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THE Otago Daily Times. WEDNESDAY, SEMTEMBER 20, 1871.

served. The rale waa discharged without cowta. Jlia Honour also delivered judgt rncnt in Crook v, JP!pcrp<lfoofc and Other*. Tbm wn»> ,'a motion for mi ffljtmction to the defeiufouts ; fr<n» making and co^trocting ; the iJhjmedin aa»d Foil Chalmers Jlail-i^' in, thrttßgh, ,an\i ! over hunt bkou^nglU the jdawK/F, jgn/l ~ 'from coa&trtfetiiig tiit&tfltiray enw waterin '-' "f tiC Ba-id lan<l at Sawyer's Hay, Tin; Si. ""motion was refused with costs. Mr Sfacu- • sey obtained leave to appeal on behalf of the fdaiati&. In consequence of the nonarrival from ChriAtcburch of the defendant - in the case of Larnacb and Another j (M'Glasluut's trustees} .r.r BiM, a postponement won granted until to-dny. Neilson r. , Douglas waa aliio postponed until to-day, , t It was stated by Mr Macassey that the case |: «f:Buntc^o;/Will.«id \Q*bf re /would; ;npt jbe proceeded with. From some remarks mafc . by Mr M'Keay, counsel lor the plaintiff in Fceney v. Richardson,' an action for breach <if promise, fifcSsrcraWappear that"-an amicable Settlement is likely to fofc effected, and therefore a&ihoso ktntisnjg little details geiiwrally' ■ incidental to such cased will probably be withheld from an expectant public. !'■ ■'■■ >'<■ j Mr Wi«t»'has received the following additions to his library by the*mail just 'arrived : 4-" SarehedoH," by "'s. ' Whyie Melville. •'Her Title of Honour," by Holme Lee; f'The Seveu Weeks* War," by H. M. Ilozier; ''Old Margaret," by M. Kingßley ; "inquire Arden/'! by Mrs Oliphant; "■Pinkand: White," by Mrs Iteecbttr Stb'wc; "Old Sir Douglas/ by the Hon. Mrs Nortmi, j An,accident happened to .a. Man-named , Stevenson, at the Kaiiway bridge, Caversliani, at 25 nunate« U> i> o'clock on Monday ifteraoon. .Stevenson, who is hi the employ of Messrs Man-ay, Roiierta, aiifl. Co.; was driving.,a dray and two horses. WhOa pairing nridvr the bridge, the leading horseshied at it, knocking Stevenson down, and one of the wheels pasted over hits Hide and leg. He wail afterwards taken to the Hog. pitaL ; Prom Oamaru iye learn' that tfte-Harbour wnrkii having been partly nospemltsd,; owing to the Provincial (Jovermncnt failing to make tlie progress payments in accordance with their agreement with the Dock Trust, a large public meeting, wan held on Monday night, when resolutions were .unanimously, passed asking the (General Government to intervene and carry on the works. - '\ Many in Dtmcdin will be glad to hear that Mr and Mrs J. B. .Steclo have been playing at the Theatre Royal, tirahainstown, with great success, notwithstanding that; IK6 weather has been very unfavourable They have appeared., in ,'' Macbeth," the f' ' Lady of. Lyons," and "Plot and Passion," and have in every .case had excellent houses. . Mr Murray was to move the, following re. solutions in the House; of Itepreseutatives yesterday ;— (1.) " That it is important that the navigation of the Clutha JUver be improved, and any available information connected therewith, laid, before this House." (%) " That the Crown Grant for the Glufcha liiver.Trust Estate .should be issued without further delay." •. ■ „ i Amid the rumonrs connected with the manipulation of the Auckland share market, some of .a curious character havi reached us< The correspondent of one of the. leading morning papers, :who«<3 letters have always been much read, turns out, it is said, to have been in the pay of a broker whose wonderful gift of prophecy in matters connected with the Caledonian... had.-often been remarked, and won forhiin many new hate aud heavier bets. What with the notion of newnpaper proprietors acting side,.iiewßpaporeorrespondentsand mining directors aud managerson another, and'all with their little "axe to grind " at the public expense, we can fancy that the faith of the Auckland public in their press must liave been considerably shaken. But the best of the stories told is one in which a very famous speculator and director and an equally well'known manager are concerned. The manager was always snpposed bo have been the confidential adviser of the director. During a recent panic, the manager telegraphed private advice to sell. The director took the advice, but his rage, we hear, was like Ropats's;'" something awful," when he accidentally found that the name filled into th«i femsfer was- that of his friend the manager. The story, if not true, is ben (rovato. should obtain currency and belief gives one a poor idea of tlie condition of things engendered by a plethora of'wealth —in scrip. The Lyttelton Times publishes the text of a. prayer for the restoration of the Queen to health, read aloud in Hebrew and English in the Christclnireh Synagogue on" Saturday last. ,: . i .'- ' ~'.'■'. '; Tlie, Evening Post states that a memorandum on the validity of Provincial Ordinances has been submitted to Parliament by the Attorney-General; He takes exception to eleven. Ordinances of the Provinces of Auckland ; six of Taranaki ; twelve of Wel- ; luigton ; ■ nine of; JJelaon ;; nino of Marlborough; no less than twenty-nine of Canterbury ; and twelve of Ofcago and South- ! laud. ' ;"'t "■;', " ! ; Speaking of the return of the Chinamen, ex Joshua Bates, to Anckland from .quarantine in MoWilii Island, the Morning News says :—"The run on the island of Motuihi appears to have done the Chinamen some good. Another death, however, occurred yestemlay. From all accounts the Chinese appear to be great adept* at rabbit catching. Tjheir mode has been to close round tlie animals, hemming them in on all sides. By ' this mode theyjbave bagged fifty at a time." .The formation of a »Sc:itch Volunteer Corps, to wear the kilfc, has been mooted at i Christchurch. i The Alta California of Ist August, has i the followmg £-i**''A' Waiftple of* flax:'grown i iii New Zealand is at present on exhibition at 1 the auction ro^toM of/ Maurice^ VlJore^ aud <t Co. It W!is forwarded by Colonel Haultain. The consignment consists .of 62 of the plants , and a bale of the Uax. We shonld say that our unclaimed tule ialaiuls-Wbald be just the very j)lace for it. * 1?lai Oommission, Wei- ] liiigton, New Zealand, June 10, 1871.—Sir — ' I liavo the honour to inform you that at the ' retjuesi; of the Horu Mr , Vogel 1 have forwarded to .your, atldresa, by, mnil, * which „ carries . this, sixty-two plants of the Manunu ■ and ■ others of tlite' ixj»t j variety' of thd Fliormiiim. '.te'nax ■ i(New ] Zealand flax). Tliey slipuld be planted ) inja, deep moist loam, and if jjossibleby the j side of a. ruuning streaia. A sampkt bale of , the flax, as cnlinarily tlresse<l in the Colony, ; is also forwarded to you, and the Commie- '■ sioners will feel tmidbl" obliged l>y your di«r , trilrating it amongst manufacturers and others who may take an. Interest in the subject.—Yours ; . : ■ >:T. - Haultain.: ToW. O. lialston, Bank of California, San 1 Francisco.' : We mentioned Bume weeks ■ since that Captain Stewart, of Collie, Stew* \ arfi, and Co, ItM manufactured * quantity of * the same flax into cxceUeut r»pe, and there 1

