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INWARDS. Star of the South, 173 tons, Furquhar, from Lyttelton, with cargo. R. B. Martin and Co., agents. ' Samson, 124 tons, Edie, from Oamaru, with cargo. J. Mills, agent. Lady of the Lake, CO tons, Urquhart, from the llolyneux, with cargo. G. F. Reid, agent. . outwards. . Wild Deer, 1016 tons, Cowan, for London, with cargo. Russell, Ritchie, and Co., agents. Lady of the Lake, 60 tons, Urquhart, for the Molyneux, with cargo. G. F. Reid, agent. Hope, 24 tons, Julier, for Waikouaiti, in ballast. Master, agent. . ~ IMPORTS. Per Jamea Paxton, from Riverton: 5451 bags, N.Z. Distillery Co ; 106 do, 5 bales, order. Per Anne, from Oamaru : 350 bags, Brown and Son. Per Star of the South, from Lyttelton : 60 telegraph posts, Telegraph Department; 23 bags:, 20 casks, order ; 40 bundles, Anderson and Mowat; 23 kegs, 1 cask, R Wilson and Co; 1 winnowing machine, HaiiDing; 2 cases, N.Z. Distillery Co; 2 casks, Hetherington. '- Per Wellington, from the North :'9 cases, 14 empties, Marshall and Co ;50 hides, Bridgman; 1 case, Molli--Bou and Son; 13 eases, Hogg and Hutton ; 1 parcel, Carr; 260 case-, order; 1 box, 10 packages, W V Wlleeler; 56 poles, 1 coil, 8 boxes, Telegraph Department ; 1 case, Bing, Hurris, and Co ; 50 barrels, Major Atkinson; 1 truss, Morrison ; 13 casks, Joel; 1 package, Mosgiel Factory Co: 2 cases. Reeves and Co; 1 do, .Thomson and Co; 1 parcel. National Bank; 4 bales, Rhodes and Co; 11 do, Ah Hiii;' 5 cases, Spencer; 2 do, Fergusson; 1 bale, Benjamin; 5 cases, Distillery Co. . . ." EXPORTS. ; Per Lady of ti • Lake, for Molyneux: 17 bags, 200 palings, G F Rein; 2 cases, 2 kegs, Healey; 1 stove, 1 keg, 1 chest, 1 bale, Harvey; 5 hhds, 1 barrel, 7 cases, Burke. . ■ '•■■.- , Per Wild Deer, for London : 5006 cases, 24G9 sacks, 281 bales, Russell, Ritchie, and Co; 963 cases, 261 fcales, .Cargills and M'Lean ;33 do, Gibbs and Co; 30 casks, 75 bales, Murray, Ruberts, and Co; 157 cases, .19 bales. -<t casks, Meat Preserving Co ; 5 cases, Bergv ren ; 1 do, Ellis; 130 do, Lees and Moore ; 1 do, Briscoe and Co ; 1 do, Hutton; 3 boxes gold (2714 ozs 3 dwts), National Hank of New Zealand. Per Phoebe: For Lyttelton—6 eases, 1 box, Haytnan and Co ; 2 cases, 2 trusses, Bing, Harris, and Co ; 2 cases, 2 axle arms, Briscoe and Co; -1-parcel/' Dalgety, Hichols, and Co'; 1 do, National Insurance Co ; 1 bale, Mosgiel Woollen Factory Co; I case, Kempthorne. Prosser, and Co ; 1 truss, 1 parcel, Ross and Glendining; 1 horse, Driver, Stewart, and Co. For Wellington —10 cases, Hayman and Co; 1 hhd, Copeland ; 1 bale, Fish and Son; 1 keg, 3 bars, Briscoe and Co; 4 cases, Gregg and C° > 2 casks, 10 demijohns, New Zea T land Distillery ..Company; 1 kilderkin. Marshall aud Copeland; 2 cases, 1 bundle, A and T Burt; 2 cases, Hudson: and Co: 1 case, 1 drum, Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co ; 2 boxes, Telegraph Department; 4 cases, 'Beaver Bros and Saloman. For Wanganui—6 trunks, 13 cases, 6 trusses, 2 bales, 2 pieces, Sarg-ood, Eon,. and E»e.i; 10 bags, ■ Driver, :■ Stewart, and: Co; 3 cases, I drum, Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co; 1 vyce, 1 package, Briscoe and Co. • For Napier—ls casks, 150 cases, N Z Distillery Co ■; 7 • bars, 6 axle arms, 7 cases, 5 bundles, 1 package, Briscoe and Co ; 130 boxes, Bardsley ; 5 sacks,- 20 cases, Neill and Co; 7 stoves, 1 cask,- Park and Curie ; 200 sacks, R Wilßon and Co; C cases,; Murray; 24 barrows, 42 weights, Briscoe and Co • 1 case, Beaver Bros andSaloHian.- For Poverty Bay— i casks, 5 cases, Distillery Co. For Picton—l case, 2 packages, Moore ; 1 bale, Bmter- ; worth Bros ; 3 casks, Hudson and Co; lease, Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co; 1 pump, Briscoe and Co. ■ For Nelson—3. cases, 1 package; Hayman and Co'; 2 hhds, Marshall and Copeland; lease, Kempthorne, -.Prosser, and Co. For Greymouth—6 eases, 2ibales, ; Boss and Glendining;; 3 cases, 1 keg, Kempthorne,: Prosser, and Co; 1 bale, Butterworth Bros; 10 cases, ~ 4 jars, ■K.