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At no time during the past month has much activity been observable in general business. The demand for goods has been equal to that of the preceding month, and during the whole time a steady trade has been going on, but the operations in the import market have been very destitute of items of interest, and transactions, : hough shewing fairly in the aggregate, have furnished less than the usual occasion for remark. The home mails.via San Francisco, were delivered here on the 23rd instaot but those via Suez have not yet reached our hands, though all the important itemß of intelligence have been received by telegram. The advices, though reassuring, and in most respects, favourable, have had scarcely any effect upon the markets, provoking no speculative enquiry, and causing little improvement in the amount of transactions, while values of goods have not in any sensible degree been affected during the month. The course of prices has been very even, the alterations in quotations being confined to few items, and those of minor importance. Theamouut of imports continues moderate, and Btocks are not, for the season of the year, heavy, nor are there, as previously noted, so many unsaleable goods on hand. The arrivals since the Ist have been the ships Agnes Muir, from Glasgow ; Jessie Headman, from London; Minnie Graham, from Mauritius ? and Whirlwind, from Hong Kong, the latter bringing but little oargo. The month's exports have been lower in amount, grainjjappearing to a very small extent. Ttte ships Marengo and Christian M'Ausland have been despatched for London, the former taking 1400 bales, and the latter 3886 bales wool and a considerable shipment of preserved meats. The money market still works with some degree of stringency, and to this more than any other cause the fewness of operations of magnitude is attributable. Bank rates of discount are unaltered, and ex- ■■ changes close, viz :— filing rates on London at 3 days' sight, 2 per cent premium 5 at 30 days' sight, 1£ per cent premium ; and at 60 days' sight, 1 per cent premium ; on Sydney and the other Australian Colonies, 1 per cent premium; and on Melbourne, £ per cent premium. BREADSTUFFS AND ■GKAIN'. (Free. Rice, duty 40s per ton.) ; The transactions in these goods, particularly towards the end of the month, have not been equal to anticipation. The earlier availability of crops in the northern districts, and the comparatively easier quotations prevailing there, have kept the operations of tmyers for shipment, hitherto, chiefly to those places. Independentof this, the wet and hazy state of the weather has, during the last week or two, kept the farmers bnsy in securing the grain, much of which has sufferred from the unexpected change. For the new wheats there has been a fair demand, improving towards the close of the month. Prices opened at about 4s, but are now worth 2d or 3d more, new and old wheats being about equal in value. Oats have maintained within the last two or three weeks an -even value of about 2s 3d; good old samples realising 2s 5d to 2s 6d. The new barleys have scarcely been offered as yet; but good, malting parcels are in demand, and worth probably 3a to 3a 3d. Inferior feeding lots bid fair to prow, aa during last season, quite a drug. There baa been a fair current demand for flour, improving latterly, some fair sized parcels being reported as quitted for shipment; the value at the mills for current trade parcels Lll. Rice {duty paid) new Patna, L 2 7; Bankok, L 23; dressed Java (small bags), L 25. ALE AWD BEER. (Duty, Is per gallon in bulk, and Is 3d per gallon in glass.) Nearly all these goods continue very light in stock, and it seems now to he understood by home shippers that owing to the excellent quality of the colonial beers, and the disadvantage of the heavy duty, our market haa become incapable of taking off any but very small lots of the best brands of English and Scotch, either bulk or bottled, and that second-rate goods command no sale