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Per Flying Squirrel, for Oamaru: Lot coal, Clark and.Co.' , '•.,,;' „-.;..,-'■.'.', '■! ■■..'.'• ,-.,,--"-

" Per Beautiful Star,:. For Timaru—B6 pkgs, Turnbull and Co; 23 hhds; 1 tank, Marshall and Copeland ; 17 pkgs, Briscoe and Co; 15 pkgs, Cargills and M'Lean; 7 hhds, Burke; Ibag, Ramsay; 2 pkgs, Elworthy; 3 do, Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. For Lyttelton—ll pkgs, Dalgety, Nichols, and Co; 6 do,Sargpdd, Son, and Ewen ; 30 do, Marshall andCopeland ; 9do, Hawerth; 1 do, Scahlan Bros ;10 do, NeiU and Co; 1 do, Butterworth'Bros ; 33 do, Fish and Son; 40 boxes, Dick ; 3 pkgs, Heymanson, Low, and Go; 15 cases/ Kempthorne, Prosaer, and Co; 11 do," b Turnbull and Co. For Akaroa—s cases, Joel; 1 cask; Howden; 13 hhds, Burke; 3 do, Marshall and Copeland j 3bagßji Maekerras.,.


{prom our own correspondent. }

Lyttelton, January 28th. ■■-• Arrived.—Lord Ashley, b.b., from WeiJington, 9 a.m. .- ;. ■■■'..

Wellington, January 28th. Arrived.—Phoebe, s.s., from Lyttelton, noon.

_ Sailed.—Camille, barque, for Newcastle j Rangitoto, s.s., for Lyitelton; Rangatira, s.s., for Napier.

The a. s. Stormbird arrived in harbour from Lyttelton and intermediate ports at an early hour on Saturday. Remained at the Port for a short time, and then proceeded to Dunedin. She is announced to sail this ■evening for Southern ports according to terms of her Government subsidy. ,Thep.s. Wallace arrived from Oamaru at 6.30 p.m. on Saturday, with a goodly number of passengers and a large cargo of produce. The s.s. Beautiful Star sailed for Lyttelton and intermediate ports late on Friday ■evening. ■ ■ ■ _The schooner Caledonia, from Oamaru, with a cargo of wool, arrived late on Saturday night, Thes.s, Maori put in her appearance at 1.30 p,m. yesterday; and berthed alongside the ship Otago, for the purpose of discharging the wool portion of her, freight. Her passengers, including our defeated cricketers, were at once conveyed to Dunedin by the Company's steamer Golden Age. The Maori left Lyttelton at 2.30 p.m. on the 27th, aud arrived at Akaroa at 7 15 p.m. ; left there at 8.45 p.m., and reached Timarn at 7.30 a.m. on the 28th. discharged general cargo and loaded npwithwoolandeailedatri 30p,m. Called at Oamaru to land!passengers, and left there at 6.45 a.m. yesterday, from thence h»d stormy headwinds to arrival, We are indebted to Captain Malcolm for files.

The Circular Saw Company's steamer Lord Ashley arrived from., the North at 450 p.m. yesterday with a large number.of passengers, including several' notable clerical gentlemen, the names of whom appear in our passenger list. The Golden Ape having returned from town, took her mails and passengers to Dnnedin; The Ashley left Auckland wharf at 6.30 p.m. on the 23rd inßt. ; arrived at Tauranga at 8 a;m. on the 24th ; left again same day at 1 p. m. ; rounded the East Cape at 2a m. on the 25th ; put into Tologa Bay at 7 a.m., landed passengers ; left again immediately and arrived at Napier same evening at 6 o'clock 7 Left there at 11.30 a.m. on the 26th, and arrived at Wellington at 7 a. m. on the 27th ; left same day at 3 p.m., and reached Lyttleton at 9 a.m. on the 28sh ; sailed again at 6 p.m., and arrived as above. Captain Andrews kindly handed us our regular Northern files on arrival.

The tihip May Queen, the third wool vessel of the season, sailed for London on Satnrday evening. She was towed to sea by the tug Geelong, and left with a good offing and a light fair wind, which yesterday increased 6o a strong breeze, and will probably carry

her to the Horn. This fine start augura well for a steady passage home. The ship Christian M'Ausland has made a good commencement in the discharge of her cargo.

lhe ship City of Dunedin, having got rid ■■] of her powder, will be moved up to-day *o a J higher berth. " 7- rr\

-The Lord Ashley passed the ship Charlotte Gladstone, from London to Canterbury,' off the Waitaki, at an early hour yesterday morning.' The barque Union, from Newcastle, with a cargo of coal, arrivedat the Heads yesterday morning, and was towed up to a berth alongside the hulk California last night. The barque has made a good passage of 11 da> s. On her upward run from here she encountered a terrific S.E. gale on the New South Wales coast.


