprei ■•; sent Stock, isithe largest in New Zealand., ■, MARINE WORK sent to us will have our imm^ata .: . ..attention. ...,.\ : j, .; ..... ~ '.; ~; .■ .-..;. Telegrams from Port Chalmers will be zaspeodaA to> :■>:'..: ;;: •:.•.'•' ■. atonce,fej save delay. .",:; ..-._■.;;. JStsperienced Workmen sent to all parts of tti» Colony. direct Importers, and employing none bat ihoreughly experienced "mechanics, we feel confident that our prices, compared with the quality of on* work, will be egnal to Melbourne or Sydney. • ; 2!stinuites and: all oiher ■ information sentoa application. ■•'■-. :>;■;.: •-■.;;.,,.-^."i ■;., ......; ...: : : . " ■ ■•;' ■; Purchasers of Old Lead at 20s per cwt.' c; May ISth. "R EAV ER, BROTHERS AND SALOMON, liIPORTERS AND JVIBUCHANTS, HIGH STREET, DUMKDIN, Have on Sale— B2BLQT WOOi ~..;. .. ,' •' BBUBUWAR& i COMBS , ...'.'... 6ABKETWAKB CLOCKS ■ ' ■ ■ CCTIiERT B. P. WAHK .: -■ ; 'HARDWARB LBATUBRWARX . : ; . MOSIOii Cl'STBt2DUiZj> • OPIICAIi GOODS ' ' SADDEBar PATBST MBBICINBB , • ; -PERFUMERY DRUGGISTS' SUKDRTKS ' BTATIONKRT tobacconists' wabe tobacco and cioabs ' vestas : BeU and Black's .. JKWxuu»yand'iMxaß- . BEAVER BROTHERS AND SALOMON ; High Steskt, .T»unoiijn'.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3936, 28 September 1874, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3936, 28 September 1874, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3936, 28 September 1874, Page 4