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GOVERNMENT NOTICE. ' In all cases Iba grower's name and residence to bo 1 add«!. > COAL, MINERALS, VIND ORBS. SCB-COSMITTEB OC MANAtiKMirNT. J. Anderson, Ka«{. H. P. Hill, E»q. Coal -is piece» of *bout two cable feet. Ore*—tn ommtititK of not more than t«o cubic feet. Ok*Bß»klng Sands -sainpies In bottle*. Fire Clay»— specimens of about two cubic feet. Larger njpeclmenn of p««nliar excellence will be received. TJIIIfiTILS. Committee «ir Kaxaijrxb-xt. «Jeo. Ifobn s. E*n. J. Booth, Esq. F. Jeaidns, K,*q. Exhibits will bo cUtuutd nx. follows : • .Ship-building Timber. Itou»e-bnilding Timber. Furiiiture 'Wcorts Fancr and O.n*wenUl Wdode. Wood Carving*. Exhibits of Wool for furniture or fane)' ami ormmental purposes, mmi have one sfWc rough ami one jwlhliedl Exhibits to be ncomn panted liy a description and statement of the price at of production. AGRICULTURAL, FLAX, AND OTHER ■ MACHINERY. Suu-OuMMrrrKt: ok JiJ.A>*Auic«K>ir. K. Rl.hard.wi, K*j., M.H.K. A. Dmictn, Km>. It. Witkin, Ken. E. G. Wright, K*|. Exhibits will be clatsrd as follows :-— C!ii*s f. Railway Plant; including n>o:lcls, wheel*, h|iii!!?!i, K.inscs, railway chairs, carriage break*, fJ^nik, catipll&g*, &c , carrLiges and ongiiieH. Ctais ll.—Carriages no* connected with Itaiil or Trmnvajs: Buggies, oairfiges, j»nd cjuLh of sorts: c.w; spring earn, coaclwnjilh's work, Fp-HJmenx of carriage painting, Ac. Cliww 111.-loachine^v In central; Irif.-ludve of eriK'nci, cranwi, unartjs-crushing iiriehitie*, chain ) umt'S, turbines. CalJfumiau p"juj«, windwilb, hyd'tiulic ratm, bolling-'l'jvn plant, &c. Claw IV.— arid Horticultural Ma-d.i)i«.-ry au<l Imp euientf : JJoUtrs. cJod-oni/dicrii, harrows;, reaping and uuuJiliscs, threshing ma'•bines, fcecd rowers, plough*,' horse Lock, cultivators, W'tof and chwM |irf»'W, whijplu trecu, ti«:l«l gates, lr;in fencing hurdle*, ruktM *nd to*)!*, garden chairs, fount In*. &c. CFaj»V.—FUx Machinery: StrJpp':rii, dry arid wet s<;tiu-li«:ni, feoiing and (liMiifuging »pparatus, buckles, fee miscellax sous ob.i kcts. W. IX Wood. Esq. J Olllvit-r, Esi. •1. I. J.-itiiwon, E»'[. W. J. Si'limy, K«« s . J. Gordon. 1I«|. Kuilding Stones—ln pieces t»ot icwUinn Sin, cube, with fsUiteim-nt vi the size procurable from the fjiiarrlc-i. Bricks Building Bricks, in pirc«ls of '2.*> ; Kirc Bricks, in parcels of 0. l.iiiii:9tone«, bl»tcs, CcuicnU Spedmens. I'ott-.ry, incltuling Flo«*rr-pot», TiWsa, L)rni»t)i|>cs, and Kartlit-nware not cvccc. ing 72 cubic feet sfwee <^i!«, Anltuil, .Mineral. «nd V«geUb!e Saruiiles of not less that! I pint. \\ r»x, <;lue, Gnm - Samples of not lem than 211 m, Whalebone—Specimens. Horso Dust and A til Octal Matures not lc<g than 3 btnb«bi of each ktoid Eeut. I're«crvc*l AfeaUi- In cases nuitjiblu for export. SiiU Provisions, Ueef, I'ork, Ifacon, mid Hams, i'uh - Tietf and t'ejrk in ca-k.f of 2'Jolv>3. ; iJ.-icou and Jlaoi?., lOsJibi. each; Fisii, iut lwss than •£*>lb». l'r';-ivnc«l FihJls, •him->, and Honey- Samples not lc.«t than .'Sibs. Syrups, Conliala, fiauccn -Samples of not ltM than 2 bottles of eiuh klitd fro:-t. Wiueß and .Spirit!! of not Jess than * bottles of «m:!i kliid i»cn». Ale and IVrler- In cases or b.ilk, suitable for expert Heap—Householil Soap, 56 Ib»; Fancy Soaj», 7 lbs. Tatlow ar:<l Lard- -In k«g< Candles Siirnplcs u( not csk than 2« lbs. Chvinc Not less than two of each kind sent. Uutter—ln k- X*CJJiiciirr Hiid Tobacco-Sa)up!fcs, raw and prepare;!, of not k-wf limn 7 11m. Hops—Sample* of not leas than 20 lbs. • i'keuits—-12 lbs of each kind cent Kegi, Casks, Chcem; VnU, < hvirnH, Ac. -Sni))i>!c*. Brooms ami llrushwarc- Not le;s than two of each kind sent JJ.isketwsre Samples. Tweeds and Cloths — Piccos of not less than 1".2 yards cacti. . Jlf.ts -Sample cafe not eice?ding.'