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DRAPERY. DRAPERY. '• gROWN, EWING, and COs. TnTERBERT, HAYNES, AND CO.'S ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. 0 SPE CIA LITIE S importations for the present season, vn _ 314 PACKA GE S. NO V E M rid laiioprcviousycar Imve wo imported such an KXTENSIVK and v'AIUED Selection of the Is.test . NOVKLTIES, together with a full and complete; assortment of Domestic and gcnemlly useful Goods; EX MAIL STEAIVDER /or each Deponent. -^ j ,„„ BLACK SILK DEPARTMENT. p AND * Our very Urge Stock of these Goods has been very ■ DrtTTVlC nj. li , • carefully selected from the .Manufactories of LYONS, f J.XUU J*,. t. I*UU \ X*l\la. ZURICH, SPITALKIELDd, *c, and can be confi- . - dently recommended for — BEAUTIFUL FINISH, WEAR, AND PKRMA- . . _,' _, , NKNT BRILLIANCY. An luijKjrtnut Purchase of LADIES' BLACK SILK JACKETS, COLOURED SILK DEPARTMENT. In this we have a very choice variety oi NEW NVwpsi Riv'mt .niipi.w.'w— j GOODS, Including a series of very useful Ctilontinßj«, «eweet Sty,e«, and Richly Trimmed. wlwtwl specially with regard to Wear and Durability of Colour. ■:.- '■ ...,-. , FANCY DRESS DEPARTMENT. Tb«e were !«m B ht at a large dUcount, owing lo btjhs |n UIU I)qmtlwcilt both Novd Md " the Lateness of the E»gli«h Season, and sent by Mail Elcf allt \ t!; c, I*;t*«nts are very choice ; and the Colo v, v oojt v/ fIU i U onrings decittcdly superior to anything we have preSteamer, to arrive for OUR SUMMER TRADE. vioualy shown. * ■■' . MORNING DRKS-SES, WALKING DRESSES, " PROMENADE DRESSES, !T No. 1 n 16. at Ha Od SEA-SIDE AND PICNIt; DRRSSKB, [t „ » . „' . , DINNER DHBS3K.H, l' N°- 2 i 8 .«-. Rt 188 Cd EVENING DRESSES. No. 3 la 73, at 21» The mat«rU]« are noticeable for their durability, and J „ 4 j »- tt t 25« thC texlMrea ftriJ 'lultc new- Among otherj, Herbert, '' Hayhes, and Co. would enumerate the following :— g No. 5 i» lt>, at 27» 6d Silk Warp Balerno*, a very beautiful fabric, equal to «!lk In nppcarance, and very rlunible "a ° " ' * "w Twilled "Bilernos, in a choice variety of colours. This No. 7 ia 33, at 32a Cd material makes a ver> rich and haniisoime ilrets The new Garniture Dress, a charm'tagnovelty, intro2*°/ * i» . S» at 35s during two materials into one dress i- No. 0 - is 3S at 37a Od The C}nlS(*n Stripes. Tliese goods are ituportetl for the first time this deanon, an<i are very nittch wont f No. 10 in J2, at 40a in the European marts of fnshion „,...._.._ , ', Glace Anßlfti.1), in plniu and. tlntwl colourings, very Higher Numbers CO, at 4Sb. and upwanU. effective, and not liable t» shrink IN'SPKCTION ISVITKD Altona Crapes, In a very choice variety of nhailvs, and 1 ' * * 'jvarrinted to wear well * » Bordered Rotes, Self-Trimming Robes, in all the newest and most fashionable colour? • ti& Children* White Serge Jackets and Capes, from SumraPr **Un Clolll» »»» matortol upwlaUy t adapted for *timmi>r wenr, and id v btvtutifnl 3a 9(L variety of neutral tintK PL-»ln Ltutr&i, Tinted Lustres, Plirnrcd Lustres, Silk Repps, Wool Ropjis A CTASE OK NEW COLOURED SILKS. A MaS»lficef **\et\\<m of New fioodi for Polonaises only, and lungth« to corrciwud. ~ Ammigntoiir DRESS fiOODb th^re are a Lot of very Choice Mfttftri.ild, not liable to cnt"»n or