■*j&hi question of Immigration is oae Jriruieh must shortly come up |chfA4w» euxsion in the House of As&^ffygt The present indications are tli&fatJxo&i mf^%^*mimm^^Wc and bor-,¥o,w-ed money will jbje, ~asked, to, be upon this* flibJGefc, which 'will hnvlieiis and rate ofv'fh^tn^L^xation. The m bjeet is, therefore, worthy the serious consideration, of the permanent settlers of the, country, . AU T a^e agreed :> that, tHe prosperity of the"Colony cleperidsjof a considerable extent upon securing a large increase of population by immigration ; but hitlterto no two Provincial Jiave agreed aa to tfe best mode of accomplishing thi« end. It is therefore a matter for conjecture'ok to what Kcheme may be adopted in a House composed of j the repreFWjnfaitives of all the different ! So far as the General Goi ycrnment are concerned, we have some evidence of the'coi'imi they would refcommend. We liave the experimental (shipments from Sweden, which are reported to have proved highly sueceKMftil. S\ich being the result, it is to t»e presumed the Government will recommend that immigrants in'large numbers be procured from the Contiuent. If hot, where was the''use of the experiment at all 1 But it now appears tliat each of these experimental immigrants I has coKt the country about one hundred I poumlH; and it i« -Bcarcely likely that | the Attiembly will ssmction the introduction of Heye.ra : l..thoaHan(iß'ofperßonß Ut any such figure. Then we have Mr Vogkl's Bcheme for the introduction of fen thousand immighints by the niilway contnictorH ui»n the Hystem of deferred payments, or by instalments of XI per heiwl for ten ywirH. We are not distinctly informed as to the class of which these are to Jmj composed, but the surrounding; circumBtitnecK nattmiHy'lead to the conettision that they arc to be railway laJxnirers. %n this cti«e, it is obvious tliat they are jto be introduced "fdir' the benefit of the bulway contractors, and the expense ought to be placed -to the Railway Account, and not to that of Immigration. But it is .believed by^nany that them are at pnwenit in tlie Colony men of this class jbi.mifEcient nmnbws.iwfQrniinulway« througliont the various provinces, |ih cxp&litioiiflly Mit will prove prudent for. these provinces to burden themwives with the expense. If this be the case, it is' evident that Mr VoGKr/s 10,000 men are not required, and that .Jjieir introduction jwould simply have the effect of reducing wages to the starvation point,' Jpiulhig to constant strikes! and disturbances, and probably to the Government being ultimately obliged to pay the exjKmse of their transit to some of the neighbouring colonies. Supposing, however, tliat such a large imporjbation of railway labourere were desirable, it is not at all certain tlmt with the present or prospective rate of wages in the colony, they could be induced to come. They certainly would not doso with the object of saving money by <lay latxnir, so as to enable them to settle down permanently as owners of soil j and if such an object be kept beyond their reach,, how .are they to Obtain a livelihood m'itie "colony after the railway works have been completed ? Tli is question ought certainly to be fully considered before any sucli scheme as that' propounded by Mr Vooel is entertained. So far as this Province is concerned, Mr Maoandrew fully explained Mb scheme during his late election tour; but the manner in which the mention of Cornish miners and stocking weavers wjis everywhere received, leaves little room for doubt as to how the other.members,-would vote ill the event of the scheme being promulgated in the .Assembly.