-n-ongf Sing Wing ;. 2* trunks; Sargood, Son, -and Ewen.' For,Hokitika—l case, Ross and Glendining; lease,.Briscoe and.Co. For Tatanaki-lease, Halleustein Bros; 21 bundles, Ah Him; 20 boxes, R Wilson and Co, For Manukau—2 eases, Aldrich; 25 tags, Marshall and Copeland; 6 bags, Bates, Sise, and ( C077-I parcel,- Gardner ; l'do, -Nclotm ;- »6 barroli.,- . Swete ;'1 case, Bing,,Harris, aud Co; Scases, 7 drums,: Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co; 3 cases, Hayman and -Co. ■. ~'-...•: - : .;;; ■:■, ':.'■ '.■'-.■ ■■•■■■. .-•■; ■•'; •:...:.';' The Harbour Company's steamer. Samson returned; -rto port at midnighton Wednesday, aud as she had on board a quantity of cargo for the ship J. N. Fleming,; Bhe remained at the Port; and. her passengers—of there were 30—were takeuonto Dunedin bythe Bteamer Golden Age, which had been waiting 6ome time for them. • The Samson has made a good trip, ;and after,transhipping to the Fleming, coaled and pro-; «ceded to Dunedin. She is to leave again for Oamaru this morning. . .•'■;' ■ ;., -. .; ;, ...;' The barque William Gilford is about clear of all the ~. cargo f ßhe_ .brought forthis port/the last of it will be landed this morning. She takes the balance (one-half)' _«f ; her.original freight to Auckland. ; :•' .-; v/.. S Another Berth at the Pier was vacated.yesterday, | ; wheu : the, ship.: .William Davie hauled off: into the Irtream and moored just about where the Wild Deer.: |had been lying. She has to take in a little more cargo,1; 'aome 50 tons of grain and 130, casks of tallow having been engaged for her. What she has in comprises s 4OOO/bagß of, wheat,.lo,easks of tallow, and 34 ebests "of pelts". She is to proceed to the;Bluflt for the bulk ofher cargo,.and. will leave in a day or two..; -i .- .".-• ; Of the cargo brought here by, the-Janet: Court, only, some 400 : bars of iron remain, on board, and :they will probably be lauded this morning.:•: The ship has taken; in 200itons_of:the500 tons :of ballast she needs on a sea! voyage: < i'Ab soon as the remainder is on board,- ehej will leave for. Newcastle, i . : ; : The. departure of the ship J.N. Fleming will not be; muchjonger delas-ed. ■= Shehasagreat deal of. cargo lorjMelbourne on board—say.32oo bags of wheat and a; queatity qt, rxjrk and beef in. casks. -We: understand that some /grain is expected from the coast for her.' She has ; made,early.preparations for-her trip-from' Melbourne to Calcutta by laying down -aboutthe.main; hatch,way, ajp-ound floor of ;60 tanks which have been4 fiJlpd.wjtb.fresh : waterfortheuse of the horses, she is to take'tp Calcutta. /Aloft,she is .ready, for.sea.! Bending sails waß finished on^Wednesday.: - . /; ' The ship .Wild Deersailed;yesterday, anil was towed: to sea by;tKe steamer.Geelong. - We wish-her.a pleasant and rapid run to Britain,. .-.:!;■ . . . ; ,■ . : Thefschooner Oriti; loaded- with railway iron tran-; shippedr/fom: the .WUliam-.Davie^arid^'Janet Court,; ssiledforJJamaru yesterpay.i ,'■'■'•:'■:./■ ; ":i .•:■■'. i The ketcli Isabella sailed for Catlin's River yesterday afternogn,;V/.;: - ,\:.:■>.> /..i i '•';.-;; 7,":v_ -. c The New Zealand Shipping Co.'s s.s. Phoebe left yes-,' terday afternoon on her return North/with eight passengers and 80 tons of cargo.. ? She also took away the; handsome entii-e horse, Young Watty,! the property! of Mr M'Lareryof Tokomairiro, who has sent him to ' iLytteltpK for the season. The horse was sihipped with-: out any difficulty across a: broad planked-way laid: from the steamer to the pier.-.. His immense bulk ap-t peared even greater by, contrast with the confined: apace in which he was berthed.. .