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i PUBLIC NOTICES r NEW ZEALAND GOVIiRXMKST LIFE ASSUE 0 . A>*CK AND ANNUITIES. Q . —— THE Undersigned having been appointed AOKN'i' r.t Daoedfn for the above is prepared t<» receive proposal* for the Insurance of Lives and Purchase of Annuities. CKOROR W. FXIOTT. Office of the Now Zealand Tire and Marine Insurance Company, iju TN consequence of the late Fire, and until our Premises are repaired, wo ,bejj to refer our Customers to Messrs Oil vert ami Campbell* Princes street. We also beg to state thsi wo have removed to temporary ciiiccn in Farley's Buildings Opposite. K. MACLEOD and Ox TO EFERIUNG to the above, all Orders entrusted to our care win be executed wilt* promptitude. 21»ju CALVKHT and CAMPBELL. npIIE Citizens are informed that the ItaNihitioii to Mr HSJI, asking lit in to standt for re-election, will be presented This Day. Any ratepayer (not having do in1 «■■>) being desirous «E signing the sime, can Ao so, by ca'llnir at the <Btablishmcnts of Mr Isaac, chemist, and MrLowry, bootmaker, Princes street, up to 2 p.m. "pi W. 11 KICU EL T & GO. Vkincils STunrr. Beg to infoim llicir numerous Frknid.l an-t Patroeai that they have Re-opened tKeir Now Promises with at Well Assorted fe'tock of Fancy (loads and Toyr, Berlin Wools, Ac., and hopo for a continuance of, tkeurfavours. T BLACK ~YN~D sFoil7 -' • la returning tbrinks to their customers and the public generally for the very liberal suppor* accorded to them for the pust n!no yeurs, would respectfully intimate that having imported a Bi.icuit Machine from London, with all the latest improvements, they are now in a position to execute orders for biscuits Jn any quantity, on a few hours' notice at tho lowest current rat«:». .1. ii. and .Son trust that by using, as hitherto. nothing hut the pur<Mt iugnidicuU in the manufmv lure of their goods, Uiey will merit n continuance of past favours. .1. BLACK AND SON", MACHINE IiISCUIT MANW KACTURERS. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, ItAKE&St AND FAMILY C.KOriiKH, M.m;i.a<i'ivn Stkekt, Ijijnkmx. 3if f' i 11 E AP FA RES ! C HEAP FAKES F Express Line of Coacltes to PALMERSTON wi,U leave Scandinavian Hou-1, Macl.'ifjgitn street, Dimedin, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and BATUI&DAYS, at 11 a.m. ; returning from Royal UotcL, Palmcrston, MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS,and FRKDAYS, at 0 a.m. Fare each way 7s Od. lju SMITH and CO. LEGAL NOTICE. IN BANKRUPTCY. T^TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN", thaft -Ll an application will be tn/i-lu to Uiq DUtrict Court of the Otago <Mldll«Ms, sluing at Clyde, ci\ Monday, the fifteenth day of July ituUut, or su r.oou. thereafter as counsel cm be hcird in that behalf, for an Order declaring that a Deed of Arrangement made on the fifth day of Juno, 14>7J ( between Kdwarti t.uorge iiyan, of Clyde, in the I'rovlnco of OEago^ Hntelkmtpcr, of the lint part, Itcnjnmin Naylor, of. Clyde aforesaid, Btorokcojwr, of the second )>:urt, <vn& all" the Creditors of llis mid Kdwi»r«l (ieorgo Hyan, at the third part, ha.i been completely executed, in coiuformlty with tho provisions of Part 18 of the Baatonijitcy Act, VsHJ, F. J. WILSON, Clyde, Solicitor for tho Debtor nnd Trustee. nSfoHciß 7s IiEKE B Y~ OTViNTthn* jJI an application will