The truth is that at present the question of immigration to New Zealand is beset with difficulties which -Htmiot easily be surmounted: Beyond female domestic servants, the only classes which ought to be encouraged to emigrate to New Zealand are farm servants and eapifeilists. We want men of the same class as those who came here in the early days of the'Province—-inen who % steadiness and industry, have saved a little money at home, and who came here to establish :a .permanent:home'for themselves and their families, and the "great proportion of whom are now in comparatively independent positionsIt is a fact that such men do not now emigrate to Otago, and for the simple reason that the same inducement are not now held out to them. Really good farm servants are not at present oyer-abumlant in the agricultural districts' of 'Great Britain. There they can find constant, employment, and the difference in the rate of wages there and here is not such as will ever induce this class to leave home and encounter a voyage to New Zealand. The only effective inducement which

cdv be Jield out to them is the easy acquisition of land, the facility of acquiring a permanent interest in tlie soil, whereby ' they can establish a home .excliisiydy their own. Tjnfcil New ZealantT can'"compete with other fields where population is as eagerly desii^etl, neither cheap passages nor an mlvance of wages will ever ; prove of any avail. We may ...form a ■ network of * J*ail ways throughout the lengtli and breadth of the land, but until the laud Itself is- more easily acquired, we shall never induce a stream of agricultural, imraigscants frpm^Gi'ejit Britain.

