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a \ PUBLIC NOTICES ;. THE DEVIL'S CREEK QUARTZ MINING 4HH t CRUSHING COMPANY, RKGISTJEILBD. ! ALLOTMENT OF SHARKS. '> ". OHABI3HOLDSRS in the above ComKJ pxny are hereby Informed that Mie nutntwt »ff \ tihms »p\>Vtti\ for has been Hllett«i to inch npplJcinS. • l In trrms of tho prospectus, the sum of two shilling* c ] and sixpence per *haro is payable on lilloltnciit, which. [V Amount it mi wired to lx» i»ai»l to the Manager, at th« of Ota t'<jtn|>»tiy, Hoddeu street, Woipttrf, on> ' or before TUESDAY, tho OtJi day of August, IBi'i. ' JAMES M'CAY, ;, Lt'pil Manager. _JW'aJporl,_2<;Ut Jtfn«, IW2. 2Jy r NEW ZEALAND (JOVUnXMENT LIFE AB3UH r ANCE AN» ANNUITIES. THE Undereigntd having been appointed AGKN'T at t)un«d!n for the above, is ' prepared to receive proposal* for tho Insumnco ol 8 Lives aad Purchase of Annrritles. * OROIUiK W. ELIOTT. Office of the Xcw Zealand Fhearnl ' Marine Insitriince Company, 4Ja ' TN consequence of the Into Fire, and 3 until our Premises arc rcp&ircd, we beg to r refer our Customers to Messrs Calvert and Caiapbcll, i? Princes street. a U. MACLEOD aad Co, * "O EFERRIKG to the above, all Onlera a A.\j r entrusted to our euro will be exscnted tritU c promptitude. a 2!>ju CALVKRT Mid CAMPBELL* /~IREAP FARES ! CHEAP FAHES ! Kxprena Line of Coaches to PALMKRSTON wUI leave Scandinnvian Hotel, Mndagjjnn Htrcct, Dun--8 odln, TUESDAYS, THUHSDAYH, and SATUKfc DAYS, at 11 : returning from Royal Hotel. a I'almcrston, MONDAYS, \VKDNIiSDAYS, and Bttlc DAYS, at 0 a.m. Faro each way 7s ft!. a lju SMITH and COu . 3 ■ . — » LEGAL NOTICE. IN BANKRUPTCY. B >' " IN IiANKKUPTCY. i "KTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tTict ' ' JL^I I, Samuel Uojie, of Pancdtn, in Hie Provinco 1 of Otago, clerk, have this day filed, in the office of T tlio Supremo Court of New Zea!;ii;d, Otagoiuul .SoutU- * Lilid District, nt Uunt-diiii n DuclaratloH of InwtVency, under tin; [(revisions of t)i« llaukruptcjr Act, ISG7, and the Uaiikruj.tcy Act Amendment ! Acts. lWWftnd IMO. Datwl this 2nd day of .July, I.k<2. SAMUEL HOYLIT. J Hi IUKKUUPTCY. 1 "TWTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JLi by nil Order of tho Supremo Court of New 5 Zealand. Ougo and .SouUil.itid DiHrlct, of M* dat«, ! Puvid IlfSitderaon, of Dmiwlln, Ot«g«, LitliOKrsyhnr» , ".vrut Ac'jtKSgcd a J'anknipt, Riid V,>i\'. tho iirnt niG«tiu|c of his Creditors will bo livid in tho Supreme Cfl>arS . House, Duucdin, on tho I't'i July instant, tt II o'clock ' in the fcrunuon, At which time the said Jidtilwupt. is i cinlorcd to Hurrcndor. i Dated the Ist day of July, 1872. r. AY. DOWNIK KTKWART, r Solicitor for the Raid David Hendersonf MONET. MONEY.— TO LEND, at 8 per cent., sums from £100 U» £1000, oa Freehold Secivrity ; &Uo, at /educed Interest, buim £20 to £).(M). " WILLIAM DALKYMJ'LK, .Intl., "■ Llc«n?