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SHIPPING. GLASGOW TO OTAOO. Patrick Henderson and Co.'s lino of Monthly Packets wader contract with the Provincial Government. ■/jbk&t rplHlS Line compriaea the ~ ___H__Sl_-lk. -*- undormenUoned well-known J^BSmlqP*splendid Ships, one of which leaves ' j3BhHHSm übutftow for Otago direct every Bionwii^™* Tons B«e. Toss Beg Cltyof Dunedin ....108S Wild De«r 101(5 Jmh»NJcol Fleming 1000 Otago IWO Cbristtan M'AusUnd 1000 Je«l« Beadman .... 1000 Pet«r Denny 1000 William Davio 840 AjwyjMulr 000 Margnret Galbralth.. B*o Helen Bunu 800 Helen Denny 740 Parties desirous of brining out their friends can •ocorw pawiage* oo favourable lerm» on application to IS CAJRGILLS and M'LKAW. jfel^ rpHE Following Well •j|j|||Ra^> known High-clac«ed Regular Packet ifitlpT will be despatched from Port Chalmers, for liondon, by the andersigned, with purictu»Uty, via.:— lililp. rCoDnnandrjTng I>alo ot sailing, Junes N. Fleming..!Logan 1000 Novernlver. ! OtiMJo ~;Btuj*rt .... IOOOiTo follow. i I»eter Denny Adam 1000" do : Helen KurtiH ;8r0wn,...! 800; do Hay Queen Leslie .... 7&0; do ] City of Dunedin .... I(WS do (XirtMlUn M'Aiisland Tilly ICMWj do J»«I« (CcvJmxn .Strachvn.. 1000 l do Fuo»i 15). err , I Uakhovk - j Iroutidc Vaux SBoiJanu»ry. Agnes Mulr Anderson..) ¥50JTo follow. Tho arrangemenU for the comfort of Flint and flocoud Clam I'Msongeni on board of l.heso Veiwel* are of the mo»t perfect description, and from the quickxuhim of their pannages, they will be found to bo tha bort mtiunn of communication between New Zealand _ad London. For freight or pusige apply to CAJROILLB aad M'lJSAlf; Or to OEOBOB OBAY BUBSELL and Co. Dunedin. IOJa Bieasra M'MKCKAN, BLACK WOOD, & Co. "s steamer* irill l>e (lcvpHlvhed tmm Port Chahnera w follows : — RANGITOTO, for LYTTELTON, WKMJS'CTON, NJKf.SON', OKKYMOUTH, hiOKIVIKA, »n>l MKI.BOUBNK, on HATIIR- * DA.V, 23rd NOVBMUKIt. Carfto now bein? rec*ived. Dunedin p.-iMongers go on bonrd free b/ 1 o'clock Ijoiit. ALII AM li RA, fcirMELBOURNE, call- . Ijir at BLUFF, on FBIDAY. the 22iid NOVKMISKB. Cargo now beir.>g received. Dunwlln ji.iKseniicrs ro on I)<>.»rd fret: by '}. o'clock bout. ALBION, for MELBOURNE, calling at BLUFF, on WKDNIiSDAY, 4th Decem!>er. CLAUD HAMILTON, for LYTTELTON, WKIXIN«JTON, NBLION, (JUKY M<JUTH, .HOKITIKA, and MBLbOURNK, on THUKSDAY, the ith DKUKMIiKIi. DALOKTY, NICHOLB, and Co., Amenta. iiAitBOUIi HTKAM COMPANY, AOKNTB UAMBON, ]).