tk.ui, A Large Lot of and«pecia!ly : adaptad fcr FeU-s, Lawn nml Croquet Parties, Flower Shows, I'lcnie Parties, or oilier'outPURE CLACK SILKS, door amuscmentti. [ Including a line of Black Cashmere Gros Grain at COSTUME DEPARTMENT. A very Lrtrge AMoortrnent of all t!io I.tvulinj? Novl-I----£3 9s the Dress, which is remarkably cheap. tiea, hnnrisotnely trimmed, and mmli' u|» in souk- vet>• * beautiful styles, inclutiing the Warsaw PolonaUv, In , a variety oi uovr materialx. We have, for this New Branch, Imported a special TnE NEW REVERSIBLE STRIPE SHAWL, l&j. lot of rockln for CoHumes osilv. in Floiadln<j. , Poiapartour. Popctino, will Chalet Co.-itutn.L----i Skit tk ami Polon'iiKftß to corrcjipnnd, fc THE NEW OTTOMAN STRIPED SCARF. GRENADINE AND MUSLIN DE- — PARTMENT. 1 French Cirenadinca. lUack Grounds with Broclie THE NEW OTTOMAN STRIPED .SASIL, Figurf s and Sfcripcw, a, very choice class of Goods * Wliite nn'l Coloured ftrotmd Oreha'dincs' Wire Ground Crenndine«, very stroti?land durable Double Grenailincs in lhc Jicwcst Cotouringa are vtrj' . ' ».^». v . «« «- . .r^r ~r. much Id favour for .-iiuuruor wear 1 .SPANISH LACK MANTLES. French Mu.wHaa In Plorot'L'lmo OrganVHcs, Suljwo Jaeonei), Cambric and Cambric Lisse- washing "~~~* colours, all new and iteiuilifu! Designs by Dolfu.i DEE SSE S . DRESSES. £i,et Ci L Koc,.,linFrer,, I Gros j ean, BW»b«* f 1075 yda. Brocaded Poplin .. 12s 6d a dreaa th this MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, 789 ydJ. Plain Balennos .. l»6dayard Wo h^ve the Mo«t Flc^nt Selection of P.»rW«n and tron »j- iri^.mi r<. m t»»i n . 17. ft/J a.irAM British Milllnerj- ever Imported. The Noveltle* here 1080 yds. Fisrurod Camlettne .. 17s 6d a dress aro ( i CHe rvi!J*ofWl«.l mention. No effort ha» been _____ spared to mike thi* Department specially attractive, , which, for fttylo, Fashion, and Moderate Prices, in Aj,- unequalled In tha Province. Several Now Fabrica, Including- JACKET AND MANTLE DEPART- ' ■ ■ ~, MENT. liaiermos _. ~. ~ , . . , **it*.i In this Department we are allowing all tho latent Rrottu]«] Silk Ponlina Novelties in Lartlw' and Hillilren's Jackets, in Blarl; srowwoiniuiuu. Cloth, Black Kilk. Black Velvet, Wliite Serge, Cren»Royfeta dine, anil Lttrv. ' Special Novrltie*. «x Mail hteauier, just opened SUkAlpacas ou'i an^ wady for inspection. Macadoß PRINT DEPARTMENT. &c., &C. Printed Piques, in buff and white prounda ' . Cambric Robes, Yo?emite Cloths, SftirtJiban Crapes PTITNTTSt Lawn Hcrcca, Grais Clotlia, laree Cloths, Printed r*uuo HHltecn* Matlstcs, Hrilliantf, Perci!c.-i, &c;i'*C. ; .;... A I-arge ArriTal of New Patterna, Faat .• : Colourings, from Bid ft yard. V N DE RCLOTHINO ,: For Infants, Oirli, and I^wlie*. . An immense variety from the best Scotch and Engliih M"FTT TN"FTIY- ■ houses, and all «t«rling value. ■ A Ca«e of New Park and London LADIES' CORSETS Millinery. ". In Hip be*t flttlng mitk«4. • . • 600 pairs of our unrivalled "Chiil!cni?c" CorseU, at -— Rs M ■ ■■■•■•■■ 300 pairs of Thompson"* Olove-tlttiiig Stay —" the STRAW WATS? - Comet" par excellence. ' OJ.jsa».Tr Jiaxo Nursing Stays. Lacinu-Stays, infants' French Tie \ The Largcsi Stock of Straw Hats In the Banrls. . Colony, including 3 case or the Newest K _ MA v STJ , A „ KU _, rust Opened Out . Shapes iuat opened ISO dozen New Crochet tic*, .it In ft'l car:h. 50 <\ozon Vow Lice Ties, at '»d cn-:h. The " Dolly Vardeo " will continue 100 dozen New Muslin Soirfs, nt ].