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Many changes have taUj-n pUra in Dunodin during the pact tea years, but it still remains au e*tabli«hiid fact that Herbert, Hayues, and Co. give the best value for money in thU City. Their Stock of General Drapery, Clothing, Oarpetft, Kurntahings, &c. was. never larger i**n at the prtaeat tun* ; whilst their large and daily increasing iMuinetcu enubksa them to bring forward a conatant aucceaaion of the Latent Novcltle* and F««Won«. Every arUcle is marked at a fixed price, no th*t the most inCTr>erienced buy their good* at the «aio« price* as the b«»t jw-!e«s. Ttoo lowtflt r«muner*Uvo profit being marked on each article, their terms ate Net Cauli, without discount or reduction of »by fcioM. ? Kin KoUftKviLH.—Whoever habitually use* any alcoholic pref»aratlona as au "appetizer, wjl! bo likely to nofTer from-four evil*- vix ,an ovcridun of food ia Uie stomach, iroimirod ability to <Ug-«t H, «>e pangs of dy«pep»ia, »nd a doctor's bill. Do. W'ai-kkh's V'E/i«rrahlk Vi.vwsak BirrefiK, «h« great Tc«totel Kentota* tivc of the »ge,■without «f«r-*Hmu!*tinK the paUtcor irritating the rtatK4ch,'.inip*rta a healthful appetite, promote* digeation, rcjtilate Uiei liver *uft iwwrln, purities the blocxl, ami thus, inct&wl of entailing four evil*, confers four ine«tlmahle beaeau.— f An vr |

MEETINGS. UNION PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY. THE Annual General Meeting of tlus Society Is appoJutol .to b.e JioJrlcn on M 1 NI) AY, the 2nd «Uy of December proximo, at 8 o'clock p m., at the MAS >NIC II A.I L, to receive the SUtcluen: of the Knnd#Jiiid Kffeots of the Society, an<l to elect four Directors m<i one Auditor. M, W. HAWKINS, 16a Secretary. OTAOO INSTITUTE. A MEETING of the Institute will bo held in the University JJiiMin?, THIS DAY, TUKSDAY, November liHh. »t 7.0T p.m. Busivkxij: Nomination of »a U norary Member of the New Zealand Instituti: Papen as announced at but meeting, Ac. I>. BRENT,' ilon. Sec. DUNKt'IN HIPLB CLUB. A GENERAL MEETING of Memfairs Of »h« aljovo Club will \x> held nt the Drill >hed. on THURSDAY, 2lst \OV., *t b JlO p in. Ui.«i.vESH: I(c<:«i»)ng resignation of present und appointing new Committee, <tml other matters of lutiKirtancf, Member* of pnueitt Committee requested to attend »t 7.90 p.m. H. 8. SMITH, Hon. Sec. OTAOO JtIKLK ASSOCIATION. A MEETING of the COUNCIL will X*- be held *t TH B DRILL -SHE t>, THIS BVBNINO. SYDNEY J.4MJH, Secretary. xorrc'K. THE MEMBERS, OF ST. PAUL'S OHO IK aic reiitx^led to attend UKHKAR9AL THIS EVfcNINO (TUESDAY), above lIIt BKGG'B MUSIC WAREHOUSE, For CONCERT, at 8 o'clock. rjTIHE Residents and Ratepayers inter-e-iU-d in the matter of the FORMATION of CASTLE S TICKET arc requested to meet at D. While's Hotel, THIS EVENING at 7.30, The Representative!! of Hell and Lcith Wards are respectfully requested to attend. DUNEDIN VOLUNTRRU ARTILLERY, fpHE BATTERY will PABADE at the -*- DRILL SHED, for Gun Drill, TO-NIGHT, at 7,30. Undress Uniform. Quarterly meeting after drllL A. HILL JACK, Lieut. Commanding. corporatioFnotioes. CITY OK DUNEDIN. "PROPOSED BYE-LAW, Number XI., JL puWlshed for ' Information, un<ltr lhe provisions of >M!ction 1S;» of " The Municipal Corporations Act, 1807 "-—» Bye-law to provide for thu talcing down, alteration, orencloure of dangerous or defective chinineya which way have boc.ii constructed without violation of law. In pursuance of the powers and provisions conUinod in Section 181, Part XIII. of tfTh-: Municipal Corporations Act, ISiiT," the Council of the City of Dunodin ordain as follows -that in to say :— Sub-dlrbtiou 4, Part V., of the 13th Schedule to the imM Act is boreby adopted in and for the said City of Dune-iiu, and for and on belulf of the Corporation nf;thc City of Dunectin. 'Noxjck iH: flvHKiiiv Civbv, that the above Draft Bye-law. No. XL, has been proposed, and will becoasidcred by the Council of tha City of buhedin at the next Ordinary Meeting, to be held on Wednesday, the 2Qth November instant, at 7 p.m., and, if approved, will be thereupon ttu*a*d. , . . J. M. MASiEY, Town Cierk. Xovnuiber Jitfi,,llß7 i. ; 13« LEaAL NOTICES. in BAifiqiuPTpy. ; IS TUB DISTRICT COURT OF THK OTACO qOLDfcIKLDS, IIOLDKN AT LAWHKNoE. In the matter of George Summers, of Monro'a Uully; Tuapeka, to the rrovincc of Ofcigo, and Colony of New Ze^laMl, Miner, * Debtor ; and in th-s m-utcr i>t the liimntptcyAct, TSQ7, and the Bankruptcy Act Amendment Act, IWW. ■ .. ■; ■ i "VTOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN, that -L* the abovetiained (Jeorge Snsnmers has this d.-ty * filed, in the above-natii^l HonoomMe Court, a DecUratlon of Insolrency, under the provisions of the above named Acts i • Dated tills fifteenth day of November, 1b72. FREDEUICK IfK-VKY M'-OV, i iJolk-itor for the §*id <»eorge Saiomcrs. ; "~"~~*~~ IN BANKItUI'TCY. " !' ; "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thai -L^" William Bkeet, of South Molrneux, in the Provinco of Ut go. Labourer, has been Adjudicated a. Jlinnrupt, anil that a meeting of hie Cr<.-dttom vill be held at the Court House; Kalclutha, on Tutwlay, the itfenty-slxth day of' November instant, at 10 o'clock in tbo forcnoi>n, at whicU pl*ce am) time th* IJackrupt Is ordered to aunender. Dated this eighteenth day of Noverobtr, Ifc72. ! KKSYON and TUIiTON, Solicitors foir the said Williasa Bis*;!. PUBLIC NOTIOES. SOUTH BRITISH FIUJE AND MARIV33 IN'SUJKANO& COMPAKY Of XKW ZEALAND. xoricK or caII•VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that A\ the Director* of tH« Cbi»i>Hny have mule a Call of 5« per Share on the Shares of the Company, payable on the 20iJi day of Itavcmber, l&fi, to A. BOAItDMArr, Ceueral Manager. »t the Office of the ■ Company, Qucen'atreet,. Auckland. «r to the following AgcnU of the Company at tluix njspectire Oltlccs :— Messrs W. and G. TUKNWULIr and CO., Dancdin. Messrn W. and «. TU&KMf'IXiUid CO , Wellington. J. DRUMMOJfD AIACPHKRSOK, K«<., Chrfrtcbnr«lu Measn MOERiSON, SCLANDKRS, and CO , Kelson. A- BOARDMAN, General Manager. AKekUna.l7*«HA3bcx,lß72. i.»o g^'bTs b~ r o sT lIAVK ilKitOVfJi FROM GKORGK KTRKLT OPPOSITK-THB noaiMTAL, fiREAT KIJNQ hTItKBT- .

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3366, 19 November 1872, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3366, 19 November 1872, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3366, 19 November 1872, Page 3