Daily Times Office, Saturday Evening,

The amount of Customs Revenue revived to-day on goods cleared ftnr oonsompdon was as follows, viz. :—

-.-.£■ s. d. £ s. d. Brandy ... 23 5 5 Tobacco... 20 7 6 Wliisky ... 34 11 2 Tea ... 16 10 0 Geneva ... 59 10 8 Sugar ... 18 15 1 Beer (btld) 12 10 0 Sundries.,, 41 14 9


~£229 4 9

Although oh the whole a fair amount of i business may be said to be doing, there is littleindication of activity:on the surface; and in the import market more particularly, an absence of anything special is to be observed. The majority of .buyera. are s just now limiting themselves to parcels of small size, and transactions of this; kind afford little occasion for remark. , In the. absence, therefore, of more noticeable features, we can only refer to. the greater steadiness which is observable in trade,,: and to the satisfactory effect wbich the latest European advices iwiU belikely .to have upon business generally. ■ During the past, few days, few sales of magnitude!have pired.■," tn ail tbe: liquids the market is with-}out;<fenge,ahd-traiaßateti6ns^msill. Holders :of imported malt liquors are only-quitting jby a few packages *t a time. \ The improved ; enquiryfor some descriptions of wines pre- \ viously noted; has {subsided^ ■ ancLwinle' all ! tbesei goodsi .ate;duil, 'spirits: are also very {quiet, and since the receipt of- the-mails ; Hennessy's and Martell's brandies have been 'quoted without alteration. Business has ibeen doing in teas both for town -and .coastj wise' requirements j. ?ome., fair sized pa^^ls of | medium to .fine congous moving l rom-' fi» si I hands.: ; There lays ~^q beea^ :sales of sugar at ihaihtaihed rates, though in consequence of the opportunities buyers have I recently had. at auction, this article is _ again quieter. Building materials have not i ituproyed in value,, only trifling sales of tim- ■ ber or of galvanised iron have occurred ■;■' but i there seems to'be' K)me:proape<it of a better trade shortly. ' Candles have been placed rather, more freely, at last quotations. . Salt has also been quitted to a better extent, the more moderate supplies improving-the value. An entire shipment was quitted a day or two since, the price not transpiring, but holders ; now ask L 5. As yet the demand for cornsaeks has not been much greater, but prices are firm. ; In colonial provisions, we note cheese as over ; supplied, and difficult to move. Northern butter is not enquired .for, but good parcels of colonial hams and bacon are rather scarce. The grain market has, in consequence of late Melbourne advice's, gained something ih firmness j but flour, though apparently rallying at first, has not settled down to any better figure. Quotations vary from Ll2 to Ll3, : the latter the current rate for parcels of the best town made. .Good grinding wheats are quoted at 4s 9d to ss;: demand moderate. Barley without improvement. Oats, 2s 9d to 2s lOd. There has been a littles enquiry for - shipment at rather lower rates, but no business has been heard of. In the auction 'marts there have also been few staple goods of any kind offering, and no transactions -of any importance.;'"'''■'.

Messrs Wright, Stephenson, and Co. report, for the week ending 28th January, 1871,: as follows .:—

Fat Cattle.—Although none were yarded this week, the trade are well supplied, several lots which had been sold for forward delivery having come forward. Prime quaUty beef may be quoted at 17s 6d per 10&lbs; ciiddlmg do, 15s. 1"7-'7a1. '■' Fat Sheep.— We are unable any advance in price, the steady arrivals checking any movement in that direction.' We sold at auction 200 fat ewes, middling quaUty, at 4s 6d each, and 150 inferior wethers at same figure ; also, 600; fat wethers, delivered on station, at 6s each; and 1800 do, for forward .delivery, at .l|d per lb. These prices may be taken as current market rates.

Fat Lambs;— We sold at auction 208;----ihferipr to good quality, at K i rom; 4s fid to 7s 6d each.

Store Cattle.—No transactions.

Store Sheep.—We have, several enquiries for 4, 6, and 8 tooth Merino and half- red wttaers and Merino ewes. We sold for for delivery 6000 full mouthed Merino ewes at 3s each. We quote 4, 6, and" 8 tooth Merino wethers, 4s to 4s 6d each, according to date of delivery; half-bred Htto, 4 and 6 tooth, 6s to 6s 6d; Merino ewes, 4 and 6 tooth, 4s ; ditto, full mouthed, 2s 9dto3s; mixed half-bred lambs, 4s 6d to ss.