be maile to tho Districts Court nt the Otago (Joldllcld*, Kitting at Clyde, out Monday, tli« fifteenth day of .July instant, or $0 souhl thereafter as counsel can by licard in that Iwhali^ ftw an Order declaring thitt a Deed of Arrangement isiadta on tho third day of April, IH7-, between JamciiCotvnow, of Clyde, in the Province of OUro, farmer, of the firot part, Benjamin Naylor, of Clyde aforesaid^ Ktorcki-uiier. of th« uc-cond part, and all the creditors, of the nald James Conncw, of the third part, has Ueoiv completely exncuUd, in nnnfortnlty with tho prart«ions of Part IS of the- Bankruptcy Act, 1307. F. .r. WILSON, Clyde, Solicitor for tho Debtor ami Trieste*. FROPIRTni^ FOB SAT.X. _ HAWTHOItNDALE PROPERTY, KAIKO&AJE. fTIHE Uiißold Sections aro now Open JL for Private Sale, on favourable tenna. Apply 22m "W. and G, TURN BULL and Co. VALITABLK FRKEHOLD PIIOPKRTY AT T0KOMAllillU; tOll SALE, WITH LMMEDIATIA POiSESMUN. ALL that Parcel of Land, containing by admcaiureraont 78 acres !J rooils, htlmt Section f»8, and \ of 57, Block VII.. TokornAirfr<i>diJ*trict, with tho Dwelling Houno ana Steading crsctcdL thereon, at present occupied by Mr W. J. Dyer. For particular*, apply to lUn&ts BATIK..ATE and BHAFTER, 12ju Soticitorn, XJ-unedto. O R B~ A L B . TOWNS H I P S or " WINDSOR," " CALDEIIVILLi:," A till "COMELY BANKS." The Undersigned are prepared to treat with parties, by private contract, for Sections in each of tho as>ov*menlloncd Townships. For plans, terms, and further particulars. Apply to 17ju BRIVEU, STEWART, aad CO. _ _ _ _ _^ __, CRAKSLKITH LODGE, MORNINCTO3ST, «b~ sitting ol a Comfortable and Well-finished flve« roomed House, Stable, and Out-liotisos, with twxi» acrea of land, as at present occupied by the 'Pw~ prietor, Mr T. B. Sibbald. A larfje portion of me-lurcbatsc-inoncy can remain on mortgage. Apply to WILL. ft. DOUGLAS, 20j v Princes street. XjV 0 E S~~A L E. WITH IMMEDIATE POSSE&SION", rur, HAWKE'S BAY SOAP AND CANDLE WORKS. The above Work* are completely fitted up vdttk. Steam Vat*, Moulds,&c, ftc, aod iuvve every mmvtnlrence for doing a very lcrge business. AUo, A Si.t-horso power Portable Kngino, Saw Is«mcb»ai*4 Fittings, complcta. Apply to Messrs WAI'SON and SONS, High street, Duneiiin ~, Or, to NEAL and CLOSE, 2jy Njqrier. OR SALE—The'Lease and PlauToF a Fellmonßery Business, in full workingotdtec and convenient situation. Apply to W. and «. TtfKNBULL and CS»~ 2nd JnJy, 1572. !$r QORIP FOR SALE, in tho Heaxt of O Oak Claim, Carrick Kango, near. CroamtUtApply Scandinavian Hotel. LOST. FOUiro, &o TO POUKD-KKEPEIU3 AND OTHKBa. OTOLEN or STrTyED, from Porf<*. k5 betlo, Peninsula, Two BLACK TOMES, J*OR» fifteen Imnds high, well bred, one of wWch fow *. white blaze do'vn tho faw-Meujtoined to zwk l»* getlier-long taila-ani each branded orjonmbtMcLaat th« neck. If Strayed, Three Pounds Reward wiß be paJ* n» infoiTOatioix tb&t will lead to their recovery. If Stolon, Ten .Fotu>o« Rewind «fll be paid for toform»tion tluit m&y lend W the dUoomy «« ttk» parties concerneil. ' ." .. AppllCftaOfl^lVilENßY S COTT:' Comr»<weUl Stables, 2/ju Hijhßtiwt,Dww*tau.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3248, 4 July 1872, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3248, 4 July 1872, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3248, 4 July 1872, Page 3