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March 11.—Wind, N.E , fresh. Weather, cloudy, dull. 8 a.m.—Barometer, 30.12 ; thermometer, 55. 1 p.m. , —Barsmeter, 30.i1; thermometer, 00. 5 p.m.—Ba- ' rometer 30.8; thermometer, 00. High water on , March 12th:—At the Heads, 0.25; at Port Chalmers, ' 10 0; at Dunediu, 10.45. , port*chaljiers OBSERVATORY. , Latitude, 45.48.55 south ; longitude, llli. 22m. 375. . Time ball drops daily (Sundays excepted), at 1 p.m. Port Chalmers mean time, or Hi. 37m. 235. a.m. Greenwich mean time. ARRIVALS. j Waliabi, s.s., 101 tons, Leys, from Kakanui. H. Houghton and Co., agents. , Maori, s.s., 118 tons, Malcolm, from Lyttelton nnd in- - termediate ports. J. Mills, agent. Passengers: Mr and Mrs Watson and child, Mr and Miss Wackall, Jlcsdames J Heap, Pemiyend, Havhurst, Miss Martin, Captain ' Munro, Messrs Crabbe, Todd, Glasgow, Proctor, Lea- , vinne, Molyneux, Kiddle, Campbell, Little, Cummings, ( and 15 steerage. , Samson, p.s., 125 tons, Edie, from Oamaru. J. ' Mills, agent. Passengers: Mr and Mrs Jones and 2 , children, Mr and Mrs Bourie, Mesdames Beaslcy, Andrews, Misses Baxter, Brehner, Randell, Messrs Peterson, Reicbalt, and 21 in steerage. DEPARTURES. ; Wanganui,'s.s., 175 tons, Fraser, for the Bluff. H. , Houghton and Co., agents. Passengers: Miss.M'Arthur, Sergeant Paxton, Messrs W. 15. Saughter. Turner Fueith, C. J. Webb, O. JI. Hair, Godley, Ellis, John k'Leau, and 7 in steerage. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From, Dec. 2;Himalaya.passed Dartmouth, Dee. 27 ; Omega, Dlc 5 : Durham Jan.lo; Undiuo, 22 ; Win. Davio. Jan. 17 ; J. K. Fleming, Feb. 17 ; Asia. Jan. 20 ; Atrato, s.s. From Glasgow.—City of Tanjore, Jan. 20; Janet Court, Feb. 28. Fbom l.ivKiirooi..— City of Dublin, Dec 2*. From New Bedford, U.S.—Splendid. From Hong Koso.—Rifleman. From Jl>ukitius.—Willi*m Condell. From Port Esperasce, Tasmania.—Cezarewitch, Ellerslie. From Newcastle.— William Akers, Duko of Edinburgh, Koh-i-noor. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For London.—City of Dunedin, early ; Agnes Jluir, ]4th inst. For Melbourne. —Alhambra, 18th inst. For Nortuern Pouts.—Ladyßird, Kith inst. ; Otago, 18th inst.; Ann 13th kst..; Canterbury, 13th i ist.; Jane Anderson, 14th inst. : Cora, early. For Southern Ports.—Waliabi, early. For Coast. —Defiance, eaily. (Toil Auckland.—East Lothian, early. For Karaxiti.—Wallahi, this day. CUSTOMS ENTRIES. INWARDS. ' March 11—Lady of the Lake, CO tons, Urquhart, Irom Moeraki, with cargo. G. F. Reid, agent. Jungfrau, 585 tons, Scotland, from London, with cargo. A. C. Begg, agent. IMPORTS. Per Lady of the Lake, from Moeraki: 003 bags, W and G Turnbull ; 21 bales, Russell, Ritchie, and Co ; 0 40, Drivor, Stewart, and Co. Per Sam-ou, from Oamaru: 12 bags, Peterson; 127 hides, Bridgman ; ease, Sargood ; 1 buggy, Reid : 10 packages, Jones ; 1 box, 1 mat, Turnbull ; 1 case, R H Learv; 172 bales, Dalgety, Nichols, and Co ; 154 do, Begg"; 20 bags, Hastie: 1 case, Horticultural Show ; 12 pigs, Irvine ; 14 casks, Burko. Per .Maori: From Lyttelton—l case, 1 package, Haymanson, Low, and Co ; 1 ton hay, Redwood ; 115 hags, order ;10 packages, Stobo ; 7 cases, R Wilson ; 1 trunk, Limb-ay ; 1 case, Collins; 54 coils, 2 bags, Tumbull and Co; 23 kegs, 2 cases, Maekerras 1 sack, 1 trunk, Crawley ; 1 box, 1 parcel, Jlrs Ward ; 1 case, Dean ; 1 do, T. Burt; 7 quarter-casks, 1 hhd, Distillery. From Akaroa —38 cases, 70 bags, 1 1 kegs, G F Reid; 2 do, Mrs Rattray; 1 do, Miss Roberts ; 2 do, Turton ; 18 pigs, 23 bags, Wright, Stephenson, and C-->: 57 cases, lt Wilson and Co ; 3 cases, Sargood, Son, and Ewen : 4 do, Reid and Gray ; 1 do, Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co ; 1 do, J Rattray. From Timaru—o bundles, 17 hides, 7 casks, Driver, Stewart, and Co ; 1 ease, 1 truss, W H Wise ; 11 bags, 114 bags, Russell, Ritchie, and Co; 185 bags, Miles and Co. Per Kassa, from Mauritius : 10,483 pockets sugar. EXPORTS. Per Wanganui: For Invercargill—2o mats, 5 bags, Maekerras and Co; 00 bags, Royse, Stead, and Co; 49 mats, 20 boxes, 1 bundle, 24 cases, 0 casks, 1 tank, Turnbull and Co; 1 case, Brown, Ewing, and Co ; 2 cases, 6S weights, Oliver and Uiph ; 3 boxes, 1 parcel, 1 case, Educational Department; 4 eases, Kcnipthome, Prosser, and Co ; 8 casks, 1 case, 10 coils wire, 1 bell, Russell, Ritchie, and Co ;80 sacks, Houghton'and Co ; 3 bags, 3 doors, 300 bundles, 200 pipes, 158 pieces flooring, Guthrie and Larnach ; 1 box, Sampson ; 1 cask, 1 tierce, Slatheson Bros; 5 cases, Martell and Co ; 1 cask, Weir and Anderson; 4 cases, J Hayman and Co; 2 ploughs, 0 wheels, 4 lovers, 1 bag, Reid and Gray; 2 cases, 6 axles, 1 machine, 27 bars iron, 47 sheets do, 4 bars steel, 3 bundles, Briscoe and Co ; 1 case, Sargood and Co; 2 cases, Hogg and Hutton ; 1 case, Ross and Glendining; 1 case, Hughes and Harvey ; 2 coils pipe, 8 bags, 1 bundle, 20 kegs. Fish and Son ; 1 barrel, Louden ; 1 box, Knott; 1 box, A and T Burt; 5 kegs, 1 maehiue, Park and Curio; 2 pocket hops, Law and Co ; 1 truck, G F Reid ; 72 boxes, Robins and M'Leod; 20 sacks. Anderson & Mowat; 1 ke&r, Russell & Co; 100 hags, Law & Co; 1 pel, Fergusson & Mitchell; 13cscs, 2cks, Killarney Forßluff— 2 cases, 1 tierce, Matheson Bros; 0 cases, Waddel; 2 casks, 1 chest, 1 barrel, 2 bundles, 1 case, 30 weights, Briscoe and Co : 20 cases, N Z Distillery Co ; 32 boxes, Robins ; 2 casks, 2 cases, 1 tin, 1 box, Ziele aud Co ; 14 cases, 0 boxes, 3 chests, 3 casks, 1 hamper, 59 mats, 0 drums, 1 keg, Turnbull and Co ; 2 bales, Butterworth Brothers ; 30 sacks, W and J Scoular; 25 mats, 3 caskH, 3 chests, 20 cases, 9 boxes, Lange and Co; 1 ease, Weir and Anderson ; 100 spokes, 50 felloes, 0 pieces wood, Black and Thompson; 3 cases, Sargood and Co ; 1 boiler, Russell and Co ; 2 saws, Millishamp; 4 bales, Laws and Co. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. Newcastle, March 2nd. Arrived.—Velocidade, from Lyttelton ; Haversham, from Wellington ; Queen of the South, from Dunedin. Sailed.—Medora and Edwin Bassett, for Lyttelton ; Oelestia, for Bluff ; Annan Jane, for Wellington : Wil--1 liam Ackers, for Dunedin ; Princess Alice, for Lyttelton. ARRIVAL OF THE WALLABI.—WRECK OF THE BRIG SILVER LINING. Messrs Houghton and Co.'s s.s. Wallahi returned to port from Kakanui late ou Tuesday night. She brought a cargo consisting of 270 bales "of wool, which were transhipped yesterday to the City of Dunedin. The Wallabi's trip this time proved more than usually eventful, as she was at Kakanui at the time of the wreck of the brig Silver Lining, and rescued the crew after a fruitless attempt to save the vessel. We embody the circumstances of the Wreck in the following report of the Waliabi supplied us by the chief officer. We also append the official report of the two master mariners who were instructed to hold a survey of the wrecked brig. The Wallabi's report says that she left Port Chalmers on Friday night last, and arrived at Kakanui early next morning and anchored. As there was a heavy aud increasing sea, only ene boat-load of cargo was received ou hoard during the forenoon. The weather was very threatening, and shortly after noon it came on to blow, and by 4 o'clock the gale was hard from S.W, and sent in a heavy sea. As it would havo been perilous to have held on any longer, Captain Leys picked his : anchor up and ran for Oamaru, and was followed by the ' brig Silver Lining, wliich had been discharging coal at Kakanui. Tlie Waliabi lay at Oamaru until Monday morning early, and then the weather having moderated, was run back to Kakanui, and anchored in her original position. She resumed loading, but shipped very little cargo before the brig Silver Lining hove in sight off the end of the North Reef. She was on the port tack, and reduced canvas as she stood on, and then finding that she could not weather.the reef, she went in stays and missed, and being close to the reef let go an anchor to keep her off the ground, and at the same time to help get her head round on the other tack. This attempt as quasi clubhauling proved an utter failure, for the anchor did not ". hold, and then a second anchor was let go, and a signal for a steamer was hoisted, and also another of distress. But before this the Waliabi had proceeded to get under . . -weigh, and was therefore not long in responding to the signal—too late, however, to save the brig, which by that time had struck tho reef, and was hard and fast aground amidships, with, deep water under bow and stern. Tlie Waliabi did try to pluck her off, but of course failed, and then she did the next best thing, viz., rescued the crew and their effects, together with the brig's sails (those that were oii the yards being unbent), stores, running gear, and in fact every thing that could be got hold of. So much having been accomplished, she returned to her anchorage and landed the brig's crew and what had been recovered. On the following day (Tuesday) she finished loading, left for head-quarters in the evening, arriving at 10 o'clock. The wreck of the brig Silver Lining was oilicially surveyed on Monday, and the following is a copy of the report of the surveyors:—" We the undersigned, at the request of Captain James Taylor, have this day held a survey of the brig Silver Lining, of Sydney, official number 01,435, and find that the vessel is last from Lyttelton, with a cargo of coal for Kakanui, part of which was discharged on and beforo the 7th of March instant, when sho was obliged to put to sea on account of the weather, and in returning to the anchorage this day, the 9th, got aground on a rock, where she now lies, with one anchor down and 15ft. of chain cable out. We find that the rock has pierced her bottom amidships, and there is now about Sft. of water in the hold, and rising fast. There are also about 130 tons of coal on board. The vessel is sufficiently found with alienors and cables, and gear, and there is every probability of of her sinking, the stern-post and rudder being gone, and mainmast rising and heaving with the sea and healing of the vessel. We recommend that she be abandoned and sold for the benefit of whom it may concern. —Signed Jons Crawford, late master mariner, James Leys, master s.s. Waliabi, March Oth, 1874.