-■-• -:...:•■- •-• /' ; r.. -The-barque Duke of Edinburgh was towed up to tbe! pier by the Geelung yesterday, and berthed a-Btern of i Janet Court. She has 300 tons of coal on board: for the railway. .•■-;';' ; The last of the barque Francis's cargo was discharged \ •yesterday afternoon, and she is now Wfiitihg'forthe: ballast for which she has been some timis ready; • She. •jhas'7s tons:of original ballast on board, and requires 150 tons more to tit her for sea. Hence she goes to ! .■Newcastle...^ .'-..- .'■■ ~•.■.-.■ .. .- '.' ..♦ -.;••; Discharging- the Buckinghamshire proceeds' but' •lowly, a great deal of time having beenlost through the weather, and the difficulty of disposing of transhipments. About 500 tons of cargo yet remain on board. The ship is ready for ballast, ■ her Walter, hold having been cleared to receive it. -. ,:.'■■■ . ■-. .■■ '■'- ■■ '■' We are pleased to hear from Captain Farquhar, the master of the Star of: the South, that that steamer is nearly certain of obtaining- a full cargo for Fiji f com the various New Zealand .ports she calls at Canterbury alone contributes SO tons. 1 The Star makes but a short stay here, as she is toleave for the North this evening. She is in good order, and thoroughly seaworthy, .the'late mishap toher haying been thoroughly made good. Itwaa but trifling"at the v.'orgt. The New Zealand S. S. Company's s.s. Wellington, Captain Carey, arrived at the Port Chalmers Railway Pier at 6.15 p.m. yesterday, after an exceptionally long passage from Lyttelton,. the effect of heavy S.E. gale and sea.'whieli she encountered up the Coast from that port. It was quite dark; and hazy to boot when thie Wellington steamtd up from .the He&d3,'but she was iskilfuliy handled, and so made a cipital entrance, and jkfae Pier Master and his men being in attendance, she was very, soon comfortably moored for the night. She brings 16 pas-Buyers, and some 50 tons of cargo.-' We have, to thank Mr ; Dougherty for our Northern ex«hangos and the report. ■ According to the latter, the Wellington cleared the Manukau harbourat6.3o p.m. on the 27th, with the Taranaki,-Kelson, and Pictou portions of the European mail, via San Francisco. It is to be resetted ; that the Otago portion of tbe same mail was not-s^nt'by" her also, for she is here before the .City of Adelaide, and. this advance in time on her part would, if she had had the mails, enable business men and.others to have replied to their Home' advices by ihe^outgpmg inuil to-<iay. The Wellington arrived at Tarai' 2 p.m. on the 28th, after a dirty passage, htftvy; S^E. weather prevailing.' Landed mails arid cargo/and pushed on to Nelson, arrivvngthere at 7.30 a.m., on the 29th, disembarked and shipped .cargo arid'Ja large number of passengers, and left at 9.15. a.m.; ' arrived at Picton, at 6.40 p.m., leffagain at 9 p.m., and arrived at Wellington Wharf at'2:3oa.m. on theSOth. Moderate S.E.-weather.was experienced, from Tafariaki to Nelson," and light N.W. breezes arid fine weather from Nelson to Wellirigton. She left the latter port at 5.30 p.m. on the 30th, passed s.s. Lady Bird at 3 a.m. next day, and arrived at I.ytteltoii at 1.30 p.m. on the l3t inst., the run being marked by moderate weather. Left again at 7 p.m^ and arrived at Port Chalmers as above. The Wellington passed a large full-rigged ship, steering North, at 7 a.m. yesterday. The stranger was, no doubt, the Dunedin. We observe that the Wellington is to sail on the 7th inst. on her return North.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3862, 3 July 1874, Page 2

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CUSTOMS ENTRIES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 3862, 3 July 1874, Page 2

CUSTOMS ENTRIES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 3862, 3 July 1874, Page 2