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MEDICAL, J)B. J. C. AT■ B . R a - CELEBRATED, MEDICAL PREPARATIONS May be obtained of all Chemists and Sterekospa throughout the Colony, AVER'S CATHARTIC SUGAR COATE© PILLS, (IN GLASS BOTTLES). These Pills contain every medicinal property desirafci. for the cure of Indigestion, Costiveness, Headacfefc.. and Livar Complaint. AVER'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. One of the most effective Alteratives ever product for Purifying the Blood and invigorating the systea* and the Cure of Scrofula, Ulcers, Humours, Com®. - tions, Blotches, Erysipelas, and all Skin Diseases. " Affections of the Heart, Liver, &c., Dyspepsia*. Dropsy, Eheumatism, General Debility, and Femala Disorders. • . *""*" The above being purely a medicine, and' not ft... beveraste, one bottle is far more efficacious than as©Sarsaparilla hitherto offered to the public AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, An Anodyne Expectorant, and reliable Antidote ftSN Consumption, Colds, Coughs, Bronchitie, Astisma^ Whooping Cough Croup, and all Palmonary Diseaa , AVER'S AGUE CUBE. A most efficient remedy in Ague, Chills, Eever, Psafc> dical Headaches, Bilious Affections, and Derasg<smea&--of the Liver. AVER'S HAIR VIGOR FOB: ' > . ' RESTORING THH NATUEAL VITALITY AEBCOLOR OF THE HAIR Is not a Dye, nor does it possess any coloring maStes. or offensive subßtance •whatever, 'neither will't rgffi , the most delicate fabric, hut is an agreeable frasy. ing to the hair; promotes ita luxuriant growth, gftisg... it richness and beauty, removes Baldness, and lnyeafc ably restores FADED OS GREY HAIR. to its original colour. The above elegant preparations have loag beasi strongly recommended by the Medical Profea3i;m,afi& com mand a : world 'wide reputation, which is BnfllcieoS guarantee of their utility and genuineness. Ayer's Almanacs, containing instructions e» ■ '■'■ treatment of all classes oi_disesses, may be had graSS'on application. Wholesale Agentß for New Zealand? ~. .'.'.'■ P. HAYMAN AND CO., IMPORTERS AND GENERAL fMESOHANIH, High stbeet, Dunbdin. ...... all who suffer from indigestion should ,usb ■''";■ CAMOMILE PILLS* . , . . •.! : Sold everywhere. ' Bottles, Is Ijd, 2s 9<3, and'lls. ' ■ ' CAUTION. "..... ,' -' QTEEDMAN'S Soothing Powdbbs,. kJ for Children cutting their teeth. Purchasers aiarequested to beware of imitations of this medicine, auSL to observe, in every case, that the words" John SteeS'' man, chemist, Walworth, Surrey,", are engraved ea the Government. Stamp affixed to each packet, withoai' i which none are genuine. ■ _ Sold by all Chemist and Druggists, in AustealaßW in packets.' : ' . 2Sfi ■ K EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES:-: Upwards of fifty yeirB 1 exper encehas fully coa- - firmed the superior reputation of these Lozenges,' i*.. the cure of asthma, winter cough, hoarseness, short* ness of breath, and other pulmonary maladies, Bold in boxes, tins, and bottles of various sizes. KEATING'S CHILDREN'S WORM-TABLES." ■ A purely vegetable sweetmeat, bsth' in appearance - 'and taste, furnishing a most agteeable method of ad- - mini-tering a well-known remedy for intestinal esr - thvead worms. Is i« a perfectly ssfe and mild preparar tien, and is especially adapted for children. .•' .Bold in tins and bottles of various sizea. ' ■ . KEATING'S PERSIAN INSECT DESTROYING v POWDeR, ThU Powder is quite harmless to aninnl?,bnt mirivalled in destroying fleaß. bugs, emmets, flies coofe-> ■ roaches, beetles, gnats, mosquuos, moths in furs anft-v every other species of insects. ' ». Sold in packet, tins, an'i bottles o! various size*. B3T CAUTIaH.—The public are requested to ob-'; serve that all the above preparations bear thetrad*Sold by all chemists and druggi&ts. ' : ' ". Wholesale agents for Dunedin : — ■■'"• ■ '" 4d KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, and Co. ■ DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S OHLORODrKE.—Vice Chancellor Sir W. Page Woe*' stated publicly in Court that Dr J. Collis Browse.was undoubtedly the investor ot Chlorodyne, thatth*, whole story of the defendant Fretman was deliber-' ately nntrue, and he resetted to say ii had bee»sworn to.—?eo the Times, July 13, 1864 Dr J. Oollla Browne's Chloroydai. - The Right Hosu > I T mss^ commumoated to the College of Physician* and J. T. D.wenport that he han received informatioa' to the effect that the only remedy of any service ins' cholera w s Chlorodyne.—Sea L*nce6, December §1 180 ±, -. . ** ■lit J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne. -Fxtract frostMedical Tim-s, January 12,156G :-" Is prescribed by scores of orthodox pract.ti -nera. Of cours it wonM not be thus singularly popular did ii not ' sudqlv & want and fill a place.' " . Dr J. Oollis Browne's Chlorodyne is the best ana most certain jrem-dy for coughs, colds, asthma, cois-' sumptioQ. neura'gia, dysentery, diar. ho&a, colic, &c I>r J caiis Browne's Chlorodyne.—Caution—NoEftgeamce without the words: "Dr J. Collia Browctfa1 Chlorodyne " on the Government stamp. Ova-■ whelming medical tes iraoay accompanies each bottle Sole manufacturer. JT. Davcnporc" 33 &eaa.EuS, street. Bloomsbnry, Londo.,. ihe immenss demS' ■enab es tne propnowrs to reduce th* price; it is now ■ sold in bottles, is ljd, 2s 9d,4s 6i, acd 11s, containSgdouble quantity hitherto. «*"^»u S _ Wholesale Agents for New Zealand : Messrs KemD- - thorne, Prosser, and Co., Dunedin. jgY a " J)R ROBEETS'S CELEBRATBB. CALLED «'THE POOK liln'S FRIEND " 13 confidentlf recommended to the public as an unfatt«'°l'ote' a i*)i,!°S o '*•2*9J- *>«.iSSfflS^ PIMJI4B ANII.seEOPHUL«, or ALTEBATUB Confi-med by sixty years1 experience to be one of tin*: &fht'S? ITS mS dici?ea. eTOr compounded for pS^^ The!f^n^ 0 ™™nd as.818tl °gNature inLerope-a&S. lhey form a mild and snperior family aperientTuSfc T} R. D E JoN KG ' S?" rog^^^"^ te A»B EFFICACT. Prescribed by che most eminent Medical S """ A vs;,p ri» DW SO^ E CONSIGNEES, ANaAR, HARFjfiD. and fi,>. 77 r,s r a_-

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2801, 28 January 1871, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2801, 28 January 1871, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2801, 28 January 1871, Page 4