We hear that the wreck of the brig was sold at auction on Tuesday, and realised £50.

The Harbour Cos. s.s. Jlaori, Captain Jlalcolm, arrived at Port Chalmers yesterday at 1 p.m. from another round trip to Lyttelton and intermediate ports. She left here at 1L45 p.m. on the 3rd inst., arrived at Timaru at 11.15 a.m. on the 4th, left again at 3.45 p.m. ou the oth, and anchored off Akaroa at 2J15 a.m. next day ; remained there an hour, and left for Lyttelton, and moored at the wharf at 7.30 a.m. ; shipped considerable cargo, and put to sea on her return South at 5 15 p.m. on the 9th, called at Akaroa, Tiiuaru, and Oamaru, and embarked passengers and cargo at each placo ; took a final departure from Oamaru at 7.30 a in. yesterday, and arrived here as above. We observe that "she is advertised to leave here for Bluff Harbour to-day.

The ship Agnes Jluir is well nigh loaded, 000 bales more will till her up. We notico that her sailing day has been postponed to the 21st inst., by which time she is certain to bo ready to tako her departure for the old country. Tlie Agnes Jluir is a fine ship, with superior accommodation, and we have no doubt will command a fair share of the passenger traffic going.

A mistake occurred in our report of the official number of the barque .signalled by the Kassa on Monday last. Instead of K. and 5.13, it should have been At the Rattray street jetty, the schooner Canterbury is still waiting for an engagement, and is also open for sale. The .schooner Sea Gull, next to her, is busy discharging her timber, and the brig Pakeha is also discharging the fruit and other good things she brought from Hobart Town. The Brigantine Isabella is again ready for sea, and will take her departure probably this evening, whilst the schooner Belle Brandon vacated her berth yesterday, and so made room for the barque Kassa, sugar laden irom the Mauritius, and wliich was towed up the harbour yesterday morning by the steamer Geelong. We have observed that the Belle Braudon is going' to Invercargill to load railway sleepers for Lyttelton, and the Isabella is going to Moeraki, there to load for Napier. The schooner Jane Anderson, which lias been some time lying at the jetty, has beon placed upon the hard for the purpose of having her bottom cleaned. Messrs Houghton and Co.'s steamer Wanganui sailed for the Bluff yesterday afternoon.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3774, 12 March 1874, Page 2

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 3774, 12 March 1874, Page 2

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 3774, 12 March 1874, Page 2