( feet square. IJanheta, I'UiiU, and Hosiery— dimples, b'uiijiture, Inla. d, Cabinet Work, and Alar'iuetcrio j Specimens. Jew«.'llery and Ornatnente--Specimens. Glassware- -.Siiujjlc- casu. l-uiHund Fc«theris--djiccimenß. Shullts, for InKylngand Mauufacturing Purposes— .S|H;i;iinC)l.S. Leather, Uoots and Shoes, .Saddlery, and Harness — fvllliplfcS A rchilectur*! Drawings, KugiceeriDjr Drawings, (Jcological and oibcr >t«ps nnd J'Uus, Photographs of Sccnery—SpecimeDS. Priming Bookbln(li rg, LlthogrAphy— Specimens. Musical Instrunientif-~:spcclni«!!i. Me<kls and Certificates of Honourable Meatiwi will be distributed to the bett Exhibits in the various Claisea. Advantoge Will be taken of the Exhibition to select the. best articles to rcptcscnt the Colony nt the Vienna Exhibition. Intending inhibitors are requested to inform the Secr«Ury, an early as poiwiblc, of tho ch-iractur and number of the o'jc«:t« they desire to show. Any fiutlier Information -'equirtd «.-.'• n be obtained from him. AmmsHs Governtner-t BulMiug*., Christclmrcii. I)y order, W. M. MASK ELL, Secretary.? Gun*.-*! Port Ofticu. Wellington, l«th October, 1872. HIS Excellency tlte Governor l»isl>cen. pleased to auti.ori«i The SwjKKTJiny to tub Oimmit-if.k or rur. 1-srHK. I'IIOVI^'tJIAI. EXUIIUTIO.V AT CaNTKJUIUKV to frank and receive, free fri-m ijro-pavmcnt of postHqe, letters or I'ackets postal on the Public Serricc. Tills miihority to have elTect up to the 3lnt Jaansiy next. (in JULIUS VOGKL. COEPORATION N0TI0E& CITY OF D'UXHDI.V. "XTOTXCB IS HKKEBY GIVEN, tliat J3i a Regulation, dumber 12, to Imj nm«K} under the aut'io-iy of Section 1, SubdivLtioa 1, Pa-: 8, of ScheduleXlll of the '• Mur-icipal Corpo atione Act, 1807," to prohibit the keeping of Swine wit' lit any portion of the City of Dtt>4oJiu, has been proposed, and tirot the draft thereof will be c«>n-iller«l by. the Conii'-il of the City o.' Duneoin, at the ntixt Ordinary Mictiuf, tobeheitt on Wedne*l»v, ihe 20th Xo>eniher in-Ufat, at 7 p.m.; and, if approved, vrill ho thereupon pssied. And Note i* Further (iiven, that a draft of the a'o e« proposal ItegstUtion'is de-fKMjiU-.i for tbo Ijispeciou of any jwson interc-teU. thctcin, at thy Office of the tity Council, Alanae street. j. m. \iAf>sr.v, ; TownCl«dc 12th N;At:mbcr, 1572. 13a CITY OF OUNKDIX, TXROPOSED BYE-LAW, NumberXX, .!_ j.ub'iiilicd im kcucml informakllon, uadtT the | provision* of section 180 of " 'ihu MauicipalOoTpwii' tkms Act. J!W7"—ft i'ye-lnw 10' provide for the «.lteiu< 1 tion of dangwous at d« chimney« iv-jtlch tnay ' have been coa«truct«<l of law. In purstwnt'c of the powers (»ad prnv'^ions contained i«» Section ISJ. P-irt XTI!. of "Th-< ManJ-rfiwU Coi'i»or«tion* Act, IWJ7," the formal of the City of Dnnedin ordsin n» follows— timt ;s t-> K*y : — Subdivision A, Psit V.. of the 13th Pch-dnle to the &ail Act Is hcr< by adopted in and for tho siid City c-f I'une'liu, a>.<l for ann f.«n behilf of the Corporation r.f the City of Buaetiin. Xotick is llbukbv OivKX, that the »bov<i Df^ft»»»v. Nw. Xt,, has teen projWfie-'l. and •.viilbecofj(■idereil by ihe Conn-il of th-j City 'if rtiinoiiSn at the n-.\<. itidinary Mcetiog, to Ut held on W«:di»i.f day, the iiivli Nu* timber instant, ai 7 p.uj., uivi, if f.Littos'td, will bo tht'jeupon pw&jd. . ,• J. M. WAS-EV, To mi Ctvrk. Xovf.mbcr litji. ISJi 13n "' LEGAL NOTICES. IN BANKRUPTCY. IK THE TttSTRK-T COURT Of THH OTAGO GOLUt'IELUS, HOLDEN AT TtTOTlCE.—Slonday, the twenty-fifth JLI day of November, i-? 2. st the hour of e'even o'clooik in the foroovoo'at thcCo'^rt flon*e, Queeneto»M, nas l)cea appoint <l & poblic sitii: s of thiji honour»bF.«s V-mh t. hi' Witbuin Weeden, of Qatcnstovin tifaru-tid. Sretinsr, a. IJin^rupt, to Pusi Ids Fin ;1 Ks-usbiition, and apply for bis Ditch ;re«r. Dut«d »t Queenstown, this 31st clay of October, ll%"~ "WILLIAM N"TT GOODAY, tkHiatnr tot the Bankrupt, QaecastQWß.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3364, 16 November 1872, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3364, 16 November 1872, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3364, 16 November 1872, Page 3