whatever. The late moderate sales show market values to remain about, viz.:—(En bond) — Baßs and Maman'e, bulk, L 7 to L 7 lfla ; Ales in glass—Tennent's. (scarce) 9s; Jeffrey's, 7s ; Arroil's, 8s j; SPendreigh's, 7b 6d ; I Younger's, 7s 6d. Stouts (in glaas)—Blood's, 8s 9d ; Edmond's. none .j Byass's, 8s 6d j Byasa's extra stout, 9s 6d. PROVISIONS. (Duty, Id per lb.) like the preceding goods, tho consumption has fallen to a minimum, and no business can be recorded in any description of imported, except the quittance of a few packages of English hams at Is 4d to Is sd, for which a moderate demand is maintained. Colonial provisions are this season in full supply, and shipments of Canterbury oheese have of late been beyond requirements—holders offering at s|d to fid without tttecting much in the way of sales. Good parcels of Northern butter are worth 74d to B|d. . Well packed parcels of hams and bacoa are quoted at 9£d to lOd. oilmen's stokes. <Duties—chiefly 2s >6d per cubic foot.) By late arrivals the market haa been well supplied with all descriptions of these goods. Early in the month some moderate shipments were moved by importers, but since then If ss has been doing, and the market closes with a dull demand for all except one or two items. Quota1 ions for the brands chiefly in favour, are, viz (duty paid) Pint pickles, chief brands, 10s 6d to 11r 6d; jams, lib, assorted. 9s; do, colonial, 7s to 7s 6d ; sauces (half-pints), assorted 7s 3d to 8s ; ditto, Lea and Perrin's. 12s 6d ; bottled fruits, 14s to I 14« 6d ,- salad oil, pints, 11s to 11s 6d ; ditto, half pints, 6s 9d to 7s; castor oiL pints. 9s 3d ; ditto, half-pints, 5s 9d 5 mustard, Colman's, lib, 12s 6d; ditto, £Ibs, 7s 6d ; do, large tins, 9d to 9|d ; Colman's starch, white and blue, 4-^d; thumb blue, 9d ; cocoa and chocolate (Tay!or's), Is 4rt ; vestas. B*U and Black's, 250's, 2ls ; do, Palmer's 250*, 2ts ; Austin's 21s; \ plaids, 6s 3d ; Dowler's. 250's, 21s; sardines, halves, 12s ; do qrs, 7s 6d to 88 ; salmon, libs, 13s 9d to 14a ; oysters, 9s 6d ; lobsters (none) ; Hag, 54d to s%<i ; herrings, in tins. 30s per doz ; do per half-barrel, 28s to 30s. DRIED FROITS. (Duty, Id perils.) At the present time there is usually only a limited demand for any of these goods. There has, however, been a fair enquiry both for currants and sultana raisins ; and while both of these items have improved slightly, quotations for all others are made with scarcely any alteration. Duty paid values are : Currants. sd; raisins, Cape, 4|d; do, Elemes, 4*d to sd; sultanas, 7d; muscatels, lid ; almonds (Jordan), 2s; soft shell do, lOd; Barcelona nuts, 6d; dried apples, 7d ; confectionery, English and Scotch, lOfd to lid. BUILDING MATERIALS. (Duty on Timber, Is per 100 f t; on Galvanised Iron, 20s per ton.) In timber, import houses have not been, doing anything worth speaking of, dealers h&v'uig for some time past been, heavily

stocked, and caring little to buy. The latter have however experienced af air month's trade, and with a little further working down will probably be disposed to more extended purchases. For all kinds of New Zealand timber a greatly increased demand is experienced, and to some extent these woods are superseding imported kinds. In metals some business has been doing, mainly Id galvanized iron of English makes, sales of which are reported at an (.dvanco of from 10s to 20s upon recent quotations. Slocks are light and held firmly. Fencing wires are without attention, and the demand at present insignificant For bar iron the demand has been steady. Slates are in but limited demand, and cement still hangs heavy upon importers' hands. Closing values, duty paid : —Morewood's corrugated galvanised iron, none; Gospel Oak, L 3 2; Tiger, L3O ; Eagle, none; Smith and M'Ewen's Scotch, L 27 ; sheet lead, L 29; fencing wires, Nos. 4to 12. Ll6 to L 22 ; Baltic deals, 9 x 3, 4d to 4£d. firm ; do, white, 3fd to 4d ; Scotch flooring, 1£ inch, 20s, other sizes in proportion; American lumber, L 9 to L 10; clear pine, Lls to Ll6 ; shelving, Lll j Oregon, L 7 to L 7 10j ; ■countess slates, LI 2 10s ; cement, 18s, nominal. SPIRITS. (Duty, 12s per gallon.) During this, as during the previous month, the market has been very languid, importers generally holding for higher rates than buyers were disposed to give. Business, therefore, in the import market has been limited to sales of small lots for absolute requirements. Brandies just maintain late quotations. Hennesay's and Martell's case are scarce, as indeed are all brands in case, and commanding high rates; Genevas are moving in moderate lots, at 13s to 13s 3d for JDKZ. Ruma and whiskies are alike difficult to <juit in parcels at present. Quotations, in bond :—Hennessy's pale, in Vulk, 7s 6d to 7s 9d; do, in case, 31s 6d to 325; Maxell's 7s 6d to 7s 9d, and 31s 6d to 32s ; Otard'e, 7a and 29s <?d; Marett's, «3 6d and 20s; Renault's (none); Champagne Vineyard Proprietors, 6s to 6s 3d ; Associated Vineyard Proprietors, 6s 3d and 235; rums, 10 0.p., 3s 9d ; 30 0.p., 4s 3d; Whiskies, Long John's, 6s, and case, 16s ; Dunville's, 5s 9d to 6s, and 17s ; Campbelltown, 5s ; other brands, 4s 3d to 5s ; Geneva, JDKZ, 13s to 13s 3d ; Old Tom, 14s 6d. WINES. (Duties, 4a per gallon.) Only light parcels of any of these goods have been quitted during the past two or three weeks ; the demand for light wines has ceased, and the business under observation confined to a few small lots of ports and sherries. The approximate quotations for fair wineß of the respective classes are, viz :— (In bond), Ports of superior description, L 65 to L 75 per pipe; ditto, medium qualities, L4O to L 5 5; ditto, common, L2O to L 3 5; fine sherries, L7O to L9O per butt; ditto, medium, good, L 35 to L6O ; ditto, common sorts, L 25 to L3O; clarets, common, 12s 6d to 13a; ditto, good, 20s to 355. TOBACCOS AND OIGARS. (Duty—Manufactured, 2s 6d per lb; Sheepwash, 3d per lb; Oigars, 5s per lb.) For most of these goods the demand has been steady, but moderate only in amount, no particular item being distinguished as specially enquired for or by any alteration in value. Bates in bond are about as follows :—Barrett'a anchor twist, (none) ; first quality twists, Is 5d to Is 6d ; other twists, Is Id to 1b 2£d; lumps aromatic, Is to Is 3d ; fancy, Is 3d to Is 9d; good dark quarters and tens, Is to Is4d; cicars, real Havanafes, L 6 to Ll4; Manilas, 72s 6d <no sale); Trabucos, 45a to 555; Ormond's Swiss, 33s to -355. TEAS. (Duty, 6d per lb.) Sales during the early part of the month, though generally confined to trade parcels, constituted an average business. The de scriptions mostly quitted—ordinary congous at about Is 2d to 1b 3d, and good middling at 1b 6d to Is 8d ; very low qualities neglected. Prices for both the preceding season's stock and for parcels of new arriving, via Melbourne, being fairly maintained; but the expectation of farther heavy direct arrivals of congous restraining large buyers. Two or three days since the intelligence reached here of the stranding of the ship Hindoo, bonnd for this with a heavy cargo. This has affected the market to firmness; but inasmuch as the damagehas not been ascertained, and the bulk of the teas will probably reach here in either a sound or damaged state, nothing further can be said at present than that the market closes firmer. Hates '■(«& bond), vizt—-Low congous, lOd to Is Id; ordinary kinds, Is 2d to 1r -sd; good ordinary to medium, Is 5d to Is 8d; good meciuna to fine, Is 8d to 2s 2d ; fine ihysonsy 2s to 2s 3d • pekoes, Is lid to 2s 3d. Coffees—duty, 3d per lb—Plantation, lOd to lid; native, 7d to Bd. Chicory, 3d j duty, 3d per lb. SUGARS. (Duty, $b 4d per cwt.) The sugar market has shewn considerable activity during the whole month, supplies about keeping pace with the demand. The transhipped cargo per Havilan, noted in our last as in importers' hands, was shortly afterwards offered by: auction, and then and privately afterwards disposed of at from 30s to 40s per ton upon preceding rates obtained atauction. On the 23rd inat.theMinnieGraham from Mauritius reached this. The cargo still remains in the importers' hands. The latest ; advices from Mauritius allude to the prospect of sugars still further advancing, and of their remaining high for some time to come. Closing values in bond are eb follows:— Finest white crystals, L 42 to L 4 3; second white do, L 39 to L4l ; good pale yellows and greys, L3B to L4O; fine counters, L 36 to L 37 10s ; browns, L 32 to L 3 4; English loaf, L 5 4; do, crushed, L 46; Victorian refined, No 1, L 46 10a • do, No. 2, L 43 10s. SUJSKRIES. Candles (duty Id per lb).