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AMUSEMENTS. j DR IN CESS THEATRE. Lessee* Messrs Gkddes & Wium, During Mr llo*ki.n.s's engagement, the Stage Management will bo under hi* ditcclion. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, NOV. 21st. LONDON ASSURANCE. Lady Gay Spanker Mws Flouk.vck Coi.vji.l.ll Bir Hnroourt Courtly , Mr Homkim* Dazzle Mr H. N. Douoi-AJi After which, by particular request, Mil H. N. DOUG I, A 8 Will Kcdte Samuel Lover's Poem t SHAMUS O'BHIEN : s A TALE OK -!)S. Concluding with the Diamond Shoe Dance. TO-MORROW (FRIDAY), Mr lloskins in Ms great character of APF.VBLK HAWK. r Mr and Mrs Walter Uill and Mim Mabel Herbert* • will shortly appear. . T%/T ASO NT C H ALL. THIS RYKNING, THURSDAY, NOV. 2i*t. For ft Few Nights Only. CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. MR BNDKItBY JACKSOU, Who, in liny, 18li8, received the honour of haying presented to both Houses of Parliament, by command other Mont Gracious Majesty Ciucsn Victoria, a dol Uile'l account of hit services in forwarding tho cultivation and practice of Music thtuugi out Great Britain, begii to announce that Ills LONDON STAR COMIQUB COMPANY (Patronttcd in Auckland by Major Gordon and Otfieers of Volunteer Corpif; in Grahaamtown by tho Ladies' Committee, Parawal School ; in Wellington by bis Kxcelloncy the Governor, Sir G. K. Uowcn, Captain Chapman and Olliccrn o( 11.M.5. Dido; in Cliristchurch by Lady Wilson and friends, and tli« . Mayor and Town Council). Constating of • » TUB ORBAT 1.0.HD8.V COMKBI I*, MB 11 Altlt V R I (.: KAJI DS, "Who i* pronounced tho Greatest Comic Singer in the World; and who has had the honour of appearing three times the Prince of Wales and « suite, ftsnintecl in Km'KKtai.nmkn'ih I omujom by MISS CARRIE iUCKAUDS. ~ Burlesque rellered by Ul! HENRY HAL L A JT. THNOK TUOAUST, Who will Appear an abore. I'ROGRAMMK. r Pat.t I. Quadrille—" Lorely Sydney," by j Knderby Jackfion .. .. Hand "Muleteer Song (Kose of Castilk) Mr Henry Ujillam Sonit Comique "Soup, J*i*h, and 0 Entree," Mr Harry KickanU Swell Impersonation, " 1 never go . Kast of Temple Har," .. .. Mr Marry UiclcartU . KNTKItTAINMUNT 00M1QUK. 1 AIOTHKII SAYri I Ml/SN'T. Solina Ml** C*rrle Rickwd* c George Mr Hurry Kickards Song—" Marghiirett*," .. .. Mr Honry lUUad* Character Impersonation -••" Abya--8 «inian Gold," Mr Harry Kiekarda Charnctur liupcrsouatioit — " I Know my Way About," .. Mr Harry liickard* f Sons -" Come into tlio Ciurden, Mmid," Mr Henry HalUm i KNTKRTAINMKNT COMI4UB. . P X T EKKIN'B I'lU-NIC, Misa Juliana Jenklnit .. .. Aflns Carrie Rickardtf Old Gruuipio Mr Harry Kicknrdv Gipsy Nell *.Hki Carrio Rickard* Pereirrine Pelsrkin, Ivitj. .. iJr Hurry Riokunl* r Interral of Ten Minutes. I'Aur 11. Tn« RiciCAisDs" (by Zcplln), justpublialjcd, 1 1 with portraiU of Misw t;.trric und Mr Hurry Rickards, , 1 to bu luul of Mr llegg, tiiunic sailer, Princes atroet. Song —" My Own, uiy Guiding •Star." Mr Henry Hallam Motto Hong ■' Second thoughts often are best," Mr Hurry Rkltards Clmractur Impersonation-" Whoru's