«., for OAMARU, TOKJ» M..IMIOW, FUIDAY, 22nd NOVKMBKR, at 7 a.m. «li irp. Cirgo till * p.m. Thin J,Uy. i>RETTy JANE, h.s., fi,r PORT MOI-YMJUX, TO-MOUU»>VV, FRIDAY, 22nd N'OVKMBKit. MAORI, h.h., for TrVTARU, AKAROA, and LYTTELTON, W) TUKSOAY, SGth.VOVEMUEK. TARANAKI. b.h., for LYTTELTON, WKLLINOTON, PICTON, NKLSO-S, TAUANAKI, aud MANUK.AU (taking Cargo and PatHuiitfurH for transhipment at W elHnf{ton to WANGANUI. rvn.l at NeUon to WKHT COAST POltTrf), on THUItSDAY, ffith NOVKMUKR. Ofticfifl: Harbour Chambers. ~~."l^tr" /CALIFORNIA, NEW -W^^^PnX /KALAND, AND AUS ITnTO^i^^O^ TRALIA MAIL BTJ-AMSIHP r!srp^m£f COMPANY'S BTKAMKUSJCTEVADA, 2H3 tons, J. 11. Blktmbn, Commander. NEBRASKA, 12U3 ton*, I. H-hojko, Commandor. UACOTAH, 2143 tons. Under contract with the Government of New Zealand for a four-weekly Barries between Port Chalmers and Ban Franclnco. The Stoimihip NEBRASKA, proceeding tniiovuti tortAN FRANCISCO, vl» HONOLULU, will bo despatched from Port Chalmers On THUItSDAY, 21nt NOVEMBER, at *p.«_. Harbour steamer at 1 o'clock sharp. Freight.—Bills of Lading issued to San Francisco, New York and Boston, at moderate rates. Wool and Flax must b« hydraulic pr«M*d. For rates of freight aad pasaago, and all further particulars, apply to DRIVER, BTKWA.RT, and Co., S7n Agent*. KAMHAY'B CUSTOM IIOUBK, COMMISSION, AND QENKRAL BHIPPINQ AOKNCY, JKTTY STiiKKT, DUNEDIN. FOR MOERAKI, KAKANUF, and AI.LI'AY BAY.—The LtOPK wIU sail on SATURDAY, the 23rd lust. ITiOll WESTPORT, HOKITIKA, and J O.KKYMOUTII.~-Thc Schooner DUNXDIN is open for t.'h*rter for fithtr port. IjiQR WANGANUI.—The SPEC will ."ail in .1 few days, should nuitloiont induccmont Dliur. «j.nuiy KEITR KAMSAY. Aprent. FUR AUCKLAND DIRKOT. t£?^3h rpJFIE following Regular ili^^^^b^ Trading Schooner will bo de~ spatched as follows :— HTUATHNAVKR, CapUin. JJiCKiV, Nov. 2Sth. KNKIIOY, CapUin Ma-tih, «arly. li. B. MARTIN 4. CO. tx Age»ta. "Y^ACHT AMY, 3 years old, built of JL Cedar, coppered and topper I—atoned throughoat In first class order, length 27 feet, beam 8 feet, •depth 0 fct>t. Sail.i, 2 suits 1 »uit quit* now, best duck ; racing suit, calico, In good condition. Cutter, xiggod, full top-mast. Two tons pi« Iron ballast. Mill cuver, small anchor, 4c, *c. Coppered tan moutli.i niiicc, 10oi Muutat. Price, _100 dolivorod in »T aia- AWly p. 8. BRODEICK. MISCELLANEOUS WA3TTS. :;nT~T~N~T~^~I> KNOW N. LKAK IS MAKING TO MEASURE— Mon's Calf Wellinjjton Boots lien's enlf iUlf Wellington Boots Mci.'h Calf KlivsVic Side tfOOts Men's Kid Side Boots Men's Kuuguroo Klastic bide Boots Clieaptr tliau uny other House In town, SELOItAVK BUILDIAO-, PKINCBS SrRKKT, CUTTING. y^inrrlzjD known. GLASGOW PIE HOUSE AND BESTAUBANT. Always Beady: *<> HOT PIE, with Glass of Porter, Ale, or Cup of Coffee ~ .. .. BDOPBNOJB BREAKFAST ONESHUXINO DINNER, with Class «f Porter, Ala, or Cup of Coffw .. .. ..ONESEOLLIHrG TEA .. .. .. .. ..ONJESIUIJutNa

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3368, 21 November 1872, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3368, 21 November 1872, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3368, 21 November 1872, Page 1