•> 4<l each. 200 doz«jn Hemmrd Cambric Uandkerchiefs, at 4s .'id the leading nhape for the Season. per dozen. 500 Linen Sst3 Collar* nml (Juff/i. a.t Is ad. ; CO dozen L;i(Ilch" Silk .Sc-irfg, from 1« each. PARASOLS— LADIES' SILK UMBRELLAS, SUNA beautiful variety of New Parasols SHADES, and PARASOLS, JO , , In great VARIETY and all the NEWEST STYLES. J and Sonaba/lea. GLOVES. ».,- »» *.t «_ i m. « -r, n_t< ii .«**— r -»» 3 cases or r.irtieV and Children's White and Coloured VC Doe. New Crochet Tiea,.Collaw..Collarettes, Laces, LfSLK THREAD GLOVES, for Summer D'Oyliw, AntlmacaMars, wear" &*. Ac. . FURNISHINGS. Ajj excellent assortment of Tapestry, Bruiaols, Kid- * dcrminstfr. and frotcli CiirpeU. . Felt Can'ttt, I rard wide, 1J yard wide, liyaTd wMo. _ A Choice variety of y^,. e} ot h s , from 2 feet 3 inches to 18 feet wide. - ■rvw.r MAinm eftTnw iwn lstsn PnTWf choice pattenis and thoroughly seasoned. REAL SPANISH POINT AND IRISH .POINT, i^no, Lacef and Net Curtains. _ „.. oi .. j! i. , 600 se's Muslin Curtains, from 4s lid per set. s In Laces, Collarettes. Sleeves, Handkerchiefs, Dam»sk Clotlw. Damask NapJsinc, Cloth Table Covers, * Ac. Ac. Ac *nd evei 7 article of Family Furniihing. o mm — MEN'S AND BOYS'" CLOTHING ~, WRW — DEPARTMENT. J Maltew, Honlton,Limerick,l>eAnder. , - ITT «i\" . , _ * „, .. , „■ We are now shewing a Pplendul Awortment of s light, and Tatting Collar, and Cuffs, SUJLMER CLOTHING, Collars, Ties, Chemljettea, Scarfs. Comprising all tho Newest Styles In. Men's Suits. £ P«gct CoaU,- AUwrt Sacs,-Alpaca and Lounge Sacs, -> : ' ' Hummer Overcoats, Fancy D, B. Vest*, White Vest b, j UTEW — ' , Trowaew and Vest*. Drewlng Gown*; Pari» SlUcHats. J Trinun'dana Kmbroide^d Dresses, g-jjj-m-»{^^J^ , Mtll^l. j, TeUaam, Tunics for Children in great Bo y 3. Oa latea Siiita, University Jackets, Alpaca Sac», 1( I variety. '- ' , ■ — I ■' MEN'S AND. BOYS' HOSIERY . « DEPARTMENT. r CABLETS. ■ CARPETS., CARPETS, Men's SiikShiTts. Crape Shirts, DreHsShirU.OxfoM «^™ . w-™. . ' . « , ShlrU, Scurfs. Han-Jken-hiefs, StudK, Dogakin and m SCOTCH CAKPKTS from ...C.;; 2» 4d Cape ffloren, Despatch H*f,; Portmanteaus, Railway Tt TAPESTHY CARPFTS Him' ' '' 4s Od Rn^. M^n'H Cotton and Merino Half Hose. -~ TAPJSTEY CARPETS from *« - Boya and Youtlu'Walf Hose. -'• ' ; 1 BBUaaOELS OARPETS from 5j 6d J. -i ' . ' " In TWEKDS wo ara tbewing a s-pk-ndid choice of O< . . RUGS TO MATCH. ... , . pat'erns, at pricw from 2a Yd to 5s ftl per yard. =" _ , < |~t. ~.'.,.'; ' ■ . ' ' ' '.• ■ ■ ! •.; ■. . :.■• it:.,u .-; .-.'■, J .-. ' MEN'S AND BOY* SUITS MADE TO ORDEE. ~ , BEOWN, EWINa, ANpCO., -.:.. • i^^ -' ' 1 -.;. «»«<»' ««»»»«• »-^W' Wi tn« im> oom '&& G^ioA' »«k*d at Cash Prices, without discount PRINCES BTEKBT AND MANSE STRSET, or rsaactlon whatever; •''"■ ; "' ' ' I i>u S «uix HERBERT, HAYNES, & CO. |

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3365, 18 November 1872, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3365, 18 November 1872, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3365, 18 November 1872, Page 1