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; BUSINE3S NOTIOES. '. riIHE GOSPEL OAK IRON AND JL CAUVAUIZKD IRON A2TD WIRE COMPANY. ' il IRON' aLVNUFACTURURS ajjo GALVAKIZHB9. 7 First Brand. ) / Second Brand, 7 O. Anchor 0." Masks. { "Eagle," h Fim'QuaUty. ) ( Eaglo yuality. Tbo Gospel Oak is the oldest manufacture of Galvaulted Iron in England. Tho original Galvanized riimenl Iron wait &txi joado at tixnu) Works (n the rear lßli. This Iron obtained tbo Priso Medal for " cxccUeut quiUty " %t. iho Great £xhibiUon of 1802, I it Ixsltig the onlr priio modal awarded In tho Trade t The price it now greatly reduced. Wotkjt-Gospcl Oak Iron Work*, Tiptoo. Mitre Works, Wolrerhsmptcm. Rcgent'a Canal, lituehouse, Ix>nricn. Warehouso—so. Upper Thsmea street, London. | Export office—74, King William »tn»t. London. Hniy "P S. CLEAVER'S -*- • rHIZK JHXUAL HOKB V SOAP. t /'Brown Windsor I Glycerine Cold Cream Soap soaps ' Pttre Gb'cerlno So*p Elder Flower Soap Acid tuid Glycerine Soap. , KA»DKWJIaIBK.IgJ^«-gg«« 1 ' ( Marrow Oil POMADES. i Oy»tal Cream ■_ _, I Exquisite Pomade, &c., &c. 'SAPONACEOUS TOOTU POWDKU, made from Pure Whit* Soap. VIOLET POWDKR. Rowjmarjr and Cantliarldinc Hair Wash. . Toilet Vinegar, and every description of Toilet Soap and pL'rfnmcry. MA.xurAOTOHY: 82 AND 33, RED LION STREET, IKKLBORN, LONDON. 1 Dm'oT—pAßra. oja PATENT WROUGHT NAILS. JJ. OORDES AND CO., • the Pntciitcci and Sole Manufacturer* of tho well-known Patent Wrought Naiis commonly known »

" EWBAKK'S NAILS," desire to make it foiown that they have adopted n BTAU or CROSS m their Tradn Mark, and that all nails now mado and sent out by them, excerpt claip, bear this mark opon thek heads, and that within ever}' package sent from their works iii also placed a card bearing their name and address. Any nails, therefore, which are not distinguished m above must no be confounded with "EWBANJTS NAILS," the qaallty of which is »o well appreciatfld as being far superior to that of any other make. DOS WORKS:—NEWPORT. MOJTMOUTIISIIIIIE, ENGLAND. VARROW~AND HEDLEY'S X SMALL STEAMERS & STEAM LAUNCHES, Built of Wood, Iron, or Steel. 23 feet long, seats for S persons, complete, from £200 to £22fi 30 feet long, seats for 14 persona, coaipiete, from .6315 to £293 37 feet long, «eaU for 20 porsens, complete, from £270 to £300 43 feet long, seals for 30 persons, complete, from £300 60 feet long, seats for GO persons, comploto, from £715 to &m &c. tec. &c. Steamers np to 45 fuel in length can be transported on a ship's deck entire, and ready for immediate n.w on arrival, or shipped in 3 or moro sections. The above may oe used for conveying passengers, carrying cargo, or as tugs. The total working exiKiiwcs of a steamer 43 feel long, amount to 16s a day in England ; tho consumption of fuel being about (Jcwt., and a man and a boy the crew required, Paddlo and Screw Steamers constructed specially for river navigation, having a very shallow draught of water. Machinery Supplied for Boats Built Abroad. VaKROW and HEDLBY, Engineers and Builders, liile of Dogs, Poplar, London. Prospectuses may bo obtained at tho office of Miia Journal. l&ju PORTABLE ENGINES, From 4 to 25 horse-power. THJtASHING MACHINES, Stogie. Double, and Treble Blast, with Patent Rolled Bteol Beater Plates, and all other recent improvement*. Grinding Mills, Saw Benches, Straw Elevators, &c. The STEAM KNGINK TRIALS of tho ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND, Oxford 1870. The FIRST PRIZES of thtashow were again awarded to CLAYTON AND SUUTTLBWORTH. via :~ First prize for Horizontal Fixed Engine of 10h.p. First Prize for Steam Engine with Boiler combined. At tho present Trials of Steam Engines at Bury, 1807, Clayton and Shuttleworth took ALL THE FIRST PRIZ'iS FOR ENGINKB: also a Pris« of £16 for 'iFhrtabing Machines, and the Society's Silver Medal. Clayton and Bliuttlcworth have received I'lnt Prizes at all Trials of the Royal Agricultural Society [ of England at which thov have competed since 18-19. N.B. All tho principal Makers of Portable Bnginca, tec. compete for this Society's prizes, being the only trials In Great Britain conducted by competent and Impartial Engineers, and where tho capability and value of caoh Kngino are thoroughly tested by practical experiments. C. and S. therefore do not comptito at any other Shows. CLAYTON and iSuTTLEWORTII. Haying for the third time msde a Reduction in Prices, revised Catalogues can bo obtained at Stamp End works, Lincoln : 78, Lombard strcol, London And Tarleton street, Liverpool. Free by post. pROSSE AND BLAOKWELL'S \ CELEBRATED OILMEN'S STORES, All Warranted ef Superior Quality. , Pickles, Sauces, Syrups, Jams in tins and Jars, Orange marmalade, Tart Fruits, Dessert Fruits, " Ponsons " Lisbon Apricots and Peaches, Mustard, f Vinegar, Fruits in Brandy and Noyeau, Potted Meats . and Fish, Fresh Salmosi, Oysters, and Herrings, Kip- : percd Salmon and Herrings, Herrings kln Banllne. ' Pickled Salmon, Yarmouth Bloaters, Blackwall " Whitebait, Fresh and Fi«don Haddocks, Pnre Salad " Oil, Soujjs in pint and quart tins, Preseived Meats In *, tins, Peoa, Carrots, Beans, and other vegetables, Preserved Hams and Cheese, Preserved Bacon, Oxford and Cambridge Sausages, Bologna Sausages, York- t shire Game Pates, Yorkshire Pork Pi\tia, Tongues, - Game, Poultry, Plum Puddings, Lea and Perrins Worcester Sauce. ' Fresh supplies of the above and numerous other tablo delicacies mny always be had from most Storkeepem. CAUTION. Jars and bottles should invariably bo destroyed when empty, to prevent tho fraud of rc-tllliug them with native productions. Goods should always be examined upon delivery, to detect any attempt at substitution of articles of inferior brands. Every Cork la branded with Crosse and BlockwcU'g name.. CROSSE ANIf~BLACKWELL, Purveyors to the Queen, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON. At the Paris Exhibition of 1867, Three PrLee Medal* were awarded to Croaso and Blackwell, for tlto marked superiority of their productions, MEDICAL. rT D E J O N G H'S (Knight of tbe Order or Leopold of Belgium) LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL, Unequalled for PURITY, PALATABLENESS, AND EFFICACY. Prescribed by the most eminent Medical Men as Hie safest, speediest, and most effectual remedy for CossuMiTiojf, Djskahkh or rue. Chest, AND DKBII.ITY. " I have every reason to be satisfleri with the bonoIclal and salutary effects of Dr De .rough's Cod Llvisr 31L"—Sir Joseph Ouvirrß, M.D., Physician to the

