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Wellington, July sth. Mr Brogden's tender for 34 miles 55 chains of the Chttha line, and two miles of siding, exclusive of rails and rolling stock, for £142,000, has been accepted. The Luna goes to Mamikau to-morrow for the Auckland members.

Mr It. J. Duncan sold Mr Tancred's run at Wairarapa at auction to-day for £1350. Tho run consists of 700 acres of freehold land and 4200 acres of Native leasehold, with a purchasing clause

Auckland, July sth.

The Wellington has arrived.

Green Harps are down to 30s. Moanataiairi, £5 ; Bismarck, £5 2a 6d ; Tokatea, £3 ss.

M'Caskill's trial for shooting the Maori Hiktitaia was commenced yesterday. The evidence disclosed long provocation.

Dr Pollen has gone to Coromandel to try to arrange with the Maoris who refuse to recognise the Magistrate's warrant there.

Hokitika, July sth.

Butter is scarce. The market ia otherwise unchanged.

Christchurch, July sth

The grain market is rather busier. Wheat, 5s to 5s 3d. Oats, m«ro animated; 2s 4d demanded. Flour is unaltered. Barley is very scarce at 5« Cd to 5s 9d. Butter is scarce at 9d. Cheese, 5d to s^d. Hams and bacon are unaltered.

Lawhknob, July sth.

A monster indignation meeting is called to protest against the sale of land to Messrs Cargill and Anderson.

Blukk, July sth

The s. s. Albion cleared tho heads at 11 p.m. on tho 29th ult. ; arrived off the Bluff at 9 p.m. on the 4th inst.

Passengers and Cargo :—Dunedin —Mr and Mrs Anderson, Mr Fordhaiii, Mr Sutherland, Mr Benson, Mr and Mrs Wilson, and 280 tons cargo. Lyttelfcon—Mr Miles, and 53 tojis cargo. Wellington— Mr Coinbie, Mr Drake, Mr Taylor, Mr Beck, and GO tonß cargo.

The English mail steamer anchored in Hobson's Bay at 10 o'clock on June 28tb. The latest telegram via Galle is to June 7th. The English Mail packages the Albion could not possibly take.

Melboukne, June 29th.

The Ministerial elections are all in favour of the Ministry by a majority of three to two. The Catholic Bishop (Dr Oooid) issued a pastoral, dictating opposition, " even to shedding blood." It is believed that it had an effect upon the elections favourable to the Ministry. Father Horbett delivered a political sermon at Sfc. Kilda, but he subsequently retracted all he had said, and sent a letter to that effect.

Telegraphic communication, except an interval of 200 miles bridged by horse expresa, has been opened between England and Australia. It is expected that messages sent will be eight days in transit. A meeting of the Tookey Company, Ballarat, confirmed the proceedings of an extraordinary meeting on the 14th, authorising the increase of the Company's capital by 10,000 shareß at £1 10a each, allottable amongst the present shareholders. Pro rata shares are wanted afc £11, but sellers ask £12.

Arrived.— Albion from Wellington ; Prosperity, from Bullet- River ; Gleaner, from Greymouth. The brigantine Belle, was spoken on the 10th inst, at Kent's Group.

Flour is at £16 to £10 10s ; wheat is at 7s ; oats, New Zealand, at 3s Id to 3s 3d. Sugars are firm.


The Speaker of the Assembly ordered O'Connor out of the Speaker's Gallery, on the grounds that he is a cousin to the youth who lately attacked the Queen. It has been discovered that the bodies of Nichols and Lester, before burial > were made a show of in a public-house. The undertaker is to be proaecnted.


The coal miners are endeavouring to get up a strike.

Arrived.—Antipodes, from Dunedin ; Haversham, and Eleanor, from Wellington.

Sailed.—Briton, Camilla, and Heloise, for Wellington; Amhersfc, for Napier; Antipodes, Magellan Cloud.


The Speaker has ruled that the TranaAnstralian Railway Bill, being a private measure, cannot be proceeded with. Wheat is at 5s 9d.


Mbleournb, June 29th. Mr Casey, Minister of Lands, proposes to liberalise the administration of the Department, granting, under certain oon-

dttions, occupation licenses for ground reputed to be auriferous.

Judge Pohlman is unwelL

Tho twenty-fifth anniversary of the consecration of the first Anglican bishop (Perry) was celebrated by an address and choral services.