Contrary to expectation,"noiie of the cases :on the list for trial before common jurora at Hfcbe Supreme Court were heard yesterday. When the Court "was'opened, Hia Honour delivered judgment in Catomore (Trustee of Fuller) t>. Murray. Tbia.waa a rule wi ( calling uiK>n the phuntiffto show cause why the verdict iv his favour should not be entered for the deleudant, ou the ground th*t the' pLuntiffisQot trustee in Fuller's estate. The verdict of the jury was entered by consent lot. Una plaintiff subject to fchc^ucsfcioarc-

present to. support tho policy of tie Government witliout further expL&nation on their part. Mr Trarera appears for tao law Society against Mr Smythies at tho bar of the House to-inoraow. Dr Aforan delivenid a lecture on Education last night to a tfery'largo audience.' On the conclusion of bis- ttsnfarks, ,a vote of thanks, moved by Ihe' Hoii.% Jl' Hall, , and seconded by Mr Haughton, was tic- ; corded hint.

is no doubt that there is an opening for tho gqlow& tnale'Tnih this port'in that <iirecijfojai "*&Xater or later we shall grow it hens e^nsively.* „ Mr Thnraton took his l«nefit at the Princess Theatre last utght The first piece was very amusing; the manner in which La Petite Amy went through the ]Ktrt allotted Inciting1 mirth-provoking In the extreme. ajorf'phe contrived to keep the wero"'"wsii ;'ftHGd. '~' 1 'caane;:Wiigß, L^jPetite iVitty inpfle a capital, though rather diminutive, •' Captain Do Wellington Boote," „ p b make-up, sm^'iSai^^^f the typi^l J^fiM&M&m&S&MQ*^" idUagcbliic^mith^'^dothWspßgs werealsof £*«*"«% a»«l all • his wikwui^riptS •■dt^-j feiven. MrThoraton tHiuiked tltcauiMonce, | royco. : •/ ; ; :v a gfKwl one, for their pttendanc^ and ill <Icn ' -^ letter from Colonel Thompson states ing ro, complained- strongly," aa a military that Ml* Btishy, of the Buy of Isljiukl^, is mimi^f the bfßceis" of the local- Vohm-' d^atL ./, ,1 ~; .■. ; : ; h ... l;J.\ tccr fforoj buying r^ftpofl hims.tfhcir r patKmri> ; Mr Chilmatt writes tlmfc 'several Eilgigo, which, he witi, the officers 'in lish capiisdiats cpntcmx>lat(i sj*jeulatiug in 4 garrison town would have ivccorcled |lie mm suuid. ; him at once, and had done so totis ;On' W i ii i 8 rukoureti that Majoi- Atkiiut^ I iftcrwicce Ml* Thoniftin acted thd piirfc or a i^m'v« »«u:.j« l^a n^. - •■' ; ; i, v •■•■■*, . „ ~ ' ... „ wwl be appointed Conumataoner of Arntod r reuenman very naturally ; and lie, with air >, . t i \V;bit«:aH the Briton, and mr(Mnsgraveaa ■ J the old 'gentleman to who»e d.aughter's' hand ihey-'each-Tispired,"threw the' andienco *at |imeß into perfect/|'oas* OiC laughter. We notice that the theatre company appear at Waikonaiti this eVfening, and afterwoitla ■&% i'almerston, Hftmpden; nnd other places; We hope they will he tmecciiiiful in drawing goodhoiiKCs. ; :;'-. ■/■■*■■ •■';.■;; OH

CiiiilßrcHuiiciT, Septeaiber 19th..

Tlie Cluuiiber of Conunerce have passed a resolution approving of the, proposal of the Government to iiuposu on. import' duty on'cereals, ; /..[ ,'.,' V... .. .'

j An extraordinary general meeting of the O|ago Meat Presfirviiig CtJmpany [will take! j>lace at the coropaiiy'sofliees, Temple (JbamIhst,:- at 'Z.'.iQ this afternoon. The adjonrnedannual general meeting of the company will bo held at tlie samei time and place. ; f? •;

; A meeting of Germans will Iks held at Shepperd's Motels George street, this evenmg at 9. o'clock. ~.; . ;.■ .... • •'■'.,," . ; ; ;:

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3002, 20 September 1871, Page 2

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THE Otago Daily Times. WEDNESDAY, SEMTEMBER 20, 1871. Otago Daily Times, Issue 3002, 20 September 1871, Page 2

THE Otago Daily Times. WEDNESDAY, SEMTEMBER 20, 1871. Otago Daily Times, Issue 3002, 20 September 1871, Page 2