(Hl I^iiul Uroltur, House and Money Ageu&> s' Tl/TONEY TO LEND, on FreahoH t Security, in Sums of £100 and upwards. GILLIES AND STEEET. MONEY TO LEND, on Freehold } Security, oi> fnvourable terms, (n sums to suits [ lx>rrower». Rate of interest, 8 per cent. In cans* where security is declined no charge made. Apply to j CONXKLL and MOODI3E. , Zealand" trust and - IS LOAN COMPANY (LIMITED). f „„,,. Thk Company Is prepared to MAKE ADVANCKS upon FREEHOLD and OTHER SECUKITtKB, ia Sums of £•100 to £20,000, At 8 per Cent. » Every information afforded on Application to t J. C. M'DOW ALL, Manse street, Doaedio. "ONEY TO LEND, in Sums of £100 and upwards, on favourable terms. * Freehold Security, whether under Land Tnuaifer ■j Act or otlienritic. t EDMUKD SMITH. I PBOPEamSJFOE SALIGL___ * IIAWTIIOHKDALE PROP.EUTY, KAIKOKAI. a rfIHE Unßold Scctiona are now Open J.. for Private Sale, on favourable tcrma. Apply = 22m W. and O. TURNBULL anil OjVALUAIJLE FHKEHOLD PROPERTY AT TOKOMAtltlltO FOR SALE, WITIf IMMEDIATB POSSESSION. ALL that Parcel of Land, containing by odraeaturement 78 acres 3 roods, being f Section SS, and Aof 67, Block VII., TokonuUrir?district,, vrltii Uio Dwelling Hou&j and Steading erected thereon, at present occupied by Mr W. J. Dyer. , For particulars, apply to !> Messrs BATHOATK and STIAPTEE, 0 i2ju Solicitor*, Dunedin. »:p O^ i S~ ALE. ° X? TOWNSHIPS ov " WINDSOR." a " CALDKRVILLK," , AND " COMELY BANKS." The Undersigned are prcparod to treat with pwrtfwv by private contract, for Sectiona i» each of the abovomentioncd Townships. Forplana, terms, and further particulare. Apply to - i7j U DRIVUR, STEWAIIT, and COw ;, TDV~O R S^ ~A TT X [! CRAIOLEI.TII LODfiB, MOKNfNOTON, con^ * sUting of a . Comfortable and Well-finished flv«----v roomed Howse, Stable, nnd Ont-houws, with C«m» « acres of land, as at prenent occupied by the Pr«----0 prictor, Mr T. B. Sibbald. A Urge portion ol tha. r. purchase-money can remain oa mortgage r Apply to il WILL. S. DOUGLAS, '1 29ju Princes street. IT^ 6^ R S A £™lg^ * WITH IMMEDIATE FOSSESSIOS". c tub o HAWKE'3 BAY SOAP AND CANDLE WOEK& 2 The airtvo Works ore completely fitted up tilth, J, SUwm Vat*, Moulds, t/c, /;e., nud h*TC every convcnU .. encc for doing a very large business. ). Also, S A Blx-horae power Portable Knginc, fiaw Bopclr, aiu£ S . Pitlings, complete. Apply to irowrs WATBOHT and SONS,. ' High stre<j*,,Dujiedia ; Or, to NEAL and OLOBK, 2jy Kaptor. FOR SALE—The Le«aso andFJjoitoJE v a KclimoDßcry BusincsK, iufuUwovkj'DgojidW and conrenient cituatlon. Apply to. , W. and (i. 'jCUkyiJULL and &o. ft 2nd Jnly, 1872, t '^T « " EDTJOATIONAL. s, . . ■ HIGH 6TBX£X LADXfM 1 SCHOOL, o, ; . —. *" nnUE Third Quarter pF this Scaaioa. of J. bogln«MOKU(Ay,Bth,J«lr.,,- . ' j!j r >■, ~ • «. a. ynuiom. . HE EIST- B. It. "STAISTF^RB, haaj ; a, . , ■ xoftmfortwol?OHLSas.BOAß»l!a«!J» ; ??e* Quarter coamenciMiMondwrj.^yi^^i^; • '. . if fotamtUbOf J«jf **?$£ *•

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3247, 3 July 1872, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3247, 3 July 1872, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3247, 3 July 1872, Page 5