Lincolnshire sheep, for stock purposes, have been imported by the Yorkshire. Mrs Clarson was summoned for using abusive language towards Mrs Blair, and lined £5 sa, together with costs. It has been sh'^wn that Mr Grant, the popular land administrator, was induced to aid squatters in getting land in contravention of the spirit of the Act


The Government has carried > ho second rending of the Border Customs Bill by a majority of 20.

A rich silver mine has been discovered in the Northern District

Tho mail news has caused a rise in the price of copper.

The Western Railway will be opened-as' far as Bathursfc next weekWool gales are brisk.

News from New Caledonia states that the Chief of the Loyalty Islands 3 with the Catholic missionaries against the Protestant teachers, and luis murdered the native converts.

Hargraves, the first gold discoverer, is petitioning Parliament to bo allowed to have the sweepings of the Mint as a recognition of his public services.

The Cricket Association has resolved to have nothing to do with the proposed visit of English cricketers.

ADK&AinB. Mr Derrington has given notice in the Assembly for the insertion of a clause in tho Licensed Victuallers Act, abolishing barmaids.

Mr M'Donald, who has returned from the Northern mines, reports that there is a vast amount of mineral wealth.

A number of messages are being sent telegraphically to England.

The Government has received an offer from Melbourne for the construction of the Trans-Australian Railway for a grant of ono hundred million acres.


The Queen is at Balmoral.

The Prince and Princess of Wales are still on the Continent, but intend returning homo. The second series of wool sales concluded on the 11th May. The catalogues comprised—Port Phillip, 08,344 bales ; Sydney, 27,590 ; Adelaide, 22,183; New Zealand, 21,588 ; Tasmania. 3031 ; Swan River, 2398; Cape, 1064; sundries, CG3. Total, 160,301. Prices declined, the average fall being 2d for Australian, and Id to l|d for Cape. The market was generally flat. The next series commence on tho 20lh of Juue. 100,0(51 bales have arrived, and th«re are 118,820 bales afloat.

Great surprise was expressed when the Daily News positively announced that the Government would fail on Mr. Faweetfc's motion on the Dublin University Bill. Mr Gladstone, however, escaped the difliculty. The general opinion is that the Government will not last through the session, as the Ministry is boiir* constantly beaten in Parliament. While the Alabama difficulty remainß unsettled, the Conservatives are unwilling toaccoptoflice. A supplementary article has been added to the Washington 7'reaty, declaring that in future neither party shall claim indirect damages in any future war. The Permissive Bill and Ballot Bill principally occupied the house during the month. In the debate upon the latter, frequent reference was made to the working of the Ballot in Australia. Great pains havo been taken to secure seeresy. The first electric message from Australia is expected to reach England in Juno or July. The Tichborne claimant has been released on bail. Ho intends stumping the provinces in order to raise funds for his defence. Ho lately \isited Alresford, where he was warmly received by many persons. At a general meeting of the Australian Mortgage Land and finance Company, held on the 24th of April, a dividend of tO per cent, was declared. The Australian March mails, viii Brindisi, and the New Zealand, viA San Francisco, have been delivered. The prospectus of the London and Australian Steam Navigation Company has been issued. The capital is to be one million, and . the shares £25 each. £20,000 worth of shares have been reserved for the Colonies. The Company proposes to establish direct postal and passenger communication with Melbourne via the Cape of Good Hop*}, and expects to accomplish the passage in 45 days. The Chairman is Admiral $ir Spencer Robinson. An application for A subsidy is to be made to the Government of Victoria.

Since Don Carlos was beaten at Oroquieta, the Spain has been gradually dying out. A Ministerial criflis is shortly expected. The University of Strasburg was reoponed in May with great ceremony. Prince Bismarck is indisposed. The German ambassador at Versailles, Count Arnheim, has had several interviews with M. Thiers, and the most friendly telations are being established.


Gold 114j.

The anti-Administration journals very strongly oppose the passing of the supplementary article in the Alabama case ; but the general desire to settle the question will overcome this. '

Arrivals from Melbourne—Merovingia, Haingic, Avonmore, Golden Sea, Hippolyta, Pbntiac. From Sydney—Sir John Lawrence, Abergeldie, Patriarch, Wm r IDuthie. '

Departures for Sydney—Fiery Cross, Peeress, Baman, Nineveh; Borealis. For Melbourne—Juliet, Ettrickdale, City of Algiers..