Country Sale.-Hon Friday, the 27th Inst.* we held, at Hampden, a of freehold land, &c, by order of the executors of the late Mr John Young, when the following were disposed of:—Section 63, Block X.,: Moeraki district, at L 9 10s per acre; sections 64 and 67, at L 8 5a per acre ; sections 87 and 88, Block IL, Otepopo district, at L 3 per acre ; J-acre sections in the townships of Palmerston and Herbert, at L 8 and L 3 5s each respectively ; also horses, dairy cattle, agricultural implements, &c„ at satisfactory prices.

Horses.—Good heavy draught colts and fillies are still in brisk demand. We quote first-class draught horses, L 45 to LSO ; middling .ditto, L 26 to L 3 2; good hacks and light harness horses, LlB to L 22 ; middling 'ditto, LlO to Ll4; inferior, L 5 to LB. : Wool.—The telegrams received via Suez are most satisfactory, and as there seems every prospect of the difficulties between England and Russia terminating peaceably, we may now look forward to some improvement on the prices obtained at the November sales.

'Grain.—We have no change to report in values. Wheat—Good milling samples arp worth 4s 6d to 4a 9d; inferior,, unsaleable, except as fowls' food. Oats—Demand limited. We quote feed 2s 8d ; milling, 3s; barley, unaltered.

Messrs Driver, Stewaet, and Co., report for the week ending, 28th January, as follows:—

Pat Cattle.—We have to report continued du'lness in the market. None have been yarded during the week, but the demand has been fully met by BuppUes brought forward privately. Our quotations are, for prime quality, 17s 6d to 18s 6d; medium, 15s per lOOlbs. '

m Fat Sheep.—The demand is still exceedingly limited, and but few sales have been effected. Quotations un&ltered. Store Sheep.—We have frequent enquiry for half-breds and merino wethers, and have to report the following sales, viz., 5000 4 and 6-tooth merino wethers at 4s 3d, and 3000 2-tooth do, at da 9d each. Half-hreds would

command high prices, but there are none offering, and no transactions have transpired lately on which to base quotations. Store Cattle.—We have little or no enquiry for this class of stock, and no sales to report. v. Wool.—Our second wool sale of the season was held at our warehouses on Wednesday last. The result has been already published. . :- "-"■•-. Flax.—Some superior parcels are now coming forward, but there is no local demand. Annexed is the report of our London agents, Messrs Miles Brothers and Co., of date 2nd December. The fourth and last series of colonial wool sales for the present | year commenced on .27th October and ter- | minated on 29th November. Of the quan- ; tity catalogued—viz., 171,606 bales—l2,ooo 'bales have been withdrawn, and with the •parcels held, over, a total of about 50,000 I bales will remain for next sales. The attendance of home buyers during the series has been considerably above the. usual average, and although there was no French competition, there has been a fair demand for German, Austrian, and Belgian account, the quantity taken for export amounting to nearly 30,000 bales. A. long.period having elapsed between these and the preceding sales, severalpurcbanes were made privately, and at the opening stocks on hand were light. Prices at the commencement shewed a decline upon all descriptions compared with the average of July sales. Combing wool was ih good demand throughout, and sold at ,Id reduction ; and lower and short descrip- ! tions shewed a further decline. Competition : throughout the series has been brisk, and i although prices weakened so soon as the • urgent wants of the buyers were supplied, ; yet as the sales progressed they rallied, owing ■to considerable orders which came forward j for the home trade, which in time of peace i would have found their way into Continental : hands; and at the termination prices shewed i increasing firmness. New Zealand Max.—This article has come i more into use, and prices are gradually imj proving. Good medium to fine qualities are ;in demand, and sales have been made at up >uptoL4 per ton above our last, quotations. I Half dressed and common sorts are, hqiwever, iin less request, and have only- advanced 20s !to 3ps"per ton. The quantity in importers' jhands ib smalt Prices; current :-f-V<3ry good to.fihe, L 33 to L3B; good mediumV L26to ! L3O ; middling, L 22 to' L 24 ; gbod~ common, - jLlßtoL2o; rough, Ll4 to LI6. - ; ;

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2802, 30 January 1871, Page 2

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EXPORTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2802, 30 January 1871, Page 2

EXPORTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2802, 30 January 1871, Page 2