British Embassy at Paris. "8o impressed ani I with the superiority- of Pr De Jongh's Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil,, that I invariably prescribe it in preferoncc to any other."—Dr Lawmanck. Physician to rf.K.H. tho Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Got La. "DrDi! Jokoii'B Light-Brown Cod Uror Oil has the rare oxcelleuce of being wall bomu and assimilated by itomacha which reject tho ordinary oil*."—l)r Edoak SiiKJ-v.vnn, Phyiidan to tho Colnoy Lunatic Sold only in capgulod ItnjwrUl half-pSnts, jitnts, and quarts, by :01 CliamUU, DnugtiU, aixl Storekeepers. Solo Cutt»!jftitHs, CAUTION. STEEDMAN'S^SOOTHING POWDBRS, for Ch'.Wreu ctittiaK their te«th. i'orclwsers arc Tibiae, wl tc beware of Imitation! of 'th?i. • jntxlirfno, aim! to observo, in every csumj, th-it th! word* " Jolia s> f«edmiiii, chemist, Walworth, Surrey/ ■ are engn^cd on Mie Gororument Stamp affixed to each paclnit, >ithoufc vrhieh nono aro genuine!. Sold by all Chemists and Druggists In Auatraluia, In packets, "TZ>BEKELEY, Sept. 1860.—Gentle"jL# men, I feel it & duty I owe to yon to vxptess fay gratitude for the great benefit I hare derived by * staking ' Norton's Camomile fill*.' I applied to your < Wnt, Mi BeU, BorkelflT, tor the aboVo-nhnlodPUla, rforwindin tba'stomifch,- from which 1 ttuffiSred exenidatlng pain >lotj« length of time, liavlnf;. tried, nearly every remedyrfeescribed, t>ilt without deriving' an^bmefitatall^ffer Uklrig two bottlw of your' valuable Pills, I •waso.uito restored to my usual ftate of health.» Please give this publicity for tho benefit of those who may thus be afflicted.—!, am, Sir, yours truly, Hjekky AXJ.VAm.-To the Proprietor! of woimars camomjxb pjllsl" ,- • , I * -

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3245, 1 July 1872, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3245, 1 July 1872, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3245, 1 July 1872, Page 4