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PUBLIC NOTICES 'IK THE ESTATE OF JOHN IKMfOVAN, B»CEASED. ALL Creditors of the laki Mr Jona. l>onov»n, of Lawrence, are requested, to senel In tljeir proofs of debt to Mr William Jl'Bcatb, et Lawrence. JL DONOVAN", Executrix. "XTOTICE IS HEEEBY GIVEN, that JL* the Partnership formerly irabxtetiagr betweea. Hie undcrsigiKHt as Timber Merchants in Dnnedia, under the style of '• Rennet and Weddcrspoon,'* was dissolved by mutual consent on the 11th dajr •* November tot. Dated 3rd July, 1872. THOS. IJEHNET, JOHN WEDDEItSPOQN; JOHN* PAULING. MR J. W. JAGO alone is authorised to Collect nil outstanding Debts du&tolto firm of Itannct and Weddursiwoti, and failing immediate payment, legal proceeding will be Ukcnagcinsft all persons liable. 3jy NEW ZEALAND GOVEItNMKNT LIKE ASSUSfc ANCB AND ANNUITIES. THE Undersigned having been appointed AGENT at Dunedln for the above, it prepared to receive proposal* for the Insuranco ef Lh us and Purchase ot Annuities. GEOKOE W. EMOTI". Oitlce of the New Zealand Klreand Marino Insurance Company. 4|m TN consequence of the late Fire, and until our Premises are repaired, wo .beg to rtfer our Customers to Messrs Cah'ert and Campbell, Princes street. Wo also lx-g to state that we &as« r»inovcd to temporary offices iv Farley's Bu.ildiaj^. , opposite. R. MACLEOD and Co. "O EFERRING to the above, all Orders entrusted, to our care will bo executed wltft promptitude. • 2i)ju CALVJEUT and CAMPBELL im \V. REIC HE L T & CO. Pki.vcbs Stiikkt. Ueg to infoim their numerous Friends and Patrons'* that they have lie-opened their Now Premises with bl Well Assorted Stock of Fancy Ooods and TSojnr, Berlin Wools, &c, and hope for a continuanco of tfbel* favours. BLA c — AND son, " • in returning; thanks to tlioir customers ami. the public generally for the very liberal rapport accorded to them for thy pist nine years, wooftl respectfully intimate that having ireported a Biscuit. Machine from London, with all the latest improvements, they are now in a position to execute orders^ for biscuit* in any quantity, on <i fovv bourn' notico at the lowest current rates. .'. IS. and Son that oy usirijf, an liithofo, nothing but the purest ingredients in tho nu&afoeture of their goods, they will merit a conUnu&actt«Jt past favours. .). BLACK AND SON, MACHINE BISCUIT MANUKACTUREHS. WINK AND SI'IEIT MERCHANTS, BAKKfIS; AND FAMILY CHOCEK4J, Mai.'l.aiiiian Sthkkt, DtiNiiioihf. 3jjP«fiHEAP FARES! CHEAP FxVBES? ExpreJW Lino of Coaches to I'ALITEIISTON Witt le-ivo Bcandinavian Hotel, Miicl.'ikk.ui Ktrcet, Dnikcdin, TUESDAYS, THUJISDAYS, and SATURDAYS, at 11 a.m. ; returning from Koyal Hotel, Palnicrston, MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FR£DAYS, at«a.m. Fare each way 7s Gd. lju ' SMITH and COw LEGAL NOTICE. IN BANKRUPTCY. In the matter of the Conveyance and As»fgamca£° from John Matheton aud Hugh Oracla to John Hamilton and Frederick Nutter. IXJRSUANT to an order of His Honour Mr Justice Chupinun. m:ulc in the above matter on the twenty-third day of November, in the y«*r one thousand eight hundred and »eventy-oue, I hetttT give notice that David M'Kenzle, now or late «t Timaru, in the I'rovlnco of Canterbury, contractor, &t required to come in and substantiate his claim to lie a. creditor of the above-named John MathcKon and Elucte Oracle within three tnonth/f (A tho (lato of thli uotl««. luted this twenty IlrKt day of Juno, In the yeacontt thousand eight hundred ami Bcvenly-tvro. FKKDKKICK NUTTEK, SUiju Trustee In tho estate of Matlibson anil G'tacCo. PRO^ERTEGS TOR BALK ILAWTIiOHNDALE PROPEETY, KAIKOBAJL THE Unsold Sections are now Open for Private Sale, on favourable terms. Apply 22m W. and G. TIJRNBULL and C<r. VALUABLE FRBEHOLD PROPERTY ATTOKOV MAIRIUO FOR SALE. WITH LMirEDIATK POSSESSION. ALL that Parcel of Land, containing by admeasurement 78 acres 3 roods, beingSection . r>B, and iof 57, Block VII., Tokoraalrlrodistrict, with tho Dwelling Howie and Steading mctox thereon, at present occupied by Mr W. i. Dyer. For particular*, apply to Messrs BATHGATE and SHAPTER, 12ju Solicitors, Dunedlm. _- _ - — - TOWNSHIPS OF " WINDSOR," " CALDERVILLK," " COMELY HANKS." Tlie Undersigned are prepared to treat witli parties by pri vato contract, for Sections In each of the abtw*-. mentiontd Tovvnahlps. For plans, terms, and further particulars, Apply to 17jq DBIVEB, STEWART, and Ca •p 0 R S A I* X CRAICJLEITH LODGE, MORNTN«TOjr» «•»- slstlijg of a Comfortable and Well-finished ftv*« roon>ed House, Stable, and Out-houses, with tw<». acres of land, as at present occupied by the iVoprietor, M^r T. IJ. SlMald. A large portioa at ttu& pttrcltase-inoncy can remain on mortgage. Apply to WILL. S. DOUOLAH, 2flju Prince* street _ _ _ _ ~ j^ WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, Tflß HAWKE'S BAY SOAP AND CANDLE WOEK3L The above Works aTe completely fitted up viitk. Steam Vats, Moulds, Jfcc, &c., and liave tvetf c«nvealencc for doing a very large business. Also, A Six-horse power Portable Engine, Saw Eeac&i «**. Fittings, complete. Apply to Messrs WATSON and SONS, High street, Dunodla ; Or, to NEAL and CIX>SB, 2jy * * Napfen. OR SALE—The Lease and Plant of a Fellmonßery Business, in full working owlec and convenient situation. Apply to W. and G. TUENRULL and. Co. 2nd July, 1872. 3*r CRIP FOR SALE, iiT the Heart of Oak Claim, Curricle Kangc, near Cromwell Apply Scandinavian Hotel. Loß7' FOTJND» *** TO POUKD-KEEPEPii AND OTfIEBS. STOLEN or STRAYKD, from FortobeUo, Peain«ulft, Two CLACK FONI>^, aim* flftijen band* Wgh, wdl bred, one ol yhich 6a* --m. wldto blaze down tho /ncu-wciuUimed *<> «^» w-Kether-long tall»-and each brnMtA or nmnbewtwt. tlio neck*. .■ • • ■ ■'<''••'•• ',-.•' If Strayed, Thwc YtmiU Tfcwurd irfU be |»U, for Information tlmt will lead to'tbdr Meomy. If Stolen, Ten Pounds Kewitrrt irltl be p«l<t foe te- , Ormatlon Vbrt may lead to th« ditconr? «f t&* parties concerned. ; ComreewMklStAlw, „ 27j u Hlfibi(bwet»J>ua«diA.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3249, 5 July 1872, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3249, 5 July 1872, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3249, 5 July 1872, Page 3