The American Senate ratified the Supplemental article of the Washington Treaty by 42 against 9 votes. 21 members were absent. The claims for indirect damages were to be withdrawn, and the formal ratification made on receipt of England's reply. On May 30th, England objected to the amendments introduced by the Senate. Secretary Fish replied that further modifications would not be acceptable. Satisfactory explanations are said to have been exchanged, but the latest news from Washington correspondents to New York papers is to the effect that the1 Washington Treaty is a failure. A sealing fleet of forty-four vessels was . wrecked off Labrador. The crews pe-. rished.

Tlio Df rby was won by Cremorne, brother to Flurry, who came in eecond ; aud Queen's Messenger third. For the Oaks, Rene*, came in first, and Louis second. In a debate regarding the Colonial relations, the Government warmly repudiated the idea of separation ; saying it was the duty of the Government to. defend Canada to the utmost.

Mr Gladstone has explained in the House of Commons that President Grant objected to formally withdraw tho indirect claims,, "but was willing not to press them. Tho Law Officers advise that the supplementary convention fully precluded those claims. Tho present negotiations relate to the actual extent of future obligations. Various speakers in the Sonata advocated the withdrawal of tho claims for indirect damages. Earl Russell's motion demanding that the Government should suspend negotiations until the indirect claims have been distinctly withdrawn, caused an exciting debate. Earl Granvillo viewed it as a motion of want of confidence, inviting the abrogation, of tho Washington Treaty. Earl RubsolL afterwards withdrew tho motion.

The motion for the third reading of the Ballot Bill passed tho House of Common? by 274 to 21G.

The reserve of notes in the Bank of England is lOf millions. The now Governor-General is very popular in India.

The Duke of Argyll is expected to retire soon, owing to ill-health. LordDufferin will probably succeed to the Secretaryship of State for India. The Pacific Islanders Protection Bill has been passed. Bishop Selwyn earnestly advocated it.

Queensland is the only Colony represented at the Exhibition.

Mr Wilson of Canterbury has taken the first prize of the London Art Union.

Mr Mncorthur will move an address to the Qnecn, praying for the establishment of a Protectorate over Fiji. The Polynesian Protection Society denounces kidnapping.

The Admiralty has decided to establish a naval storo and victualling yard .•it Sydney.

A Royal Commission has been appointed to arrange for tho representation of the United Kingdom and the Colonies at tlie international exhibition at Vienna next year.

Mr Russell Gurney has been elevated to tho Peerage.

Horace Greely's prospects for the Presidency are improving.

The American Senate has passed a new Tariff. A reduction is made in the duties on wool and .voollen goods equal to three farthings per pound. The Duke of Edinburgh received a hearty welcome at Dublin.

Extraordinary preparations are beingmade among the London building trades, for a strike. Tho masters threaten a lock-out.

Obituary.—Charles Lever (novelist), James Gordon Bennett (proprietor of the New York Herald).


Australian copper, 113 A. Tallow is steady, spot, 52s 3d to 52s 6tf. Oil is steady. Rape in 11 at. Corn is rising.

The supply of Now Zealand honip continues limited, and the market is still strong, holders being only willing to sell at extreme prices—especially for tine qua~ lity. Kauri gum is in dull demand, ami prices remain unaltered ; well-selected transparent parcels are worth from 80a to 90s; poor, from (Uk to 02s. The flax market is without change. New Zealand consolidated fives, at 101 to 102; sixes, 111 to 110, according to date.

The rate of discount is 5 per cent Money is in active demand. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile, ? to 1 per cent, premium ; New Zealand Trust and Loan, 1/j to 1£ per cent premium ; Otagc* Investment Co., par to ,[ premium.


Arrived. —May Queen (2nd May), from. Otago ; Annie, from Wellington; Ballarat and Venus, from Napier ; City of Auckland, from Auckland ; Shun Lee, from. Lyttelton ; Great Britain and Northumberland, from Melbourne.

Sailed. — Celestial Queen, for Auckland ; Merope, for Canterbury and Otago; Wave Queen, for Dunedin; Halcione* for Wellington.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3250, 6 July 1872, Page 2

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TELEGRAMS Otago Daily Times, Issue 3250, 6 July 1872, Page 2

TELEGRAMS Otago Daily Times, Issue 3250, 6 July 1872, Page 2