Dolly K<me," Mr Harry Rickardn Song-1' you'll rcinumber mo," .. Mr Henry Hiillam KNTKR I'Af N'MKNT COMiQUK. SHY! SHY! I>RKAJ>KU J*LY SIJ V ! Cecilia •Snupotl'.o .. .. Miss Curtio Kicksrd* Sainuol Shtipt.sizo .. .. Mr H-irry Rlcknrd* Son({—"Thu Anchor's Weighed," Mr Henry Hallam Hutnorouß Song • " Useful KnuwlcJgo," Mr Harry Rickard* God Havk tiim Qi;mhn! ! The Rickards' 8on»f Hooks, first and Hucond cditioiu, •ontalning all the newent hou^-.s, to Us had At tho Hall. Prices of Admission :~Rosorved SeaU, It* ; Second SeaU, 2i; Body of Hall, I*. Doors open at 7.30; to commence at 8 precisely. Carriages m*y be ordered at 10.3 *. QT. GEO It G E'S HALL. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH CHOIR CONCERT. TOMORROW, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd. Ticket* at Weat'g Music Warehouse. a KEEN ISLAND ANNUAL. GATHERING Will iib Hkli> in MR D. ANDRKW'S PADUOCK, ON ST. ANDRKW'S DAY. 30ru INSTANT. Athletic Sports, Pigeon Shootlnjj, Ac, Ac. The ComiuHtoe rneoU at Mr Kigorlfu Hotel, Ttalt Evening, Thariday, tho -JUt iiut., at 8. J. J. KAGERTY, 10a lion. Secretary. ROYAL MATT,, /VQBB.AN'D'O-'O. S: Telegraph Linus of ROYAL MAIL COACHES. J. Chaplik axl> Co.. Proprietor*. Leave the Booking Office, Manao street, next Wftln'o Hotel, for all part* of the Province. CAKIU4.OKJI. J. C. and Co. have always on hand the newest do* ■igna In Broughams, Barouches, Phaetons, Wago nettet, and American Buggies of every description, OA.RBIAOBB BUIX.T TO OIIDKR. All timber used in their Manufactory hat been carefully selected and imported direct from America, and seasoned for years before working. * Repairs done in a superior manner, with all pouibU dispatch, and at the lowet rates. iUNtriTAcrroinr amd ajSFOBiTOBT, fITAMTQJID HTKKKt. Superior carriage and buffgy pair*, tad/lle borwt tad backs, always on band for bale or exchange. Horses broken to «addle and harnesii. COBB and CO., Manse strcict. Dunedin. next to Wain's Hotol. 2» EDUCATIONAL. MRS HARRY STEVENS, (Late of Victoria,) MELVILLK STRKKT, CORNKR OF HIGH STREBT, Begs to inform the L.idius of Dunedin as;d it* environs, tlwt ishc is prepared to give Instructions 1» Wax, Wool, Lisather, Paper, Boa 1, and every other : dtscription of Fancy Work, at her own or pnpiU residences. Terms on application. 15n ioiisLa A USTRALASIAN HOTEL, ±X- M.ACLAOGAN BTREKT, DCVIDIK. First-clAss Board and Lodging at 18g per week;. 3$ Cd by the d»y. All meabj U, atvl beds Is. JAMB a SHIELDS, Proprietor. Choice Wines and .Spirits. English Ales and London Stout. SINGLE ANO DOUBLE BEDROOMS. Finit-class »et)omftiO'b»ilon.for-l?an)lH»ia. • Ma ~~ ".0 B ;f~N" A:N D 0 O.» :- ComHtx Builder* aad Toaportexa,. '■■ ,; " ' ' ! 4^°*^ street, * ./ ■ ■ ... ' Have on Hand and for Sale-- ' . BVGGIBS AND KXPBXS3 WA«GONS. Rtpaixa receive prompt attention. 36

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3368, 21 November 1872, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3368, 21 November 1872, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3368, 21 November 1872, Page 1