—The firm aspect of the market at the date of last report was not fully maintained, holders shortly after accepting of slightly easier rates, ranging from lljd to Is, according to brands. A fair extent of business has been done during the month, and the market closes with the trade supplied, and values (duty paid) viz :— Brandon's, ll|d to 11 ;De Koubaix. extra, ll^d ; Belmont's, lljd; reatNevaa, 12|d. Soap (duly 2s 6d per cwt).—At the following quotations onr local manufacturers experience a fair amount of business, the demand not being confined to the consumption of this province. There are not now any stocks of imported soap, and the following rates are only for Dunedin make, viz. :— Finest qualities, L 26 to L 32 ; middling, L2l to L 2 2; household, LI9. Salt (free). —For current trade parcels a demand has been maintained, but beyond this there has been nothing going forward ; parcels of fine and coarse are worth 355. Soda Crystals (duty 20s per ton). — Stocks in this' place have now decreased considerably, but owing to the heavy stocks still on hand in Melbourne, and the low prices ruling there, very little improvement in value has taken ploce; however, it is likely that something better than our preBent nominal quotation of L 8 to LS'los, duty paid, will be shortly obtainable. Malt (duty 6d per bushel). —It is impossible to refer to any considerable transactions in malt lately, brewers having generally well stocked themselves during the preceding month or two. Stocks in first hands are not now, however, heavy, aad the market is tolerably firm at quotations. Closing values, duty paid, 9s to 9s 3d. Hops (duty Id per lb). —Sales of new shipments (1870) have been reported during the month at a range of from Is 3d to Is 6d, but the latter rate is not now obtainable for the most superior lots. Of the older parcels in the market it has been more than ÜBually difficult to make sales, and only by submitting to very low rates has any clearance of these been effected. Closing values, duty paid, are:—Prime new Kents, la6d: Sußsex, Is 3d; old parcels, nominal. . . Kerosene (duty, 6d per gallon),—Shortly after the^ date of oar last the arrival of the Robert in Melbourne (the, protracted passage of this !7esßQl had tendered it wnHkety

that she would arrive), was announced a. large part of the cargo being destined for thig. port. The market, which up to that timejhad considerable firmness, immediately loafc its tone, and shortly afterwards holders submitted to a reduction of 6d per gal. upon;, previous quotations. No large sales have been recently effected. Holders at present* quote 3s in bond, at which price trade par., eels have been quitted. In fivour of the market is the fact that the consumption is. now at its greatest, and this may prevent much further alteration. Oils (duty, 6d per ga'lon). —la these goods a moderate business has been done. Linseeds have slightly improved. Castors rather lower. Colza and other descriptions without change. Values, duty paid, viz. :— Linseed, boiled, 4s 6d ; raw, 4s 3d; colza, 5s 6d to 5s 9d ; castor, 5s 9d to 6s. Biasting Powder (free). — In this itens there are no sales of any extent to report.. The quotations remain—Hall's 9d; Curtis and Harvey's, S^d ; Kamea, B£d.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2854, 31 March 1871, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2854, 31 March 1871, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2854, 31 March 1871, Page 3